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State of the nation immediately after the Revolution-Account

of the new Ministry-The Convention converted into a

Parliament-Mutiry in the Army-The Coronation, an

Abolition of Hearth-money-The Commons vote a Sum of

Money to indemnify the Dutch-William's Efforts in Fa-

vour of the Dissenters-Act for a Toleration-Violent dis-

putes about the Bill for a Comprehension-The Commons

address the King to Summon a Convocation of the Clergy

-Settlement of the Revenue-The King takes Umbrage at

the proceedings of the Whig-party-Heats and Animosities

about the Bill of Indemnity recommended by the King-

Birth of the Duke of Gloucester-Affairs of the Continent

-War Declared against France-Proceedings in the Con-

vention of Scotland, of which the Duke of Hamilton is

chosen President-Letters to the Convention from King

William and King James-They recognise the authority

of King William-They vote the Crown vacant, and pass

an act of settlement in favour of William and Mary-They

appoint Commissioners to make a Tender of the Crown to

William, who receives it on the conditions they propose-

Enumeration of their Grievances-The Convention is de-

clared a Parliament, and the Duke of Hamilton King's

Commissioner-Prelacy abolished in that Kingdom-The

Scots dissatisfied with the King's Conduct-Violent Dis-

putes in the Scotch Parliament, which is adjourned-A Re-

monstrance presented to the King-the Castle of Edinburgh

Besieged and Taken-The Troops of King William De-

feated at Killyerankie-King James cordially received

by the French King-Tyrconnel temporizes with King

William-James arrives in Ireland-Issues five Proclama-

tions at Dublin-Siege of Londonderry-The Inhabitants

defend themselves with surprising Courage and Persever

ance-Cruelty of Rosene, the French General-The Place

is relieved by Kirke-The Inniskilliners defeat and take

General Maccarty-Meeting of the Irish Parliament-They

repeal the Act of Settlement-Pass an Act of Attainder

against Absentees-James coins base Money-The Protes-

tants of Ireland cruelly oppressed-Their Churches are

seized by the Catholics, and they are forbid to Assemble on

pain of Death-Admiral Herbert worsted by the French

Fleet in an Engagement near Bantry-bay-Divers Sen-

tences and Attainders reversed in Parliament-Inquiry

into the Cause of Miscarriages in Ireland-Bills passed in

this Session of Parliament,.....

