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Burat, Amédée-cont.

Géologie Appliquée. Traité du Gisement et de l'Exploitation des Minéraux Utiles. 3rd edition. 2 vols. 8° Paris, 1855.

Le Matériel des Houillères en France et en Belgique: Atlas descriptif. oblong folio. Paris and Liége, 1860.

Supplément. Paris, 1865.

Minéralogie Appliquée. Description des Minéraux employés dans les Industries Métallurgiques et Manufacturières dans les constructions et dans l'ornement. 8° Paris, 1864.

Les Houillères de la France en 1866-72 (1870-71 not published). 5 vols. With 4o Atlas. Paris, 1867-72.

Cours d'Exploitation des Mines. 8° With 4o Atlas. Paris, 1871. 2nd edition. Paris, 1876.

Géologie de la France. 8° Paris, 1874.

See Daubuisson de Voisins, J. F.


Burchell, Mr. See British Museum-Zoology.

Burckhardt, John Lewis. See Naturalist's Library-Ichthyology. Burdach, Karl Friedrich.

Die Physiologie als Erfahrungswissenschaft. Mit Beiträgen von Karl Ernst von Baer, Heinrich Rathke, &c. 2nd edition. 6 vols. Leipzig, 1835-40.

Buren, W. H. van. See Morel, C.

Burgoyne, Maj.-Gen. Sir John.

Rudimentary Treatise on the Blasting and Quarrying of Stone for building and other purposes. (Weale's Series.) 120 London, 1849.

Burkart, Joseph.

Description du Filon et des Mines de Veta-Grande, près de la Ville de Zacatecas (Mexique). 8° Paris, 1835.

Aufenthalt und Reisen in Mexico, in den Jahren 1825 bis 1834. Mit einem Vorworte von Dr. J. Nöggerath. 2 vols. 8° Stuttgart, 1836.

See Nöggerath, J.

Burke, Luke. See Journals-Ethnological Journal.

Burmeister, German. See Transactions-Buenos Ayres,

Burmeister, Hermann.

Beiträge zur Naturgeschichte der Rankenfüsser (Cirripedia). 40 Berlin, 1834.

A Manual of Entomology. Translated by W. E. Shuckard. 80 London, 1836.

Die Organisation der Trilobiten, aus ihren lebenden Verwandten entwickelt; nebst einer systematischen Uebersicht aller zeither beschriebenen Arten. 4° Berlin, 1843.

Bemerkungen über Zeugloden cetoides Owen's, Basilosaurus Harlan's, Hydrarchos Koch's. 4° Halle, 1847. (Mus. P.-E.)

Die Labyrinthodonten aus dem bunten Sandstein von Bernburg, &c. 4o Berlin, 1849-50.

Geschichte der Schöpfung. Eine Darstellung des Entwickelungsganges der Erde und ihrer Bewohner. 4th edition. 8° Leipzig,

Burmeister, Hermann-cont.

Geologische Bilder zur Geschichte der Erde und ihrer Bewohner.

2 vols. 8° Leipzig, 1851–53.

Beiträge zur Naturgeschichte des Seriema. 4o Halle, 1854.
Bemerkungen über den allgemeinen Bau und die Geschlechtsunter-
schiede bei den Arten der Gattung Scolia. 40 Halle, 1854.
Ueber Arten der Gattung Cebus. 4o Halle, 1854.

Uebersicht der Brasilianischen Mutillen. 4° Halle, 1854.

Systematische Uebersicht der Thiere Brasiliens, welche während einer Reise durch die Provinzen von Rio de Janeiro und Minas Geraës gesammelt und beobachtet wurden. 3 vols. 8° Berlin, 1854-56.

Untersuchungen über die Flügeltypen der Coleopteren. 4° Halle, 1855. (Mus. P.-T.)

Die fossilen Pferde der Pampasformation. folio. Buenos Aires, 1875. See Alton, E. d. Journals-Zeitung für Zool. Meyer, Transactions-London: Ray Society.

F. J. F.

Burn, Jacob Henry.

A Descriptive Catalogue of the London Traders, Tavern, and Coffeehouse Tokens, &c., presented to the Corporation Library by Henry Benjamin Hanbury Beaufoy. 8° London, 1853.

