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William Wilson, and their successors, are hereby con

Corporate powers.

stituted a body politic and corporate, by the naine of Style of cor the rector and trustees of Liberty Hall Academy; and poration. by that name shall have perpetual succession and a common seal. And that they and their successors, by the name aforesaid, shall be able and capable in law to have, purchase, receive, possess, enjoy and retain to them and their successors forever, any lands, tenes ments, rents, goods or chattels of what kind soever, which shall be given to, or purchased by them, for the use of the said academy; and the same to sell, grant, demise, alien, or dispose of, in such manner as to them may appear most for the advantage of the said academy: And by the same name to sue and in plead, be sued and impleaded, answer and be answered in all courts of law or equity, and from time to time, under their com→ mon seal, to make and establish suci bye laws, rules and ordinances, not contrary to the constitution or laws of this commonwealth, as by them shall be thought necessary for the good order and government of the professors, masters and students of the said academy: That the said rector and trustees, or any six of them, are hereby authorized and required to meet at the said academy, on some day to be appointed by the rector, before the first day of March next, and then and there Professors, elect and commission, under their common seal, such masters and number of professors, masters and tutors as they may. think necessary for the instruction of the students, and the same to remove for good cause shewn; provided that no professor, master or tutor shall be admissible without first taking the oath of fidelity to the commonwealth; and annually to grant to such students, as in their opinion merit the same, testimonials under the common seal, and signed by the rector and three of the trustees at least, reciting their literary degrees. The rector and trustees, or a majority of them, shall elect by ballot, a treasurer for the said academy, who shall give bond and security for the faithful discharge of his office and the trust reposed in him; and shall, when required by the said corporation, render an account of all monies, goods and other chattels, received or expended on account of and for the use of the said academy; and on failure or refusal, shall be subject to the like proceedings as is prescribed by law





Oath of officers.

and students

in the case of sheriffs failing to account for and pay the public taxes. The said trustees, or a majority of them, are hereby empowered, upon good cause to them shewn, to remove or suspend the rector, and supply such vacancy. Upon the death, resignation or refusal to act, of the rector or any of the said trustees, it shall be lawful for the remaining trustees, or a majority of them, to supply such vacancies; and the rector and trustees so elected, shall have the same powers and authority as those particularly named in this act. The rector, with the advice of three of the trustees, shall have power to call a meeting of the trustees. The rector and trustees, before they enter upon the execution of the trust reposed in them by this act, shall sex verally take the following oath or affirmation, to be administered by a justice of the peace of the said coun ty of Rockbridge, and by him certified to the court of the said county, there to be recorded, that is to say, "IA. B. do swear (or affirm) that I will to the best of my skill and judgment, faithfully and truly discharge the duties required of me by an act, intituled, An act for incorporating the rector and trustees of Liberty Hall Academy,' without favor, affection, or partiality. So help me God." m

1. And be it further enacted, That the rector, proProfessors fessors, masters and tutors, duly elected for, and bona in that, and fide acting as such in the said academy, and in all oin all other ther seminaries and public schools, and also all students thereof, under the age of twenty-one years, shall be, and public and are hereby exempted from military duty. schools, exempted from property, real and personal, now belonging to the said military du- academy, is hereby transferred to, and vested in the said corporation for the benefit of the said academy.



* A


[Chapter CXXXIII in original]

[Chan. Rev

An act for further continuing and amending the act to make provision p. 181.1 for the support and maintenance o of idiots, lunatics, and persons of un

sound minds.

