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of emancipation to be deliver-
ed to slave 39: Penalty for
neglect on master 39: And on
the slave travelling out of his
county 40: Liberated slave
neglecting to pay levies and
taxes, to be hired out to raise
them 40: Saving the titles of
all but the person emancipa-
ting 40: Slaves permitted to
go at large and hire them
selves out, to be sold by order
of court 57: Allowance to
county and sheriff 59: Addi-

tional tax on slaves 93, 113,
418: Slaves may be tendered
on executions 179: New exe-
cution, if creditor evicted 179:
Slave tax appropriated 247:
All slaves enlisted into the ar-
my, by appointment of their
masters, and serving their
term, emancipated 308: And
may sue in forma pauperis,
and recover damages, if de-
tained in slavery 309: Aber-
deen, for his long and faithful
services at the lead mines,
emancipated 309: Acts per-
mitting lands and slaves to be
tendered on executions, reviv-
ed 349: Not more than one
third of crew of river and bay
...craft,, to consist of slaves 404.

Court of Botetourt county au-
thorised to levy a sufficient
sum to pay the arrears due the
Rev'd. Adam Smyth, incum-
bent of Botetourt parish 56:
That act amended 338.

Under sentence of death for trea-
son, pardoned 21.
D 4

Allowance to wives, parents and
families of poor soldiers, how
paid 11: Act providing more
effectual funds for redemption
of certificates granted the offi-
cers and soldiers 81. Injunc-
tions to stay sale of escheated
property, to be expedited 81.
Fraudulent conveyances by
British subjects 32. Payment
of British debts into the trea-
sury revived 82. Creditors
may attach 82: Sales of for-
feited estates 82. Officers and
soldiers, how to pass their ac-
counts 83. Guard against fur-
ther depreciation 83. Officers
and soldiers to give in their
land claims 83: How their
warrants are to be obtained
83, 133. Certificate from the
commissioner of war 84: Land
-bounty for three years service
84: Additional bounty for six
years 84: No locations with-
in their bounds 84: Their cer-
tificates to be received for pub-
lic patent fees 84. Officers in
Lee's legion and others credi-
ted to this state, included in
pay and bounty 84.

officers, sailors and marines,
entitled to same emoluments as
in land service 85. Treasury
tobacco notes, payable to en-
listed soldiers, receivable in
taxes 94: Deputation of offi-
cers to provide for locating
and surveying lands given to
officers and soldiers on conti-
nental and state establishments
300. Warrants to be classed
and drawn for by lot 311.-

Priority of location to be de-
termined by lot 311.

Vestry of parish of Southfarn-
ham in Essex, dissolved, and
a new vestry to be elected 537.

See Commodities, Cmmutables,


To be proceeded against accord-
ing to the law military 138.
Duty on spirits imported 121.-
Direction as to casks 123, 198.
Act imposing duty on spirits,
repealed 289.

Court day of, altered 315.

Auditors to issue warrants to
staff officers of the militia 193.



Town of, in Culpeper, estab
lished 36.


Vestry of parish of St. Anne, in
Essex county, dissolved 130.

Steuben's military discipline a-
dopted for the militia 484.-
To revert to commonwealth,
on death, resignation or re-
moval of officer 484.


So much of act for establishing
land office as gives proprie-
tors of high lands, to which
swamps, &c. contiguous, a
pre-emption therein, for one
year only, repealed 371: All
entries for such declared void.
372: Pre-emptions extended


County court of Stafford autho-Duty on sugar 122:
rised to levy, upon the parish-
es of St. Paul and Overwhar-
ton, tobacco due to Henry
Tyler, late clerk 320.

Soldiers belonging to, authoris-

ed to enlist in continental ar-
? my 135. May be discharged
on relinquishing the bounty
and pay promised 135.


See Army-Land Bounty.
Auditors to issue warrants for
hall pay to officers of state line
and navy 265. Their lands,
how to be surveyed 309.

So much of act as prohibits
swine going at large in Staun-
ton, repealed 60.

