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Letter from Governor Belcher to Sir Thomas Robinson-about military affairs.


[From a copy among the Belcher Papers in Library of N. J. Hist. Soc.]


Nov. 4 1755

The last I had the honour to write you was on the 17: of Sept and went by way of Boston & its Duplicate by the Way of Phil and which I hope have got well to hand & I humbly referr you thereto.

I am now to own the Honour of your Letters of 26: of July & 28: of Aug which came to my hands yesterday by the way of Boston the Contents whereof I observe with close Attention-The French Embassador withdrawing from the British Court in an inceeremonious manner & His Majesty's having order'd the English Sec at Paris so to leave the Court of France give Reason to think there may be soon an open rupture between the two Crowns and I shall in Obedience to his Majesty give immediate Notice thereof to all his Majesty Subjects within this Government that they may take the necessary Care and Circumspection in the present Conjuncture and I shall at all times be diligent in transmitting to you for the King's Information everything material that may come to my Knowledge of the Motions and Proceedings of the French about this and the neighbouring Colonies.

I take Notice the Lords Justices have ordered that Major General Shirley shall take upon him (in the Place of the late General Braddock) the Command of the Kings Troops in N. America with like Powers with which Major General Braddock held the same—I shall therefore Correspond with Major General Shirley in all things as I did with his Predecessor & regularly

observe such Directions as I shall receive from him from time to time and shall look over such Letters as I at any time wrote General Braddock & duly transmit him what may be necessary & material for His Majesty! Service.

I think it my duty, Sir to tell you that I last night recd an Express from Mr Morris L. Gov of Pennsylvania with an undoubted Acc' of the March of Fifteen hundred French & Indians to attack the Frontiers of Virginia & Pensylvania & which has put all the In habitants into the utmost Consternation and Distress & Gov' Morris seems to be in great Pain and Anxiety with Respect to Pensylvania where the Assembly seem deaf to the Shrieks and Cries of their Neighbours who are barbarously murdered from day to day nor will that Assembly raise any men in defence of their Country altho' its said they are able to raise twenty Thousand effective men-but if they will obstinately stand still I see no Reason why the French & Indians may not proceed & take Possession of the City of Phil the Capital of that Province; but of these things I doubt not Gov' Morris writes you more particularly.

I have summon'd the Assembly of this Province to meet me the 12th Inst when I shall communicate to them your Letters and such others as I have rec respecting the Situation of Affs in this & the neighbouring Provinces & press them to do all in their Power for their own Safety & in aid and Assistance of their poor distressed Neighbours.

And now, Sir, let me pray your Particular Notice of what I wrote in my last respecting Quebec for untill that be reduced with the whole Country of Canada the King's Territories in N. America will be continually subjected to the Rage & Depredations of the savage French and Indians-& its generally thought the Provinces here coud raise & spare twenty five thousand men His Majesty furnishing Arms and the money

for paying them & the men being raised here will save the vast Charge of Transportation.

I again ask pardon for thus repeating this Matter & am with the greatest Deference & Regard Honoble Sir Your most Faithfull &c.


Accounts of the Treasurer of West New Jersey from fifteenth of April, 1854, to the fifth November, 1755.

[From P. R. O. B. T. New Jersey, Vol. 8, I. 19.]

Account of cancelled money received by Sam1 Smith Treasurer.

4th mo or Aprill 27 1754 From Cape May by Aaron Leaming Esq' one Bundle seal'd

said to contain

5th m° 31 1754 From Salem by Wm Hancock
Esq one Bundle said to contain
Octo' 21 1754 From Cape May by Aaron
Leaming one Bundle said to contain

8th m° 19 1755 From Salem by Wm Hancock
Esq one Bundle said to contain

154. 2.6

416. 7.0



Province of New Jersey to Sam' Smith Treasurer of the Western Division.


4th mo or April 15 1754 To Cha Read Esq his

Wart N. 279 & Do N 275

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small]


10. 0.0

10. 4.0 12.18.0

11. 2.0


[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

To Jonathan Thomas his Wart N 304
To Sam' Nevill Esq his Wart N 289
To Barzillai Newbold Esq his Certif
To WTM Mott Esq his Certif


40. 0.0

12. 6.0 7.18.0 6. 5.0 10.16.0

10. 4.0

[ocr errors]

To John Reading Esq his Wart N 250.
To Rob' Ogden Esq his Certif .

6. 0.0

9. 6.0

[blocks in formation]

To Barzillai Newbold Esq his Certif
To Rd Saltar Esq his War' N 308

To Joseph Warrell Esq his Wart N 297

To Henry Paxson Esq his Certif.

1. 0.0

5. 0.0




20. 0.0





7. 6.0



[blocks in formation]

To Peter Midlagh Esq his Certif .

Decem' 9 1754 To R Saltar Esq his War

[blocks in formation]
[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

To Anth Elton his two Warts N 332 & 344
To my own Wart N 328

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

To James Holmes Esq his D°

To Rd Saltar Esq his Wart N 338 & 349

To Ch Read Esq his Certif

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors]

To Rob' Lawrence Esq his Certif
To Do another

To Sam' Nevill Esq his Certif

To Barzillai Newbold Esq his Certif
To Do another.

To Tho' Leonard Esq his Wart N 350

£6. 5.0

20. 0.0

11. 2.1



265. 0.0

5. 0.0

10. 0.0

10. 0.0

4. 4.0

6. 0.0

6. 6.0






8. 2.0




5. 8.0


8. 2.0

5. 8.0

10. 4.0


5. 2.0

5. 2.0







7. 4.0

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