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Assembly Hall, including corridors, cold storage
kitchen, dining rooms and bakery, steam, water
and electric fixtures (erected in 1890)
Laundry and corridor (erected in 1889).
Laundry annex (old boiler house).
Power House (erected in 1899), including conduit,
steam, electric and water fixtures, boilers, ma-
chinery feed water purifier, fire pump and water
Superintendent's residence (remodeled in 1906),
grounds, steam, electric and water fixtures..
Ice House (erected in 1899)..

Cottage "D," including conduit, steam, electric
and water fixtures (erected in 1895)...
Cottage "E," including steam, water and electric

$19,000 00 5,000 00 900 00

78,389 00

6,000 00

600 00

14,000 00

fixtures (erected in 1901).

30,000 00

Cottage "F," including conduit, steam, electric and


water fixtures (erected in 1902)..

30,000 00

Cottage "G," including conduit, steam, electric and

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Cottage "H," including conduit, steam, electric and

water fixtures (erected in 1907)

26,000 00

Cottage "I," including conduit, steam, electric and

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Hospital, including conduit, steam, electric and
water fixtures (erected in 1892)
Barn, including water and electric fixtures (erected
in 1896)

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13,000 00

4,000 00

Pump House, fixtures and spring water supply system (established in 1905), overhauled in 1914, by moving to a site adjacent to Power House, and establishing an eight-inch line and drainage system..

Soft water supply system, including reservoir, filter

fire pump, pump house, and pumping apparatus (erected in 1908).

Valve House (erected in 1908)...

12,000 00

7,000 00

800 00

Forty-two acres of land, including N. C. Ry.
Branch various purchases; the earliest in 1885,
the later in 1895..

Stanley House and lot (purchased in 1886).
Wilder House and lot (purchased in 1905)..
Fitch farm, 56 acres (purchased in 1913)..
Propagating Houses

Piggery (erected in 1904)

Carpenter shop

[merged small][ocr errors]

$14,000 00

1,500 00

4,000 00

10,000 00

1,000 00

600 00 1,000 00

275 00

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]


(Corporate Name)


"The objects of the asylum are:

"1. The custody and maintenance of feeble-minded women admitted to the asylum as provided by law and by these by-laws and the rules and regulations of the institution.

"2. The improvement of the physical, mental, moral and social condition of such inmates." From the By-Laws.

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Location. The asylum is located on the New York Central, West Shore and Northern Central railroads; and on the Rochester, Syracuse, and Eastern trolley; thirty miles east of Rochester and fifty miles west of Syracuse. Post-office address, State Custodial Asylum, Newark, Wayne County, New York.

Admission.— Application for admission must be made through the Superintendent of the Poor of the County, or Commissioner of Charities of any city, of which the applicant is a legal resident, and must be made on the blank furnished by the institution and in accordance with the rules and regulations governing the same. The application should be complete in every detail; all questions answered; the dates filled in and signed and forwarded to the Superintendent of the Asylum. It will then be referred to the Committee on Applications. But applications must be complete in every part to receive consideration. When applications are accepted by the committee, the Superintendent of the Poor forwarding the same will be notified. The application will be filed and the Superintendent of the Poor will be notified when there is an available vacancy.

Under chapter 361 of the Laws of 1914, feeble-minded women may be committed, after a hearing by a judge of a court of record. Blank forms and particulars may be obtained from any judge of a court of record.

Section 52 of the State Charities Law requires that we admit annually from the various counties and the city of New York in the ratio which the population of such counties and the city of New York, respectively bear to the population of the State, as ascertained by the last official census. And in the admission of women by either method, we shall adhere strictly to this regulation. When the Superintendent of the Poor of a county, or Commissioner of Charities of a city, is notified that there is a vacancy for a certain woman, that woman must be brought to the institution within ten days of the mailing of such notice, or the vacancy will be given to some other applicant. Should the Superintendent of the Poor desire to substitute some other applicant, arrangements for the same must be first made with the Superintendent of the Asylum. Women past the child-bearing period are not admitted.

Maintenance. The State provides maintenance for all inmates but it is desirable that the relatives and friends furnish what clothing they can. This contributes very much to the contentment of the inmates. But, before anything is sent, inquiry should be made as to what the individual needs.

Correspondence. All letters relative to the business affairs or to the conditions or needs of the inmates should be addressed to the Superintendent, and the full name of the inmate and full name and address of the writer should always be given.

Inmates are allowed to write once a month, and if the friends cannot, the institution will furnish the postage. All letters or packages for inmates should be addressed to the Superintendent, and the inmate's full name added, giving the address as Custodial Asylum, Newark, Wayne County, New York. It is especially requested that the friends of inmates shall not write anything likely to make the inmates discontented, such as promises to take them home, regret at their being in the institution, or in any way making them dissatisfied. All matters should first be referred to the Superintendent, and if it is best for the inmate to be discharged, he will only be too glad to undertake to make the proper arrangements.

It is desirable that one responsible party be selected as the regular correspondent, and if the address is changed, that the institution be notified. Letters concerning inmates are not written

except under special conditions, such as serious illness, but all inquiries are cheerfully answered. The friends will be promptly notified of any serious illness, or in event of death.

Visitors. Our regular visiting day is Friday from 2 to 5 P. M., and it is requested that all visitors arrange to come at that time. General visitors cannot be admitted at other times unless for special reasons. Friends of inmates will be allowed to visit them at other times if they cannot arrange to come on Friday.

Discharge. When friends or relatives desire to remove an inmate, they should apply to the Superintendent of the Poor of the county, or Commissioner of Charities of the city, from which the person was admitted. He will take the matter up with the Superintendent of the Asylum. Inmates who have passed the child-bearing period must be removed by the Superintendents of the Poor of the counties, or Commissioners of Charities of the cities, from which they were committed.

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