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Mr. B. discovers no malignant wish to detract from the real value of the late Duke of Bedford's character; but with a zeal truly worthy of the Christian, and by forcible and convincing arguments, he shews how little that character deserves to be considered as perfect, of which it is notorious, that Religion formed no constituent part.

It is not a little affecting, that so high a strain of panegyric on one who lived and died without manifesting any regard to God, or expressing the smallest concern about a future world, should have been heard with apparent satisfaction in a Christian Senate. But who can sufficiently deplore, that an equally high tone of encomium, on the same character, should have been heard from the lips of a clergyman, in that place sacred to religious instruction, the House of God! This outrageous departure from the duty of a Christian Minister, Mr. Bowles has marked with the severe reprehension which it deserved, in the latter part of his pamphlet, entitled "Observations, &c." We are persuaded that our readers will be much gratified by the following extract from this well-timed publication.

"While every instance of mortality is a solemn warning to all the living to prepare for death, there are some cases which proclaim that warning with peculiar solemnity, and which sound the general knell, in tones remarkably deep and impressive. One of those cases was the death of the late Duke of Bedford. A nobleman of the highest rank of princely fortune-in the prime of life-in the bloom of health-is suddenly cut off by that fatal scythe, which is constantly at work in the fair field of human existence. One week beholds this nobleman walking erect amidst his vast possessions and numerous dependents, feasting his eyes on the bright prospect before him, which seemed to promise the long enjoyment of whatever can stimulate ambition, or excite envy; the next sees him a stretched-out corpse: with which the wretch. edness of beggary, and the decrepitude of age, would scorn to exchange conditions. Considered merely as a striking instance of the uncertainty of human life, and of the vanity of human greatness, such an occurrence was calculated to produce the most useful impressions; while the conspicuous character of the individual tended to make those impressions universal. The young were hereby emphatically called upon to consider the frail texture of that thread of life, which they are Christ. Observ. No. 9.


disposed to think almost indissoluble;
great were taught the instability of that gran-
and all, of whatever age, rank, or condition,
deur by which they are so apt to be dazzled;
were reminded of the insignificance of tem-
poral concerns, in comparison with those of
eternity, and of the necessity of living in such
a manner as to be, at all times, fit to die.
"But there was a peculiar circumstance in
the death of the Duke of Bedford, which
tended to impress the mind still more forci
bly, than any suddenness of dissolution could
do. Between the commencement of his fatal
complaint, and the time of his decease, he
had four days for reflection, contrition, and
prayer; a term dreadfully short for the great
work which must remain to be done, at the
close of an irreligious life; but, nevertheless,
an inestimable treasure at such a period.
This treasure the poor unfortunate Duke, as
Mr. Fox informs us, most improvidently
threw away. Instead of employing the incal-
culably precious moments in imploring the
forgiveness of his sins, and an interest in the
great atonement, without which, unless Chris-
tianity be a fiction, the best of us can have no
well-founded hope of future happiness; he
was, if the narrative of his eulogist be cor-
rect, regardless of these important concerns,
insensible of the great defects of his past life,
and indifferent to his future state. What an
awful lesson does such an example inculcate,
not merely to those who are openly pursuing
a course of vice and profligacy, but also to
those who disregard the ordinances of Reli-
gion, who are guilty of an habitual violation
of the Sabbath, who neglect the indispensable
duties of public worship and private prayer-
those, in short, who live without God in the
world?-How forcibly does this example warn
such persons to beware, lest their irreligious
habits be so confirmed as to render them, like
the noble Duke, incapable of being roused,
even by the near and visible approach of death,
to a sense of their danger, and to an improve-
ment (as far as so apparently inadequate an
occasion is capable of being improved) of the
few hours or days which may be allotted
them, when their summons to another world
shall have been delivered?"

We hope that this pamphlet will have an extensive circulation; being admirably calculated to operate as an antidote to the pernicious tendency, both in a political and religious view, of Mr. Fox's speech, as well as of Mr. Cartwright's sermon.

