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Voyage en Islande, fait par ordre de S. M. Danoise. Traduit du Danois. 6 vols. 8° With 4o Atlas. Paris, 1802.

See Pallas, P. S.

Gayffier, J. de. See Manuels-Roret.

Gay-Lussac, Louis Joseph.

Instruction sur l'Essai des Matières d'Argent par la Voie Humide 4o Paris, 1832.

See Journals-Annales de Chimie.



Orts-Verzeichniss enthaltend sämmtliche Postanstalten in dem Preussischen Postbezirke, &c. 8o Berlin, 1854.

A Gazetteer of the World, or Dictionary of Geographical Knowledge. 7 vols. 8° Edinburgh, 1856.

Index Geographicus; being a List, alphabetically arranged, of the principal places on the Globe. Compiled with reference to Keith Johnston's Atlas, &c. 8° Edinburgh, 1864.

[blocks in formation]

Sharp, J. A. Spafford, H. G.

Alchemiæ Gebri Arabis, philosophi solertissimi, libri, cum reliquis, ut versa pagella indicabit. 4o Bernæ, 1545.

[Among the "reliquis" are included Roger Bacon's Speculum and other alchemical tracts.]

Gebri regis Arabum philosophi perspicacissimi, summa perfectionis
Magisterii in sua natura; cum vera genuinaque delineatione
vasorum et fornacum. Denique libri Investigationis Magisterii et
Testamenti ejusdem Gebri, ac aurei trium verborum libelli, et
Avicennæ mineralium additione castigatissima. 8° Gedani, 1682.
See Vogelius, E.

Geer, Baron Charles de. See Naturalist's Library-Entomology.
Gegenbauer, Carl.

Beiträge zur näheren Kenntniss der Schwimmpolypen (Siphonophoren). 4° Leipzig, 1854.

Untersuchungen über Pteropoden und Heteropoden. Ein Beitrag zur Anatomie und Entwicklungsgeschichte dieser Thiere. 4° Leipzig, 1855.

Grundzüge der vergleichenden Anatomie. 8° Leipzig, 1859. 2nd edition. Leipzig, 1870.

Untersuchungen zur vergleichenden Anatomie der Wirbelsäule bei Amphibien und Reptilien. 4° Leipzig, 1862.

Untersuchungen zur vergleichenden Anatomie der Wirbelthiere. Heft 1-3. 4° Leipzig, 1864-72.

See Carus, J. V. Rathke, H.

Geierus, Joh. Daniel.

Schediasma de montibus conchiferis ac glossopetris Alzeiensibus. 4° Francof. et Lipsiæ, 1687..

AIKTAMNOTPAQIA, sive brevis Dictamni descriptio. 4o Francof. et Lipsiæ, 1687.

Geijer, Benedictus Reinh.

De Mineris Zinci. 40 Upsaliæ, 1779. (Mus. P.-N.)

Geikie, Archibald.

The Story of a Boulder; or, Gleanings from the Notebook of a Field Geologist. 8° Edinburgh, 1858.

On the Phenomena of the Glacial Drift of Scotland. 8° Glasgow, 1863.

The Scenery of Scotland, viewed in connexion with its Physical Geology. 8° London, 1865.

The Geological Origin of the present Scenery of Scotland. 8° n.p., 1867. (Murch. P.-46.)

Memoir of James David Forbes. 8° Edinburgh, 1869.

Physical Geography. (Science Primers.) 8° London, 1873.
Geology. (Science Primers.) 80 London, 1874.

Earth Sculpture and the Huttonian School of Geology. 8° London, 1874.

Life of Sir R. I. Murchison; based on his Journals and Letters.
With notices of his Scientific Contemporaries, and a sketch of the
rise and growth of Paleozoic Geology in Britain. 2 vols. 8°
London, 1875.

See Geological Surveys-British Isles: Scotland. Jukes,
Museum of Practical

J. B.

Geikie, James.

Maps-British Isles.
Wilson, G.

The Great Ice Age, and its relation to the Antiquity of Man. 8° London, 1874.

2nd edition. 8° London, 1877.

Geology. (Chambers's Elementary Science Manuals.) 80 London,


See Geological Surveys-British Isles: Scotland.

Geinitz, Hanns Bruno.

Beitrag zur Kenntniss des Thüringer Muschelkalkgebirges. 8° Jena, 1837. (Murch. P.-112.)

Charakteristik der Schichten und

Petrefacten des Sächsischen

Kreidegebirges. folio. Dresden and Leipzig, 1839-42.

Ueber Versteinerungen des Herzogthums Altenburg. 8° Altenburg, 1842. (Murch. P.-112.)

