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17. Again, of two bars of wrought iron, of the same length, namely 7.5 ft., one, being 3 inches broad and inch thick, broke with 3501 lbs. the other, 3 inches broad, 1 inches thick, with 91,746 lbs. ; calculate th power of the thickness to which the strength is proportional.

18. Hence prove (using the average indices deduced from the experi ments of which the above are examples) that similar pillars, or plate used as pillars, have their strengths proportional to the square of thei like lineal dimension.

19. Being required to report on the compliance or non-compliance of the deposited Map and Section of a proposed line of railway as to Standing Orders, state fully the various points to which attention should be directed.

20. Describe the different methods of specifying the quality of wrought iron for girders; and give a statement of the chief points to be attended to in specifying the workmanship of the top, bottom, and sides, of plate and lattice girders.

21. Describe the three descriptions of cast iron from the character of the appearance of the surface of fracture; stating the Nos. which are given to each, and the different purposes to which they are severally best applied.

22. Draw up a specification for a piled foundation, with timber platform for the pier of a bridge, as in that of one of the piers of London Bridge.

23. Give the specification and description of a coffer-dam, consisting of a single row of piles for the abutments of a bridge in a tidal and navigable stream, as that at Bow Bridge.

24. Prove that in any equilibrated polygon of rods, free to move at the angles, and without friction, the horizontal thrust is constant; and also that the weights at the several joints are proportional to the sines of the angles between the rods, divided by the product of the sines of the angles into which the vertical from the joint divides the angle between the bars.

25. Calculate the diameter of a pipe to convey 1000 cub. ft. of water per minute, at a velocity of 2.5 ft. per second, and the inclination at which it is laid to give this discharge.

26. Calculate all the dimensions of a channel the depth of water flowing in which is 3 ft., the slopes of the sides 2 to 1, and conveying 3000 cub. ft. per minute, at a velocity of one mile per hour.

27. Draw the curve of equal horizontal thrust, or line of pressure, through the voussoirs of a segmental arch 28 ft. span, 6 ft. rise, and having 1 ft. 6 in. depth at the key; assuming any points at the springing and at the key through which it is supposed to pass.

28. Calculate the horizontal thrust in the arch in No. 27, when built of granite; and give the proof of the formula applied.

29. Calculate the ultimate strength of a cast iron beam, 28 ft. in clear span; depth at centre, 2 ft.; area of bottom flange, 12 in. wide by 1 in. deep.

30. Calculate the area of the bottom flange required at the points 6 ft. from the centre at each side, the ultimate load being uniformly distributed, the area at the centre being as in No. 29; the depth at these points being 1 ft. 10 inches.

31. Draw up the specification of a timber bridge for a railway, and specify for the test of the driving of the piles.

32. Give the specification for building a weir across the bed of a river, the bottom being a clayey gravel.

33. Draw up the specification of a turnpike road.

34. Draw up the specification of a river wall, faced with granite, backing of brickwork, foundation on clay, height of wall 25 ft.



1. What are the arguments that may be adduced in favour of the opinion that typhus and typhoid fever are essentially different diseases?

2. What are the arguments that may be adduced in favour of the opinion that they are modifications of one and the same disease?

3. Describe the modifications of respiration, as indicated by the stethoscope, in the course of a case of acute pleurisy terminating in effusion, which effusion is eventually removed either by absorption or operation. 4. What are the objections to Laennec's explanation of the phenomenon of egophony?

5. What is the rationale of Valsalva's treatment of aneurism? 6. What is the pathognomonic sign of gangrene of the lung?

7. Who first described the colourless softening of the brain?

8. What surgical operation confirmed the correctness of his view of the nature of this lesion ?

9. Who first described red softening of the brain?

10. With what cardiac affections are these cerebral lesions not unfrequently associated?

11. What is the proof that the fluid contained in the pleura in a case of pneumo-thorax is not the contents of a vomica that has emptied itself into this cavity?

12. Upon what condition of the lesion in a case of pneumo-thorax does the degree of distress of the patient, and the more or less speedy issue of the case, depend?



1. Mention the cases in which you would deem it proper to open the trachea. In what cases would you prefer performing the operation of laryngotomy? Enumerate the signs and symptoms which denote the presence of a foreign body in the air passages.


2. If, in performing the operation of castration, the cord has been accidentally allowed to retract before its vessels have been tied, and alarming bleeding results, what course of proceeding would you adopt?

3. Enumerate the secondary affections consequent upon gonorrhoea. How would you treat inflammation of the prostate gland resulting from this cause? What constitutional disease most frequently gives rise to prostatic irritation of a temporary nature?

4. Describe a case of extravasation of urine, resulting from rupture of the urethra by external violence; and mention the treatment you would have recourse to.



1. Enumerate the varieties of continued fever.

2. State the chief points of distinction between typhus fever and inflammation of the brain and its membranes.

3. How is the prognosis in typhus fever influenced by age?

4. What remedial measures would you adopt in states of insomnia in fever?

5. What are the diseases in which secondary pneumonia is most likely to occur?

6. What treatment would you employ in asthenic pneumonia ?



1. What danger would arise if the axes of the uterus and brim of the pelvis were not in accordance?

2. What accident might result from too great prominence of the promontory of the sacrum ?

3. What do you mean by the "beats" and "sounds" of the heart, and how many of each are there per minute?

4. Is the "placental souffle" a proof of a child being "in utero”?

5. Suppose you were called to see a lady complaining of headach, with oedema of the face and hands, and whose urine contained albumen, what would you fear at the time of labour, and what prophylactic treatment would you adopt?

6. You are called to a lady under the following circumstances:-She is eight months pregnant; had a discharge of blood at the seventh month, which has just recurred. What would you fear as to the cause, and how would you determine upon the nature of the case?

7. If, in such a case, you found that the placenta were situated near the fundus, but that the liquor amnii had been evacuated, what treatment would you adopt?

8. If you were called to a case of violent epileptic convulsions at the commencement of a first labour, before the os uteri was dilated, what treatment would you adopt?



1. Describe a process for the detection of opium in organic mixtures. 2. State the purposes for which the preparations of arsenic, mercury, and phosphorus are employed in the arts, and the constitutional symptoms to which they respectively give rise.

3. State the different sources from which medical evidence may be derived in death by poisoning.

4. Describe the symptoms of poisoning with belladonna.

5. What method would you adopt in investigating the nature of suspected blood-stains on linen and woollen cloths?


Trinity Term.




1. How does Butler trace self-deceit to its various sources? Where lies its peculiar province? What, then, was remarkable in the case of David? and how is it to be accounted for? How do you show that the temper itself is essentially vicious and immoral ? and what illustrations does Butler give of this last point?

2. State the reflections suggested by the observation of our own ignorance; and enlarge especially on the third, namely, what is the proper business of mankind.

3. What is the kind of argument by which (in second Sermon) Butler enforces man's obligation to virtue? Why is it peculiarly strong when applied to the nature of man? and what are the cautions to be considered in applying it?

4. In what sense only can man be said to be, by nature, a law to himself? and what other meanings of the words does Butler mention, and show to be inapplicable to St. Paul's words?



1. Discuss the relation of natural religion to revealed, pointing out the unfairness of the Deistical argument against revelation founded on natural religion.

2. State Butler's arguments for the preference of moral precepts to positive ones, when both cannot be obeyed.

3. Show that Butler regards Divine revelation as in many respects analogous to the light of nature, when viewed as a source of true knowledge.

4. Miracles, considered as interferences with the ordinary course of nature, may be viewed in two different lights: in which of these does Butler seem to regard them? and give proofs.

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