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your Lordship, That as it is the Inequality of the Expence, more than the Expence itself, which occasions Dissatisfaction to the Colonies on which the King's Troops are quarter'd, Whether it would not be proper, in order to obviate this Objection, to appropriate some of the Monies arising from the Revenues of the Crown in America to the Defraying of those Expences for the future. Their being paid out of the Quit Rents, and Duties on various Commodities consum'd in the several Colonies, will make the Burden nearly equal to the Inhabitants of each; which seems but reasonable, as all must be benefitted by the Protection which the King's Forces in America afford. This Appropriation will besides have a Tendency to make the new Duties the less disagreeable; especially in the Middle Colonies, who are chiefly burden'd with the Expences above mention'd. It is, indeed, sometimes urg'd, That the Colonies who have Troops quarter'd on them, are benefitted by the Money they spend, as much, if not more, than they are hurt by the Expence of furnishing them with Necessaries: But this is denied by the People in general, who alledge, that what with the frequent Quarrels and Riots occasioned by the common Soldiers, their Plunderings, and sometimes refusing to pay their Debts, the Ballance is greatly in Disfavor of the Inhabitants among whom they are quartered, if They are to be at that Expence solely.

I have the Honor to be, with great Respect, My

Lord, Your Lordship's most

obedient & most humble Servant


P. S. I am just informed that my Dispatches of Augst 22. did not reach New York till after the Packet had sail'd for England.


Abercrombie; General, 118.
Admiralty: Board of, Letter from to Lord
Shelburne sending an account of the
Establishment of the Admiralty
Courts, 620.
Admiralty Courts: Establishment of, 621.
Ainsley: (Aynsley,) William, Chief-Jus-
tice, death of announced by Governor
Bernard, 124, 173.-Referred to, 177,
214, 216, 217, 232, 324.

Albertis: John, Ensign in the New Jersey
Regiment, 187.

Alexander: Elizabeth, 336.
Alexander: James, 336, 342.
Alexander: William (Lord Stirling), 151.-
Petition of to the King praying pay-
ment of purchase money for Long
Island, granted to his ancestors, 226.
-Member of Council, 274.-Named as
one of the Commissioners for trying
Pirates, 283-Referred to, 316, 430.
Letter from, to Governor Franklin,
relative to the Stamp Act, 509.
Allen: William, 582, 591, 624, 631.
Allinson: Samuel, Surrogate, 359.
Amherst: Sir Jeffrey, Major General, 161,

170, 178, 221, 288, 310, 337, 339.-Letter
from to Captain Elias Dayton, rela-
tive to troops at Elizabethtown, 365.
-Referred to, 392, 393, 398, 399, 622.
Anderson: Alexander, Lieutenant in the
New Jersey Regiment, 185.

[blocks in formation]



Anderson: James, Lieutenant in the New
Jersey Regiment, 185, 186.
Andrews: John, 622.
Andross: Governor, 335.
Anson: Lord, 16,
Antle: Dr. Lewis, 339.
Antill: Edward, Member of Council, 274.
-Named as one of the Commissioners
for trying Pirates, 283.-Suspended as
a Member of the Council, 299.-Re-
moved from the Council, 335.-Sketch
of, 338.

Antill: John, 339, 340.
Antill: Lewis, 339.
Antill: Margaret, 339.
Armstrong: John, 117.
Ashfield: Lewis Morris, Member of Coun-
cil, 274.-Named as one of the Com-
missioners for trying Pirates, 283.-
Referred to, 394.-Claim of prece-
dence over Mr. Ogden, 428.-Prece-
dence granted to Mr. Ogden, 444.
Assembly of New Jersey: Deputation
from to Governor Bernard, 129.-An-
swer to a speech of Governor Ber-
nard, 162.-Amicable proceedings of
announced by Governor Boone. 248.
-Two acts of, disapproved, 331.-
Minutes of, relative to the Stamp Act,
509.-Address of, to his Majesty on
the repeal of the Stamp Act, 560.-
Fees of the officers, 607, 608.
Attorney General: Salary of, 620.

| Beatty: Colonel Erkuries, 7.
Beatty: General John, 6.
Beaver Skins: Duties upon, 405.
Bedford: Jonas, Lieutenant in the New
Jersey Regiment, 185.
Belcher: Andrew, 622.

