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certain national type, 299-it revealed no
negatives, ib.-Rome the pioneer of modern
civilization, ib.-Marius a type of the lowest
grade of Roman character, ib.-charácter of
Cicero marked strongly by Celtic traits, 301
--this has helped to develop his real character,
ib.-his letters convict him of vanity and the
weaker passions, 302- in morality he stands
higher than his contemporaries, ib.-in youth
he was undecided till selfishness ruled, ib.-
in his prime he was equally wavering, ib.-
in advanced life still irresolute, 304-wept
for his country, ib-acted as mediator be-
tween the factions, ib.-can be justly viewed
only from his own standpoint, 305-Cæsar
tries to entice him, 306-he lacks faith in
Pompey, 307-his deficiencies arose for want
of a high principle, 308-compared with
Cæsar and Pompey, ib.-both positive char-
acters, 309 et seq.-neither could tolerate a
rival, 310.-Pompey feared the trouble of
ruling, b.-Cicero's centre was his vanity,
314 three distinct views of the world, ib.—
first thought on returning from exile, 315-his
letters show his private life, 320 et seq.-
distinguished for what he was not than what
he was, 321.

Commencements of Colleges, &c.,article on,366—
criticism, 367-plans of education, 368 et seq
study of Latin, 370-translating, 371-too
many rules, 372-importance of composition,
373-4-system of the Jesuits, 374 et seq-Ba-
con's opinion, 375-Georgetown College, 377-
380 Holy Cross College, 380-82-Fordham
College, 382-4-St. Xavier's, 384-Manhattan
College 385-388-Columbia College, 388-
Harvard, ib-Rockland Female Institute, 389
-Deer Park Female Institute-a comparison,
390-St. Mary's Academy-391-2-Ferris Fe
male Institute, 393.

Cape Cod, noticed, 194-5

Druids, The Celtic, article on, 1-unwillingness

to enlighten the world, 2-the Druids ob-
jected to writing, ib.-misrepresented in
history, 3-German writers favor the Druids
as much as Irish, Welsh, or French, ib.-
Cæsar's opinion, 5-they do not go to war, ib.
cultivated memory and diligence, ib.-im-
mortality of the soul, 6-astronomy and phil-
osophy taught, ib.-Magi and Druids com-
pared, 7-Bards and Eubages inferior to the
Druids, ib.-the learned men of the age, 8-
influence of Bards during civil war, ib.-
deserve both honor and credit, 9-cruelty of
Edward I., ib.-Druids repair to the moun-
tains of Wales, Scotland, and Ireland, 10-
fine specimens of architecture, ib.-the
groves their temples, ib.-sacrilege to use
tools on temples to the Deity, 11-the cross a
sacred symbol in most countries from earliest
records, 12-the oak regarded as a sacred
tree, ib-human sacrifices, modes of offering
them, ib.-eminent writers deny the cruelty
of the Druids, 15-their leading maxims, ib.
-origin of transmigration of souls, 16-
different kinds of beasts offered in sacrifice,
ib.-elevated notions of the soul, 17-male-
factors not the innocent sacrificed, ib.-
modes of despatching their victims for
sacrifice, 18-the fairies, 19-the greatest
nations offered human sacrifices, ib.-the
Jews of more modern times, ib.-sacrifices to
Saturn, 21-instruments and vessels used for
sacrifices, 22-a sculpture, ib.-a sacrifice in
the tenth century, 23-ancient laws of the

Druids, 24-most learned and distinguished
authors give credit to the Druids, ib.-Cæsar
eulogizes the Gauls, ib.-The Druids did good
in their time, 26.

Debt, National, of the United States, article
on, 321-our ability to pay been demonstra-
ted, 323-plans to liquidate, 324-statements
on the debt of England, 325-her national debt
the cause of war with the colonies, 328-the
debt of France injurious to the nation, 329-
the cause of the wars of Louis XIII. and XIV.
ib.-and aided that of Louis XVI., ib.-national
bonds of France depreciated, ib.-she becomes
bankrupt, ib.-great suffering, 330-the Eng-
lishman, or American pays a heavier debt
than the Russian, 331 et seq.-our resources
constitute our wealth, 332-sinking fund of
no advantage, ib.-means of restraining the
national debt, ib.-sinking fund considered,
ib.-raising loans and increasing taxes, ib.
et seq.-our seven-thirty bonds safe because
our resources are great, 337-the national
debt a political tie, ib.-bonds the only basis
for currency, 338-uniform national banking
currency a bond of union, ib.-effect of in-
crease of population and manufactories, ib.—
payment of the debt by subscription regarded
impossible, ib.

