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how a department entitled "Reviewers Reviewed," can possibly be conducted without wearing a polemical aspect. I admit, however, that it ought not to be conducted in a polemical spirit: I admit also, that however important it may be to discredit works subversive of spiritual Religion, there is nothing, even in that end, which can justify a deviation, in any degree, from Christian candour and charity. Wishing to see these admissions established in their fullest latitude, and practically adhered to by the Christian Observer; I must yet confess, that A. B. extends his candour farther than the case requires, in considering the objection of the Anti-Jacobin Reviewers to lie against the "term" spiritual Religion, and not against the thing thereby designated. He will be convinced of the contrary, if he reads the whole of the passage alluded to, with the same attention which has been bestowed upon it by your very sincere friend and wellwisher.


To the Editor of the Christian Observer.


THOUGH a Dissenter both from habit and principle, I am certainly well af fected to the government under which I live, and far from being particularly hostile to the Established Church.

I am now an old man, Mr. Editor, and consequently have been witness to many revolutions in sentiment, as well as in states and empires. During the last thirty years of my life I have been particularly attentive to the course of events; to the state of parties; and to the tempers which have been exhibited in what may be called the religious world. My rule of judgment has uniformly been, what is sometimes too much overlooked by all parties, holy Scripture; and though I may have erred in my application of it on particular occasions, yet as it is the only rule by which I have been desirous of trying my own opinions, tempers, and conduct, so it is the only one which I have endeavoured to apply to those of


Under the conduct, as I conceived, of this infallible guide, I deemed it my

duty to blame the unbecoming warmth which many of my brethren manifested with respect to the repeal of the Test Act, and even to oppose, as far as sober argument and mild persuasion would go, some of the steps which were taken with a view to that measure. I own, however, that it appeared to me, at that time, a desirable expedient; and yet I have thought since that the legislature shewed much wisdom, in at least postponing a compliance with our wishes. Had they acted differently, it is problematical to me whether we should not, ere this time, have been experiencing something of the same kind of toleration which our fellow Christians in France now enjoy; and whether a Chief Consul might not now be exercising a negative on the election of Independent pastors.

I certainly observed, with considerable regret, that at the commencement of the French Revolution there was too great a dispositon in many of my brethren, in common with a large number of persons of all descriptions, to hail its approach, and to favour its progress. But, Sir, I hope and trust, I may even say I know and am confident, that with respect to a large proportion of these, the mania is over; and that they have learned by experience to value that excellent civil constitution under which Providence has placed us, as well as that mildness of ecclesiastical rule which leaves us in possession of the sacred rights of liberty of conscience. Many of us, I am persuaded, feel the importance of maintaining a religious Establishment, and how much of our success and usefulness we owe to the general informetion and to the general respect for the Bible, which is thereby produced.

I should not have troubled you, Mr. Editor, with these remarks, were it not for a passage in a letter signed W. R. inserted in your Third Number. The author of that letter, whose piety and successful labours (for I am sure I know the man) entitle him to great respect, has, I think, been misled, partly by prejudice and partly by peculiar circumstances in his own case, and has unfairly extended that charge

of disloyalty to the whole of our body, which certainly ought to have had a more narrow limit. That some of us have written and acted in a way which was directly calculated to excite suspicions of our loyalty, I am not disposed to deny; but I must at the same exceedingly blame W. R's want of candour, in inculpating the whole body. He has therein imitated the conduct of the world, who extend the censure which some hollow hypocritical religionists may merit, to all who. profess a warm and zealous attachment to Christianity.

I do not mean to defend any Dissenter, who endeavours to fritter away by dangerous qualifications the Apostle's command of yielding obedience

to rulers; who is dissatisfied with our civil constitution; or who rails at the Established Church, or its ministers, as if they were Anti-Christian. I merely mean to plead for that limitation of W. R's sweeping censure, which truth and charity require. He and all his brethren are bound to exercise candour and forbearance towards those who, though differing from them in some points, yet wish them success in their ministry; and they ought not to forget that if the body of Dissenters has been disgraced by some of its members, its credit has been very amply redeemed by others.

I remain, your friend and well



* Our Review of the Monthly Review is unavoidably postponed.




(Concluded from p. 190.)

Art. 22. Experiments on the chemical Production and Agency of Electricity. By WILLIAM HYDE WOLLASTON, M. D. F. R. S.

