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(3) If she is chartered entire by the enemy Government.

(4) If she is at the time and exclusively either devoted to the transport of enemy troops or to the transmission of information in the interest of the enemy.

In the cases specified in the present Article, the goods belonging to the owner of the vessel are likewise liable to condemnation.

ART. 47. Any individual embodied in the armed force of the enemy and who is found on board a neutral merchant-vessel, may be made a prisoner of war, even though there be no ground for the capture of the vessel.

CHAPTER IV. Destruction of Neutral Prizes

ART. 48. A captured neutral vessel is not to be destroyed by the captor, but must be taken into such port as is proper in order to determine there the rights as regards the validity of the capture.

ART. 49. As an exception, a neutral vessel captured by a belligerent ship, and which would be liable to condemnation, may be destroyed if the observance of Article 48 would involve danger to the ship of war or to the success of the operations in which she is at the time engaged.

ART. 50. Before the destruction the persons on board must be placed in safety, and all the ship's papers and other documents which those interested consider relevant for the decision as to the validity of the capture must be taken on board the ship of war.

ART. 51. A captor who has destroyed a neutral vessel must, as a condition precedent to any decision upon the validity of the capture, establish in fact that he only acted in the face of an exceptional necessity such as is contemplated in Article 49. Failing to do this, he must compensate the parties interested without examination as to whether or not the capture was valid.

ART. 52. If the capture of a neutral vessel, of which the destruction has been justified, is subsequently held to be invalid, the captor must compensate those interested, in place of the restitution to which they would have been entitled.

ART. 53. If neutral goods which were not liable to condemnation have been destroyed with the vessel, the owner of such goods is entitled to compensation.

ART. 54. The captor has the right to require the giving up of, or to proceed to destroy, goods liable to condemnation found on board a vessel which herself is not liable to condemnation, provided that the

circumstances are such as, according to Article 49, justify the destruction of a vessel liable to condemnation. The captor enters the goods delivered or destroyed in the log book of the vessel stopped, and must procure from the master duly certified copies of all relevant papers. When the giving up or destruction has been completed and the formalities have been fulfilled, the master must be allowed to continue his voyage.

The provisions of Articles 51 and 52 respecting the obligations of a captor who has destroyed a neutral vessel are applicable.

CHAPTER V. Transfer of Flag

ART. 55. The transfer of an enemy vessel to a neutral flag, effected before the opening of hostilities, is valid, unless it is proved that such transfer was made in order to evade the consequences which the enemy character of the vessel would involve. There is, however, a presumption that the transfer is void if the bill of sale is not on board in case the vessel has lost her belligerent nationality less than sixty days before the opening of hostilities. Proof to the contrary is admitted.

There is absolute presumption of the validity of a transfer effected more than thirty days before the opening of hostilities if it is absolute, complete, conforms to the laws of the countries concerned, and if its effect is such that the control of the vessel and the profits of her employment do not remain in the same hands as before the transfer. If, however, the vessel lost her belligerent nationality less than sixty days before the opening of hostilities, and if the bill of sale is not on board the capture of the vessel would not give a right to compensation.

ART. 56. The transfer of an enemy vessel to a neutral flag, effected after the opening of hostilities, is void unless it is proved that such transfer was not made in order to evade the consequences which the enemy character of the vessel would involve.

There is, however, absolute presumption that a transfer is void: (1) If the transfer has been made during a voyage or in a blockaded port.

(2) If there is a right of redemption or of reversion.

(3) If the requirements upon which the right to fly the flag depends, according to the laws of the country of the flag hoisted, have not been observed.

CHAPTER VI. Enemy Character

ART. 57. Subject to the provisions respecting the transfer of flag, the neutral or enemy character of a vessel is determined by the flag which she is entitled to fly.

The case in which a neutral vessel is engaged in a trade which is reserved in time of peace, remains outside the scope of, and is in no wise affected by this rule.

ART. 58. The neutral or enemy character of goods found on board an enemy vessel is determined by the neutral or enemy character of the owner.

ART. 59. If the neutral character of goods found on board an enemy vessel is not proven, they are presumed to be enemy goods.

ART. 60. The enemy character of goods on board an enemy vessel continues until they reach their destination, notwithstanding an intervening transfer after the opening of hostilities while the goods are being forwarded.

