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riffs 268. Exempts from tax-
ation 269. Tax on lands how
regulated 269. County com-
missioners to correct mistakes
of examiners, under the equal-
izing law, in the extension of
taxes 269: Act allowing com-
mutables for taxes repealed
289. Revived 299: Principal
of officers certificates, not to be
discounted for their taxes 290
If sheriffs fail to give security
for taxes, a new sheriff to be
appointed 307:
Sheriffs to
give receipts expressing how
taxes paid 300: And return a
list to clerk's office who shall
set up a copy in court house
301. To pay commutables to
treasurer 301.
Penalty 301.
Former payments in coin re-
gulated 301. Tobacco pay-
ments restricted to certain
warehouses 301; and hemp to
certain places 301. Inspectors
of flour to return accounts 302
Penalty 302; Treasurer to sell
commutables 302. Courts to
provide houses to store hemp,
flour, and deer skins 302:-
And appoint one or two recei-
vers at each place 303. Their
duty 303. And allowance 303
To give bond 303. Penalty on
courts failing 303. And re-
ceivers 303. How commuta-
bles to be weighed 304. Trea-
surer may receive partial pay-
ments 304. Hemp may be re-
ceived by the purchaser 304.
Proceeding thereon 304.-

What satisfaction shall be
made by receiver 304. Repeal
as to time sheriffs to account

and for additional session of
general court 305. Sheriffs to
account and pay the first of
March next 305. Commuta-
bles not receivable after that
day 305. Treasurer may re-
ceive them or not after first of

April 305. How notice may
be given to sheriffs and proved
306. Distress for taxes sus-
pended 306. Receipts for
hemp or flour, delivered
under former law, not re-
ceivable for taxes 319.-
So, as to warrants to sheriffs,
venire men and witnesses 319.
Collection of taxes suspended
366, 376: Tax on law pro-
cess, appeals, &c. 378, 438.
On recognizances of special
bail 378: On judgments or
decrees 378. On deeds re-
corded 378, 439.
On pro-

bats of wills or grants of ad-
ministration 378, 439. On
seals of court 378, 439. On
notarial seals 440. On admis-
sion of attornies 378, 439.--
On transfer of surveyor's cer-
tificate for land 379, 440. On
seal of state 379, 440. Ap-
propriation of taxes 379. De-
linquent counties compelled to
pay the one eighth per cent.
tax 390. Tax on lands in-
cluded in patents, when paya-
ble 445. Patents for pre-
emption rights and military
bounties excepted 445. Ap-
propriation of tax 445. Exe-
cutive may remit damages a-
gainst sheriffs for non-pay-
ment of taxes 463. Taxes dis-
trainable for on the first of

August, and payable into the
treasury on the first of Novem-
ber annually 540. Collection
of taxes now due suspended
541. Executive may direct
suspension of executions a-
gainst sheriffs 541. Not to af-
fect certain taxes 541. Taxes
due from persons about to leave
the county, may be recovered
by attachment 542. Sheriff
having given bond, may col-
lect taxes, though his time ex-
pired 542.
Where quitrents

have been assessed in the Nor-
thern Neck, over and above
the land tax, the amount to be
refunded 543. No taxes to be
assessed in the Northern Neck,
more than those imposed by
the equalizing law 543. Coun-
ties westward of the Blue
Ridge, except Frederick and
Berkeley, may discharge cer-
tain taxes in hemp 543.
Admitted a citizen, on taking
the oath of allegiance 316.

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Explanation of tithables 67.-
Lists of, to be taken for levies

May be tendered on executions
76. Treasury tobacco notes,
payable to enlisted soldiers,
receivable in taxes 94. In-
spectors liable for tobacco lost,
except by fire, floods, or the
enemy 95. Storage on tobac-
co lying in warehouse more
than twelve months 95. Ex-
port duty 95, 201, 203. In-
spectors to give bond to ac-