Duke of Schomberg lands with an Army in Ireland-The Innis-

killiners obtain a Victory over the Irish-Schomberg cen-

sured for his Inactivity-The French worsted at Walcourt-

Success of the Confederates inGermany-The Turks defeated

at Pacochin, Nissa, and Widen-Death of Pope Innocent

XI.-King William becomes Unpopular-A good Number

of the Clergy refuse to take the Oaths-The King grants a

Commission for Reforming Church Discipline-Meeting of

the Convocation-Their Session discontinued by repeated

Prorogations-Proceedings in Parliament-The Whigs

obstruct the Bill of Indemnity-The Commons resume the

Inquiry into the Cause of the Miscarriages in Ireland-

King William irritated against the Whigs-Plot against

the Government by Sir James Montgomery discovered by

Bishop Burnet-Warm Debates in Parliament about the

Corporation Bills-The King resolves to finish the Irish

War in Person-General Ludlow arrives in England, but

is obliged to withdraw-Efforts of the Jacobites in Scotland

-The Court Interest triumphs over all Opposition in that

Country-The Tory Interest prevails in the New Parlis-

ment of England-Bill for recognising their Majesties-

Another Violent Contest about the Bill of Abjuration-

King William lands in Ireland-King James marches to

the Boyne-William resolves to give him Battle-Battle

of the Boyne-Death and Character of Schomberg-James

embarks for France-William enters Dublin and publishes

his Declaration-The French obtain a Victory over the

English and Dutch Fleets off Beachy-head-Torrington

committed Prisoner to the Tower-Progress of William in

Ireland-He Invests Limerick; but is obliged to raise the

Biege, and returns to England-Cork and Kinsale reduced

by the Earl of Marlborough-Lausun and the French

Forces quit Ireland-The Duke of Savoy joins the Confe-

deracy-Prince Waldeck defeated at Fleurus-The Arch-

duke Joseph elected King of the Romans-Death of the

Duke of Lorrain-Progress of the War against the Turks

Conspiracy against the Government by Lord Preston and others

The King fills up the vacant Bishoprics-Affairs of Scot-

land-Campaign in Flanders-Progress of the French in

Piedmont-Election of a New Pope-The Emperor's Suc-

cess against the Turks-Affairs of Ireland-Gen. Ginckel

reduces Athlone-Defeats the Irish at Aghrim-Under-

takes the Siege of Limerick-The French and Irish obtain

an honourable Capitulation-Twelve Thousand Irish Ca-

tholics are transported to France-Meeting of the English

Parliament-Discontent of the Nation-Transactions in

Parliament-Disputes concerning the Bill for regulating

Trials in Cases of High Treason-The English and Dutch

Fleets baffled by the French-The King disobliges the

Presbyterians of Scotland-The Earl of Breadalbane under-

takes for the Submission of the Highlanders-Massacre of

Glencoe-Preparations for a Descent upon England-De.

claration of King James-Efforts of his Friends in England

-Precautions taken by the Queen for the Defence of the

Nation-Admiral Russel puts to Sea-He obtains a Com-

plete Victory over the French Fleet off La Hogue-Troops

embarked at St. Helen's for a Descent upon France-The

Design laid Aside-The Troops landed at Ostend-The

French King takes Namur in sight of King William-

The Allies are Defeated at Steenkirk-Extravagant Re-

joicings in France on account of this Victory-Conspiracy

against the Life of King William, hatched by the French

Ministry-Miscarriage of a Design upon Dunkirk-The

Campaign is inactive on the Rhine and in Hungary-The

Duke of Savoy invades Dauphiné-The Duke of Hanover

created an Elector of the Empire,..........

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False Information against the Earl of Marlborough, the Bishop

of Rochester, and others-Sources of National Discontent-

Dissensions between the Queen and the Princess Anne of

Denmark-The House of Lords vindicate their Privileges

in behalf of their imprisoned Members-The Commons

present Addresses to the King and Queen-They acquit

Admiral Russel, and resolve to advise his Majesty-They

comply with all the Demands of the Ministry-The Lords

present an Address of Advice to the King-The Disputes

between the Lords and Commons concerning Admiral Rus-

sel-The Commons Address the King-They Establish the

Land Tax and other Impositions-Burnet's Pastoral Letter

Burned by the Hangman-Proceedings of the Lower House

against the Practice of Kidnapping Men for the Service-

The Two Houses Address the King on the Grievances of

Ireland-An Account of the Place-bill, and that for Trien-

nial Parliaments-The Commons Petition his Majesty that

he would dissolve the East India Company-Trial of Lord

Mohun for Murder-Alterations in the Ministry-The

King repairs to the Continent, and assembles the Confe-

derate Army in Flanders-The French reduce Huy-Lux-

enbourg resolves to attack the Allies, who are defeated at

Landen-Charleroy is besieged and taken by the Enemy-

Campaign on the Rhine-The Duke of Savoy is defeated

by Catinat in the Plain of Marsaglia-Transactions in

Hungary and Catalonia-Naval Affairs-A Fleet of Mer-

chant Ships under Convoy of Sir George Rooke attacked,

and partly destroyed by the French Squadrons-Wheeler's

Expedition to the West Indies-Benbow bombards St.

