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WOOLSEY'S SURGICAL ANATOMY: Applied Surgical Anatomy Regionally Presented, for the use of students and practitioners of medicine, by Geo. Woolsey, A. B., M. D., Professor of Anatomy and Clinical Surgery in the Cornell University Medical College; Surgeon to Bellevue Hospital, etc. Octavo, 511 pages, with 125 illustrations, including 59 full-page inset plates in black and colors. Cloth, $5.00 net. Leather, $6.00 net. Lea Brothers & Co., Philadelphia and New York, 1902.

The application of facts to practical ends is the most satisfactory portion of study. Anatomy is the most basic science for both medicine and surgery, and the handsome volume before us brings out clearly, regionally and typographically, the relationships of form and structure to diagnostic and therapeutic manipulations. The author contributes an explanation of many puzzling phenomena encountered in medical and surgical practice, and emphasizes practical points of precaution and in the performance of operations. The author has made free use of special foreign works, and has carefully collected the investigations in applied anatomy down to date. The large number of beautiful colored plates, figures and diagrams greatly enhances the didactic and reference value of the text.

MASSAGE AND THE ORIGINAL SWEDISH MOVEMENT: Their application to Various Diseases of the Body. By Kurre W. Ostrom, from the Royal University of Upsala, Sweden. Fifth edition, revised and enlarged, with 115 illustrations. Price, $1.00 net. Philadelphia. P. Blakiston's Son & Co., 1012 Walnut street. 1902.

This volume is adapted from lectures delivered by the autho: before the training schools for nurses connected with the various Philadelphia hospitals. Explicit directions, amply illustrated, are given for a great variety of manipulations, and the application of massage and the Swedish movements to diseases is carefully de

tailed. This little book is a standard in its particular field, and should prove of real value, not only to those who make a special practice of massage; but to physicians and surgeons as well.

THE PRACTICAL MEDICINE SERIES OF YEAR BOOKS: Comprising Ten Volumes on the Year's Progress in Medicine and Surgery. Issued monthly under the general editorial charge of Gustavus P. Head, M. D., Professor of Laryngology and Rhinology, Chicago Post-Graduate Medical School. Volume VIII. Pediatrics and Orthopedic Surgery. July, 1902. Price of Series, $7.50. Chicago: The Year Book Publishers, 40 Dearborn St.

The instructive section on pediatrics is the compilation of Drs. W. S. Christopher and Samuel J. Walker. The authors offer a comprehensive classification of the subject matter, which shows some important relationships not usually brought out. The remainder of the text is taken up with an authoritative resume of pediatrics, by John Ridlon. This part is illustrated with a number of figures.

THE DISEASES OF INFANCY AND CHILDHOOD: Designed for the Use of Students and Practitioners of Medicine. By Henry Koplik, M. D., Attending Physician to the Mount Sinai Hospital; formerly Attending Physician to the Good Samaritan Dispensary, New York, ex-President of the American Pediatric Society. Octavo, 675 pages. Illustrated with 169 Engravings and 30 Plates in Color and Monochrome. Lea Brothers & Co., New York and Philadelphia. 1902.

The author of this attractive volume is noted for the originality and practicality of his researches in the now highly tilled field of pediatrics. He has further represented in this work the findings and conclusions of his fellow pediatrists in America, England, France, Germany and Italy during the past fruitful decade. Each chapter of the text is introduced with a comprehensive outline of general considerations. The arrangement and literary discussion of the various diseases and defects are thoroughly modern. and scientific. The plates and figures merit special mention for their artistic and instructive value.

DISEASES OF THE STOMACH: Their Special Pathology, Diagnosis and Treatment, with Sections on Anatomy, Physiology, Chemical and Microscopical Examination of Stomach Contents, Dietetics, Surgery of the Stomach, etc. By John C. Hemmeter, M. D., Ph. D., Professor in the Medical Department of the University of Maryland, Baltimore; Consultant to the University Hospital, and Director of the Clinical Laboratory; Author of "A Treatise on Diseases of the Intestines," etc. Octavo, 894 pages. With many original illustrations, a number of which are in Colors, and a lithograph frontispiece. Third Enlarged and Revised Edition. Price, $6.00 net. Philadelphia: P. Blakiston's Son & Co., 1012 Walnut Street, 1902.