2nd edition. 80 London, 1855.

Burnell, George R.

Rudimentary Treatise on Limes, Cements, Mortars, Concretes, Mastics, Plastering, &c. (Weale's Series.) 120 London, 1850.

See Law, H.

Burnet, Thomas.

The Theory of the Earth. folio. London, 1684.

The Sacred Theory of the Earth. 2 vols. London, n.d.

Burnett, Waldo I. See Siebold, C. T. von.

Burr, Frederick.

Introduction to the Study of Geology; particularly as applied to the internal structure of Great Britain. 80 London, 1836.

The Elements of Practical Geology, as applicable to Mining, Engineering, &c.; with notices of the Mines and Mineral Productions of Great Britain. 8° London, 1838.

Burr, Thomas.

Remarks on the Geology and Mineralogy of South Australia. 12° Adelaide, 1846. (Mus. P.-26.)

Burtin, François-Xavier.

Oryctographie de Bruxelles; ou Description des Fossiles tant naturels qu'accidentels découverts jusqu'à ce jour dans les environs de cette ville. folio. Bruxelles, 1784.

Burton, R.

The General History of Earthquakes. 12° London, 1734.

Burton, Captain Richard F.

Explorations of the Highlands of the Brazil; with a full account of the Gold and Diamond Mines, &c. 2 vols. 8° London, 1869. Ultima Thule; or, a Summer in Iceland. 2 vols. 80 London,

Bury, Mrs.

Polycystins; figures of remarkable forms, &c. in the Barbados Chalk Deposit. 2nd edition. Edited by M. C. Cooke. 4o London,


Bury, Aug.

Traité de la Legislation des Mines, &c. en Belgique et en France. 2 vols. 8° Liége, 1859.

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Beobachtungen über Anatomie und Entwickelung einiger wirbellosen Seethiere. 4° Berlin, 1851.

Bushell, Thomas.

Abridgment of the Lord Chancellor Bacon's Philosophical Theory in Mineral Prosecutions. 4o London, 1650.

Bushman, J. S. See Naturalist's Library-Ichthyology.

Busk, George. See British Museum-Zoology.


scopical Journal; Natural History Review; Quarterly Journ.
Microsc. Science. Transactions-London: Palæontographical
Society. Ray Society.

Butler, Arthur Gardiner. See British Museum-Zoology.
Buttner, M. D. S.

Rudera diluvii testes, i. e. Zeichen und Zeugen der Sündfluth in Ausehung des itzigen Zustandes unserer Erd- und Wasser-Kugel 4° Leipzig, 1710.

Buvignier, Amand.

Statistique Géologique, Minéralogique, Minérallurgique et Paléontologique du Département de la Meuse. 8° With folio Atlas. Paris,


See Maps-Ardennes; Meuse.

Buys-Ballot, C. H. D.

Sauvage, C.

Repertorium Corporum Organicorum. Addita Prefatione clar. G. J. Mulder. 40 Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1844.

Bylandt Palstercamp, Comte A. de.

Théorie des Volcans. 3 vols. 8° With folio Atlas. Paris, 1835. Byron, the Hon. John.

Narrative; containing an account of the great Distresses suffered by Himself and his Companions on the Coast of Patagonia. 2nd edition. 80 London, 1768.

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Cabanis, J. See Decken, Baron C. C. von der.

Cabeus, Nicolaus.

Philosophia Magnetica in qua Magnetis Natura penitus explicatur additis figuris variis. folio. Coloniæ, 1629.

Cabot, J. Elliot. See Agassiz, L.

Cabral. See Geological Surveys-Portugal.
Cæsalpinus, Andreas.

De Metallicis libri tres. 4o Romæ, 1596.

Another edition. Norimbergæ, 1602.

Cæsius. See Cesi.

Cagnoli, A.

Memoir on a new and certain Method of ascertaining the Figure of the Earth by means of Occultations of the Fixed Stars. With Notes by Francis Baily. 8° London, 1819. (Mus. P.-28.)

Cailliaud, Frédéric.

Mémoire sur les Mollusques Perforants. 40 Harlem, 1856.
See Maps-Loire Inférieure.

Caillaux, Alfred.

Les Mines Métalliques de la France. 8° Paris, 1870.