The power of Mr. Voltas's electric pile is now known to be proportional to the disposition of one of the metals to be oxidated by the fluid interposed. A doubt has, however, been entertained by many persons, whether this power arises from the chemical action of the fluid or the metal; or, on the contrary, whether the oxidation itself may not be occasioned by Electricity, set in motion by the contact of metals having different conducting


That the oxidation of the metal is the primary cause of the electric phenomena observ. ed, is, Dr. Wollaston thinks, to be inferred from the experiments he relates, which are curious and satisfactory, but cannot well be here detailed.

The chemical agency, therefore, of com. mon Electricity is thus proved to be the same with the power excited by chemical means; but since a difference has been observed in

the comparative facility with which the pile of Volta decomposes water, and produces other effects of oxidation and de-oxidation of bodies exposed to its action, the Doctor has been at some pains to remove this difficulty, and he can produce, at least, a very close imitation of the Galvanic phenomena by common Elec. trieity.

It has been thought necessary to employ powerful machines and large Leyden jars for the decomposition of water; but Dr. Wollaston, considering that the decomposition must depend on duly proportioning the strength of of the charge of Electricity to the quantity of water, and that the quantity exposed to its action at the surface of communication depends on the extent of that surface, hoped, that by reducing the surface of communica tion, the decomposition of water might be effected by smaller machines and with less powerful excitation, and in this hope he was not disappointed.

Having procured small wires of fine gold, and given them as fine points as he could, he inserted them into capillary glass tubes, and after heating the tubes so as to make them adhere to the point and cover it in every part, he gradually ground them down, till with a pocket lens he could discern that the point of gold was exposed.

By various trials he found, that when sparks were made to pass through water by means of a point so guarded, a spark passing to the distance of one-eighth of an inch, would decompose water, when the point exposed did not exceed one seven hundredth part of an inch in diameter. With another point, which he estimated at one fifteen hundredth, a succession of sparks one-twentieth of an inch in length, afforded a current of small bubbles of air.

The similarity in the means by which both Electricity and Galvanism appear to be excited, in addition to the resemblance which has

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been traced between their effects, shews that they are both essentially the same, and confirms an opinion that has already been advanced by others, that all the differences discoverable in the effects of the latter, may be owing to its being less intense, but produced in much larger quantity.

Art. 23. Further Observations on the Effects which take place from the destruction of the Membrana Tympani; with an account of an Operation for the Removal of a particular Species of Deafness. By Mr. ASTLEY COOPER. Communicated by Everard Home, Esq. F. R. S. It has been generally supposed that an aperture in the Membrana Tympani necessarily. diminishes the power of the ear; but Mr. Cooper has she wn that this is not the case, and that even a complete destruction of the membrane is not followed by a total deprivation of the sense of hearing. He has even been induced in one species of deafness, to try the effect of puncturing that membrane,

which has been attended with evident advantage. The species alluded to is that which arises from an obstruction of the eustachian

tube. As this operation will not afford relief in any cases of deafness except such as arise from a closed eustachian tube, it should be performed in those only which are clearly of that description. The criteria by which Mr. Cooper judges whether the tube is closed or open, are the following:

First. If the person in whom it is suspected to be closed should feel, in blowing the nose violently, a swelling in the ear from the membrane being at that time forced outward, the tube is open; for when closed, no such sensation is produced.

Secondly. The eustachian tube may be closed, yet the beating of a watch may be heard if it be placed between the teeth or pressed against the side of the head; and if it cannot be heard when it rests upon the teeth, this operation cannot relieve, as the power of the auditory nerves must have been destroyed.

Thirdly. It is right to inquire if the deafness was immediately preceded by any complaint in

the throat.

Lastly. In a closed eustachian tube, there is no noise in the head like that which accompa

nies nervous deafness

Several remarkable cases are here related, in which the puncture was followed by the immediate restoration of hearing. It is an encouragement that in this operation little pain is felt, no dangerous consequences follow; and even if it is sometimes performed unsuccessfully, the patient is left with the same capacity as before, of receiving relief from other remedies.


VERMIQUET has finished an engraving of his grand Plan of Paris, on seventy-two sheets, on the scale of half a line to a French toise. The accuracy of this work is said to surpass every thing of the kind.

FAUVEL, who for some years lived at Athens, where he was employed in taking designs of the remaining monuments of ancient Greece, has lately returned to Paris. After having languished about two years in the pri sons of Constantinople, into which he had been thrown on the commencement of the rupture between France and the Porte, he has at last been set free, and returned to his native country with many valuable discoveries and designs. He is the first artist who has made researches into the celebrated Mount Olympus, of which he has taken a plan, written a description of its situation, &c. It is he who

took moulds of the beautiful friezes of the Temple of Minerva, at Athens, for M. Choiseul Gouffier, on the spot.

