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I earnestly recommend these Interesting Matters to your Consideration that by providing for them at this time I may not be obliged to call you together sooner than the general Business of the Governm' wou'd incline me to do.


J. B.

Letter from Governor Belcher to General Shirley— commenting upon the events of the last campaign, etc.

[From Belcher Papers in Library of N. J. Hist. Soc.]

ELIZA TOWN Dec 26 1755



I duly rec1 the Honour of Your Excellency's Favour of 18 Currt Mess's Stephens and Johnston with an Extract of the King's Instruction relating to the Council of War, & since that the hands of Lt Gov Pownall Copy of the Minutes of a Council of War held by Your Excell' &c. the 12. Ins' at the City of N. York which Minutes I have read once & again-it wou'd be too tedious and Unnecessary for me to enter into all the Particulars of the Council of War but as far as I am able to make a Judgment the Plan of Operation for the next Campaign seems to be well concerted in Conformity to His Majesty's Intentions & in the best Manner for His Majesty's Honour & Interest & for the Safety of His Colonies-I believe I have in a Letter formerly said to Your Excell that had we the last Year been in the Field two Months sooner to have made the several Attempts intended, the Campaign in the Issue had not put on such an Unfortunate Com

plexion, but as I see Your Excell" (with the Council of Warr) is resolved that You take the Field as early as possible I need say no more on this head.

I am glad to find your Exc' so well pleased wth Col Schuyler & as Your Excell' does him great Honour in Your Letter I laid that part of it before the Assembly which may be to his future Service.-I also made a Message to them relating to an Augmentation of the Regiment of this Province under the Comand of Col' Schuyler Copy of which Message & the Assembly's Ans' I herewith send You & by which your Exc' will find there is no Likely hood at present of any Addition to the Regiment.

I am obliged to you for the Orders you have given Col' Schuyler for employing His Regiment as I shall think proper for the Defence & Protection of this Province till such Time as Your Excell" shall think it necessary to remand him-I lay'd before the Assembly Col' Schuyler List of what his Regim1 wanted in Arms &c. & they have made the necessary Provision that they be supplied therewith.

I am glad the Regiment of New Jersey was of so good Service to His Majesty's Honour & Interest in the past Campaign & wish they may still be more so in the Insueing.

This whole Legislature have a gratefull Sense of the honour Your Excelly does this little Province in their exerting for the Kings Interest & for the Safety & Defence of themselves & of their Neighbours.

I am glad so good a Judge as Your Excell so fully coincides with me as to any Pretentions the Lieut Gov' of this Province cou'd have of sitting as a Member in the late Congress of Governours held at N. York on the 18: Curr-I should be glad of a Copy of what was done at the sa Congress.


* *

Sir Your Excellys Most Obedient &c.


Letter from Secretary Hardinge to the Lords of Trade --relative to the proper division to be made of certain appropriation of Parliament.

My Lords

[From N. Y. Col. Docts.. Vol. VII, p. 33.]

The house of Commons having resolved that the sum of one hundred and fifteen thousand pounds be granted to his Majesty upon account to be distributed in such proportions as his Majesty shall in his wisdom think fit, to his Majesty's Colonies of New England, New York and Jersey in America, as a Free gift and reward for their past services, and an encouragement to them to continue to exert themselves with Vigour in Defence of His Majtys Just Rights and Pretentions, the Lords Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury desire that Your Lordships will be pleased to consider what part of the said sum of one Hundred and Fifteen thousand pounds may be properly allotted to each of the said Colonies, and favour them with Your opinion thereupon, and also that Your Lordships will repeat Your opinion to what persons the same should be consigned: that the respective Colonies may have the full benefit thereof.' I am My Lords

Your Lordships most

Faithful humble Servant



1 On the 12th of February the Lords of Trade designated the Governors of the Colonies as the proper persons to receive the consignments; the sum being divided as follows:

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Letter from the Lords of Trade to Governor Belcher—– commending the services rendered by New Jersey in defending the country.

[From P. R. O. B. T., New Jersey, Vol. 16, p. 4.]

To Jonathan Belcher Esq Governor of New Jersey.


Since Our Letter to you dated the 6th of August last We have received Your Letters to Us dated the 27th of June, and 6th of December last, with the Papers therein referred to.

The Zeal and Spirit which the Province under your Government has shewn in raising a Regiment of five hundred Men for the Expedition under the Command of Governor Shirley in providing for the Defence of the Frontiers and in supplying the King's Troops with necessarys and Refreshments in their March through New Jersey, is greatly to be commended and We doubt not but that the sense which His Majesty has manifested of their past Services by freely giving them so large a Sum of Money in Consideration thereof, will animate them to exert themselves for the future in aiding and assisting all his Measures for the Defence of America and for distressing the Enemy.

We have the satisfaction to acquaint you, that His Majesty has appointed the Earl of Loudoun to be Commander in Chief of all his Forces in America, and has ordered two Battalions of his Troops to be forthwith sent over, and four others to be raised there, and We think it our Duty earnestly to recommend to you

to use Your utmost Endeavours to give his Lordship all the Assistance in your Power in whatever may be necessary for the Good of the Kings Service:

We are, Sir,

Your most Obedient &

most humble Servants


WHITEHALL February 17, 1756.


Letter from Governor Hardy to the Lords of Tradeabout the questions of boundary between New York and New Jersey.

[From N. Y. Col. Docts., Vol. VII, p. 37.]


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* * * I have some time ago laid before the Assembly his Majestys Instructions for making a provision for defraying the charges of His Matys Commission for determining the Line between this & the Province of New Jersey. They express to me great difficultys they are under to make the Provision directed and urged the great expence it would draw on this Province (as other Lines are equally disputed but more particularly between us & the Massachusetts) and at this time when they are at such heavy expences for the public Service, I have argued and urged the Point strongly with the Speaker, and many of the Members, but at present nothing has been done in it.

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