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ing circumstances, was as much war as firing a volley; and war being thus begun, until those commencing it explained their action and disavowed their intention, there was no room for delay; and even at this moment while we are writing, it is more than probable, from the tenor of your letter, that reinforcements are hurrying on to the conflict, so that when the first gun shall be fired, there will have been on your part one continuous, consistent series of actions, commencing in a demonstration essentially warlike, supported by regular reinforcements, and terminating in defeat or victory. And all this without the slightest provocation; for, among the many things which you have said, there is one thing you cannot say you have waited anxiously for news from the seat of war, in hopes that delay would furnish some excuse for this precipitation. But this 'tangible evidence of a design to proceed to a hostile act, on the part of the authorities of South Carolina,' which is the only justification of Major Anderson you are forced to admit, has not yet been alleged.' But you have decided, you have resolved to hold, by force, what you have obtained through our misplaced confidence; and by refusing to disavow the action of Major Anderson, have converted his violation of orders into a legitimate act of your executive authority. Be the issue what it may, of this we are assured, that, if Fort Moultrie has been recorded in history as a memorial of

Carolina gallantry, Fort Sumter will live upon the succeeding page as an imperishable testimony of Carolina faith. "By your course, you have probably rendered civil war inevitable. Be it so. If you choose to force this issue upon us, the State of South Carolina will accept it, and, relying upon Him who is the God of Justice as well as the God of Hosts, will endeavor to perform the great duty which lies before her hopefully, bravely, and thoroughly.

"Our mission being one for negotiation and peace, and your note leaving us without hope of a withdrawal of the troops from Fort Sumter, or of the restoration of the status quo existing at the time of our arrival, and intimating, as we think, your determination to reinforce the garrison in the harbor of Charleston, we respectfully inform you that we purpose returning to Charleston to-morrow afternoon.

"We have the honor to be, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servants. "R. W. BARNWELL, "J. H. ADAMS, "JAMES L. ORR,



The only reply by Mr. Buchanan to this paper was these words endorsed upon it:


"Half-past three o'clock, Wednesday. "This paper, just presented to the President, is of such a character that he declines to receive it."




Increased Belligerency of South Carolina.-Progress of the Works in the Harbor of Charleston.—Betrayal of a United States Government Vessel.-Fort Sumter Besieged.-Stars and Stripes still Flying.-Offensive Emblem of Union to the Charlestonians.—Plans for Degrading it.—Example of South Carolina followed by other States.-Seizure of Federal Forts in Georgia and North Carolina.-Indications of Hostility.-A more Resolute Tone at Washington.The Order for Removal of Cannon from Pittsburg Revoked.-A feeble attempt to Reinforce Fort Sumter.-The Sailing of the Star of the West.-A cautious Offing.-Arrival at Charleston.-A vigilant Enemy.-Fire Opened.— A critical Position -Return of the Star of the West.-The Demonstration at Fort Sumter.-Correspondence between Major Anderson and Governor Pickens.-The improvement at Washington under the inspiration of a patriotic Secretary of War.-Correspondence of Holt with the Governor of North Carolina.-The Cotton States not checked by strong words.-Secession of Mississippi.--Secession of Florida and Alabama.-Secession Enthusiasm in Mobile.Seizure of Fort Barrancas and the Navy Yard at Pensacola.-An insolent Telegram from Florida to Washington.--Secession of Georgia.—Opposition of some leading Politicians.-Popular Demonstrations.-Secession of Louisiana. -Seizure of Federal Property.-More cautious proceedings of Texas.—Secession of Texas.-Departure of the Senators of the Seceding States from Washington.-Farewell Speech of Benjamin, of Louisiana.--Farewell Speech of Davis.—Hand-shaking in the Senate.-The slow Awakening of the North.-Union Meetings.—The Union Sentiment variously Manifested.-Indignation against the Abolitionists.-Alarm about the Safety of Washington.— Scott on Guard.-Peace Convention.


must enter and clear at Charleston. The United States revenue cutter the William Aiken, betrayed by her captain into the hands of the insurrectionists, was received into the service of South Carolina, and with her armament and crew increased, was ready, under the Palmetto flag, to turn her guns against the government which her commander had sworn to defend against all enemies.

