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themas spoke comfort to the soul, compared to the horrible conclusion which must be drawn from it. "If none are to be saved but those who do their best, all the sons of Adam, without a single exception, must be involved in undistinguished ruin, and consigned to everlasting destruction." (pp. 287, 288.) To prove the justice of this conclusion, he inquires what must necessarily be understood by the phrase to do our best. Mr. F. then proceeds to vindicate the honour of the Divine Law, and to demonstrate that it has in no wise relaxed from those claims which infinite justice demands. In support of this opinion, he adduces the venerable authorities of Bishop Reynolds and Luther. In order, however, to secure, at the same time, the honour of good works, for which those who plead for the above-mention ed relaxation are, in general, the most strenuous advocates, Mr. F. affirms that, although neither wholly nor partly the meritorious cause of our salvation, they are nevertheless "requisite, in order that the reality of our faith may be satisfactorily ascertained." (p. 302.) The great object of the whole of this masterly disquisition is, to shew from the evident imperfection of all human obedience, the utter insufficiency of human merit to procure our acceptance or salvation; and thence to prove the absolute necessity of the mode of justification supplied by the mercy of God in the Gospel, namely, Faith in the Lamb of God which taketh away the sins of the world. In this representation of the affair, Mr. F. has the entire concurrence of many eminent divines of our church, of her articles, and of her homilies. He concludes the whole with the following words:

"Our Church acts with her usual wisdom in deciding this momentous point, 'the relation of faith and good works with respect to precedence, guarding her sons, on the one hand, against the destructive pride of self-righteousness, which impiously places human merit in the same throne with the incarnate Jehovah; and, on the other hand, against the baneful heresy of antinomianism, which abuses the precious liberty of adoption to the worst species of licentiousness, a licentiousness from principle." (p. 831.)

We are at no pains to dissemble, that our strictures upon this work have, in a

considerable degree, been influenced by the treatment which it has received from a periodical publication, in high repute, as we are, nevertheless, willing to acknowledge, with many persons who are friends of religion and social order. We complain, that in his review of Mr. F.'s Hora Mosaicæ, the British Critic has not observed his usual liberality. The want of originality, so frequently objected against this performance, we conceive to be a charge highly disingenuous. The term itself is ambiguous. There are works in which originality is essential; but in works, the argument of which is founded upon testimony, originality in the materials could only result from forgery and false citation. It is in the selection, in the arrangement, and in the disposition of those materials that the originality of works of the latter description must consist and in such originality we scruple not to deny, that Mr. F.'s performance is defective. We are not entirely unacquainted with the labours of Jones, of Maurice, and of Bryant: we have not, however, found the perusal of Hora Mosaicæ superseded by those illustrious monuments of human learning. The same may be said of other works, which, with a greater degree of probability, might be represented as depriving Mr F. of the merit of originality. The want of originality, however, ambiguous as the defect evidently appears to be, has the general effect, whether accidental or intended, to depress in the mind of the reader the value of the work to which it is imputed.

Our most serious objection, however, applies to the concluding remarks of the British Critic. "Truth compels us to remark," says the Reviewer, "that in ch. 3. sect. ii. as well as in ch. 1. sect. iv. on the subject of regeneration, the author seems to us to be inconsistent with himself, requiring in the elect such a renovation of heart, as must be admitted by all thinking Christians (and is admitted by Mr. F. himself, if we do not mistake his meaning) to be absolutely unattainable here below; a doctrine surely leading to despair." With what justice the doctrine of Mr. F. is here represented, and inconsistency charged upon him, the reader may


have been prepared to judge, from the account which has been given above of the obnoxious chapters. The Reviewer's reference to the articles of our Church may receive a sufficient reply in the same way. But surely, if it be allowed that our liturgy, our articles, and our homilies, are in perfect unison, and, to which no reasonable person can object, that the more concise and obscure expressions in these formularies are to be explained by those which are more full and express, little doubt can remain whether the Church decides. for Mr. F. or for his opponent. however, the foundation upon which the Bampton Lecturer has founded his doctrine, needed any additional strength, no trifling confirmation would accrue to it from a passage in the sermons of Bishop Jewell, too long to be transcribed, but of which the substance is contained in a quotation from Jerom: "Si merita nostra consideremus,desperandum est."* This eminent reformner, and compiler of our homilies, is affirmed by Bishop Burnet to have been much the best writer of Queen Elizabeth's time: and his works, upon the same authority, are represented "as a very sure commentary on our Articles." If the testimony of Arminius should have more weight, this celebrated Divine professes himself ready to subscribe whatsoever Calvin has written upon the subject of justification, in the third book of his Institutes +