So much of act for establishing
land office as gives proprietors
of high lands, to which sunk-
en grounds, &c. contiguous,
a pre-emption therein for one
year only, repealed 372: All
entries for such declared void
372: Pre-emptions extended
372: Patents to be obtained
for sunken grounds as for sur-
plus land 372.

Of Kentucky, its jurisdiction 85.

Surveyors on eastern waters,
may be non-residents 160:-
Entries may be made with
clerk where no surveyor 160.
How to be surveyed 160:--

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Principal surveyor may ap-
point a deputy 160: Entries
in Northern-Neck how made
160: How tobacco fees due
surveyous to be paid 237:-
When distrained for 238.-
When accounted for 239:-
Surveyors how appointed 352
To give bond to the college
353. Tenure of office 353.-
To be sworn and give bond in
court 353. How deputies
shall be appointed 353. Their
power and compensation 353.
Penalty for giving principal
more 353. Land warrants to
be lodged with principal sur-
veyor 353. Locations to be
precisely made and entered in
a book 354. Preference where
different applications to locate
the same land 354. Notice of
time of surveying to persons
out of the country 354. How
a surveyor may locate his own
warrants 354. When and how
surveys of located lands are to
be made 354. Notice 354.-
Chain carriers to be sworn 354
Surveys how to be made 355.
Plat and certificate when to be
delivered and warrant return-
ed 355. Provided fees paid
355. Plats to be examined 355
List of surveys, when and
where returned 356. None to
be clerk and surveyor of same
county 356.

How surveyor
punished for neglect 356. Sur-
veyors office annually inspect-
ed 356. When and to whom
plats delivered 356. Survey-
or's fees in tobacco 357. How

[blocks in formation]

Further time allowed to return
surveys to land office 92, 291,
376. All plats and certificates
of survey, in Kentucky, to be
first lodged with deputy regis-
ter 292. Lists of surveys to be
annually returned to the col-
lege and clerk of the court 356
Register of land office may
receive surveys, altho' warrant
not returned 372. Tax on
transfer of surveyor's certifi-
cate for land 379, Within
what time surveys to be made
of entries on the western wa-
ters 441. Forfeiture for ne-
gleet 441.


See Pork, Beef, &c.
Act for inspection of, continued
71, 509. Inspectors' fees 71,
195, 510. Penalties and their
appropriations 71:

Justices to take lists of taxable
property annually 113. How
lists made out and returned to
clerk 113. Duty of clerk to
make out three copies 114.-
How disposed of 114. His al-
lowance 114. Penalty on
clerk and justice for neglect
114. Lists of taxable proper-
ty, how to be given in 114.-
Penalty for concealing prop-
erty 115. How penalty may

be saved 115.


payable in money 358. Table Further time allowed to pay tax-

es in certain enumerated com-
modities 10 Duty of commis-
sioners of tax and sheriffs 10.
Specifics or money actually
received to be immediately
paid 11. Treasurer to keep
distinct accounts of revenue 12
Appropriation 12. What civil
list warrants receivable in tax-
es 13. Collection of taxes di-
vided 66. Deer skins to be ta-
ken 66. New places to receive
specifics 66. Sheriff not able
to give security, a collector to
be appointed 66. Penalty on
proprietors failing to account
reduced 66: Explanation of
tithables 67: Duties on ships
and goods to be paid to naval
officers 67: If none, or import-
ed by land, to county court
clerks 67: Sheriffs to give re-
ceipt for taxes 67: And return
a distinct account 67: Allow-
ance to commissioners 67.-
How lands and goods distrain-
ed for taxes, shäll be sold 68.
Bonded duties recoverable on
motion 68. Power of officers
in Williamsburg 68: Morris's
notes to be received 6S. Mili-
tia or military certificates,
when to be received for taxes
69: Tonnage of vessels ex-
plained 70.

