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upon constipation, which point to the absorption of intestinal putrid gases above the obstruction. Septic fever, high temperatures, and serious reflex symptoms-such as convulsions-may require the speedy evacuation of the bowels. Though such occurrences are rare, they are sometimes met with.-A. Jacobi, in Arch. of Ped.

MAMMARY ABSCESS.-I wish to add my testimony, from an experience of over fifteen years, in regard to the use of sponge-dressing for abscesses, so far as it applies to mammary abscesses. I know of no means so safe, sure and rapid as equable compression by a large bathing sponge to insure speedy cessation of suppuration and a complete closure of the abscess cavity in the female breast. After evacuating the pus through a fairly large incision, I apply a large coarse bathing sponge cut out in the centre to receive the gland, and steeped in hot two per cent. carbolized water, and rapidly squeezed dry, over the whole breast, cover it with oiled silk, and press it firmly against the thorax by two large folded three-cornered bandages, the first lifting the breast up and being tied behind the neck, the second going directly around the thorax. The abscess-cavity is thus kept continually emptied, and its walls being in apposition by compression, incline to adhere, and thus secure a speedy closure of the abscess.

According to the amount of suppuration, the sponge is washed and reapplied three or four times in 24 hours for the first day or two-later on, less frequently. The largest mammary abscesses I have seen, involving the whole gland, have been completely closed under this treatment in less than one week. It is particularly applicable to cases where some of the gland tissue is still hard and brawny, and where the drainage-tube only seems to irritate the wound.

This dressing is convenient, inexpensive, easy of application, and perfectly efficient, in every way far preferable to drainage and strapping.

I have not found it necessary to syringe out the abscess cavity with bichloride solution, although if the pus were offensive I should certainly do so.

I do not remember where I first heard of this method of treating mammary abscesses, but it certainly was not from the books. Since I have been using it, I believe I have seen it mentioned in surgical literature; where, I do not recollect.—Paul F. Munde, in Practice.



$ 1.000.


THE DECORATOR AND FURNISHER, finest of Art Magazines, offers the above amount in prizes for best arrangement of furniture in best room in country house, furnishing a flat, designs for mantel lambrequin, bed quilt, sofa pillow, floral arrangement, painting in water or oils, china decoration, embroidery, repousee, wood carving, etc. Send 35 cts. in stamps for sample copy. 30 East Fourteenth Street, New York.

Gonorrhæa, after the acute stage has passed; also in Gleet.

R Hydrastia (Berberina) Sulph.
(Wm. S. Merrell Chemical Co's)

Mucil Acacia,

M. A half ounce as an injection.

B Fluid Hydrastis,

Distilled Water,

z i

3 iv

Chronic Gastric Catarrh; Atonic Dyspepsia; Stomachic Tonic.

[blocks in formation]

Teaspoonful doses before meals daily for some time.


B Acidi Salicylici (Merrell), from wintergreen, 3 ss


Ag. Calcis ad,

M. S.

3 ij

3 viij

Use spray; Boro-Glycerine 50% solution, one part to ro, as a local application.

[blocks in formation]

Fl. Ext. Dog grass ("Merrell"),

grs. iij 3 iss

M. Sig: Teaspoonful in water every four hours.


Manufacturing Chemists,


Manufacturers of elegant and reliable pharmaceuticals, including "GREEN DRUG FLUID EXTRACTS," in the manufacture of which cognizance is taken of the fact that certain drugs lose valuable properties on exposure to action of light and atmosphere in the process of drying; and that quantity of fresh or partially dried drug is used for making each fluid pint, which, if thoroughly dried, would have weighed 16 Troy ounces.

FLUID HYDRASTIS.-Non-alcoholic, non-resinous, non-irritating and containing all the medicinal qualities of the drug.

SOLUTION OF BISMUTH AND HYDRASTIA.-Mild and colorless. SOLUTION OF COLORLESS HYRASTIA.-Representing in each pint the amount of white alkaloid in 16 Troy ounces of crude Hydrastis, Canadensis. Useful in all inflammations of mucous surfaces, as in gonorrhea, leucorrhæa, nasal catarrh, cystitis, etc. SYRUP HYPOPHOSPHITES CO. with Quinia, Strychnia and Manganese. SYR. PHOSPHATES CO. (Chemical Food). SYR. LACTO. PHOSPHATES CO. Nutritive, tonic and restorative compounds of acknowledged value.

ALKALINE ELIX RHEI CO. with Pancreatine-Antacid, carminative stomachic, tonic and digestive. Useful in acid dyspepsia, cholera morbus or infantum, fiatulent colic, etc.

ELIX. HELONIAS COMP. (Helonias Cordial), containing False Unicorn, Squaw Vine, Cramp Bark, Blue Cohosh and Aromatics. Valuable as a tonic and sedative in diseases of generative organs of both sexes—especially in amenorrhæa, dysmenorrhæa and menorrhagia.

TRUE SALICYLIC ACID (from oil of wintergreen), absolutely pure and free from the irritating properties of the factitious product. This appears in large needle-like crystals, and will be borne by the stomach in many cases where the ordinary will not be retained at all.

PURE BORO-GLYCERIDE (solid), formula B O, C, H ̧.