Dr. VILLARS, of Grenoble, author of the Flora of Dauphine, has published the results of several barometrical measurements, lately made by him among the French Alps, which, if correct, give a much greater height to these mountains than has generally been supposed. In the Department des Hautes Alpes, the cime del Ozon is equal to 2104 toises, and there are three summits still higher, but which have only been measured by approximation. The Departement des Basses Alpes, also possesses a peak near Marin a la Clapiere, of the height of 2055 toises. The most lofty mountains, as indeed is the case through all the Alps, are granite; but there are ridges in these departments entirely calcareous, upwards of 1500 toises above the level of the sea.

The great number of beggars, and the miseries which they suffer, have induced a BENEVOLENT SOCIETY AT PARIS, to offer a gold medal, of the value of 2000 francs, for the best answer to the following question "What are the most probable methods of extirpating indigence from the French Republic"-See p. 196 of our third Number.

The SOCIETY OF MEDICINE OF BOURDEAUX, has offered a prize of 300 francs for an Epitome of the Doctrine of Hippocrates. The works of this father of medicine, serve as the text to the best books on this science, but no one has yet methodically digested and arranged his principles.

A circumstance is mentioned in the Report, by TESSIER and HURARD, concerning the flock of Spanish sheep at RAMBOUILLET, which seems entirely at variance with the ob servations of the shepherds and wool-growers in South Britain. Some of the sheep were allowed to be two years without being sheared; by this management the fleeces were found to be twice as heavy and twice as long, as the yearly fleece of those which had been sheared twice in the same period; nor did the animals themselves appear to be at all incommoded. Thus a staple of double the ordinary length was obtained, and half the expenses of shearing were saved, without any loss in the quantity or quality of the woo!.

A work by HUBER and SENEBIER, on the Influence of various Gasses in the Germination of Seeds, has lately made its appearance.

Among a number of important facts the following may be selected. The presence of oxygen is necessary to the germination of all seeds, and in most cases it is requisite that the oxygen should be uncombined with any thing but caloric; a few seeds, however, such as the pea, are capable of decomposing water, &c. therefore, if well moistened with water, even deprived of its air, will germinate in almost any kind of gas, and even in oil. Pure oxygen gas, however though it accelerates germination, renders the plants very feeble, and the most favourable proportion is that of onefourth oxygen and the rest azot, which is the same as common air; in an atmosphere of less than one-eighth oxygen, germination will not take place. An excess of carbonic acid is more injurious to seeds than of azot, and of this than hydrogen A mixed air of hydrogen and oxygen, by germination, is converted into hydrocarbonous gas.-Bull des Scien x. No. 55; and see Nich. Ph. Journ. 8vo. Vol. I. p. 157-159.


PROUST, Professor of Chemistry at Madrid, has published a work, entitled An Inquiry into the Means of Improving the Subsistence of the Soldier. It contains some things of general utility. He states a cheap and ready method of procuring an agreeable and nutritious food from bones; which is by grinding them between a pair of toothed iron cylinders. The bones thus ground, are to be boiled in eight or ten times their weight of water, for four hours, or till about half the water is wasted; when the liquor will be found, upon cooling, to be of a due gelatinous consistence. A vessel with a tight cover should be used, and it should not be of copper.-Nich. Phil. Four. 8vo. Vol. I. p. 100-102.

A weekly collection of Tracts and Directions, relative to the improvement of Spanish Husbandry, has been, for some time, in a course of regular publication at Madrid.'

The MSS. of the Swedish naturalist LOFLANG, who died in South America, in 1756, are publishing at Madrid, by R. Cavanilles, Director of the Royal Botanic Garden.

The observatory of Cadiz furnished the science of astronomy, for some years past, with important observations; but it has of late been neglected General Mazarado has built a new one in the Isle de Leon, to which he has appointed four astronomers, who have resided there these two years. A telescope twentyfive feet long, made under the direction of Dr. Herschel, is expected there soon.


M. LOSANNE has presented to the Agricultural Society of Turin, the result of his experiments with regard to fabricating paper of the bark of the erigerum canadense, and the pappus of the carduus nutans, and serratula avensis. The Society have expressed their sense of the utility of these experiments, and have declared, that paper of a very excellent quality may be made in this manner, as soon Christ. Observ. No. 5.

as the soaking of the vegetable matters employed in the fabrication can be brought to maturity.