Homer, Lord Derby's translation of, article on,
205-it requires a poet to translate poetry,
ib.-other qualifications indispensable, 206-7
-Homer superior to all other poets, ib.-
a thorough knowledge of Greek necessary to
understand the Iliad, ib.-the laws of nature
never stationary, 208-beauty not the same
in all lands, ib.-language constantly chang-
ing, ib.-one language powerless to reproduce
what is sublime in another, ib.-Greek lan-
guage superior, 209-different translations of
Homer, Derby's translation inferior to most
others, 210-deficiency in poetic spirit, ib.-
poets admired most in their own tongues, ib.
-Homer in all countries and ages, 212-taste
the result of unalterable laws, ib.-Lord Der-
by's translation compared to Mumford's and
others, 214 et seq.-ungallant style of Derby,
216 et seq.-Achilles approaching Hector, ib.-
translation of, ib.-the same by Mumford,
218-shield of Achilles, ib.-Pope's version of
the same, 220-injury to literature by false
translations, 222-the Homeric speeches, 226
-difference between a poet and one who is
not manifested in lamentation of Briseis for
Patroclus, 227-war condemned in the Iliad,
ib.-proof of the fact, 128.

Humboldt, William von, as a comparative phil-
ologist, 228-his investigations co-extensive
with the globe, 229-his system has rendered
him illustrious, ib.-study of language, ib.-
origin and affinity of European languages, 230-
his history in three distinct periods, 231-his
first view of the study of languages, ib.-essay
on the basis of the Basque language, ib.-cor-
rections and additions to Adelung's article,
ib.-second step commenced with the Sanscrit,
ib.-contributions to the Prussian Academy,
233-transformed ideal points to the order
and consistency of universal science, ib.-
his celebrated letter, 234-nature of writing,
ib.-its relation to language, ib.-important
desertations, ib.--minor treatises between
1827 and 1829, 236-grand link connecting
the sciences with the nature of man ib.
nature of lan-
-origin, definition, and

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guage, 237 et seq.-Humboldt's answers,
ib.-man's reflection converted the sounds
of nature into significant signs, ib.-lan-
guage neither the product of organization
nor the manifestation of emotion, 238-theory
of a divine origin no longer a question with
Humboldt, ib.-speech flows spontaneously, ib.
-opposes the idea of divine interven-
tion, 239-this energy the totality of
man's powers, ib.-language is the con-
necting link between the finite and infinite
nature of man, 240-not the work of an
individual, ib.-apparent contradiction con-
stitutes the peculiarity of language, 241-
our ability to speak referred to a universal
element, ib.-attempts to analyse the process
of speech, 242-manner of the action of
instinct, ib.-speech closely linked with in-
tellect and senses, ib.-man represents him-
self through speech,ib.-constitutive elements
of speech, ib.-affinity and analogy between
thought and sound, 244-articulation belongs
to the internal as well as external, ib.—
articulation the connecting link between
thought and sound, 245-three distinct
modes of designating objects, 248 et seq.-
remarks on the phenomena of language, 249-
every language maintains

an individual

character, 250-the character of a lan-
guage variously manifested, ib.-poetry and
prose the two grand divisions of speech,

Insurance Report. State Superintendent's, re-
viewed, 412, et seq.

Michelant, M. H., his Voyage de Cartier noticed,

[blocks in formation]

O'Conor, Charles, article on, 73 et seq.
Poetry, the, of the Orient, reviewed, 409.
Perry, R. Ross, his poem noticed, 399.

Persians, ancient civilization of, article on, 340
-Persia the centre of Asia, ib.-greatness of
the early Persians, 341-basis of the Per-
sian religion, i.-the dual principle, ib.-
Persian language, its earliest elements, 344-
spirit of the Persian language shows the tone of
mind and character. 347-mechanical arts now
known, 348-botany among the Persians, ib.
-they were behind the Hindoos in medical
sciences, ib.

Queen Anne, Wits of the Reign of, 251-most
splendid in the annals of literature, ib.-
Addison's life, 250, et seq.-his Cato criti
cised, b.-resorts of the wits at this time,
257-Pope, at the age of twenty-one, appears
as a poet, ib.-rising glory dims the reputa-
tion of Addison, 259-sets up a rival court, ib.
-his associates there, ib.-commences his
translation in his twenty-fifth year, 260-
Pope views Tickell as his rival, ib.-a
pamphlet appears reflecting on Pope, ib-his
triumph complete, ib.-he determines to be
avenged, ib.-the Dunciad, 262 his life
in danger, ib.-struggle between him and the
Dunces, 263-his epistles, satires, and moral
essays, ib. the Dunciad concluded, ib.