Belcher: Jonathan, 7, 21, 119, 151.
Bellamy: Rev. Joseph, 258.
Bernard: Francis. 7.-Proposed by the

Lords of Trade to be Governor of New
Jersey, 21.-Sketch of, 21.-Draft of
Commission of, 23.-Draft of General
Instructions for, 40.-Orders and In-
structions relating to Trade and Navi-
gation, 77.-Letter from, to the Lords
of Trade, announcing his arrival in
his Government, 116.-Letter from,
to the Lords of Trade, respecting the
Indian invasion, 120.-Letter from,
to the Lords of Trade, giving an ac-

Regiment, 187.

count of the death of Chief-Justice | Bonnel: Jacob, Ensign in the New Jersey
Ainsley, 124.-Message to the Mini-
sink Indians. 125. Letter from, to
the Lords of Trade, respecting vacan-
cies in the Council and Indian affairs,
125.-Letter from, to the Lords of
Trade, inclosing a copy of a Message
to the Assembly, 129,--Letter from,
to the Lords of Trade, respecting the
manner of the Assembly's passing
Bills of Credit, 131.-Letter from, to
the Lords of Trade, in regard to spec-
ial power from His Majesty to raise
money, 137.-Letter from, to Lords
of Trade, in relation to a conference
with the Indians, 139.-Letter to, from
Secretary Pitt, urging the invasion
of Canada, 149. -Letter to, from the
Lords of Trade, in answer to com-
munication from him. 152. --Instruc-
tions to, relative to passing paper
Bills of Credit, 156.-Speech of, to the
Legislature, 159.--Address to the Leg-
islature, 163.-Letter from, to Secre-
tary Pitt, relating to the unanimity
and dispatch of the Assembly in car-
rying out the King's commands, 166.
-Letter from, to the Lords of Trade,
upon the Money Bills passed for ex-
traordinary purposes, 170. Letter
from, to the Lords of Trade, inform-
ing them that the New Jersey Regi-
ment had arrived at Albany, and that
he had laid out a town for the Indians
in Burlington County, 174.-Letter
from, to the Lords of Trade, con-
cerning the pretentions of R. H. Mor-
ris to the office of Chief-Justice, 176.
-Letter to, from the Lords of Trade,
inclosing proclamation for Thanks-
giving, 183.-Letter to, from the Lords
of Trade, announcing his appoint-
ment as Governor of Massachusetts
Bay, 188.-Letter to, from the Lords
of Trade, on the pretentions of Rob-
ert H. Morris to the office of Chief-
Justice, 191.-Referred to, 193-Let-
ter to, from Mr. Morris, inclosing the
patent appointing him to the office
of Chief-Justice, 22.-Letter from,
to the Lords of Trade, expressing
gratitude at being appointed Gover-
nor of Massachusetts Bay, 209.-Let-
ter from, to the Lords of Trade, in
relation to the claims of Mr. Morris
to the office of Chief-Justice, 212.-
Referred to, 217, 218.-Letter from, to
Secretary Pitt, inclosing his address
to the Legislature, with the answer
of the Assembly, 219.--Letter to the
Lords of Trade on the bill for raising
Troops, 224.-Referred to 230, 232, 236,
237, 239, 248, 270, 313, 387, 527-530, 622,