count for duty 96. Commis-
sions 96. Clerks to transmit
bonds to solicitor general 96.
Remedy against inspectors by
motion 96. Rents of ware-
houses destroyed or burnt by
the enemy, applied to rebuild-
ing them 94. If proprietors
refuse to rebuild, courts may
order it 97. Further time al-
lowed to dispose of tobacco in
warehouses discontinued 97.-
Warehouses at Pitt's landing
and Fulgham's, revived 97.-
Inspectors to give receipts for
tobacco as delivered 97. Ap-
propriation of export duty 98.
Fees of pickers and turners-
up 98. Tobacco receivable
in taxes 118. Act to amend
and reduce the several acts for
inspection of tobabco into one
act 205. No tobacco to be
exported, but in casks, and
inspected 205.
The oaths of
masters of vessels intending to
load with tobacco 206. Pen-
alties 206. No tobacco to be
taken on board any vessel in
bulk or parcels 206. Penal-
ties 206. Further penalties
for taking on board tobacco,
in bulk or parcels 206, 207.
Provisos for sundry purposes
208. Proviso, as to Fleet's
bay and Warrasqueake 208.
Masters of vessels to give in
upon oath a manifest of their
tobacco when clearing out 209
Relanded tobacco must be at
some public warehouse 209.
Penalty for that or opening
hogsheads and taking out to-
bacco 209. Exception as to

tobacco landed in distress of
weather 209. Provision for
tobacco damaged 210. Ware-
houses established 210. Rents
of warehouses 211. Proviso
as to wharves 212. Proprie-
tors of old warehouses to let
them to inspectors 212. Courts
to direct the number and kind
of new warehouses & wharves
212. And take bond with se-
eurity of the proprietor if he
chooses to build and let them
213. If he refuse, the land
paid for and houses, &c. built
at expense of the public and
rents paid to treasurer 213.-
Warehouses discontinued, how
proprietors revested 214. In-
spectors yearly to lay before
the court an account of tobac-
co inspected and condition of
the houses 214.

Court may

order houses to be repaired or
secured, and new houses built
if necessary 214. By the pro-
prietor or public 215. Pro-
viso for united inspections 215
Penalty on county courts for
neglect 215.


not to be taken from proprie-
fors 216. Nor inspectors to
keep horses, cattle, or hogs,
on the land 216. How pro-
prietors may be restored to
former estate 216. But if he
again fails to build or repair,
to be revested in the public
216. Waste or destruction of
warehouses, how to be furnish-
ed 216. Scales and weights
to be provided 217. And tried
and repaired twice a year 217
Inspectors, how nominated

and commissioned 217. An
additional inspector, and when
to act 218. No inspector to
take a reward for resigning
219. Penalty on giver and
receiver 219. No inspector
to vote in recommendation
219. Inspectors in office re-
commended to continue with-
out new commissions 219. In-
spectors to give bond and take
an oath 219. Form of oath
820. Penalty 220. Time in-
spectors are to attend 220.--
Penalty for not attending 221.

-Tobacco to be entered as
brought in, and viewed in due
turn 221. Each hogshead to
be uncased and viewed, and
if found good, stamped re-
ceipts given 321. Form of
the receipt, which is to be
printed for crop tobacco 222.
Where the inspectors disagree
223. What hands the inspec-
tors shall keep 223. Inspec-

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tors or servants not to be con-
cerned in picking tobacco 223.
Refused tobacco may be pick-
ed 223. If unfit to pass, to be
burnt 223. Pickers how to be
appointed 224. Their oath
224. Allowance 224. Duty
224. Punishment for misbe-
haviour 224. Penalty for pick-
ing, without being so appoint-
ed, except by the proprietor,
his hands or others 225. 0-
verseers liable for tobacco re-
fused and burnt 225 Form or
transfer receipts 226. Their
date and currency 226.-
Weight of tobacco prized in
discharge of notes 226.


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[blocks in formation]

392 Inspectors salaries 392
Commissioners appointed to
ascertain losses of tobacco, by
the burning of Rocky Ridge
warehouse 393: Mode of pro-
ceeding 394. Oath of com-
missioners 394: Duty and com-
pensation of inspectors 394:
Additional duty on tobacco
exported 394. Tobacco lodged
in private warehouses how
recovered 395: Inspection at
Hood's warehouse, in Prince
George, and at Kemp's in
Middlesex revived 448: Man-
chester warehouse, in town of
Manchester established 449.
Warehouse in Portsmouth to
be erected on land of Thomas
Veal 449. Inspectors to give
bond for payment of duty on
tobacco 527: Commission for
collecting 527: Penalty for
failure to pay duties 527: No
duplicate for tobacco note lost
to be granted, until the lost
note be advertised, and bond
and security given 528. Pen-
alty on inspectors and pickers
of tobacco concerned in inter-
est 528.

Duty on tonnage of vessels 121:

How tonnage ascertained 263:
Act imposing duty on tonnage
of Virginia vessels, and small
vessels of Maryland repealed

Town of Greensville, at Buck-
ingham court house establish-
ed 29: Stevensburg in Cul-
peper 36: Lexington in Fay-

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