Dr. CARRADOR1, in some experiments and observations which he has made towards determining the Influence of Oxygen on Germination, thinks he has established two essential points; that vital or oxygen air is necessary to the grand process of germination; but that in order to give the impulse or the principle of this germination, the immediate contact of the air is not necessary, but it is indispensible to its continuation or progress, since the germen already animated, or the small plant, cannot grow nor vegetate, unless it enjoy the immediate influence of this vital fluid. He accounts from hence for the mischief arising from seeds being kept too long in water, and from abundant rains after seed time; since the water, keeping the seeds too long in a state of submersion, prevents their healthy germination, and therefore wet seed-times presage scanty harvests. See Nich. Phil. Journ. Vol. I. p.' 204-210.


GALVANISM is at present a subject of occu pation of all the German philosophers and chemists. At Vienna an important discovery has been announced-an artificial magnet, employed instead of Volta's pile, decomposes water equally well with that pile, or the electrical machine; whence it has been concluded, that the electric, galvanic, and magnetic fluids are the same.

It is well known, that on the borders of lakes, the banks of broad rivers, and the shore of bays, a certain optical illusion often takes place when the spectator is in an elevated situation. The opposite bank, under certain circumstances, is seen floating, as it were, in the air. This phenomenon is usually ascribed to refraction; but Professor DE Luc, has published a paper in Der Gesellschaft Naturforschneder Freunde zu Berlin, Neue Serbiften, Vol. iii 1801, in which he attributes it to the rays of light being reflected from the vapours, which, in consequence of this reflection, appear so dazzling to the eye, that they conceal the objects situated below, and present the same appearance as the heavens. See Tilloch's Phil. Mag. Vol. XII Art. 27.

M. KAUTSCH, of Leutomischel in Bohemia, has finished a work of immense labour, on the Eclipses of the Sun; having calculated for the whole of the nineteenth century, charts, in which are exhibited all the circumstances of those eclipses, for every country of the earth where they will be visible.


Literature is greatly revived in Russia under the auspices of the present Emperor. A new university is established at Dorpat, and several learned foreigners have been invited to fill the professional chairs. The book-trade, which under the late Emperor had been entirely annihilated, is now left very much at large. The curiosities and exquisite works of art which 2 U

have been collected from every part of Europe, especially under the reign of Catharine II., are said to be really astonishing.

The Academy of Petersburg has sought for an astronomical observer, but hitherto in vain, and the fine observatory of that city is still useless, notwithstanding the great number of excellent instruments which it contains.


Two men of learning, M. M. VON EHREN HEIM and ZIBET, are at the head of the Swedish ministry. The King has lately given striking proofs of patronage of the sciences. He has ordered the edifices belonging to the University of Aebo, in Finland, to be rebuilt upon an enlarged scale; and has increased the salaries of all the professors and inferior officers belonging to that of Upsala. He has presented to the Stockholm Academy of Sciences, the cabinet of natural curiosities formed by Queen Louisa Ulrica, in the palace of Drotningholm, which contained the collections of Hasselquist and Solander, disciples of the

great Linnæus, and those of other Swedish naturalists and travellers.

Last winter the King assigned 5000 rixdollars to defray the expenses of measuring a degree of the meridian in the northern parts of his kingdom, in order to ascertain the true figure of the earth, as the want of regularity in the degrees of the earth has led to a suspicion that there was an error in that taken in 1736. In the month of April, Messieurs SWANBERG and OFVERBOM, two members of the Academy, set out for Tornea. They erected signals and built small observatories, and returned in October; their first journey having been attended with complete success, except that they were not able to find the northern point of the base of 1736. They were to resume their operations about the middle of January. To form a just idea of the zeal and courage which this enterprise requires, our readers may turn to the work published in 1738, by Maupertius, entitled Figure de la Terre determiné par les Observations faites au Circle Polaire.


An accurate list has been procured of
all the inhabitants in the district of
Jaffnapatam, in the island of Ceylon,
by which it appears that the number
of Protestant Christians is far greater
than could possibly have been expect
ed. The list is as follows, viz.

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ed. Of the rest of the island, the Dutch possessed only the sea coast, and few if any Protestant Christians are to be found beyond their jurisdiction. The extent of their territory round the island on the sea coast, amounted to much more than the district of Jaffnapatam. "What a field," observes the person from whom we have received this account, "is here opened for faithful missionaries."

Letters of a recent date from a gen tleman then on the island state, that the schools begin to wear a very favourable aspect, and that there is good reason to hope that in a little time genuine Christianity may be diffused throughout the British territory. "We have not done much," he adds, "in making proselytes, as our labours have been chiefly confined to the better instruction of those already converted." The Missionary Christian David, had been appointed to superintend, the schools, which were instituted in great numbers in Jaffnapatam, and much good was expected from his assiduity and zeal. We have heard that the English liturgy has been translated into the Malabar language, the language spoken by the Christians of Ceylon, and is used by them.

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