Maloes-The French King has recourse to the Mediation

of Denmark-Severity of the Government against the Ja-

cobites-Complaisance of the Scottish Parliament-The

King returns to England, makes some Changes in the

Ministry, and opens the Session of Parliament-Both

Houses inquire into the Miscarriages by Sea-The Com-

mons grant a vast Sum for the Services of the ensuing

Year The King rejects the Bill against Free and Impar-

tial Proceedings in Parliament; and the Lower House re-

monstrates on this Subject-Establishment of the Bank of

England-The East India Company obtain a New Charter

-Bill for a general Naturalization dropped-Sir Francis

Wheeler perishes in a Storm-The English attempt to

make a Descent in Camaret-bay, but are repulsed with

Loss-They bombard Dieppe, Havre-de-Grace, Dunkirk,

and Calais-Admiral Russel Sails for the MediterraneaH





Bettle of Ramillies, in which the French are defeated-The siege

of Barcelona raised by the English fleet-Prince Eugene

obtains a complete victory over the French at Turin-

Sir Cloudesley Shovel sails with a reinforcement to Charles,

king of Spain-The king of Sweden marches into Saxony

-The French king demands conferences for a peace-Meet-

ing of the Scottish parliament-Violent opposition to the

Union-The Scots in general averse to the treaty, which is

nevertheless confirmed in their parliament-Proceedings in

the English parliament-The Commons approve of the

articles of the Union-The Lords pass a bill for the security

of the church of England-Arguments used against the

articles of the Union, which, however, are confirmed by act

of parliament-The parliament revived by proclamation---

The queen gives audience to a Muscovite ambassador-

Proceedings in Convocation-France threatened with total

ruin-The Allies are defeated at Almanza-Unsuccessful

attempt upon Toulon-Sir Cloudesley Shovel wrecked on

the rocks of Scilly-Weakness of the Emperor on the Upper

Rhine-Interview between the king of Sweden and the duke

of Marlborough-Inactive campaign in the Netherlands-
Harley begins to form a party against the duke of Marl-
borough-The nation discontented with the Whig Ministry
-Meeting of the first British parliament-Inquiry into the
state of the war in Spain-Gregg, a clerk in the Secretary's
office, detected in a correspondence with the French ministry
-Harley resigns his employments-the Pretender embarks
at Dunkirk for Scotland-His design is defeated-State of the
nation at that period-Parliament dissolved-The French
surprise Ghent and Bruges-They are routed at Oudenarde-
The allies invest Lisle-They defeat a large body of French
forces at Wynendale-The elector of Bavaria attacks Brus-
sels-Lisle surrendered-Ghent taken, and Bruges aban-
doned Conquest of Minorca by General Stanhope-Rupture
between the Pope and the Emperor-Death of prince George
of Denmark-The new Parliament assembled-Naturaliza-
tion Bill-Act of Grace-Disputes about the Muscovite
ambassador compromised....


.... 140

Negotiation for peace ineffectual-The allied army besieges and

takes Tournay-The French are defeated at Malplaquet-

Mons surrendered-Campaign in Spain-The French king's

proposals of treating rejected by the States-general-Account

of Dr. Sacheverel-He is impeached by the Commons-His

trial-Debates upon it in the house of Lords-He is silenced

for three years-Conferences at Gertruydenburgh-Pride

and Obstinacy of the Dutch-Douay besieged and taken by

the Confederates, as well as Bethune, Aire, and St. Venant

-King Charles obtains a victory over Philip at Saragossa,

and enters Madrid-Battle of Villaviciosa-The Whig min-

istry disgraced-The Parliament is dissolved-Meeting of

the new Parliament-The duke of Marlborough insulted

and reviled-Inquiry into the conduct of the war in Spain

-Severe votes in the house of Commons against those who

invited over the poor Palatines-Harley stabbed at the

council board by Guiscard; and created earl of Oxford-

Death of the emperor Joseph-Representation by the Com-
mors to the Queen-Proceedings in the Convocation-The
duke of Marlborough continues to command the allied army
-He surprises the French lines-Reduces Bouchain-The
duke of Argyle commands the British troops in Spain-
King Charles elected Emperor-Expedition to Canada-
Insolence of the Jacobites in Scotland-A negotiation set
on foot between the courts of France and England-Prior
is sent to Fontainbleau-Manager arrives privately in Eng-
land-The French king's proposals disagreeable to the Allies
-Violent debate upon them in the house of Lords-The
duke of Hamilton's title of duke of Brandon disallowed-
Bill against occasional conformity passes-Duke of Marl-
borough dismissed from all his employments-Twelve new
Peers created-Prince Eugene of Savoy arrives in England
-Walpole expelled the house of Commons-Votes against
the duke of Marlborough-Resolutions against the barrier-
treaty and the Dutch-Acts unfavourable to the Presbyterian
discipline in Scotland,..............................................


The conferences opened at Utrecht-The Queen's measures ob.