Boone: Thomas, appointment as Gover-
nor of New Jersey, approved by His
Majesty, 188, 189.-Draft of Commis-
sion of, 190.-Draft of Instructions for,
193, 194. Commission as Vice-Ad-
miral, 195.-Letter from, to the Lords
of Trade, acknowledging the honor
conferred upon him, 205.-Referred
to, 211.-Letter from, to the Lords of
Trade, announcing his departure for
New Jersey, 218.-Referred to, 226.—
Letter from, to the Lords of Trade,
announcing his arrival in New Jer-
sey, 231.-Sketch of, 231.-Letter to,
from R. H. Morris, stating his dispute
with Mr. Jones, 235.-Letter from, to
the Lords of Trade, transmitting Mr.
Morris' letter, 238.-Letter from, to
Secretary Pitt, in regard to imputed
illegal trade in New Jersey, 240.-
Letter from, to the Lords of Trade,
referring to the amicable proceedings
of the last Assembly, 248.-Letter
from, to Secretary of the Lords of
Trade, in relation to defective Postal
Arrangements in the Province, 249.—
Letter to, from Governor Colden,
relative to Northern Boundary dis-
pute, 253.-Letter from, to the Lords
of Trade, relative to raising an addi-
tional number of tro,ps, 260.--Letter
from, to Secretary Pitt, in relation to
raising troops, 261.-Referred to, 264,
265, 269, 270.-Letter from, to the
Lords of Trade, transmitting papers,
279.-Address to, by the House of
Representatives, 287.-Answer of, to
Address of the House, 288.-Letter
from, to the Lords of Trade, relative
to the New Jersey Regiment, 299.-
Letter from, to the Lords of Trade,
relative to the seizure of a vessel
engaged in illicit trade, 300.-Letter
from, to the Secretary of State, with
congratulations, on the King's in-
tended marriage, 304 -Letter from,
to the Lords of Trade, relative to his
leave of absence, 305.

Bernard: Fran., Captain in the New Jer-
sey Regiment, 186.

Berrien: John, 427, 463.-Letter from, to
Governor Franklin, relative to Cap-
tain Kennedy's Complaint, 470.
Besborough: Lord, 249.
Biddle: William, 4.

Bills of Credit: see Paper Currency.
Bishop of London: Representation of, to
the Lords of Trade, relative to Mar-
riage Licenses, 504, 520,

Bland: Gabriel, Surrogate, 359.

Boone: Charles, Letter to the Lords of
Trade, praying that his brother, Gov-
ernor Boone, be allowed to visit Eng-
land, 203.

Bostwick: Rev. David, extract from a
letter from, to Rev. Joseph Bellamy,
on the death Rev. Samuel Davies, 258.
Boundary Dispute: Order for the arrest
of Sussex County men, 178.-Petition
of Philip Swartwout, 250, 253.-Act
submitting the decision, 389.-Com-
missioners for running the bounda
ries, 447, 581, 588, 624, 630.
Bounties: Revival of, upon Hemp, 405.
Bounties on Raising Hemp and Silk, 490.
Bradstreet: Captain, 365.
Brahm, De: William, 582, 591, 624, 631.
Brainerd: Hezekiah, 355,
Brainerd: John, 175.-Commission of, as
Superintendent of the Indians at
Brotherton, 355.-Sketch of, 355.
Brotherton: Note on, 175.--Referred to,

Brown: Rev. Isaac, 610.
Brown: Philip, 5.
Buckley: Richard, 591.

Bonnel: Abraham, Lieutenant in New Budden: Captain, 524.

Jersey Regiment, 185.

Campbell: John, 335.
Campbell: Lord William, 621.
Carr: Sir Robert, 229.
Carteret: Governor, 456.
Chambers: John, 178.-One of the Com-
missioners to try Pirates, 283.
Cholmondeley: Robert, Letter to the

Lords Commissioners of his Majesty's
Treasury, submitting Orders and In-
structions for the Receiver-General,
Clarke: George, named as one of the
Commissioners for trying Pirates, 283.
Clarke: James, 180, 181.
Coates: Christopher, 257.
Coe: Daniel. Ensign in the New Jersey
Regiment, 187.

Colden: Cadwallader, 246.-Petition of

Philip Swartwout to, in relation to
the Northern Boundary, 250.-Letter
from, to Governor Boone, relative to
Northern Boundary Dispute, 253.-
Named as one of the Commissioners
for trying Pirates, 283. Referred to,
308, 325, 432.--Letter from, to Secre
tary Conway, relative to the Stamp
Act, 500.-Referred to, 510.-Letter
from, to Governor Franklin, relative
to the Stamped Papers, 511.
Cole: Cornelius, 180, 181.
Collier: John, 621.
Conttrack: Abraham, 117.
Conway Secretary, Letter from, to

