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brought in a manner as extraordinary as the event and occafion were by a mighty ANGEL from heaven, Mat. i. 21. Because as the JEWS muft confefs fuch account to be but becoming the dignity of the MESSIAH, the great blesser of the nations, and agreeable to the prefigurative dealings of GOD with fome of the types, with [ISAAC,]" the JOY," the figure of this JOY to all people, Luk. ii. 10. whose birth and name were predicted, by the LORD appearing to ABRAHAM, Gen. xvii. 11; with [SAMSON] the MINISTERING LIGHT, the NAZARITE in Judg. xiii. 3, whose birth the ANGEL JEHOVAH, v. 16, 22, foretold to the wife of [MANOAH,] "the COMFORTER"; -with JOSIAH, in I K. xiii. 2, and CYRUS, I. xliv. 28. c. xlv. 34. whose names were predicted, and that of MAHER-SHALAL-HASH-BAZ, c. viii. 3, given by the LORD; fo it cannot be aught but great impiety, but a shocking arraignment of the infinite wisdom of the ALMIGHTY to think the celeftial AGENT, or MESSENGER brought an unmeaning or infignificant title from heaven, and was commiffioned to convey to JOSEPH an unintelligible found, at a time when the very occafion required it should have a meaning, and fuch a one also, as was calculated to fatisfy him, to hufh every fuggested doubt, and calm all the ruffling difquietude of his mind; such a one as not only might bear up his believing foul against the re


proach of the world for taking the blessed virgin to his wife; but might also be urged by him to them as a teftimony both of her innocence, and of the accomplishment of the divine promife to the expectant people; wakened already by many previous circumftances to look out for the kingdom of the MESSIAH, of the SON OF MAN, the [N ABEN] ONE BUILT UP as a STONE, (Dan. ii. 34, Zec. xii. 3, c. vii. 13, compared with Rev. i. 13,) of which there should be no end, Dan. xxiv. 34. and for which they prayed, and, not seeing it come (because it cometh not by observation, Luk. xvii. 20. but is spiritual and WITHIN YOU) do, after reading in their fynagogues, yet intreat "ELIAS to come, and the "kingdom of DAVID in CHRIST." However the wifdom of GOD, who, to keep up a due fense of the defign of the names in the ages before CHRIST, had graciously provided that reafons for the impofition of them should frequently be fubjoined, has moft mercifully guarded men against the confequence of an inattention to the force of these arguments, and those examples of the propriety and fignificancy of the names. HE, who had annexed the caufes of the names of many typic perfons, has not left us at any uncertainty, whether we ought to apply the rule in the cafe before us or not concerning the name of the great anti-type or original; but has also plainly acquainted us that this NAME


has a meaning, and this a prophetic one; diftin guishing it by the like express declaration of this meaning, or of what amounts to the fame, of the reafon of its being affigned to CHRIST from the mouth of the ANGEL in thefe memorable and most important words, Thou shalt CALL His NAME JESUS; for HE SHALL SAVE His people from their fins, Mat. i. 21. Words, which fully evince that the Name JESUS was conferred on Him as those of the types, with this design, that it should be not only to Joseph, but unto all who fhould hear it, believe or pray in, and praife this Name, a loud memorial or fign of fome interefting and encouraging character to the peo ple, and fuch as correfponds with the prophetic account and reafon here given; for HE fball SAVE HIS people from their fins. And, what momentous tidings of exceeding great joy to all people, these words import, the whole reafon affigned in them for the impofition of the name, the agreement there is between the fignification of it, and this reafon allotted for it, and of course what is the most excellent character defigned to be denoted by it are all to be collected from this paffage in the evangelift.

Seeing then from the general defign of names and from the account of this, in particular, that the name JESUS has a meaning, and that the ANGEL fubjoins to it the reafon in those words. by way of explaining and justifying this meaning,


it must be so far from presumption or unprofit→ able curiofity to enquire into it, (however to some it may at first seem preferable to have left every man to his own fentiments about it,) that it is our duty with due reverence to search for it, as thus reported and explained by the ANGEL, after our earnest addrefs to GOD to free us from every thing that may hinder our reception of the truth concerning it. Because so much of the Bible as is not underflood ceafes to be a revelation to the foul of man, and becomes a fealed book: and, as Epiphanius says, (vol. II. p. 168, Cologn Edit.)" of what use is either an hidden "treasure or a fealed fountain to any one?"



What language the name is that the GREEK JESUS stands for, and is the fame with the HEBREW name [y] JOSHUA, proved from feripture, from the JEWS themselves, from the fathers, and others.


S the evident defign of the LORD, in the allotment of the name JESUS to the MESSIAH, on an occafion of fuch extraordinary importance to the whole world as well as to JoSEPH and the expectant Jews, makes it our duty to enquire into its meaning, not only as His difciples, but as rational perfons, concerned to know what is proposed to our faith; so we cannot poffibly understand either the import of the ANGEL's fignal declaration concerning HIM, which contains more than it is commonly thought to do, or have a full view of it's force and propriety, unless the fenfe of this name be ascertained.

Now the first step to be taken in order to it is to fettle what language it originally is. About this there have been two opinions. The one is, that it is GREEK; the other, that it is originally HEBREW. Of the former opinion some of the primitive CHRISTIANS it feems were; for Juftin Martyr, cited below, oppofed this: which he hardly


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