The remarks on the prevalent violation of the Sabbath are particularly entitled to attention. We should inform our readers, that the second edition is preferable to the first; the first not containing the "Observations" on the sermon abovementioned.

4 H

LI. A Brief Explanation of the Church Cateebism, wherein is given a plain account of1. The Christian Covenant. 2. The Chris

tian Creed. 3. The Christian Duty. 4. The Christian Prayer. 5. The Christian Sacraments, with an Appendix, containing a short Statement of the Baptism of Infants; the Rite of Confirmation; the Government of the Christian Church; and the Inspiration of the Holy Scriptures, arranged by way of Question and Answer By BASIL WOODD, M. A. of Trinity College, Oxford, and Chaplain to the Right Hon. the Earl of Leicester. Rivington. 4d. or 3s. 6d. per doz. or 10s. 6d. for fifty. p. 50.

THE title page contains a complete summary of the contents of this little tract, for which we conceive the public

to be much indebted to Mr. Woodd. Our purpose in noticing it is, not to give a detailed analysis of its contents, but to acquaint those who are anxious ly inquiring for helps in the important work of catechetical instruction, that we have no hesitation in recommending to their attention this useful compendium of Christian knowledge. The following specimens will shew how happily Mr. Woodd has availed himself of appropriate texts of Scripture, as well as of suitable passages from the public formularies of our Church, for the purpose of communicating just and accurate views of religious truth.

"Q. To what duty are you engaged by Baptism?

"A. I was thereby enlisted under the banner of the Lord Jesus Christ, and engaged to renounce and fight manfully against the world, the flesh, and the devil-Baptismal Service. "Q. What is the second duty to which Baptism engaged you?

"A. To believe all the articles of the Christian faith.'

"Q. What are the articles of the Christian faith?

"A. All the holy scriptures, which are given by inspiration of God, and are profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction and instruction in righteousness.—2 Tim, iii.


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"Q. What is the third duty to which Baptism engaged you?

"A. To keep God's holy will and commandments, and walk in the same all the days of my life.

"Q. Can you prove this from the words of Christ?

"A. Not every one that saith, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of Heaven; but

he that doeth the will of my Father, which is

in heaven.-Matt. vii. 21.

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"Q. Why do you call the state, into which Baptism admits you, a state of Salvation? the Church of Christ, I enjoy all the means "A. Because being hereby grafted into → necessary to salvation.

"Q. Why do you ascribe this benefit to Jesus Christ?

"A. Because there is none other name un

der heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.-Acts iv. 12.

"Q. Why do you pray unto God for grace to continue in the same unto your life's end?' "A. Because from God all holy desires, all good counsels, and all just works do proceed.'-Liturgy. p. 9, 10.

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Q. What is repentance?

"A. A godly sorrow for sin, and a turning

from sin to God.

"Q. What is faith?

"A. Believing the record which God hath given of his Son, and receiving him as our Lord and Saviour-1 John v. 10.

repentance and true faith? "Q What are the fruits of an unfeigned

"A. Hatred of sin, love of holiness, and diligent practice of every known duty to God

and man.-2 Cor. vii. 11.

"Q. What are the Scripture characters of true faith?

the world; worketh by love, and maintains "A. Faith purifies the heart; overcometh good works.-1 John v. 4. Gal. v. 6. Tit. iii. 8.

"Q. What blessings are immediately connected with repentance and faith?

"A. All the blessings of the everlasting Gospel. God pardoneth and absolveth all lieve his holy Gospel.'-Liturgy. them, who truly repent, and unfeignedly be

fication of man. "Q. Repeat the XIth Article, on the justi

"A. We are accounted righteous before God, only for the merit of our Lord and Sa viour Jesus Christ by faith, and not for our own works or deservings.'-Art. xi.

"Q. Doth the Gospel of Christ encourage every man, however abandoned, to repent and turn to God.