We are unwilling to impute to the writer, whose misconceptions we have endeavoured to rectify, the low prejudices which are entertained by many against those who differ from them on certain points of divinity; although such differences affect neither the character of the persons in question as Christians, nor their talents as writers. It may not however, be totally foreign to the purpose, to subjoin what the candid and pious prelate above referred to has said upon this subject. After congratulating himself upon the harmony

* Jewell's Works, Sermons, p. 215. Ed. 1611.

Burnet on the Articles, p. x. Oxford Edit. Arminii Opp. p. 102. Ed. 1631. The part of the Institutes referred to is Lib. iii. c. 11


then subsisting between persons of different persuasions in the Church, he adds" And the boldness of some among us, who have reflected in sermons, or otherwise, on those who hold Calvin's system, has been much błamed, and often censured by those who, though they hold the same opinions with them, yet are both more charitable in their thoughts, and more discreet in their expressions."§

XLVII. The Articles of the Church of England proved not to be Calvinistic. By THOMAS KIPLING, D. D. Dean of Peterborough, and late Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge. pp. 91. Cambridge. 1802. A FEW observations will be sufficient to ascertain the weight due to this pamphlet, upon the subject of which it professes to treat. Its principal argument rests upon a certain rigid interpretation of the term Calvinistic, which will allow it to signify nothing less than a perfect identity with the peculiar sentiments of John Calvin, p. 7. The epithet has been generally understood to denote a certain degree of conformity, be it more or less, to the peculiar tenets of this Reformer; or a nearer approximation to those tenets, than to any other distinguished by a particular appellation. The greatest inconvenience, however, of the novel interpretation of Dr. Kipling, will be felt by himself. For if Calvinism be nothing less than a precise conformity with the peculiar system of Calvin, it will be difficult to find any person who contends for the Calvinism of our Articles. Dr. Kipling has referred to the very passage in which Mr. Overton expressly denies such an agreement between the doctrine of our Church, and the Creed of Geneva. (p. 47, note.) The Doctor, therefore, will find himself without an opponent; and his detailed quotations from Calvin will fall to the ground by the stroke of his own suici dal hand. It was we doubt not this view of the affair, and neither "ignorance" "nor design," that prevented the advocates for what is called the Calvinism of the Church of England, and for which any other name more suitable may be substituted, from bring

Burnet on the Articles, p. 16.

ing forward the Institutes of Calvin to determine the matter in debate. (p. 6.) Dr. Kipling as we conceive, has misled his reader in another particular. By selecting the Liturgy as the part of our public forms, on whose conformity with the precise doctrines of Calvin, he proposes to rest the decision of the contest, it must be evident to the most superficial reader, that the prudent assailant has chosen that part of the formularies of our Church, which is necessarily the most general, the most lax, and the most pliable; in fact, that part which is best calculated to favour such a cause as stands in need of perversion to accomplish its object. Whereas, allowing, as at least every member of the Church of England must allow, that the different forms of our Church are in perfect unison with each other, it would be far the most rational procedure, to decide the question of conformity between the Church of England and any particular tenets, by the more express and enlarged declarations of her doctrines.


With respect to the opposition which Dr. Kipling has endeavoured to exhibit between the doctrines of Calvin and our Liturgy, and which, in some cases, is not so successful as the Author could wish, it may be sufficient to observe, that had the Doctor been so inclined, he might have found almost as great an opposition between different parts of the writings of Calvin himself; for it will be denied by no one, acquainted with the works of this eminent man, and disposed to do him justice, that many parts of his writings, especially his commentary, abound in doctrines of the most practical tendency. If Calvin saw no inconsistency between his more rigid tenets and these practical parts, the cause may possibly be found in that modesty, which may be recommended to many of his opponents, of not imagining himself competent to comprehend a subject, upon which whatever opinion may be adopted, it is attended with insuperable difficulties. The circumstances, under which it may be allowable to charge another with the apparent consequences of his doctrines, is a subject which Dr. Kipling does not seem to have maturely considered. Bishop

Burnet's Preface, however, to his Exposition of the Articles, would furnish him with some useful information.

