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the north of the head branches of White water, comes from the south-east, and falls in twenty miles below the mouth of Massassinway. Richard's creek, ten miles below on the right side, is a considerable stream; and about an equal distance farther south is Rock river, from the north-west, which passes through a broken country. Eight miles farther down is the Tippacanoe, which has its source about twenty miles west of Fort Wayne. Several of its branches, issuing from lakes, swamps, and ponds, communicate with the St. Joseph's of the Miami of the lakes. Farther south are several streams coming from the west or northwest, running at the distance of from ten to fifteen miles from each other; the Pine and Red Wood creeks, Rejoicing, or Vermillion Jaune, Little Vermillion, Erabliere, Duchat, and Brouette. White Water river, so called from the transparency of its waters, runs across the south-eastern parts of the state in its course to the Great Miami, and is said to water nearly a million of acres of fine land; it is more than 100 yards wide; its western branch interlocks with those of White ri


The north-eastern parts of the state are watered by the St Joseph's of the Miami of the lakes, which has its source about sixty miles north-west of Fort Wayne, above which it forms a junction with the St Mary's; and its remote branches interramify with those of the Raisin and Black rivers, the St Joseph of Lake Michigan, and Eel river. The borders adjoining the Michigan territory are watered by the head branches of the river Raison of Lake Erie, the branches of Black river, and the St Joseph of Lake Michigan. The

branches of the latter have a communication with those of Eel river. The north-western parts are watered by several streams flowing into Lake Michigan; the rivers Chemin, Big and Little Kennomic; the Theakiki, Kickapoo, and many smaller streams.

Chicago river, which runs into the south-western extremity of Lake Michigan, at the distance of sixteen miles from its mouth, divides into two branches. It forms a harbour, into which sloops of forty tons enter. The Great Kennomic, which also empties into Lake Michigan, thirty miles east of the former, has its source at the distance of twenty or thirty miles south of this lake, and runs first nearly westward, in a direction parallel to the shore of the lake; it then makes a doubling, and runs nearly eastward, after which it pursues a northern course, for a few miles, to the lake. Its outlet forms a spacious bay.

Lakes.-The upper parts of this state are diversified with a number of lakes, thirty-eight of which, delineated on the latest maps, are from two to ten miles in length; and the whole number is said to exceed a hundred. Some are found to have two outlets, into the lakes on one side, and into the Mississippi on the other. Most of these small lakes are situated between the sources of the two St Josephs, Black River, Raisin, Tippacanoe, and Eel rivers.

Extent of Navigable Waters.-The Ohio river washes the southern boundary of Indiana, for the distance of 472 miles; the Wabash is navigable 470;

* The Wabash, at its mouth, is 300 yards wide; at Vincennes,


White river and its forks, 160; Petoka, 30; Blue river, Whitewater, 40; Rocky river, 45; Pomme, 30; Massassinway, 45; Eel and Little rivers, 60; western tributaries of the Wabash, 330; St Joseph's of the Miami and Panther's creek, 75; Elkhart and part of St Joseph's of Lake Michigan, 100; Great and Little Kennomic, 120; Chemin river, 40; Chicago and Kickapoo, 80; Theakiki and parts of Fox, Plein, and Illinois, 500; * southern coast of Lake Michigan, 50. In all, 2487.

100 miles from its mouth, from forty to seventy rods, and it is navigable thence to the rapids of Ouitanon, for keel boats, or barges drawing three feet water, about 212 miles. Above this village small boats ascend nearly 200 miles farther, to within six miles of St Mary's river, ten of Fort Wayne, and eight of the St Joseph's, flowing into the Miami of the lakes. The banks of this beautiful river are high, and less subject to inundation than any other in this country, except the Ohio, though when the waters rise in March, its borders are partially overflowed from Fort Harrison to Vincennes, 120 miles by water, and 55 by land, and opposite this last place to the distance of four or five miles, which obliges the farmers to remove their cattle and swine. The rapids at Ouitanon are impassable for boats, but small vessels of thirty tons burden can navigate between this place and Vincennes.

* Portages. In the northern parts of the state the Wabash and Illinois rivers are connected with Lakes Erie and Michigan, by numerous branches, which issue from sources near one another. Of twenty portages near the Michigan frontier, only two have been traversed by the White settlers. One extending nine miles, between near Fort Wayne on the St Mary's, and the Little river branch of the Wabash, is a good route in dry seasons. It was by this channel the French passed from the lakes to their post on the Wabash river. The other portage, much shorter, extends between

[blocks in formation]

A company, with a capital of a million of dollars, has been incorporated by the legislature, for the purpose of opening a canal along the falls, or rapids, of the Ohio, which, when executed, will be of great advantage.

Minerals.--Silver ore is said to have been discovered at a place about twenty-eight miles above Ouitanon, on the northern side of the Wabash; copperas on the high bank of Silver creek, about two miles from its mouth; iron ore on White river, and other places. Between White river and New Lexington, the wells are so impregnated with copperas, that they blacken linen; and being considered by the inhabitants as very unwholesome, several of them have on this account abandoned their habitations. A chalybeate spring, containing sulphur and iron, near Jeffersonville, is much frequented. Coal.-Mr Hutchins states, "that the hills are replenished with the best coal; that there is plenty of swinestone and freestone; blue, yellow, and white clay, for glassworks and pottery." There is a coal mine a little below the forks of White river.

Salt Springs.-Some valuable salt springs have been discovered on the Wabash river, and also on Salina creek, which are leased by the government of the Unit

the Chicago and Kickapoo branch of the Illinois, and so level is the surface, that during the rise of their waters, boats pass between Lake Michigan and the Illinois river. †

* Hutchins, p. 28.

See Volney's account of this internal water communication between the akes and waters of the Mississippi.

ed States to contractors, who are obliged not to receive more for salt than half a dollar a bushel at the works; but through the agency of private copartners, it is not sold at the storehouses for less than two dollars.* Near the town of New Lexington, at the depth of 520 feet, the salt wells give from three to four bushels of salt to the hundred gallons of water. These works are the property of General Macfarland. Glauber's salt, or sulphate of potash, has been lately found in a cave situated twelve miles from the Ohio river, and about the same distance west of New Albany. The quantity is so great as to promise an inexhaustible supply. Epsom salt (sulphate of magnesia) has been also found in a cave about thirty-five leagues from Louisville; and saltpetre exists in certain caves in the neighbourhood. A section of land of 160 acres, containing these treasures, was purchased † at two dollars an acre.

Forest Trees and Shrubs.-Mr Hutchins remarks, that the timber on the Wabash river is large, high, and in such variety, that almost all the different kinds growing upon the Ohio, and its branches, (but with a greater proportion of black and white mulberry trees,) may be found here. ‡ The natural meadows are intersected by narrow woods, containing oak, ash, maple, locust, poplar, plum, and the crab-apple tree. On the outside of these meadows oak abounds, and grows to a great size. The principal trees on the branches of

* Schultz, Vol. I. p. 199.

P. 28.

+ By Dr Adams,

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