Caire, A.

La Science des Pierres Précieuses, appliquée aux Arts. Revue par Leroux-Dufié. 2nd edition. 80 Paris, 1833,

Cairns. See Trials at Law.

Calcara, Pietro.

Memoria sopra alcune Conchiglie Fossili rinvenute nella Contrada d' Altavilla. 8o Palermo, 1841.

Calderon, Don Salvador.

Reseña de las Rocas de la Isla Volcánica Gran Canaria. 8° Madrid, 1876.

Callcott, Mrs.

A Letter to the Geological Society, in answer to Observations contained in Mr. Greenough's Anniversary Address of 1834. 8° London, 1834. (Mus. P.-1.)

Callon, J.

Cours des Machines. 2 vols. 8° and 2 vols. 4o Paris, 1873-75. Cours d'Exploitation des Mines. 2 vols. 8° and 2 vols. 4o Paris, 1874.

Lectures on Mining, delivered at the School of Mines, Paris. Translated by C. Le Neve Foster and W. Galloway. 8° and 4o. Vol. 1. London and Paris, 1876.

Calvert, John.

The Gold Rocks of Great Britain and Ireland, and a general outline of the Gold Regions of the World. With a Treatise on the Geology of Gold. 8° London, 1853.

Calvert, John (F.G.S.)

Vazeeri Rupi, the Silver Country of the Vazeers, in Kulu; including a Trip over the Lower Himalayah Range and Glaciers. 8° London, 1873.

Calvör, Henning.

Acta Historico-Chronologico-Mechanica, &c., oder historische chronologische Nachricht des Maschinenwesens bey dem Bergbau auf dem Oberharze. 2 vols. folio. Braunschweig, 1763.

Historische Nachricht von der Unter- und gesammten Ober-Harzischen Bergwerk. folio. Braunschweig, 1765.


Catalogus Plantarum circa Cantabrigiam nascentium. 12° Cantab., 1660.

Camden, William.

Anglica, Normannica, Hibernica, Cambrica a veteribus scripta (ex Bibliotheca Guilielmi Camdeni). folio. Francofurti, 1603. Britannia, in epitomen contracta a R. V. Zirizzo. 12° Amsterdami, 1639.

Magna Britannia et Hibernia antiqua et nova; or, a New Survey of Great Britain, wherein to the Topographical Account given by Mr. Cambden, &c. is added a more large history, &c. 6 vols. 4° London, 1720-31.

Britannia. Translated from the edition published by the author in 1607; enlarged by the latest discoveries by R. Gough. 4 vols. folio. London. 1806.

[This is a reprint of the 3 vol. edition of 1789, with additions and corrections to the first volume by R. Gough; the other three were edited by J. Nichols.]

Cameron, Peter. See Alston, E. R.

Campana, Dr.

Recherches d'Anatomie, de Physiologie et d'Organogénie pour la Détermination des Lois de la Genèse et de l'Evolution des Espèces Animales. 4o Paris, 1875.

Campani, Giovanni.

Sulla Costituzione Geologica e sulla Ricchezza Mineraria della Provincia di Siena. 8° Siena, 1862. (Murch. P.-30.)

Campbell, D. Forbes. See Chevalier, M.

Campbell, Dugald. See Homersham, S. C.
Campbell, J. F.

Frost and Fire. Natural Engines, Tool-marks, and Chips. With
Sketches, taken at Home and Abroad. 2 vols. 8° Edinburgh,


Campbell, J. R.

Excursions in Norway. 80 London, 1870. (Mus. P.--55.) Camper, Pierre.

Différence des Traits du Visage. Traduite par Denis Bernard Quatremère d'Isjouval. 40 Utrecht, 1791.

The Works of; on the Connexion between the Science of Anatomy, and the Arts of Drawing, Painting, Statuary, &c. 4° London, 1794.

See Naturalist's Library-Mammalia.

Campiche, G. See Pictet, F. J.

Campmas, P. J. L. See Breislak, S.

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L'Art de Tremper les Fers et les Aciers. 8° Paris, 1846.

Cana, José Francisco. See Statistics-Atacama.


Mémoires sur le Canada, depuis 1749 jusqu'à 1760. 8° Quebec,

See Geological Surveys-Canada.

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