structed by the Allies-Death of the Dauphin and his son-

The Queen demands Philip's renunciation of the crown of

France-The duke of Ormond takes the command of the Bri-

tish forces in Flanders-He is restricted from acting against

the enemy-Debate in the house of Lords on this subject-A

loyal address of the Commons-Philip promises to renounce

the crown of France--The Queen communicates the plan of

the Peace in a speech to both houses of Parliament-Excep-

tions taken to some of the articles in the house of Lords-A

motion for a guaranty of the Protestant succession by the

allies rejected in the house of Commons-The duke of Or-

mond declares to prince Eugene that he can no longer cover

the siege of Quesnoy-Irruption into France by general

Grovestein-The foreign troops in British pay refuse to

march with the duke of Ormond, who proclaims a cessation

of arms, and seizes Ghent and Bruges-The Allies defeated

at Denain-Progress of the conferences at Utrecht-The

duke of Hamilton and lord Mohin are killed in a duel-The

duke of Marlborough retires to the Continent-The States-

general sign the barrier-treaty-The other allies become

more tractable-The peace with France signed at Utrecht

-Both houses of Parliament congratulate the Queen on the

peace-Substance of the Treaty with France-Objections to

the Treaty of Commerce-Debates in the house of Lords on

the Malt-tax for Scotland-The Scottish lords move for a

bill to diaacive the Union Address of the Commons about


State of Parties in Great Britain-King George proclaimed-
The civil list granted to his majesty by the Parliament--
The electoral prince created prince of Wales-The king
arrives in England-The Tories totally excluded from the
royal favour-Pretender's manifesto-New Parliament-
Substance of the King's first speech-Lord Bolingbroke
withdraws himself to France-Sir William Wyndham re-
primanded by the Speaker-Committee of secrecy-Sir John
Norris sent with a fleet to the Baltic-Discontent of the
nation-Report of the secret committee-Resolutions to
impeach lord Bolingbroke, the earl of Oxford, the duke of
Ormond, and the earl of Strafford-The earl of Oxford sent
to the Tower-The Proclamation act-The king declares to
both Houses that a rebellion is begun-The duke of Ormond
and lord Bolingbroke attainted-Intrigues of the Jacobites
-Death of Louis XIV-The earl of Mar sets up the Pre-
tender's standard in Scotland-Divers members of the lower
House taken into custody-The Pretender proclaimed in the
North of England by the earl of Derwentwater and Mr.
Forster-Mackintosh crosses the Frith of Forth into Lo-
thian, and joins the English insurgents, who are attacked

at Preston, and surrender at discretion-Battle at Dunblain

-The Pretender arrives in Scotland-He retires again to

France-Proceedings of the Irish Parliament-The rebel

lords are impeached, and plead guilty-The earl of Der

wentwater and lord Kenmuir are beheaded-Trials of rebels

-Act for septennial parliaments-Duke of Argyle disgraced

-Triple alliance between England, France, and Holland-

Count Gyllenburgh, the Swedish minister in London, ar-

rested-Account of the Oxford riot-The King demands an

extraordinary supply of the Commons-Division in the

ministry-The Commons pass the South-sea act, the Bank

act, and the General Fund act-Trial of the earl of Oxford

-Act of indemnity-Proceedings in the Convocation with

regard to Dr. Hoadly, bishop of Bangor, .......................................................... 189

Difference between king George and the czar of Muscovy-The
king of Sweden is killed at Frederickstadt-Negotiation
for a quadruple alliance-Proceedings in parliament-James
Shepherd executed for a design against the king's life-
Parliament prorogued-Nature of the quadruple alliance-
Admiral Byng sails to the Mediterranean-He destroys the
Spanish fleet off Cape Passaro-Remonstrances of the
Spanish ministry-Disputes in Parliament touching the
Admiral's attacking the Spanish fleet-Act for strengthen-
ing the Protestant interest-War declared against Spain-
Conspiracy against the regent of France-Intended invasion
by the duke of Ormond-Three hundred Spaniards land
and are taken in Scotland-Account of the Peerage bill-
Count Merci assumes the command of the Imperial army in
Sicily-Activity of Admiral Byng-The Spanish troops
evacuate Sicily-Philip obliged to accede to the Quadruple
alliance-Bill for securing the dependency of Ireland upon
the crown of Great Britain-South-sea act-Charters granted
to the Royal and London assurance Offices-Treaty of al-
liance with Sweden-The prince of Hesse elected king of
Sweden-Effects of the South-sea scheme-The Bubble
breaks-A secret committee appointed by the house of Com-

mons-Inquiry carried on by both houses-Death of earl

Stanhope and Mr. Craggs, both Secretaries of state-The

estates of the Directors of the South-sea Company are con-

fiscated-Proceedings of the Commons with respect to the

stock of the South-sea company,
..... 305

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st Porto Freddo-The Austrians take Possession of Genoa
-Count Brown penetrates into Provence-The Genoese
expel the Austrians from their city-Madras in the East
Indies taken by the French-Expedition to the coast of
Bretagne, and attempt upon Port L'Orient-Naval transac-
tions in the West Indies-Conferences at Breda-Vast Sup-
plies granted by the Commons of England-Parliament
dissolved-The French and Allies take the field in Flanders
-Prince of Orange elected Stadtholder, Captain-general
and Admiral of the United Provinces-The Confederates
defeated at Laffeldt-Siege of Bergen-op-Zoom-The Aus-
trians undertake the Siege of Genoa, which, however, they
abandon-The Chevalier de Belleisle slain in the Attack of
Exilles-A French Squadron defeated and taken by the
Admirals Anson and Warren-Admiral Hawke obtains
another Victory over the French at Sea-Other Naval Trans-
actions Congress at Aix-la-Chapelle-Compliant Temper
of the New Parliament-Preliminaries signed-Prepara-
tions for the Campaign in the Netherlands-Siege of Maes-
tricht Cessation of Arms-Transactions in the East and
West Indies-Conclusion of the Definitive Treaty at Aix-
........................................................ 297