1. WHEREAS the act of general assembly passed in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy-nine, intituled, " An act to make provi- *should be sion for the support and maintenance of ideots, luna- 1769, see tics, and persons of unsound minds," which hath been vol. 8, p 378 continued and amended by several subsequent acts, will expire at the end of the present session of assem bly, and it is expedient and necessary to continue and amend the same: Be it therefore enacted, That the said Act concern act shall continue and be in force from and after the ing ideots & present session of assembly, for and during the term of ther contin lunatics furten years, and from thence to the end of the next ses ued. sion of assembly, gan pen

II. And whereas great inconveniencies have arisen from the want of proper funds to support the hospital Annual apa established for the purpose of providing for such on to be paid propriation fortunate persons; Be it enacted, That the treasurer out of the for the time being, upon the governor's warrant to the treasury. courts of directors, is hereby empowered and required to pay annually, out of the treasury, such sum or sums of money as shall be by law appropriated for the re pairing the said hospital, the payment of salaries to the keeper and matrons, and also to the nurses, guards, physicians, or surgeons, that may be employed by the said court of directors, and any additional sum not exceeding twenty-five pounds per annum, for the support and maintenance of each person that shall be confined in the said hospital. And the sheriff, or other officer, conveying such unfortunate persons to the said hospi Allowance tal, agreeable to the directions of the said recited act, to sheriff for shall receive from the treasurer such compensation for conveying his trouble and expences, as to the court of directors ideots and shall seem reasonable, to be certified by them to the the hospital. auditors of public ́accounts, whereupon a warrant shall

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lunatics to

issue to the treasurer for the payment of the same, whe hereby authorized to pay the amount of such war rant to such sheriff, or other officer, out of such money as shall be by law appropriated for that purpose. All and every act or acts, coming within the purview and meaning of this act, shall be, and the same are hereby repealed.

[Chapter CXXXIV in


original] An act concerning the appointment

Chan Rev. pa. 181.

nominated &



« of sheriffs

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I. BE it enacted by the General Assembly, That the Sheriffs, how court of every county within this commonwealth, shall, commission annually between the last day of March and the last day of May, nominate to the governor, or chief inagise trate for the time being, two persons named in the commission of the peace for their county, one of which persons so nominated shall be commissioned by the governor to execute the office of sheriff of that county, and shall qualify to his commission at the court to be held for the county in November, or if no court shall be then held, or he shall be unable to attend, at the next succeeding court. Every person accepting the To give commission of sheriff, shall, before his being sworn in to or executing his office, enter into bond before the justices of his county court, with good and sufficient security, in the sum of ten thousand pounds, for the true and faithful collecting, accounting for, and paying the taxes imposed by law m his county; which bond every county court is hereby empowered and required to demand, take, and cause to be acknowledged before them in open court, and recorded; and an attested copy Copy sent thereof shall be transmitted by the clerk, to the audi to auditors, tors of public accounts, at the same time that be deliEvidence. vers to the said auditors a copy of the list of the taxay ble property in his said county, which shall be admitted as evidence in any suit or proceeding founded thereon. Any person recommended as aforesaid, or ap-.



pointed sheriff, refusing to accept and execute such Penalty for commission to him directed, shall forfeit and pay the refusing of sum of fifty pounds, for the use of the county where such refusal shall be; to be recovered with costs, by action of debt or information, in any court of record, except as is excepted in the act, intituled, "An act prescribing the method of appointing sheriffs, and for limiting the time of their continuance in office, and directing their duty therein." So much of the said recited act as comes within the purview of this act is hereby repealed.


[Chapter CXXXV in

An act to amend the act for calling in original.] and redeeming certain certificates.


See May

I. WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly, that it will be impracticable for the auditors 1782, c. 46, of public accounts to adjust and settle the claims of all persons against this state, agreeable to the directions of an act, intituled, "An act for auditing certain public claims, so as the public creditors may receive warrants for the same, previous to the time appointed by law for collecting the several taxes imposed by an act, intituled, An act for calling in and redeeming certain certificates."

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II. Be it therefore enacted, That the collection of Collection of the taxes imposed by the said act be postponed until taxes postthe first day of August next; and that where any sher- poned. iff hath not given security for collecting and paying the same, the courts of the several counties shall, in or before the month of May next, take bond and security of the sheriff in the manner by the said act directed; Sheriffs to and the said sheriff shall, from and after the said first day not give bond, of August next, collect, receive, distrain for, and pay already the taxes by the said act imposed, in his county, under done. the like rules, regulations, allowances, and penalties, as are prescribed by the said act.



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