Die Versteinerungen von Kieslings walda, und Nachtrag zur Charakteristik des Sachs.-Böhm. Kreidegebirges. folio. Dresden and Leipzig, 1843.

Grundriss der Versteinerungskunde. 8° Dresden and Leipzig, 1846. Das Quadersandsteingebirge oder Kreidegebirge in Deutschland. 8° Freiberg, 1849–50.

Das Quadergebirge oder die Kreideformation in Sachsen, mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der glaukonitreichen Schichten. 8° Leipzig, 1850.

Die Versteinerungen der Grauwackenformation in Sachsen und den angrenzenden Länder-Abtheilungen. 4° Leipzig, 1852-53. Darstellung der Flora des Hainichen-Ebersdorfer und des Flohaer Kohlenbassins. 8° Leipzig, 1854.

Die Versteinerungen der Steinkohlenformation in Sachsen. folio. Leipzig, 1855.

Geinitz, Hanns Bruno-cont.

Geognostische Darstellung der Steinkohlenformation in Sachsen. folio. Leipzig, 1856.

Die Leitpflanzen des Rothliegenden und des Zechsteingebirges, oder der permischen Formation in Sachsen. 4° Leipzig, 1858.

Die animalischen Ueberreste der Dyas. 2 vols. 4° Leipzig, 1861-62.
Das Elbthalgebirge in Sachsen. 2 vols. 4o Cassel, 1871–75.
Die Urnenfelder von Strehlen und Grossenhain. 4° Cassel, 1876.
Journals-Jahrbuch für Mineralogie.
Reichenbach, L. Transactions-

See Carus, C. G.



Geinitz, Hanns Bruno, and Marck, W. v. d.

Zur Geologie von Sumatra. 4o Cassel, 1876. (Mus. P.-T.)

Geinitz, Hanns Bruno, and Sorge, C. Th.

Uebersicht der im Königreiche Sachsen zur Chausseeunterhaltung verwendeten Steinarten. 4o Dresden, 1870.

Geinitz, Hanns Bruno, Fleck, H., and Hartig, E.

Geologie der Steinkohlen Deutschland's und anderer Länder Europas, mit Hinblick auf ihre technische Verwendung. 3 vols. 4° München, 1865.

Gellert, C. E.

Chimie Métallurgique, dans laquelle on trouvera la théorie et la pratique de cet Art. 2 vols. 12o Paris, 1758.

Gemmellaro, C.

Considerazioni geologiche sullo Zolfo. 4o Catania, 1835.

Gemmellaro, Gaetano Giorgio.

Sopra alcune Faune Giuresi e Liasiche di Sicilia. Studi paleontologici. 4o and folio. Palermo, 1872-74.

See Anca, F.

Gemmellaro, Joseph. See Maps-Etna.

Gemmellaro, Mario.

Giornale dell' Eruzione dell' Etna avvenuta alli 27 Maggio 1819. 8° Catania, 1819.


Tesoro delle Gioie, trattato curioso, nel quale si dichiara brevemente le virtú, qualità, e proprietà delle Gioie, come Perle, Gemme, &c. 120 Venetia, 1670.

The History of Jewels, and of the principal Riches of the East and West. 16o London, 1671.

Jewels in the High Priest's Breastplate. 8° London, 1870. (Mus. P. -44.)


See Gesner, C. Mineralogy.

Expériences sur le Cours des Fleuves; ou Lettre á un Magistrat Hollandois. 12o Paris, 1764.

Genssane, de.

Traité de la Fonte des Mines par le Feu du Charbon de Terre. 2 vols. 4o Paris, 1770-76.

Geoffroy-Saint-Hilaire, Isidore.

Philosophie Anatomique. Des Organes Respiratoires sous le rapport de la Détermination et de l'Identité de leur Pièces Osseuses. 8° Paris, 1818.

Essais de Zoologie Générale. (Suites à Buffon.) 80 Paris, 1841. Domestication et Naturalisation des Animaux Utiles. Rapport. 3rd edition. 12° Paris, 1854.

See Bory de Saint-Vincent.

Egypt-Histoire Naturelle.

Geoffroy-Saint-Hilaire, Isidore, and Cuvier, Frédéric.

Histoire Naturelle des Mammifères. 7 vols. folio. Paris, 1824-42. Geological Magazine, Record, &c. See under Journals. Geological Surveys.


(See also under MAPS.)

Abhandlungen zur geologischen Specialkarte von Elsass-Lothringen. Vol. 1. 8° Strassburg, 1877.


British North American Boundary Commission.-Report on the
Tertiary Lignite Formation in the vicinity of the 49th Parallel.
By George M. Dawson. 8° Montreal, 1874.