Governor Franklin, relative to the
petition from the possessors of the
Islands in the River Delaware, 492.-
Letter to, from Lieutenant Governor
Colden, relative to the Stamp Act,
500.-Letter from, to Governor Frank-
lin, authorizing him to call out the
land and naval forces, 501.-Circular
Letter from, announcing the progress
in Parliament for the repeal of the
Stamp Act, 549.-Circular Letter from
transmitting Acts of Parliament for
securing the dependency of the Colo-
nies on the mother country, an 1 for
the repeal of the Stamp Act, 550.-
Letter to, from Governor Franklin,
transmitting a copy of his speech to
the Council and Assembly on the
repeal of the Stamp Act, 555.
Cooper: Mr., 627.


Corbin: Richard, 390.-One of the Com
missioners to settle the Boundary
Line, 447.

Cornwallis: General, 8, 14, 16.
Coryell: George, Lieutenant in the New
Jersey Regiment, 185, 187.
Council of New Jersey: Address of, to
Lieutenant Governor Pownall, 4.-
Vacancies in, 126, 383-Minutes of,
509.-Address of, to his Majesty on
the repeal of the Stamp Act, 558.-
Reply of to the congratulatory speech
of Governor Franklin, 562.-Fees of
the Clerk of, 597.

Courts: Governor's power to establish,
28, 29, 55.-Minutes of the Supreme
Court on the claim of Mr. Morris, 214.
-Court of Chancery, 297.-Tenure of
the Commission of Judges, 321, 324,
329, 349.-Surrogate, 359. -Ordinance
for holding the Supreme Court, 434.
-Instruments used in the various
Courts, 380.-Remarks of Governor
Franklin on an Act regulating the
practice of the Law, 490.-The Courts
and the Stamp Act, 505, 531, 536, 540,
546.-Fees of the Justices of the
Supreme Court, 593.-Fees of the Pre-
rogative Court, 595.-Fees of the Clerk
of the Supreme Court, 596.-Fees of
the Attorney-General, 598.-Sheriff's
Fees, 599.-Fees in the Court of Com-
mon Pleas, 600, 601.-Fees of the Clerk
of Assize,602.-Witnesses', Surveyors'
and Jury Fees, 603.-Constables',
Cryers' and Coroners' Fees, 604.-
Lawyers' Fees,605.-Fees in the Court
of Chancery, 609 to 616.-Admiralty
Courts, establisment of, 621.

Cox: William, Ensign in the New Jersey
Regiment, 187.

Coxe: William, Letter to Gov. Franklin,
497.-Referred to, 514, 515, 516, 517,


Crane: Phinehas, Ensign in the New
Jersey Regiment, 187.
Crawford: General, 277, 278.
Crawley: John, 321.
Croghan: Colonel, Deputy Agent for
Indian Affairs, 521.
Cryer: Thomas, 318.
Cuttebach: William, 178, 179.
Cuykendall: Solomon, 180, 181.


Davis: Deborah, 251.
Davies: Rev. Samuel, President of the
College of New Jersey, death of, 258.
Dayton: Elias, Ensign in the New Jersey
Regiment, 185, 186, 187.-Letter to,
from Sir Jeffrey Amherst, relative to
troops at Elizabethtown, 365.
De Lancey: James, Lieutenant-Governor
of New York, 178, 250, 251, 255.
Delancy: Oliver, named as one of the
Commissioners for trying Pirates, 283.

De Lancey: Stephen, 641.
De Grey: William, 629.

Dennis: Jacob, Surrogate, 360.

Reading.110.-Note on, 110.-Referred
to, 120, 141.

Doane: Jonathan, Surrogate, 360.
Donaldson: William, 186, 463.-Sketch of
the reasons why Captain Kennedy's
claim to a share of the Bergen Com-
mons was not admitted, 474.
Dongan: Governor, 336.
Doud: Aaron, Surrogate, 359.
Douglass: William, Captain in the New
Jersey Regiment, 184, 186.
Drayton: William, 621.
Drummond: Andrew, 445.
Duncan: Alexander, 622.

Denny: William, Letter to, from John Durrell: Philip, 110.

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