Reflections on the Peace-The Prince of Wales' Adherents join

the Opposition-Character of the Ministry-Session Opened

-Debate on the Address-Supplies granted-Exorbitant

Demand of the Empress-queen opposed-Violent Contest

concerning the Seamen s Bill-Objections to the Mutiny

Bill-Bill for limiting the Term of a Soldier's Service-

Measures taken with respect to the African Trade-Scheme

for improving the British Fishery-Attempt to open the

Commerce to Hudson's Bay-Plan for manning the Navy

-Fruitless Motions made by the Opposition-Severities

exercised upon some Students at Oxford-Duke of New-

castle chosen Chancellor of the University of Cambridge-

Tumults in different Parts of the Kingdom-Scheme for a

Settlement in Nova Scotia-Town of Halifax founded-

French Attempts to settle on the Island of Tobago-Re-

Joicings for the Peace of Aix-la-Chapelle-Pretender's

eldest Son arrested at Paris-Appearance of a Rupture

between Russia and Sweden-Interposition of the King of

Prussia-Measures taken by the French Ministry-Con-

duct of different European Powers-Insolence of the Bar-

bary Corsairs--Disturbances in England-Session opened

-Subjects of Debate-Scheme for reducing the Interest of

the National Debt-Act passed for that Purpose-New

Mutiny Bill-Bill for encouraging the Importation of Iron

from America-Erection of the British Herring Fishery-

New African Company-Westminster Election--Earth-

quakes in London-Pestilential Fever at the Session in the

Old Bailey-Disputes between Russia and Sweden-Plan

for electing the Arch-duke Joseph King of the Romans-

Opposition of the King of Prussia-Disputes with the

French about the Limits of Nova Scotia-Treaty with Spain

-Session opened-Debate on the Address-Supplies gran-

ted-Death and Character of the Prince of Wales-Settle-

tlement of a Regency, in case of a Minor Sovereign-General

Naturalization Bill-Censure passed upon a Paper entitled

Constitutional Queries--Proceedings of the Commons on

the Westminster Election-Mr. Murray sent Prisoner to

Newgate Session closed-Style altered,.....


... 310

Ambitious Schemes of the French in North America-Rise and
Conduct of the Ohio Company-Letter from the Governor
of Virginia to the French Commander at Riviere-au-Beuf
-Perfidious Practices of the French in Nova Scotia-Major
Laurence defeats the French Neutrals-British Ambassador
at Paris amused with general Promises-Session opened-
Supplies granted-Repeal of the Act for naturalizing Jews
-Motion for repealing a former Act favourable to the Jews
-East India Mutiny Bill-Case of Le-Session
closed-Death of Mr. Pelham-Change in the Ministry---
New Parliament assembled and prorogued-Disputes in the
Irish Parliament-Transactions in the East Indies-Ao
count of the English Settlements on the Malabar and Con-


mandel Coast-Disputes about the Government of Arcot-
Mahommed Ali Khan supported by the English-Mr. Clive
takes Arcot-and defeats the Enemy in the Plains of Arani,
and at Koveripauk-He reduces three Forts, and takes M.
d'Anteuil-Chunda Saib taken and put to Death, and his
Army routed-Convention between the East India Com-
panies of England and France-General View of the British
Colonies in North America-New England and New York
-New Jersey-Pennsylvania-Maryland-Virginia-The
two Carolinas-Georgia-The French surprise Logs-Town,
on the Ohio-Conference with the Indians at Albany--
Colonel Washington defeated and taken by the French on
the Ohio-Divisions among the British Colonies-The
hereditary Prince of Hesse-Cassel professes the Peman Ca-
tholic Religion-Parliament of Paris recalled from Exile-
Affairs of Spain and Portugal-Session opened Supplies
granted-Bill in behalf of Chelsea Pensioners-Oxfordshire
Election--Message from the King to the House of Com-
mons-Court of Versailles amuses the English Ministry-
Session closed,.....