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Sheriffs to con-
tinue collection, tho' out of of-
fice 70. When and how to ac-
count 70: Receipts or certifi-
cates received by sheriffs for
taxes, agreeable to existing
laws, to be received at the
treasury 77. Damages and
interest remitted to sheriff's
who had offered to settle at the

treasury under existing laws
78. Sheriffs to make, oath as
to certificates received by them
for taxes 78. Tax on litigants
before 'commissioners for ad-
justing land claims 92. Pro-
vision for redeeming military
and other certificates 93. Ad-
ditional taxes on lands, poll-
tax, slaves, horses, cattle, car-
riages, billiard tables and or-
dinary licences 93, 112, 418.
Bonds to be taken of sheriffs
93 Certified copy evidence 93.
Taxes when to be collected
and distrained for 94. When
accounted for 94: Commis-
sions payable in kind 94:-
Taxes payable in gold or sil-
ver, or certificates, or treasury
tobacco notes to enlisted sol-
diers 94: Certificates and war-
rants to be divided by auditors
into small sums for conveni-
ency of change 94. Sheriffs to
account on oath for actual
sums received 94. Flour paid'
for taxes to be inspected 98:
Certificates receivable in taxes
of officers and soldiers 106:-
Oath to prevent paying taxes
of others, with certificates 107:
Act to amend and reduce the
several acts for ascertaining
taxes and duties into one act

Additional tax on land
112, 418. Poll-tax 113, 418.
Tax on slaves, horses, covering
horses, cattle, carriages, bil-
liard tables and ordinary li-
cences 113, 418. Justices to
take lists of taxable property
annually 113. How lists made
qut and returned to clerk 113;-

Duty of clerk to make out
three copies 114: How dispo-
sed of 114: His allowance 114
Penalty on clerk and justice
for neglect 114. Lists of tax-
able property, how to be given
in 114: Penalty for conceal-
ing property 115: How pen-
alty may be saved 115. Sher-
iffs when to collect and dis-
train 115. Property liable tho'
comprised in deed or mort-
gage 115: Manner of sale 115
As to lands seized 115. Pro-
viso as to lands 116. Unrea-
sonable distress, how punish-
ed 116. Sheriffs when to ac-
count and pay 116. How to
account 116. Penalty 117.
Power of the court to remit
the damages and interest 117:
How taxes may be paid 117.
Rates of gold paid for taxes

How certain commodi-
ties received 118. Sheriff to re-
turn a list of payments to the
clerk 119: A copy to be set
up in the court house 119.-
Inspectors of flour to return
lists monthly to the treasurer
119: Penalty for neglect 119.
Treasurer to sell commodities
119. Courts to provide ware-
houses for hemp 120: And
appoint receivers 120: Their
duty and allowance 120. To
give bond 120. Penalty on
them and courts 120: Hemp
and flour how to be weighed
121: Tax on certain patents
121: Tonnage on vessels 121:
Duty on goods imported, and
mode of collection 121, 126.
What certificates not to be re-

ceived in taxes 126. What cer-
tificates receivable 127. Pow-
ers of courts and serjeants of
Williamsburg and Norfolk
127: Tax on private acts of
assembly 127. Deer skins ad-
ded to commutables 128.-
This act to be given in charge
to grand jury 128. Northern
neck quitrents sequestered
128: Act for equalizing laud
tax 140: Collection of taxes
postponed 169. Sheriffs to
give bond where not already
done 169: All specie warrants
and militia certificates receiv-
able in taxes 170: Sheriffs al-
lowed to pay taxes in certifi-
cates for property impressed
184. Executions against she-
riffs for taxes suspended 190.
On what conditions 190. Ben-
efit of act extended to all sher-
iff's owing a balance to the
commonwealth 190. Hemp
receivable in taxes, and at
what rate 191. Certificates is-
sued by commissioners ap-
pointed to settle claims for
property impressed for public
service 192: Distress for taxes
postponed 194: Sheriffs to
collect although the term of
their appointment expired 194
Interest warrants receivable in
taxes 202. Land tax appro-
priated 247. Slave tax 247:
All other taxes 248: Tonnage
duty 249. Auditors to furnish
treasurer with distinct account
of each branch of taxes 249:
Collection of taxes postponed
268: Provision as to sheriffs
bonds 268: New bonds by she-

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