The scholarly author of this great work has left almost nothing to be said on any aspect of the subject treated. He has sifted the wheat from the chaff in the related literature of the past two years, increased and emphasized many points in differential diagnosis, added new material on gastric ulcer and carcinoma, and introduced a new article on gastric lipase. The book is a credit to American medicine, and we bespeak for it the continued success which it so well merits.

TYPHOID FEVER: By J. T. Moore, M. D., M. C. P. S., Professor of Theory and Practice of Medicine, Medical Department of Hamline University, Minneapolis, Minn. Pages 159. Price $1.00 net. G. P. Engelhard & Co., Chicago, 1902.

This monogram is on a highly practical subject, and is written in a very practical manner, furnishing to the reader an amount of systematic information on the subject not otherwise procurable except to those having access to large medical libraries. The author is convinced of the efficacy of intestinal antiseptics, and employs cool enemas, the cold pack and the sponge bath for fever. As a book by a general practitioner for fellow clinicians it is all that could be desired.


NEW ORLEANS POLYCLINIC.-Sixteenth annual session opens November 3, 1902, and closes May 30, 1903. Physicians will find the Polyclinic an excellent means for posting themselves upon modern progress in all branches of medicine and surgery. The specialties are fully taught, including laboratory work. For further information address New Orleans Polyclinic, Postoffice Box 797, New Orleans, La.

ERGOAPIOL. Mrs. C., married, had severe attack of La Grippe last winter. Had not menstruated for the past four month. I prescribed Ergoapiol (Smith), one capsule every three hours. Menses appeared on the third day, and again at the last menstrual period.

Mrs. F., married, consulted me in January. Said she had not menstruated for two months. I suspected pregnancy and declined to treat her. She called again in May and declared positively she was not pregnant. I then prescribed one capsule of Ergoapiol (Smith) before meals and two at bed-time. Menses appeared on the third day.

During the last two years I have constantly and extensively employed Pepto-Mangan (Gude) in my practice, and cannot sufficiently praise its curative action in diseases of the nervous system and digestive organs.-Dr. Julius Keppel, Roverto, Tyrol, Austria, August 18, 1901.

Celerina is a powerful stimulant without the depressing after effects of alcohol, caffeine, nitro-glycerine, etc. It is also a reliable Nerve Tonic. A pleasant exhilaration is experienced after a dose of one or more teaspoonfuls, and under its continued use a renewed capacity for mental and physical exertion results. It is indicated in all forms of exhaustion, mental inertia and senile. weakness.

TONGALINE.-Bear in mind that when the genuine Tongaline is dispensed your patients get salicylic acid from the purest natural oil of wintergreen, which according to most eminent med

ical authorities is the only salicylic acid that should be administered internally.

Electro-Therapeutics, Radiography, Thermo and HydroTherapeutics are practically and thoroughly covered in the Journal of Advanced Therapeutics (800 pages, issued monthly; $3 per year.)

The reader is invited to join the "Founders" Club, and to all who order during 1902 the price is $2, for the first and each succeeding year. It is only requisite that you address following order to "Advanced Therapeutics," 156 Fifth avenue, New York. Send me until countermanded (to Dec. 1902 free) the journal commencing Jan. 1903, per year $2, for which I will pay at the close of the year.

PAPINE. In discovering this drug, Battle & Co. has conferred a lasting favor on the medical profession. We know the opium of which they make their Papine is the best. Papine has a place in my medicine case and it is emptied as often as any vial in the whole case. I nearly always have a bottle with my obstetrical cases for after pains and always feel like it will do the work. I used it lately on a case of threatened abortion with excellent results, also in a case of severe uterine colic. I find that with Papine I do not have to use my hypodermic syringe so often.-W. E. Russell, M. D., Wyatt, Texas.

SANMETTO IN GENITO-URINARY IRRITATIONS AND ATONIC SEXUAL CONDITIONS.-I have used Sanmetto very extensively in my practice for years, and am daily more and more convinced of its intrinsic merit in all genito-urinary irritations and atonic sexual conditions. It is my sheet anchor in urethritis, cystitis and chronic prostatitis. I shall continue its use in cases where it is indicated, and also enlarge upon the field of its exhibition as circumstances may suggest. Sanmetto is all right.-Flavius J. Knight, M. D., Charlotte, Mich.

PINUS CANADENSIS.-Many of the genito-urinary diseases, which have heretofore depended for a cure upon the different salts of lead, zinc, copper, or silver, now yield permanently and promptly to Pinus Canadensis. In all inflammatory processes in fact,

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