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Adominal lesions of the intestinal

tract, visualization of, 386.
Abscess, epidural, an acute suppura-
tive otitis media, with acute mas-
toiditis, sinus thrombosis, throm-
bosis of jugular bulb and vein,
and, 7.

Acute postoperative intestinal paresis,

Adenocarcinoma of each ovary, 90.
Adenomata, multiple of the rectum,

American Proctologic Society, 382, 422.
Anemia, pernicious, three cases of, 268.
Anorectal disease due to venereal in-
fection, 422.

Antitoxin, an, for medical commercial-
ism, 145.

Anuria, a case of, 228.

Anus, patulous, its clinical significance,

[blocks in formation]

Banquet, a complimentary, 17.
Benzidin test for occult blood in a test
meal, precaution to be taken in
making the, 397.

Biology and medicine, experimental,

Blood, occult, in a test meal, precau-

tion to be taken in making the
benzidin test for, 397.

pressure index of eclampsia, 280.
pressure, some therapeutic problems
with reference to, 241.
Body, stereoscopic plates of different
parts of the, 136.
Breast-feeding, 485.

Brown-Sequard syndrome, 399.
Cancer of the pylorus, Tansini's sign

for the diagnosis of intestinal
metastasis in, 396.

Cancer of the stomach, the tryptophan
test for, with special reference to
peptidolytic enzyme in the saliva,

of the uterus, technic of a rational
method of treatment, 473.

of the uterus, the early diagnosis of,
based on a study of two hundred
twelve cases, 310.

Cardiosphygmography by light projec-
tion method, 41.

Cerebellar tumor, acute suppurative
labyrinthitis, chronic suppurative
labyrinthitis, and, differential diag-
nosis of, 70.
Cerebrospinal meningitis, epidemic,
mode of infection in, 537.
Cervix, smears obtained from the,
diagnosis of tuberculous endo-
metritis by staining the bacillus in,


Cesarean section, abdominal, present
status of, when and how should
the operation be performed, 407.
Chondroma of the elbow-joint, 329.
Chorioepithelioma of the Fallopian
tube, 392.

Cicatrices, warty tumor of-epithel-
ioma of cicatrices, 199.
Cinematograph, the, as an aid to med-
ical education and research, 455.
Cirrhosis of the liver associated with
progressive lenticular degenera-
tion, 541.

Clinic, hospital, the University, 449.
Clinical Society of the University of
Michigan, 35, 80, 130, 177, 224, 264,
326, 352, 420, 479, 518.

Colon and sigmoid, tumors of the,
three-step operation in, 429.
Colonic constipation, the surgery of,

dilatation as a factor in chronic
intestinal obstruction, 424.

function, subnormal, as a diathesis,

Commercialism, an antitoxin for med-
ical, 145.

Congenital hydrocephalus and spina
bifida, 398.

Roentgenologic method of exam-

ining cases of, a method of

visualization of abdominal lesions
of the intestinal tract, 386.

colonic, the surgery of, 385.

Cord, umbilical, true knot of the, 420.
Corpus luteum extract, 432.
Curettings, uterine, interpretation of,

[blocks in formation]

Fetal serum and the onset of labor,


Fever, its nature and significance, 158.
scarlet, 275.

Fibroid tumor, parasitic, of the uterus,

Fibromatous keloid, 426.

Fracture of the frontal bone, mucocele

of both frontal sinuses, probably

traumatic; double Killian opera-

tion; recovery, 266.

old ununited intracapsular, of the
hip-joint, 418.

Fractures, treatment of, 1, 363.

Gastric contents, the analysis of, 281.

ulcer-diagnosis, differential diag-
nosis, 220.

Gynecologic disease in the insane and
its relationship to the various
forms of psychosis, 483.

Head, traumatism to the, followed by

a local meningitis, and mental

trouble, 438.

Health, public, a problem of the people,


Hemiplegia, postoperative, with cere-
bral hernia, 76.
Hemorrhage, intraabdominal, ruptured

ovary with large, and symptoms

of acute recurrent appendicitis,


Hepatic cases, two unusual, 323.

insufficiency, the Strauss test for,


Hernia, an unusual, found while oper-
ating for appendicitis, 177.
cerebral, with postoperative hemi-
plegia, 76.

Hip-joint disease, intrarectal rupture
of suppurating sinus from, 425.
old ununited intracapsular fracture
of the, 418.

Hook-worm disease and multiple lipo-

mata, 37.

Hospital clinic, the University, 449.

Hydrocephalus, congenital, and spina

bifida, 398.

Incontinence of urine in women, 535.

Inertia uteri, pituitary extract in, 536.

Infant mortality, the best means of
combating, 289.

Infantile hypertrophic stenosis of the
pylorus, 437.

Medical education and research, the
cinematograph as an aid to, 455.

ethics, the principles of, 375.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Paul Casper Freer-in memoriam, 371.
Pemphigus vulgaris, 479.
Perirectal suppurations, observations
upon the relationship of tubercu-
losis to, 391.

Pharyngitis, ulcerative, septicopyemia

following, 356.

Phenolphthalein test for occult blood,


Physicians, the relation of, to the

people, 193.

Pigmentation of the rectum and

sigmoid, 389.

Pituitary extract in inertia uteri, 536.
Placenta, two cases of premature sepa-
ration of the, 127.

Pneumothorax, insidious onset of, 362.

Poisoning from camphor and kerosene,



Psychosis, the various forms of,

gynecologic disease in the insane

and its relationship to, 483.

Puerperal sepsis, vaccines in, 433.

Pulmonary tuberculosis with medias-
tinal complications, 497.
Pylorus, cancer of the, Tansini's sign

for the diagnosis of intestinal
metastasis in, 396.

stenosis of the, infantile hypertroph-

ic, 437.

Rectal cases, postoperative care of, 384.
surgery, a brief review of four hun-
dred cases of, 249.

Rectum and sigmoid, pigmentation of
the, 389.

conditions in the, the x-rays as an
aid in making diagnosis of, and
other portions of the large intes-
tine, 428.

multiple adenomata of the, 388.

Reinzüchtung der spirochäten des

Europäischen, des Amerikanischen

und des Afrikanischen Rückfall-
fiebers, 543.

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