"A. Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts, and let him return to the Lord, and he will have mercy upon him, and to our God, and he will abundantly pardon.-Isa. lv. 7.

"Q What is the general nature of baptism'

"A Baptism is not only a sign of Christian profession; but also a sign of regeneration, or new birth.'-Art. xxvii.

"Q. What benefits are derived from baptism?

"A. They who receive baptism rightly, are grafted into the Church; and the promises of forgiveness of sin, and adoption, are visibly signed and sealed.'-Art. xxvii.” p. 31—38.



To the Editor of the Christian Observer.

rant your imputing to him "the notion
of acts of disobedience causing us to ap
pear just in the divine presence." I am
not indeed very much surprised at your
having misrepresented the meaning of
the above strange and confused passage.
Its fair and proper signification how-
ever, though I acknowledge it to be still
reprehensible in no small degree, is
certainly not so remote from common
sense, as that which your Review has
assigned to it.
S. L.

We willingly acknowledge the justice of S. L.'s remonstrance, the necessity of which, previous to our receiving his letter, we had determined to obviate, by informing our readers, that upon farther consideration, we were persuaded that we had fallen into a mistake with respect to the meaning which Mr. Fellowes really meant to convey in the words above quoted. We therefore request our readers to understand, that the absurdity which struck us on the first view of the passage in question seems chiefly imputable to confusion and inaccuracy of expression.

I was greatly pleased with the Review of Mr. Fellowes's "Religion without Cant," which appeared in your last Number. It ably exposes the dangerous errors into which that gentleman has fallen; and into which he labours so very strenuously to lead others. You have, however, omitted one circumstance which deserves to be pointed out, and which I beg leave to notice; I mean the agreement of sentiment, on every point of theology, which seems to 'subsist between Mr. Fellowes and the Monthly Reviewers. You have already taught your readers to form so just an estimate of the divinity inculcated by these gentlemen, that their approbation of an author's theological principles will of itself be apt to generate some suspicion of his orthodoxy. Their commendation, however, of Mr. Fellowes is so cordial, (See Monthly Review for July last) and they express so strongly their wish that his opinions may become universally prevalent, that we may presume, without any great violation of charity, that their sagacity must have discovered in his pages a tolerably near approximation to the Socinian hypothesis, and a disposition to unite with them in divesting the Gospel of Christ of all its distinguishing characteristics, and reducing it to a mere system of ethics. After having said thus much, I shall not be suspected of being particularly partial to Mr. Fellowes, when I give it as my opinion, that in one place you have censured him far more strongly than the case requires. The passage to which I allude stands in the first column of the 527th page. Mr. Fellowes had said, "How many particular acts of obedience or of disobedience will cause us, through the mercy of God operating in the atonement of Christ, to appear just in his divine presence on the one hand, or will occasion our exclusion from his favour on the other, we cannot ascertain, nor does it become us to inquire." This is indeed, as you observe, a very extraordinary sentence: yet I think it will not by any means war. WHEN the Christian Observer was un

We readily give the following well meant and temperate expostulation a place in our Miscellany. The suggestions contained in it convey a very salutary caution; but we greatly doubt whether they are practicable, or even expedient, to the extent for which the writer contends. We do not mean, how

ever, to prejudge a question, which we and on which we shall be glad to be acknowledge to be a very important one, favoured with the opinion of any judicious correspondent, who may have turned his attention to the subject. The question may be thus stated, "What are the most safe, and at the same time the most effectual means, in the present circumstances of the world, of counter

acting, in a work like ours, the influ-
ence of those publications which are
employed in disseminating infidelity and

To the Editor of the Christian Observer.