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Congreve, a brilliant young wit, 264-his
talents acknowledged, ib.-his comedies
bright and witty, 265-Dean Swift, the
greatest wit of the age, ib.-character in
youth, ib.-Secretary to Sir. W. Temple, ib.
-access to his library the foundation of his
greatness, 266-in 1708 he joins the Tories, ib,
-the Queen and her advisers refuse him a
bishopric, ib.-his ambition for political
power and notoriety, ib.-Bolingbroke ib.

Revolution, American, Historical View of, re
viewed, 183 et seq.



Rebellion, Lessons and Results, article on, 157-
civil tribunals more judicious than courts
. martial, 158-object of execution of crimi-
nals,ib. -martial law subordinate to cvil,
assassins, ib.-not
to laws nations to execute the
leader of a rebellion, ib.-nothing to be gained
by executing Davis, 160-his wife justified
in assisting him, ib.-leading English journals
regard the resuscitation of the Union impos-
sible, ib-Lee's manner of surrender entitles
him to his liberty, 168-confiscation next to
capital punishment, ib.-injudicious to deprive
the rebel states of their rights, ib.-denying
the rights of the rebel states would be ac-
knowledging the dissolution of the Union,
169-Slavery abolished forever, ib.-all these
questions settled-the Union enters on a more
glorious career, 169.

Savage, John, his Sybil reviewed and criticised,

Smith, Francis O. J., his Grant to aged indigent
mothers noticed, 396-7.

Science, medical, ancient, and modern discover-
ies in article on, 131-a skilful physicians, 132
-restrictions placed on human dissections, ib.
-effect mistaken for cause, ib.-ignorance of
sound physiology and anatomy, ib.-no im-
provement down to the times of the Ptolemies,
ib.-dissection the true means of shedding
light on disease ib. -discoveries of the
Alexandrian doctors, 133-noted physicians,
ib.system of empiricists led to valuable
discoveries, ib. benefits resulting from
change in the medical mind, ib.-systems of
medicine connected with religious supersti-
tions, 134-the Italians gave little attention
to medicine, ib.-temples dedicated to deities,
ib.-slaves first practice medicine in
Rome, ib.-Mahometanism forbade dissection,
137-modern medicines preventive of disease,
152-enlightened sentiment more necessary
to the community than drugs, 156, et seq.

Statesmanship, English, Phases of, article on,
96-essays, 98-English history, 100-Macau-
lay and Lewis contrasted, b.-our states-
manship bears a close resemblance to Great
Britain, 101-whig aristocracy, ib.-tory
administration, 102-reform bill, 103-whigs
progressive,fib.-tories supporters of the royal
prerogative, b-conservatives, 104-promi-
nent leaders of the party, 105-prominent
whigs, 106-the five prominent statesmen
of England, ib.-Lord Castlereagh, 107-
emancipation of Roman Catholics, 108-Can-
ning as a statesman, 110-Lord Grenville as-
pires to the premiership, 111-character of
Lord Grey, 112-his failure as a statesman,
113-Sir Robert Peel and Lord John Russell,

ib.-Peel's administration, ib. et seq.-Russell
as a debater, ib.-his parliamentary talents,
115-Lord Derby not of highest repute as a
statesman, 116-Lord Palmerston, 118-his
power of inspiring confidence, ib.

Trollope, T. A., his History of Florence noticed,

Wise, James A., his Address reviewed, 397-9.

Wallenstein, article on, 27-played a conspicu-
ous part in Europe, ib.-his career a most
brilliant one, ib.was of ancient noble fam-
ily, 29-early left an orphan, ib.-only the
coarse and illiterate are beyond the control of
feminine influence, 30-campaign in 1617, 31
-Europe disturbed by religious disputes, 32-
Ferdinand of Austria, 33-his reign opens
with war in the Palatinate, ib.-he enjoys a
momentary peace, ib.-resources of the king
uncertain, ib.-the King of Denmark called
to aid the Union princes, 34-Wallenstein
proposes to raise an army at his own expense,