IN South Carolina the people became | masters were notified that all vessels daily more belligerent in their attitude toward the Federal Government. The works which had been ordered by the convention for the defence of the harbor of Charleston were labored at with great diligence, and soon the South Carolinians boasted that they were able to resist any attempts to reinforce Major Anderson, now in command of Fort Suiter. Batteries of earthwork, palmetto logs, and sand were erected and mounted with cannon on Sullivan's and Morris islands, guarding the approach to the harbor. The South Carolina commander at Castle Pinckney issued an order, forbidding all boats to approach the wharfs without permission, under the severest penalties if disobeyed. The river front of the city was carefully guarded, and mounted patrols paraded the streets night and day. Ship

So great was the ardor and diligence of the South Carolinians, that they soon had their works in such a state of progress that Fort Sumter was completely besieged, and Major Anderson threatened with an attack. The people looked with excessive hostility at the flag of the United States still floating in their harbor, and the prevailing desire was to remove, if possible, that emblem of the Union, so lately the object of their

pride, but which they now strove to dishonor. This intense feeling of aversion found expression in a universal cry for the capture of Fort Sumter. Plans of all kinds were devised to effect the purpose. Some proposed to float down rafts, loaded with burning tar-barrels, and thus smoke out the United States garrison; some suggested bribing the soldiers some thought that a floating battery might be built with breast works of cotton-bales, behind which sharpshooters could post themselves and pick off each man in the fort; some hit upon the expedient of filling bomb-shells with prussic acid to throw among the troops and poison them, while others recommended a more protracted, if not more Christian method, of cutting off their supplies and starving them to death.*

In the mean time, the example of South Carolina in taking possession of the Federal property, was being followed by other States. Fort Pulaski was seized by the troops of Georgia, by order of the Governor, and even Governor Ellis, of North Carolina, dispatched the troops of the State to take possession of Fort Macon, at Beaufort, the forts at Wilmington, and the United States arsenal at Fayetteville. At Mobile, too, Fort Morgan and the arsenal, containing six stands of arms, 1,500 barrels of powder, 300,000 rounds of musket cartridges, and other munitions of war, were seized by the secessionists. These acts of undisguised hostility, though they preceded the meeting of the conventions in those States, gave an indication that

South Carolinian.

could not be mistaken of a predetermined purpose to defy and resist the Federal authority.

A more resolute tone had, in the mean while, been assumed by the President. No longer exclusively under the control of traitorous advisers, he ventured to speak more authoritatively. The order for the removal of the cannon from the Alleghany arsenal to Southern forts, which had so greatly stirred the indignation of the citizens of Pittsburg, was revoked, and a feeble attempt made to sustain Major Anderson and his little garrison at Fort Sumter.

The steamship Star of the West-a merchant vessel chartered by the Government-having taken on board two hundred and fifty artillerists and marines, and a supply of stores and ammunition, sailed at night for Charles- Jan. ton, though she cleared for New 5. Orleans and Havana. She thus stole away in the darkness and under false pretences, with the hope that she might reach her destination and effect her purpose of reinforcing Major Anderson without exciting the suspicion of his besiegers.

After a prosperous passage, the steamer having previously extinguished all her lights, lest she should be seen, arrived at Charleston Bar at half-past one Jan. o'clock in the morning. Here it 9. was necessary to check her speed and grope her way cautiously, for there were no lights in the light-houses to guide her in her dangerous course. She con

• The secretary of the interior, Thompson, resigned in consequence.


tinued, however, to move on slowly, the lead being thrown at every moment until four o'clock, when a light was seen through the haze of the early dawn. This was supposed to be a signal from Fort Sumter, and the ship having steered in that direction, hove to, to wait for daylight.

