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gal. 3

Mix these first.

Tr. cantharides..

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Oil of bergamot dissolved in a little al-

Tr. red saunders-proportions, 1 lb. to 5 gal. 95 p. c. alcohol-4 oz, of this color to 30 gal.

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Oil of sassafras..

Oil of turpentine Color tincture about.




oz. 4

[For formulæ of other patent medicines, see January, February and March numbers; also, November and December numbers, all of which we can supply. We do not suppose that physicians will wish to use these formulae, but we believe that they have a right to know them.]

GRAINLET cures obstinate cases of Constipation, Indigestion and Dyspepsia. Invaluable aid for cure of Nervousness. Free sample to Physicians. Grainlet Co., 119 West St, N. Y

SEND postal to Wm. R. Warner & Co, 1228 Market St, Philadelphia, for formule books, pocket visiting records and prescription blanks, and mention this journal.

[ TAKE pleasure in testifying to the excellence of the Suppositories manufactured by the Western Su; pository I have used them with great satisfaction, Company.

both to myself and patients. They are elegant and reliable.

G. FRANK LYDSTON, M. D. Lecturer on Genito-urinary and Venereal Diseases. Chicago College of Physicians and Surgeons.


"I HAVE used Peacock's Bromides in my practice with A little girl twelve years cld, had been afflicted with epilepsy since she was three months old, having epileptic convulsions nearly every day until I put her on Peacock's Bromides. Since then she has not even had a symptom of one. It is surely a great remedy.

JEFFERSON WILSON, M. D., Hazlehurst, Ga. Now for a battery, inexpensive and requiring no attention, repairs, nor supplies. See advertisement of Leclanché battery on another page; and see if it is'nt new to you. Physicians who are interested in oxygen (and their number is daily increasing) should see M. Beseler's new advertisement with illustration in this issue.

BABYHOOD solicits short articles from the profession on timely topics relating to the care of infants, written in a popular style, especially for the instruction of mothers. All accepted manuscripts are paid for. A sample copy and circular will be sent on application to any physician mentioning this notice. Ad dress Babyhood Publishing Co.. Box 3123, New York.

SEE article on the "Alpha" Syringe, page :c6, last issue, and send to Messrs. Parker, Stearns & Co., 79 Center St, New York, for painphlet, prices, etc.

MESSRS. Theodore Metcalf & Co., Boston, Mass., will send free sample of Lanolin" the new base for oint. ments, to physicians upon request. Mention this journal,



Medical Cabinet for Physicians

Dispensing their own medicine where there are no drug storeN SUPPLIED WITH WARNER & CO.'S BEAUTIFUL BOTTLES, WITH INDESTRUCTIBLE GLASS LABELS, PRICE $125.00. In Walnut or Ash Wood,

Articles contained in Physician's Cabinet, or changed to suit your wishes.

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1-8 gr., 1 gr. and 2 grs. each.


Permanganate of Potash is highly recommended as a remedy for Amenorrhoea by Drs. Murrell and Ringer of London.-The Lancet, January 6th, 1883.

This remedy is now administered not only in Amenorrhoea but in dysmenorrhoea, functual impotence and in nnmerous other affections in both sexes.

Dr. Bartholow recommends it in addition to its usefulness as above, as a deodorant and disinfectant highly applicable in medical practice; also as an antidote to snake poisoning. As a remedy in Gonorrhea, Leucorrhoea, and suppurating buboes, Otorrhoea, Ozcena, fetid breath, fetid sweating of the axillæ and feet, and where there are odorous discharges and emanations from the surface of the body.

The most convinient mode of administration is by giving one to two pills in a wineglassful of water or other liquid three or four times a day after eating; this latter precaution is necessary from the fact that when taken n an empty stomach, they are apt to cause a pain in the chest.

Permanganate of Potassium is very readily rendered inert, particularly is this the case when compounded extemporaneously, while by Warner & Co.'s method the salt is presented in its true state, protected by a permanent and readily soluble coating of pure sugar, which serves not only to preserve the pill, but avoids discoloration of the mouth and other unpleasant conditions which may occur in swallowing a plain pill.


Very pectfully, a. G. LOVEJOY, Secretary.







Pocket Parvule Case, filled with ten varieties, auy selection, $3.00

This case is of a convenient size for carrying in the coat pocket, and presents a handsome appearance. The dimensions when closed, are:-Length, 8 in. Width, 3 in. Thickness, 1 in. Manufactured by Wm. R. Warner & Co.


