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Province, relative to their Boundaries; I believe the Controversey, to be still as strong as ever, & altho' I have been for near twelve Months Past, urging the Government of N: York, from time to time, to coincide with this Government upon a Temporary Line, of Jurisdiction, yet I am sorry to say, they seem to shew; no hearty Disposition, towards it:-& I am afraid Riots, & Outrages will still break out, on this Head, even to fatal Consequences, unless His Majesty, shall be pleas'd, to send, His Royal Orders, to the Government of N: York, in this Matter, for N: Jersey, seems fully inclin'd, to a Temporary Line, until the true Line of Property, can be ascertained.

I have the Honour, to be with great Respect,

My Lords, Your Lordships,

Most obedient, & Most humble Servant,


Extract from the Minutes of the New York Assembly-referring to the Report of 29th of October.

[From N. Y. Col. MSS. in Secretary State's office, Albany, Vol. LXXIX, p. 74. |

Assembly Chamber.

Die Veneris 9h. A. M. the 8th November, 1754.

The Order of the Day being Read, for taking into Consideration the Report of the Committee on the Memorial of Sundry of the Partowners & proprietors of the Patents of Minisink & Wawayanda and the other Patents within this Province bounded on the Jersey Line in behalf of themselves and other Part owners & proprietors of the said Patents; Complaining of the Hardships the people of this province living near the said Jersey line labour under from the Encroachment of the People of that province"

And the Said Report being Read;

Ordered that Col' Beekman & Capt Winne wait upon his Honour the Lieu' Gov and lay before him the said Report with the Evidences, Relating to the Outrages & Insults-Complained of and desire that he will be pleased to use the best means in his power for protecting his Majesties subjects of this Province & their Possessions from such insults & outrages and to Exercise the Jurisdiction of this province as far Southward as the Bounds described in the said Report untill a final settlement can be made & his majesty shall be pleased to declare his pleasure with Respect to the future Jurisdiction of this Province.

By order of the Gen! Asssembly


Orders for settling the rank of the Officers of his Majesty's forces, when joined, or serving with the Provincial forces of North America.

[From P. R. O. America & West Indies, Vol. 74.]


Whereas some Doubts have arisen with regard to the Rank and Command, which Officers and Troops raised by the Governors of Our Provinces in North America, should have, when joined, or serving together with Our Independent Companies of Foot, doing Duty in Our said Provinces. In order to fix the same, and to prevent for the future all Disputes on that Account, We are hereby pleased to declare, that it is Our Will & Pleasure that all Troops serving by Commission signed by Us, or by Our General commanding in Chief in North America; shall take Rank before all Troops, which may serve by Commission from any of the

Governors, Lieutenant or Deputy Governors, or President, for the time being, of Our Provinces in North America: And it is Our farther Pleasure, that the General & Field Officers of the Provincial Troops, shall have no Rank with the General and Field Officers, who serve by Commission from Us; But that all Captains, and other inferior Officers of Our Forces, who are, or may be employed, in North America, are on all Detachments, Courts Martial, or other Duty wherein they may be joined with Officers, serving by Commission from the Governors, Lieutenant or Deputy Governors, or President for the time being of the said Provinces, to command & take Post of the said Provincial Officers of the like Rank, tho' the Commissions of the said Provincial Officers of the like Rank, should be of elder Date.

Given at Our Court at St James's this 12th Day of November 1754. in the Twenty Eighth Year of Our Reign.

By His Majesty's Command


Letter from Governor Belcher to the Lords of Tradetransmitting papers relative to the boundary question between New Jersey and New York.

[From P. R. O. B. T., New Jersey, Vol. 7, H. 55.1

Right Honble Lords Commiss's for Trade & Plantns

My Lords

ELIZA: TOWN (N J) Nov 239 1754.

I beg leave to inclose to Your Lordships, Copies of two Letters, which I send this day, to the LGov! of N: York; the Propositions whereof, if complied with, on his part, I make no doubt, will preserve the Peace;

but if not, it does not appear to me, how its possible, that the Peace can be preserv'd, between the two Provinces.

I send herewith also to Your Lordships, a printed Copy, of the Memorial, of the Proprietors, of East Jersey, of Nov; 20: 1753 with sundry Papers, annex'd from No 1: to 17:, inclusive, containing a full Acc!, of the Dispute, concerning the Bounds between N: York, & N: Jersey, which I beseech Your Lordships, to Consider.

I send Your Lordships also, a Copy of some Remarks, made this Day, by the Council here, on those Papers; & on the Proceedings of N: York, since the Publishing there of; by which Your Lordships will percieve, a further Proof, of the Reality of the Scheme; of N: York, against this Province, set forth in Page 50: of No 16:

If Gov! De Lancey, will not agree to the Proposals, in my s Letter, I expect no less, than an actual War, by N: York, upon this Province, pursuant to the Votes of Credit, by the Assembly of N: York, of the 8: Inst to their L:Gov! to make it, & I expect much Bloodshed, & Murders, in the carrying it on; & know of nothing, that can so soon, put an end to it, as an Order from His Majesty to LGov! De Lancey, to join in the measures propos'd, to him, in my s Letters; or otherwise, His Majesty's Order to issue, that the Line run, & mark'd in 1719, (as set forth in Articles 12 & 43, of said Memorial) shall be Temporary Line, or that Your Lordships, will still recommend, the Act mention'd in Article 32, for the royal Assent, which Order I doubt not, will immediately restore Peace, & preserve it, till the Bounds between the two Provinces, be setled by His Majesty Commission, to be obtaind, for that Purpose. I have the Honour to be, with great Respect, My Lords,

Your Lordships most obedient, & most humble

Letters from the Governor of New Jersey to the Lieut. Governor of New York inclosed in the Papers.


On the twelfth day of Sept! last, I wrote to Your Honour, since which I have receiv'd no Answer from you.

I have a Letter before me, from the Lords Commissioners, for Trade & Plantations, dated the 5: Day of July last, Copy of one Paragraph whereof, I send you, in which their Lordships, recommend the Preservation of the Peace, of the Provinces of N: York, & N: Jersey, upon their present Disputes, concerning the Line, of Division; which I shall do my utmost, to comply with, consistent with my Duty, to His Majesty, & the Trust he has reposed in me, for the Protection of the People, of this Province, committed to my Care.

I am heartily sorry, that the Agreement of February 2 last, No: 8, annex'd to the Memorial of the Proprietors, of East Jersey, was not approv'd off, by you, & the Council of N: York, as it was by me, & the Council of N: Jersey, as appears by N° 9:, & that the Irruption of 17: May last, by People of N: York, shoud have been made, into this Province, in Breach of the said Agreement, as appears by N 17:, Page 55:; it also gives me no small Concern, that the People of your Province, still continue, to decline their joining, in Endeavours, to obtain His Majesty Commission, for determining that Dispute, as was requested by No 15, which Delay, adds not a little, to the Presumption, that such a Scheme was projected, & is still carrying on as is set forth, in Page 50:, of No 16:

There seems so much Difference, in Opinion, concerning what shall be, the temporary Line, that I have little Hopes, that the Peace of both Provinces, will be

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