As the day broke, a Charleston steamer, the General Clinch, was discovered, which, as soon as she caught sight of the Star of the West, began to burn blue and red lights, as signals to the batteries. Those on guard at Morris Island were at once on the alert and at their posts before the orders could be given them to prepare for action. They expected at every moment a volley from Fort Sumter as they themselves got ready to fire at the approaching steamer. The Star of the West, too, was preparing for a warm reception. The soldiers were thrust below, and none allowed on deck but the crew. She, however, proceeded on her course, following in the wake of the little Charleston steamer, which steamed on, keeping about two miles ahead, and perseveringly sending off rockets and burning blue lights even until after broad daylight.

When the Star of the West had reached within two miles of Fort Moultrie, and about the same distance of Fort Sumter, the battery at Morris Island, from which the Palmetto flag was flying, opened fire. After the first shot the Star of the West hoisted a large American ensign at the fore, in addition to the American flag flying from the flagstaff. She, in spite of the fire, continued her course for ten


minutes. In the mean time, the shots from Morris Island came thick and fast. Several passed clear over the steamer, one between the smoke-stack and walking-beam of the engine, one within an ace of the rudder, and another struck the ship just abaft the fore-rigging and stove in the planking.

"At the same time," says McGowan, the captain, in his report, “there was a movement of two steamers from near Fort Moultrie, one of them towing a schooner (I presume an armed schooner), with the intention of cutting us off. Our position now became rather critical, as we had to approach Fort Moultrie within three-quarters of a mile before we could keep away for Fort Sumter. A steamer approaching us, with an armed schooner in tow, and the battery on the island firing at us all the time, and having no cannon to defend ourselves from the attack of the vessels, we concluded that to avoid certain capture or destruction we would endeavor to get to sea. Consequently we wore round and steered down the channel, the battery firing upon us until the shot fell short."

Fort Sumter, in the mean time, had made no demonstration, except at the port-holes, where the guns were run out, bearing on Morris Island." Major Anderson, however, at once dispatched a letter to Governor Pickens, which, with the answer and rejoinder, are here given:



"SIR: Two of your batteries fired

Charleston Courier.

this morning on an unarmed vessel bearing the flag of my Government. As I have not been notified that war has been declared by South Carolina against the United States, I cannot but think this a hostile act, committed without your sanction or authority. Under that hope, I refrain from opening a fire on your batteries. I have the honor, therefore, respectfully to ask whether the above-mentioned act-one which I believe without parallel in the history of our country or any other civilized government was committed in obedience to your instructions, and notify you, if it is not disclaimed, that I regard it as an act of war, and I shall not, after reasonable time for the return of my messenger, permit any vessel to pass within the range of the guns of my fort. In order to save, as far as it is in my power, the shedding of blood, I beg you will take due notification of my decision for the good of all concerned. Hoping, however, your answer may justify a further continuance of forbearance on my part, I remain, respectfully,


Gov. Pickens, in reply, after describing the position of South Carolina toward the States, said that any attempt to send United States troops into Charleston harbor, to reinforce the forts, would be regarded as an act of hostility; and in conclusion, added, "that any attempt to reinforce the troops at Fort Sumter, or to retake and resume possession of the forts within the waters of South Carolina which Major Anderson abandoned, after spiking the cannon and doing other

damage, cannot be regarded by the authorities of the State as indicative of any other purpose than the coercion of the State by the armed force of the Government; special agents, therefore, have been off the bar to warn approaching vessels, armed and unarmed, having troops to reinforce Fort Sumter aboard, not to enter the harbor. Special orders have been given the commanders at the forts not to fire on such vessels until a shot across their bows should warn them of the prohibition of the State. Under these circumstances the Star of the West, it is understood, this morning attempted to enter the harbor with troops, after having been notified she could not enter, and consequently she was fired into. This act is perfectly justified by me.

"In regard to your threat about vessels in the harbor, it is only necessary for me to say, you must be the judge of your responsibility. Your position in the harbor has been tolerated by the authorities of the State, and while the act of which you complain is in perfect consistency with the rights and duties of the State, it is not perceived how far the conduct you propose to adopt can find a parallel in the history of any country, or be reconciled with any other purpose than that of your Government imposing on the State the condition of a conquered province.

"F. W. PICKENS." "To HIS EXCELLENCY GOVERNOR PICKENS. "SIR: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your communication, and say, that under the circumstances I

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