dertaken, I apprehend one end proposed formal refutation of the error, or by a

in its publication, (and a very valuable one) was to supersede those periodical writings which have too successfully, it may be feared, scattered the seeds of infidelity and immorality, even in the interior of religious families. In consequence of the known principles and professed intentions of the Editors, many persons, who have carefully excluded Reviews of every description from their houses, chiefly because they feared the quotations they made from infidel, or unprincipled writers as much or more than their encomiums or criticisms; readily opened their doors to the Christian Observer. Some of these persons, as heads of families, now earnestly wish to draw the attention of the conductors of the work to the subject of quotations. Parents, who conscientiously watch over the cultivation of their children's minds, will wish, as much as possible, to prevent the approach of evil till views of truth and habits of virtue have gained the ascendency. Some quotations, though meant to be censured, may do more harm to a young mind than the criticism can possibly do good; the imagination receives a taint, which no address to the intellect can efface. A malicious misrepresentation, a bold and impious assertion, will, like an envenomed dart, fix in the memory, and become associated with a sacred truth: like a caricature of a respectable character, which no wise man would introduce to his children, in order to point out its want of resemblance to the original.

What has induced this expostulation, is some quotations which have lately appeared in the Christian Ob server from authors who will pass swiftly to their native obscurity, if not impeded in their progress: the light of criticism, whilst it detects their errors, prolongs their existence, and introduces them where otherwise they would have remained unknown.

Permit me to conclude with the words of an ingenious and sensible writer, as better suited than my own, to express the sentiments I wish to convey.

"When error prevails, there are two ways by which the cause of truth may be maintained; either by a direct and

plain and effectual establishment of the truth. The advocate for truth may descend into the field of controversy, he may engage every adversary that comes in his way, he may pursue and expose every single error.

"But error possesses a wide and dark domain; and he who undertakes the conquest of the whole, undertakes a labour that is almost infinite. Error is various and changeable, a circumstance of which a skilful adversary will avail himself; when his weapon is ready to be wrested from him, he will take entire possession of it again under another shape. He who engages in controversy will find himself surrounded by a net, where, though he may think it easy to break each single thread, yet it will prove an endless labour to break them all; and whilst he is thus engaged, his opponent, if skilful, will not forget to weave the web anew.

"The other way of removing error is by a clear and full exposition of the truth. It is for want of being furnished early with its principles, that so many amongst us are ever fluctuating and unstable, and ever ready to follow some new seducer. He who sets up truth to public view, brings the rising sun-beam to chase away those imaginary forms which owe their existence only to darkness.

The mere removal of error is a negative benefit, and though it be true that error can hardly be refuted without advancing and presenting to the mind some truths, yet these being only casual and random, not digested into order, or supported by their proper collateral truths, are easily withdrawn again and lost. To give truth a lasting establishment, it must be fixed on its first principles as on a basis: truth must rise upon truth in due proportion and order, and all the parts must be strongly united. Against a mind thus prepared, the seducer will in vain waste his feeble efforts; and even such as have been enslaved by error, will, at the approach of truth thus manifested, feel their chains drop off, as at the bidding of an angel."

I am, Sir, with great respect,



new general Survey of Great Britain is announced, illustrated with maps, plans, engravings of antiquities, &c. by the Rev D. Lysons, and Mr. S. Lysons. At the same time will be published, referring to the several pages of the above work, Britannia Depicta; a series of views of the most interesting and picturesque objects in each county, engraved by Mr. William Byrne, from drawings by the most eminent artists.

An interesting account of the natives of that part of the western coast of Africa, which lies in the neighbourhood of Sierra Leone, by Dr. Winterbottom, late physician to the Sierra Leone Company's settlement, will soon be published by subscription. An inquiry into the state of medicine, in the same region, will be subjoined to the account; the whole to form two volumes in 8vo.

A translation is in the press, of the Life and Posthumous Works of J. C. Lavater, from the German of G Gesner, his son-in-law.

In the press, in 3 vols 8vo the whole Works of Thomas Chatterton, now first collected; including those attributed to Rowley.