35-a powerful ally to Ferdinand, ib.-his
army increases, ib.-he inspires them with
zeal, 36-invincible, ib.-he scorned divided
fame, ib.-his army cost him little, ib.-was
both hated and feared, 37-in 1627 he demands
the Duchy of Mecklenburgh, 38-peace con-
cluded at Lubec, 1819, ib.-Wallenstein abso-
lute master in Germany, 39-hated by all but
his soldiers, ib.-Ferdinand relies upon him
as the strength of his empire, ib.-he orders
him to retire, 40-without murmur he leaves
the army, 41-lives in pomp and splendor,
42-soon rises in glory, 43-Ferdinand vainly
trusts Count Tilly, b.-the Austrians are
defeated, 44-Tilly mortally wounded, ib.-
the Austrian supremacy passing away, ib.-
Wallenstein refuses to hold the city.
dinand gives him chief command, 45-the
duke refuses to accept a divided command, b.
-he makes his own conditions, ib.-he fights
a great battle near Lutzen, 46-Gustavus
slain, b.-his character, 47-Wallenstein in
a new character, 49-Ferdinand commissions
Count Galas to supersede Wallenstein, 50-re-
garded as a traitor, ib.-falls by assassina-
tion, ib.




No. XXI.

JUNE, 18 6 5.

ART I.-1. Celtic Researches on the Origin, Traditions, and Language of the Ancient Britons, with some Introductory Sketches of Primitive Society. By EDWARD DAVIES, Curate of Olveston, Gloucestershire. London, 1804.

2. Histoire des Gaulois. Par AMEDEE THIERRY. Paris, 1845. 3. The Celtic Druids. By GODFREY HIGGINS, Esq., F. S. A, of Skellow Grange, near Doncaster, Yorkshire. London, 1827. 4. La Religion des Gaulois. Par D. MARTIN. Paris, 1727.

5. Commentatio de Druidis. J. G. FRIKIUS. Ulm, 1744.

6. Ueber die Druiden der Kelten. VON KARL BARTH. Irlangen, 1826.

7. The Ecclesiastical Antiquities of the Cymry. By J. WILLIAMS. Loudon, 1844.

8. Les Fées du Moyen Age. Par ALFRED MAURY. Paris, 1842.

It is impossible to estimate the amount of valuable knowledge the world has lost by the unwillingness of certain sects of philosophers to commit the results of their researches to writing. And if this fact be admitted, it must follow that no argument can justify such a course. Few, if Few, if any, will dispute that those who avoid recording their discoveries, lest the public at large might have the benefit of them in common with themselves, are guilty of a most reprehensible selfishness; and yet it is to be feared that this has been the prevailing motive. That some have been influenced only by


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modesty in avoiding publicity is well known; others have brought valuable truths to the grave with them, rather than seem actuated by vanity or the love of praise. But each have seriously erred. Modesty is indeed a virtue, but when carried to excess it degenerates into a vice. Nor is vanity always culpable or pernicious in its influence; on the contrary, it often, if not always, prompts us to deserve the good opinion which we wish our neighbors to entertain of us. In short, vanity, as well as modesty, has been implanted in us by nature; and it is the abuse, not the use, of her gifts which is injurious. Man is a social being, and as such he should not conceal from his neighbor any knowledge which would benefit him without injuring himself. If he persistently does so, he violates a law of nature, for which he will have to pay the penalty, in one form or other sooner or later.

In no instance has this been more forcibly exemplified than in that of the sects of philosophers who have hoarded up their knowledge as jealously as the miser does his gold. Thus the Druids, who form the subject of our present paper, would have occupied a very different position in history from what they do to-day had they committed their speculations to writing. Because they have failed to do so they are spoken of alternately with contempt and horror by all who lack either the ability or the disposition to investigate their history. The number who do this must ever be small, because all the knowledge we possess as to what the Druids really .were is scattered over a wide field, and has to be carefully searched for in every direction. The authors who tell us most of what is reliable about them are seldom read but by the learned. This affords the unscrupulous halflearned an opportunity of blackening their character more and more from one lustrum to another, so as to pander to the prejudices of those who regard the Druids as belonging to a different race from their own. Thus, not only does the memory of the Druids suffer at this day more. than it did centuries ago, because they failed to vindicate themselves by placing their ideas on record, but the people whose priests and philosophers they were are as much as possible made partakers in their odium.

What our object is in this paper is to show how grossly the Druids have been misrepresented. In doing so, however, we have no intention of representing them as models worthy of imitation. Far be it from us to deny that they had grave faults, or to assert that their system of theology, however superior it

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