Manufacturers of Soluble Coated Pills in all their variety,

1228 Market St., Philadelphia..

22 Liberty St., New York.


OVER THE CORK"-to be removed when dispensed:

"To be Left on the Bottle "-when dispensed:

Not to be repeated without an order from the physician.


"NOTE TO PHARMACISTS"-To be removed when dispensed.


As this preparation is solely designed to be dispensed on physicians' prescriptions, it is earnestly requested that any pharmacist who may have occasion to dispense it will remove ALL of OUR labels except the small strip label, which reads: Not to b repe ed withou an order from the physician" and paste on HIS OWN LABEL, duly numbered and dated, with the physicians' directions written thereon. It is hoped that physicians will see th it this request is complied with in each of their own individual cases, as the object is manifestly proper, and, as will be readily understood a measure to prevent this preparation from being "huckstered" about, and falling into the hands of Lymen or Patients for whom the physician has not prescribed it. The paste is of such a nature that the labels are readily removed by putting the bottle for a few moments in cold water. Very respectfully, GRIFFITH & CJ.

TO PHYSICIANS;-DEAR SIR: We would respectfully draw your attention to the Compound known as COMPOUND MIXTURE OF GUAIAC, STILLINGIA, ETC.

It is not a new pri paration, but has been in constant use by several prominent Practitioners of Medicine for some time, and its beneficial results in the treatment of the diseases indicated have been fully established.

It is put up i 8-and-16-ounce unlettered white-gliss Prescription Bottles. Any similarity in appearance to a patent medicine is avoided, and the preparation can be classed as a strictly "Pharmaceutical Specialty." Any Physician who has a typi cal case on hand, which has in a great measure resisted the action of the ordinary rheumatic mixtures, will, upon trying this Compound, be, we think, highly pleased at the prompt and favorable manner in which it responds. Though prompt in its action, it is not unpleasant to the palate, and we feel safe in making the assertion that this mixture will prove perfectly satisfactory to the Physician in from 93 to 95 per cent. of the cases indicated, which he may meet with in his daily practice.



8 Ounces

"-to be removed when dispensed. "REGULAR SIZE"

Price $1.25




"Mixtura Guaiaci, et Stillingiae, Comp."


The original and

private monogram also our signature printed on the label


[blocks in formation]

This Mixture combines, in a pleasant and agreeable form, Guaiac, Stillingia, Prickly Ash. Turkey Corn, Black Cohosh, and many other of the well-known remedies for Inflammatory, Muscular, Acute. Articular, Pulmonary, and Chrouic RHEUMATISM, Gout Lumbago, and the various forms of Neuralgia, affording relief in from twelve to twenty-four hours In Facial Neuralgia one to two doses usually suffice, while at the same time it acts as a powerful Alterative and Blood Purifier.

Dose for Adults-Table-spoonful 3 to 4 times a day according to severity of the case in a little water or milk, generally one hour after meals; the last dose previous to retiringafter two or three days the dose can be decreased to 1⁄2 table-spoonful and by its continued use in tea-spoonful doses a recurrence of the mala ly can be prevented.

[blocks in formation]

This mixture does not contain any Digitalis, Bromides, Hyd. Chloral, Gelseminum or any of the prep arations of Opium or Mercury, but they can be added by the Physician if indicated. The appearance of this

Mixture is a clear, very dark wine color, with a strong wintergreen odor and taste. When exposed to low temperatures it becomes slightly cloudy, but upon removing it to a warm place it becomes clear again. Any mixture that does not answer to the above simple characteristics should be rejected as not being that of our manufacture.

When ordering this Preparation, in order to avoid delay or misunderstanding, Physicians will please specify "Griffith & Co.'s" or the City Physician can send the patient direct to our Pharmacies at No. 116 Second Avenue, cor. 9th St., or 2241 Third Avenue, corner 122d St., New York, where at any time further information will be cheerfully furnished. Out of town Physicians can order through their druggist or order it direct from us.

Very respectfully,


Wholesale price-list for the 8-oz. size, $10.50 per dozen: $5.25 per half dozen: $2.63 per quarter dozen: $1.00 per twelfth dozen. 16 oz. size, $20.00 per dozen. In lots of one-half dozen and upwards we always prepay the express charges to any point East of the Rocky Mountains, so that physicians and druggists will not be put to extra expense when ordering from us direct.


La correspond with Adver isers, please b sure and mention THE MEDICAL WORLD.

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