The character of Dr. Kipling, for liberality would in no degree have suffered, had he abstained from the insinuation against Mr. Overton, for ascribing to Bp. Prettyman's Charge a quotation not to be found therein. (p. 69, 70.) In the second edition of Mr. Overton's work, the reference is to Bishop Horseley's Charge, 1800. See the True Churchmen, &c. p. 405.

There are other remarks of the same kind, more worthy of the Author's reconsideration, than of our notice.

XLVIII. Consideration on the late Elections for Westminster and Middlesex, with some Facts relating to the House of Correction in Cold Bath Fields. London, Hatchard. 1802. Pp. 86.

THE writer of this pamphlet has concealed his name, but he appears to be a man of more than ordinary candour, moderation, and judgment. After making some just observations on the mischievous tendency of the means frequently employed in securing elections, he censures strongly the language used by Mr. Fox, in his late Address to the Electors of Westminster, touching at the same time on his general character. But the Author's chief object seems to be to expose the falsehoods which were circulated by Sir F. Burdett's party during the late contest for Middlesex, and to deduce some general remarks, both moral and political, from that extraordinary election.

Few persons are unacquainted with the obloquy which Sir Francis Burdett lately heaped on Mr. Mainwaring, on account of the part which he had acted as a magistrate, in respect to Mr. Aris the Governor of the prison in Cold Bath Fields: Indeed the election for Middlesex appears to have turned upon this point. In the pamphlet betore us it is very satisfactorily demonstrated, by quotations from the most authentic documents, that there existed not even the shadow of a foundation for the charges of inhumanity, so confidently preferred against Mr. Aris; and that, therefore, no blame could have attached to Mr. Mainwaring. By the industrious circu

lation, however, of these fabricated charges, the passions of the populace, in and round this great metropolis, were inflamed to a very dangerous degree. The following is a curious instance of the iniquity of quotation, practised in a hand-bill, which was posted up and distributed in every quarter by Sir Francis Burdett's party.

The hand-bill is verbatim as follows:

ARIS, the Governor,
MAINWARING, the Magistrate.


COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX ARE requested to peruse the following Extract from the Report of the Commissioners appointed by the King, at the request of the House of Commons, to inspect the state of the above-mentioned prison.

"We remark an accumulation of Acts in defiance of the laws, committed under the eye of Magistrates visiting the Prison; Acts, which involve the whole ad

ministration of the Prison in Criminality,"

BARKER, Printer, Russel Street, Covent Garden.

"The passage, purporting to be an extract of the Report of the Commissioners, is found in the 50th page of the Report, and has a reference to the conduct of the Cook of the House of Correction. With its context it stands as follows:

"We heard no complaint from the prisoners against this officer, either in his capacity of cook, or in his trade as sutler, but we remark in the latter employ, as combined with the former, an accumulation of acts in defiance of the laws quoted in the Appendix, committed under the eye of the magistrates visiting the prison; acts which involve the whole administration of the prison in criminality; the Surgeon, by his permission to admit liquors, which are sold for other than medical purposes, and without any order in writing, or name of the person for whose health he thinks them necessary; the Cook in selling the several liquors, and supplying the prisoners with articles of provision; and the Governor, by knowingly permitting these acts to be done?

"Let the public decide whether the extract, as it ought to have been printed, conveys, in any degree, the impression made by that actually printed in the handbill.

"The prisoners made no complaint against the Cook, and the deviations from the acts of parliament, which constituted the criminality in the administration of the prison, are still, it is to be observed, on the side of indulgence to the prisoners.

"But the truth would not have answered the purposes of those who drew the advertise


"Such have been the impositions practised on the public." (p. 46, 47.)

The writer then introduces some brief remarks on the subject of the admission of those 370 votes of the proprietors of the Isleworth Mill, by which the election was made at length to turn in favour of Sir Francis Burdett.

"On the 27th July, 1801, a number of persons formed themselves into a society, under an agreement, to purchase a small piece of ground whereon to erect a mill for grinding corn, for the purpose of supplying the subscribers with bread and flour, at their own houses, at prime cost; in consequence of which a piece of ground was some time after found suitable for the purpose; and on the 13th October, 1801, (not before) an agreement was entered into between the owner of the

ground, (which is less than a quarter of an acre) and a part of the society, that the owner, satisfaction, for payment of £360, should conon being paid or security being given to his vey the premises to certain persons on the part of the society. In consequence of this agreement, made the 13th October, 1801, the society was suffered to take possession.