If, however, prior to the capture a former neutral owner exercises, on the bankruptcy of a present enemy owner, a legal right to recover the goods, they regain their neutral character.


ART. 61. Neutral vessels under convoy of their national flag are exempt from search. The commander of a convoy gives, in writing, at the request of the commander of a belligerent ship of war, all information as to the character of the vessels and their cargoes, which could be obtained by visit and search.

ART. 62. If the commander of the belligerent ship of war has reason to suspect that the confidence of the commander of the convoy has been abused, he communicates his suspicions to him. In such a case it is for the commander of the convoy alone to conduct an investigation. He must state the result of such investigation in a report, of which a copy is furnished to the officer of the ship of war. If, in the opinion of the commander of the convoy, the facts thus stated justify the capture of one or more vessels, the protection of the convoy must be withdrawn from such vessels.

CHAPTER VIII. Resistance to Search

ART. 63. Forcible resistance to the legitimate exercise of the right of stoppage, visit and search, and capture, involves in all cases the condemnation of the vessel. The cargo is liable to the same treatment which the cargo of an enemy vessel would undergo. Goods belonging to the master or owner of the vessel are regarded as enemy goods.

CHAPTER IX. Compensation

ART. 64. If the capture of a vessel or of goods is not upheld by the prize court, or if without being brought to judgment the captured vessel is released, those interested have the right to compensation, unless there were sufficient reasons for capturing the vessel or goods.


ART. 65. The provisions of the present Declaration form an indivisible whole.

ART. 66. The Signatory Powers undertake to secure the reciprocal observance of the rules contained in this Declaration in case of a war in which the belligerents are all parties to this Declaration. They will therefore issue the necessary instructions to their authorities and to their armed forces, and will take the measures which are proper in order to guarantee the application of the Declaration by their Courts and more particularly by their prize courts.

ART. 67. The present Declaration shall be ratified as soon as possible.

The ratifications shall be deposited in London.

The first deposit of ratifications shall be recorded in a Protocol signed by the Representatives of the Powers taking part therein, and by His Britannic Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs.

The subsequent deposits of ratifications shall be made by means of a written notification addressed to the British Government, and accompanied by the instrument of ratification.

A duly certified copy of the Protocol relating to the first deposit of râtifications, and of the notifications mentioned in the preceding paragraph as well as of the instruments of ratification which accompany them, shall be immediately sent by the British Government, through the diplomatic channel, to the Signatory Powers. The said Govern

ment shall, in the cases contemplated in the preceding paragraph, inform them at the same time of the date on which it received the notification.

ART. 68. The present Declaration shall take effect, in the case of the Powers which were parties to the first deposit of ratifications, sixty days after the date of the Protocol recording such deposit, and, in the case of the Powers which shall ratify subsequently, sixty days after the notification of their ratification shall have been received by the British Government.

ART. 69. If it happens that one of the Signatory Powers wishes to denounce the present Declaration, such denunciation can only be made to take effect at the end of a period of twelve years, beginning sixty days after the first deposit of ratifications, and, after that time, at the end of successive periods of six years, of which the first will begin at the end of the period of twelve years.

Such denunciation must be notified in writing, at least one year in advance, to the British Government, which shall inform all the other Powers.

It will only operate in respect of the Power which shall have made the notification.

ART. 70. The Powers represented at the London Naval Conference attach particular value to the general recognition of the rules which they have adopted, and express the hope that the Powers which were not represented will accede to the present Declaration. They request the British Government to invite them to do so.

A Power which desires to accede notifies its intention in writing to the British Government, in transmitting the act of accession, which will be deposited in the archives of the said Government.

The said Government shall forthwith transmit to all the other Powers a duly certified copy of the notification, as also of the act of accession, stating the date on which it received the notification. The accession takes effect sixty days after such date.

The position of the acceding Powers shall be in all matters concerning this Declaration similar to the position of the Signatory Powers. ART. 71. The present Declaration, which shall bear the date of the 26th February, 1909, may be signed in London until the 30th June, 1909, by the Plenipotentiaries of the Powers represented at the Naval Conference.

In faith whereof the Plenipotentiaries have signed the present Declaration, and have thereto affixed their seals.

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