Preparations for War-Earl Paulet's Motion against the King's
going to Hanover-Regency appointed during his Majesty's

Absence-Boscawen's Expedition-Alcide and Lys taken-

French Ambassador recalled-Their Trade greatly dis-

tressed-Affairs of the English in America-Col. Monckton

takes Beau-Sejour-General Braddock's unfortunate Expe-

dition-He falls into an Ambuscade; is defeated, and killed

-Disagreement between the Governor and Assembly of

Pennsylvania-Expedition against Crown Point and Niagara

resolved on-General Johnson encamps at Lake George-

where he is attacked by the French, who are entirely de-

feated-Bravery of Captain M'Ginnes-General Johnson

created a Baronet-Description of Fort Oswego and Lake

Ontario-Neglect of the English in not Fortifying it-Ex-

pedition against Niagara-General Shirley returns to Al-

bany-End of the Campaign in America-Fruitless In

trigues of the French in Spain and Germany-Treaty of

the King of Great Britain with the Landgrave of Hesse-

Cassel-News of the Capture of the Alcide and Lys reaches

England-The King returns from Hanover, and concludes

a Treaty with Russia-Declaration of the French Ministry

at the Court of Vienna-Spirited Declaration of the King

of Prussia-The French make another unsucessful Attempt

upon the Court of Spain-The Imperial Court refuses Aux-

iliaries to England-The French take the Blandford Man

of War, but return it-State of the English and French

Navies-Session opened-Remarkable Addresses of the

Lords and Commons-His Majesty's Answer-Alterations

in the Ministry-Mr. Fox made Secretary of State-Sup-

plies voted-Earthquake at Lisbon-Relief voted by Par-

liament to the Portuguese--Troops, &c., voted-Mutiny Bill,

Marine, and Mariners' Acts continued-Act for raising a

Regiment of Foot in North America-Maritime Laws of

England extended to America--Quiet of Ireland restored-

Treaty concluded with Prussia-New Militia Bill passed by

the Commons, but rejected by the Lords-Session closed,... 358

Letter from M. Rouillé to the Secretary of State-The two
Nations recriminate on each other-The French threaten
Great Britain with an Invasion-Requisition of six thousand
Dutch troops according to Treaty-Message from the King
to the Parliament-A Body of Hessians and Hanoverians

transported into England-French Preparations at Toulon

-Admiral Byng sails for the Mediterranean-He arrives

At Gibraltar-Engages M. de la Galissonniere off Minorca

-And returns to Gibraltar-Ferment of the People at Home

-Admiral Byng superseded and sent home Prisoner-

-Account of the Siege of St. Philip's Fort in Minorca-

Precautions taken by General Blakeney--Siege commenced

-English squadron appears-General Attack of the Works

-The Garrison capitulates-Sir Edward Hawke sails to

Minorca-Rejoicings in France, and Clamours in England-

Gallantry of Fortunatus Wright-General Blakeney created

a Baron-Measures taken for the Defence of Great Britain

-Proclamation-Earl of Loudon appointed Commander-in-

Chief in America-His Britannic Majesty's Declaration of

War-Substance of the French King's Declaration-Ad-

dress of the City of London-Trial of General Fowke-

Affairs of America-Colonel Bradstreet defeats a body of

French on the River Onondaga-Earl of Loudon arrives at

New York-Oswego reduced by the Enemy-Further Pro-

ceedings in America-Naval Operations in that Country--

Transactions in the East Indies-Calcutta besieged by the

Viceroy of Bengal-Deplorable Fate of those who perished

in the Dungeon there-Additional Cruelties exercised on

Mr. Holwell-Resolution against Angria-Port of Geriah

taken by Admiral Watson and Mr. Clive-Their subsequent

Proceedings in the River Ganges,


Motives of the War in Germany-Conspiracy in Sweden-
Measures taken by the King of Prussia and Elector of
Hanover-Endeavours of the Court of Vienna to frustrate
them-His Prussian Majesty demands an Explanation from
the Empress-Queen-Her Answer-The Prussian Army en-
ters Saxony, and publishes a Manifesto-Prince Ferdinand
takes Leipsic-King of Prussia takes Possession of Dresden,
and blocks up the King of Poland at Pirna-Russian Army
penetrates into Bohemia, and fights the Battle of Low-
oschutz-Saxon Army surrenders-King of Poland's Me-
morial to the States-General-Imperial Decrees published
against the King of Prussia-Declaration of different

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