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greatness of gospel privileges, in order to awaken his gratitude.

§ 10. Grace, however, in its highest attainment, does not, cannot alter the nature of sin. It is still the abominable thing which the Lord hateth. Hence, thanksgiving for past deliverance from the guilt and dominion of sin, should be accompanied with watching unto prayer for assisting grace, with all perseverance, and that a belief of the doctrine of the perseverance of the saints, will save no one without actually persevering in the Christian course of obedience. He should recollect that he is in an enemy's country, that if left to himself he is unstable as water, that he is every moment in danger of backsliding, of grieving the Spirit of God, and wounding his own soul. He may profitably call to mind, that many high sounding professors have been apostatized to their eternal ruin, and that he has no certainty of being chosen to eternal life, or of enjoying future happiness, but by persevering in the way of holy obedience, -for Christ is become the author of eternal salvation to them who obey him, and to them only: "Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life." While he is often reminded of his own weakness, he is as often directed to the strong

for strength, to be obtained in the way of duty. This is the true Christian: he has been convinced of sin by the law of God, which is holy, just and good; he has confided in the merits and righteousness of Christ; old sinful courses and habits are past away, and the whole soul in its views, its judgment, conclusions, and the direction of its passions, is become new; he trusts in Christ Jesus, having no confidence in the flesh, and loves him in sincerity; he casts off the works of darkness, and puts on the armour of light, walking honestly and decently as in the day, forgetting past attainments, so as not to trust in them, he presses forward to the prize of his high calling; he sincerely endeavours to do all things, whatsoever Christ has commanded, and by gracious encouragements, has an eye to the recompence of reward. But after all, he reckons himself an unprofitable servant. He renounces all merit and worthiness of his own, rejoicing only in Christ Jesus, the Mediator and Surety of the new covenant; that covenant which is ordered in all things and sure. Standing by faith on the rock of ages, he rejoices in hope of the glory of God, but with holy fear and trembling, while contemplating his own weakness and insufficiency, or if dealt with in strict justice, according to his hourly failures. Shouldest thou, Lord, mark iniquity,

O Lord, who shall stand? But with thee there is forgiveness, that thou mayest be feared." "Hold thou me up, and I shall be safe.”

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$ 11. I make no apology to the reader for dwelling so much upon this point; especially as his Lordship gives a very different account of Calvinism. And as he is pleased to say, that those who are called Evangelical ministers not only delude their unlearned congregations, and encourage vice and immorality among their followers, but they really ' delude themselves, and fall into opinions and assertions totally inconsistent with the spirit of our holy religion,'-that the manner in 'which they perform the duties of their minis

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try, both public and private, is injudicious ' and mischievous in the extreme,'-and that 'the dangerous tendency of their tenets and ' practice cannot be exposed too frequently, or ' with too much earnestness,'-it seemed requisite to give the reader an opportunity to form his own judgment, which of the two methods. is most conformable to the sacred oracles, and most conducive to the interests of real Christianity,

§ 12. His Lordship dwells much on the importance of "Good Works," and of the Clergy

insisting upon them as the condition of our salvation. Certainly good works are very good things; but among what congregations are they actually found to the greatest extent, and in the greatest variety? If those of the Evangelical Clergy be candidly compared with those of the gentlemen whom his Lordship defends in opposition to them, they need not shrink at the comparison. Where shall we find most devotion, punctuality in attending divine ordinances, family worship, catechising the young and ignorant, visiting the poor, the widow and the fatherless, abstinence from the schools of levity and vice, charitable contributions, reformation of manners, order in society, and an awakening concern to work out their own salvation with fear and trembling? If their hearers be more inclined to frequent circles of dissipation and folly, the card table, the ball, the assembly, the play, the opera, or the horse-race; if they are more addicted to the jovial board, or the deceitful glass, to delight in theatrical exhibitions, novels and romances, to frequent political clubs and spouting societies, to utter profane oaths, and on trivial occasions to take the most holy name in vain; if they are more given to pursue their diversions on the Lord's day, or less conscientious in keeping it holy in religous exercises; if they are more lax in observing the relative duties of

parents and children, masters and servants; if they are more cruel to men or brutes, or less chaste and temperate, honest and industriouslet them by all means be condemned in the comparison. If otherwise, the following admonition may be seasonably remembered: "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour."

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