OINTMENT BORO-GLYCERIDE. Strongly anti-septic, non-poisonous, nonirritating, inodorous and with no stain. Extremely valuable in surgical and gynecological practice. Send for samples and circulars.




Communications, reports, etc., are solicited from all quarters.


Authors desiring reprints, will receive fifty, free of charge, provided the request for the same accompanies the article.

Subscribers changing their location, are requested to notify the Publishers promptly, that there may be no delay in receipt of the journal, stating both the new and the former post-office address.

We have no authorized Collectors, except such as carry properly made out bills, countersigned by the Publishers. HANN & ADAIR, Publishers, Columbus, O.

THE OHIO STATE MEDICAL SOCIETY. The Ohio State Medical Society meets in Columbus, June 13, at 2 P. M., at Wirthwein Hall. The following papers constitute the programme:

a "Radical Cure of Hernia." (With Exhibition of Cases.) D. P. Allen, Cleveland.

b"Radical Cure of Hernia." A. W. Ridenour, Massillon.
"Contagiousness of Disease." H. J. Herrick, Cleveland.


d "The Treatment of Acne." B. M. Ricketts, Cincinnati,

[ocr errors]

"Ergot and Its Uses in Labor and Uterine Hemorrhage." D. H. Brinkerhoff, Fremont.

f "Malpractice Suits." P. S. Conner, Cincinnati.

g "An Experimental Demonstration of the Value of Gaseous Enemata in the Diagnosis of Perforations of the Intestines, and their Repair by the Rubber Ring and Decalcified Plate Method." R. Harvey Reed, Mansfield.




"The Therapy of Tuberculosis." J. T. Whittaker, Cincinnati. "Tubercular Diathesis." W. C. Chapman, Toledo.

"Four Cases of Diabetes Mellitus, Which I Did Not Cure." W. J. Scott, Cleveland.

k"On the Consequence of Acute Suppuration of the Middle Ear, With Special Reference to Opening the Mastoid." A. R. Baker, Cleveland.

"Laparotomy for Rupture of Uterus, With Report of a Case." Chas. A. L. Reed, Cincinnati.


"Treatment of Fibroid Tumors of the Uterus by Electrolysis,

as Advised by Apostoli." A. B. Carpenter, Cleveland.

Gonorrhæa, after the acute stage has passed; also in Gleet.

R Hydrastia (Berberina) Sulph.
(Wm. S. Merrell Chemical Co's)

3 i

Mucil Acacia,

3 iv

M. A half ounce as an injection.

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Chronic Gastric Catarrh; Atonic Dyspepsia; Stomachic Tonic.

Teaspoonful doses before meals daily for some time.


B Acidi Salicylici (Merrell), from wintergreen, 3 ss

Ag. Calcis ad,

3 ij

3 viij

M. S. Use spray; Boro Glycerine 50% solution, one part to 10, as a local application.

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Fl. Ext. Dog grass ("Merrell"),

grs. iij 3 iss

M. Sig: Teaspoonful in water every four hours.


Manufacturing Chemists,


Manufacturers of elegant and reliable pharmaceuticals, including "GREEN DRUG FLUID EXTRACTS," in the manufacture of which cognizance is taken of the fact that certain drugs lose valuable properties on exposure to action of light and atmosphere in the process of drying; and that quantity of fresh or partially dried drug is used for making each fluid pint, which, if thoroughly dried, would have weighed 16 Troy ounces.

FLUID HYDRASTIS.-Non-alcoholic, non-resinous, non-irritating and containing all the medicinal qualities of the drug.

SOLUTION OF BISMUTH AND HYDRASTIA.-Mild and colorless. SOLUTION OF COLORLESS HYRASTIA.-Representing in each pint the amount of white alkaloid in 16 Troy ounces of crude Hydrastis, Canadensis. Useful in all inflammations of mucous surfaces, as in gonorrhæa, leucorrhæa, nasal catarrh, cystitis, etc. SYRUP HYPOPHOSPHITES CO. with Quinia, Strychnia and Manganese. SYR. PHOSPHATES CO. (Chemical Food). SYR. LACTO. PHOSPHATES CO. Nutritive, tonic and restorative compounds of acknowledged value.

ALKALINE ELIX RHEI CO. with Pancreatine-Antacid, carminative stomachic, tonic and digestive. Useful in acid dyspepsia, cholera morbus or infantum, fiatulent colic, etc. ELIX. HELONIAS COMP. (Helonias Cordial), containing False Unicorn, Squaw Vine, Cramp Bark, Blue Cohosh and Aromatics. Valuable as a tonic and sedative in diseases of generative organs of both sexes-especially in amenorrhæa, dysmenorrhœa and menorrhagia.

TRUE SALICYLIC ACID (from oil of wintergreen), absolutely pure and free from the irritating properties of the factitious product. This appears in large needle-like crystals, and will be borne by the stomach in many cases where the ordinary will not be retained at all.

PURE BORO-GLYCERIDE (solid), formula B O, C, H,.


OINTMENT BORO-GLYCERIDE. Strongly anti-septic, non-poisonous, nonirritating, inodorous and with no stain. Extremely valuable in surgical and gynecological practice. Send for samples and circulars.

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