Mr. T. F. Dibdin, of Gloucester, B. A. late of St. John's College, Oxford, has just completed a small bibliographical work, embracing the most rare and valuable editions of the Greek and Latin classics, which is to be con sidered as a classical vade mecum. If this small work succeed, it will be followed by a larger in 4to. comprehending a variety of important matter from bibliographical authors.

Dr. Robert Townson has undertaken the County History of Yorkshire, in 3 vols. 4to. illustrated by maps and engravings.

Dr Crombie, of Highgate, has nearly ready for publication, in 1 vol. 8vo. a work entitled, The Etymology and Syntax of the English Language explained and illustrated.

Dr. Wittman, of the royal artillery, who accompanied Brigadier-general Koehler's military mission from Constantinople into Syria and Egypt, and who acted occasionally as physician to the Grand Vizier, and had the medical care of the mission, is preparing to publish an account of his interesting Travels in Turkey, Syria, and Egypt, including a Meteorological Journal, and Remarks and Observations on the Plague, and on other Diseases of those Countries, accompanied with plates.

The following voyages and travels are also in the press-A Voyage in the Indian Ocean and to Bengal, in 1789 and 1790, in 2 vols. 8vo. with plates, and a plan of Calcutta, translated from the French of M. de Grandpre.-Travels in the United States of America, from 1793 to 1797, in 1 vol. 8vo. by William Priest.-A short view of a Journey through the Western Countries of Africa, between Cape Blanco and Cape Palmas; performed during three years,

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by order of the French Government, in 2 vols. 8vo. with maps and views; translated from the French of M. Golberry; a work which is said to develop the views of the French Government with respect to Africa-Travels through Denmark and Sweden, by Louis de Boisgelin, Knight of Malta, in 2 vols 4to. with 12 views, by H. C. Parry, Esq.-A Journey into South Wales, in 1799, by G. Lipscomb.—Travels in Iceland, performed by order of his Majesty the King of Denmark, by Mr. Olofsen, a native of that country, and Mr. Pooelsen, first physician to the Danish Government in their settlements in that country, in 5 vols. 8vo. with an Atlas, containing a map of the island, and 60 plates; translated from the Danish.

The Rev. Mr. Bingley has in the press a work in Natural History, entitled Animal Biography, in 3 vols. 8vo. consisting of Anecdotes and Facts on the Manners and Economy of the whole Animal Creation.

A new edition in 4to of the Georgics of Virgil, is announced for publication, by Samuel Hopkinson, B. D. late Fellow of Clare Hall, Cambridge, with copious English notes; and Dryden's Translation subjoined, in the same manner as Dr. Clarke's Latin Version is printed under the Greek Text of Homer.

Next year will be published, the History and Antiquities of the County of Surrey, by the late Owen Manning, B. A. Vicar of Godalming, and Rector of Pepperharrow, in the said County.

An historical and philosophical Sketch of the Discoveries in Africa, by John Leyden, Esq. is preparing for publication, in 2 vols. 8vo.

Elements of Natural and Experimental Philosophy, in 4 vols. 8vo. with Engravings, by Tiberius Cavallo, Esq. will soon appear.

A Journal of the Transactions of the Forces under Sir Ralph Abercrombie, in the Mediterranean and Egypt, with Engravings, in 1 vol. 4to. is announced for publication. By Æneas Anderson, Lieutenant 40th regiment.

The author of "Evenings at Home," has in the press, the Woodland Companion, or a brief description of British Trees, with some ac count of their uses, illustrated by 28 plates.

Mr. William Smith proposes to publish by subscription, in 1 vol. 4to. accurate Delineations and Descriptions of the Natural Order of the various Strata in England and Wales.

Mr. Nicholson has in preparation, a translation from the new and enlarged edition of the French original, lately published at Paris, which includes the whole of the Modern Discoveries of Fourcroy's System of Chemical Knowledge, and its application to the phenomena of nature and art.

An indelible ink is prepared by Mr. T. Sheldrake, in the Strand, from a solution of asphaltum in spirit of turpentine; to which is added so much of the solution of amber as

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