Report on the Geology and Resources of the Region in the vicinity of the 49th Parallel; with lists of plants, animals, and fossils collected. By G. M. Dawson. 8° Montreal, 1875.

See Canada. United States.

Australia, West.

Journal of an Expedition (Austin's) sent to explore the Interior of
Western Australia. folio. Perth, 1855.

Two Reports of a Geological Survey, eastward and westwards.
By Henry Y. L. Brown. folio. Perth, 1871-73.


K. K. Geologische Reichsanstalt.-Abhandlungen. Vols. 1-9. 4°
Wien, 1852-77.

Jahrbuch. Jahrg 1-26. 8° Wien, 1850-76.

General-Register. Vol. 1-20. 8° Wien, 1863-73.

Katalog der Bibliothek des K. K. Hof-Mineralien-Cabinetes in Wein. Zusammengestellt von Paul Partsch. 40 Wien, 1851. 2nd edition. By Albrecht Schrauf. 8o Wien, 1864. Geologische Karte des Erzherzogthumes Oesterreich. Von W. Haidinger. (Imperfect.) Wein, 1852-60.

Umgebungen von Prag, &c. Von W. Haidinger. Wien, 1862.
Geologie Siebenbürgens. Von Franz Ritter von Hauer and Guido
Stache. 8° Wien, 1863.

Bericht über die Erhebungen der Wasser-Versorgungs Commission
des Gemeinderathes der Stadt Wien. With Atlas.
Wien, 1864.

See Geology (Miscellaneous).



Haidinger, W. von.

Documents relatifs à la publication d'une nouvelle Carte Géologique de la Belgique. Par G. Dewalque. 8° Bruxelles, 1875.

Geological Surveys-cont.


Landesdurchforschung von Böhmen.-Archiv für die naturwissenschaftliche Landesdurchforschung. Herausgegeben von den beiden Comités, unter der Redaction von C. Koristka und J. Krejčí. Vol. 1, and 8 parts. 8o Prag, 1869-76.

Jahres-bericht über die Wirksamkeit der beiden Comités für die naturwissenschaftliche Durchforschung von Böhmen. 8° Prag,


British Guiana.

Reports 1-8. Taken from the "Colonist" Newspaper, 1869. 8°
Demerara, 1870.

See British Isles-Colonial Surveys.


Geological Survey of the United Kingdom, under the direction of Sir Henry T. De la Beche (to 1855); Sir Roderick I. Murchison, Bart. (1855-71); and Professor Andrew C. Ramsay, LL.D., &c.

Memoirs of the GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF GREAT BRITAIN, and of the MUSEUM OF PRACTICAL GEOLOGY. Published in volumes. 8° London, 1846–72.*

VOL. I., 1846.

Formation of the Rocks of South Wales and South-western England. By
Sir H. T. De la Beche.

Denudation of South Wales and the adjacent Counties of England. By A.
C. Ramsay.

Connexion between the Distribution of the Existing Fauna and Flora of the
British Isles, and the Geological Changes which have affected their area.
By E. Forbes.

Influence of Magnetism and Voltaic Electricity on Crystallization, and other
conditions of matter. By R. Hunt.

Gases evolved during the Formation of Coal. By L. Playfair.

Gogofau or Ogofau Mine, near Pumpsant, Caermarthenshire. By W. W.

Mining Academies of Saxony and Hungary. By W. W. Smyth.

Mining Establishment of France. By W. W. Smyth.

Coal and Lignite raised, and Iron and Steel manufactured in France, 1844.
By W. W. Smyth.

Copper and Tin raised in Cornwall. By R. Hunt.

VOL. II., 1846-48.

Malvern Hills compared with the Paleozoic Districts of Abberley, &c. By
J. Phillips.

Paleontological Appendix to the above. By J. Phillips and J. W. Salter.
Vegetation of the Carboniferous Period, as compared with that of the
Present Day. By Dr. Hooker.

Peculiarities in the Structure of Stigmaria. By Dr. Hooker.

Structure and Affinities of some Lepidostrobi. By Dr. Hooker.

Asteriadæ found Fossil in British Strata. By E. Forbes.

Cystidea of the Silurian Rocks of the British Islands. By E. Forbes.

First Report on the Coals suited to the Steam Navy. By Sir H. T. De la
Beche and Dr. L. Playfair.

NOTE.-The Maps and Sections of the Geological Survey of the United Kingdom are kept in the Geological Survey Office. A separate "Catalogue of the Publications of the Geological Survey of the United Kingdom" is published by the Geological Survey Office.

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