"The mill on the 30th of July was not from it; nor had any conveyance then been completed, nor had any profit been derived executed. The mill, it appears, by private agreement between the subscribers, is to be divided into one thousand and two shares, at two guineas each, and every person so sharing, claims a right of voting for the county of


"Of the persons entering into this compact, three hundred and seventy appeared to vote for Sir Francis Burdett, and of course took the prescribed oath, that they had acquired a freehold property of the clear annual value of forty shillings, over and above all deductions, rents, and charges, payable out of or in the actual possession or receipt of the rents and respect of the same, and that they had been in profits thereof for their own use, twelve calendar months." (p. 50-52.)

We have introduced this pamphlet to the notice of our readers, because we think it well calculated to produce the moral benefit of teaching persons to examine well into the ground of violent accusations, before they judge; and especially, to distrust the pretensions to superior virtue, which are made by a certain kind of popular candidates. The writer appears to be zealous for the maintenance of civil liberty, and to object to Sir Francis Burdett for reasons which by no means apply to the general members of opposition.

XLIX Short Sermons, designed for the Use of those who have but little Time or Inclination to read longer Discourses. By T. T. BIDDULPH, A M. Minister of St. James, Bristol. 8th edition. Mawman, and Matthews, London; Hazard, Bath; and Bulgin, Bristol. Price 3d, or 20s, per hundred. THE importance of a publication can, in no instance, be estimated from its bulk or expensiveness. The political sentiments of a nation may, sometimes, be more influenced by a ballad than a treatise; and a diffusion of religious truth has often been accomplished by halfpenny tracts, which could not have been produced by all the labouring volumes of systematic theology. Experience has proved the fact, and common sense teaches us to account for it. That

which is soon read, has a chance of being much read; and books which are easily purchased are likely to be bountifully distributed,

The inference arising from the circumstance which we have stated is, that the critic, who aspires to the exalted character of a guardian of the public interests of religion and morality, must not be considered as exercising a too great minuteness of observation, if he sometimes selects, as subjects of his examination, such publications as are of a popular form, low price, and small


We intend these remarks as general ones; and as explanatory of our reasons for sometimes noticing such publications as the present; and not because the present publication has any peculiar need of such an apologetical introduction into this department of our work.

In appreciating the value of these Short Sermons, we are not left to calculate their probable utility, from an examination of their contents; for we are enabled to determine it, by the accounts which we have received, of the advantages which have already attended the dispersion of them by clergymen, and others, who have rightly judged them well adapted to the comprehension of the lower classes, for whose instruction they were written. Their merits have also been attested by the great sale which they have experienced. We understand, that in addition to sixteen thousand copies, which have been printed by the Author, and disposed of; there

has been at least, one large edition of a Welsh translation of them; and several editions have been printed in Scotland, and distributed by the Scotch clergy; some of whom have expressed great pleasure on observing the good which these Sermons have been instrumental in effecting.

We need not say more in recommendation of these Sermons; and those, whom this recommendation may induce to purchase and disperse them, will not think that we have said too much.

L. A Letter addressed to the Hon. Charles James Fox, in consequence of bis Speech in the House of Commons, on the character of the late Most Noble Francis Duke of Bedford. The Second Edition. To which are added, Observations on a Sermon preached in the Parish Church of Woburn, March 14, 1802, the Sunday after the interment of the late Duke of Bedford, by Edmund Cartwright, A. M. Rector of Goadby Marwood, Leicestershire, and Prebendary of Durham. 8vo. pp. 57. 1s. Rivingtons.

THE motives of the author of this letter (whom we understand to be Mr. Bowles) appear to be of the most laudable kind. The intention of it is to counteract the injurious tendency of Mr. Fox's panegyric on the late Duke of Bedford.* The encomiast had represented his noble friend as a (6 perfect character;" and informed the honourable assembly, in which the eulogium was delivered, that the reason of his taking so extraordinary and unprecedented an opportunity of strewing a few flowers over the grave of his lamented friend, was "that the public may be impressed with his great example; that men may see it; that they may feel it; that they may talk of it in their domestic circles, and hold it up to the imitation of their children and of posterity."

The design of Mr. Bowles's letter is to give the public a just, though widely different, impression of the character of the Noble Duke; to teach men the true light in which it should be viewed; and how they should talk of it in their domestic circles. And well does he deserve the thanks of all who feel the importance of Religion, for the manner in which he has executed that de


* See our number for March, p. 207.

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