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1. L'articolo definito è mai impregato cò nomi proprii di persone, e quale ne è l'ufficio.

2. Qual parte del discorso viene spesso usato dagl' Italiani in vece del pronome possessivo?

3. Date i varii significati della particella ne, e dite che cosa sia, e quando debba, o no, unirsi col verbo.

4. Scrivete il superlativo assoluto dè seguenti aggettivi :-Integro, celǝbre, sublime, salubre: grande, splendido, cortese, e colto.

5. Qual è la costruzione del verbo quando dipendente dal pronome chi? 6. Scrivete il preterito dei verbi sapere, sciogliere, credere, vedere; il participio passato di volgere, potere, ridere, svellere, temere, vincere, sepellire, volere.


1. Chi fu il primo dei Visconti che assunse il titolo di Duca di Milano, ed in qual epoca ebbe luogo quell' evento?

2. A che epoca Lucchino Visconti s' impadronì del governo di Milano, e quali furono i nemici che gli mossero guerra e che lo costrinsero a lasciar Milano?

3. Chi fu l' ultimo della famiglia Visconti che portò il titolo di Duca di Milano, e chi gli successe?

4. All' epoca dei Visconti, qual altra grande famiglia divideva seco loro la somma influenza negli affari d' Italia?


1. Qual è la storia scritta da Caterino Davila che gli ha meritata l'immortalità ?

2. Chi è l'autore del Primato morale e civile degl' Italiani, e quali sono le altre sue opere?

3. A che epoca visse Guiseppe Leopardi, e quali sono i suoi scritti ? 4. Nominate quattro autori classici di tragedie nel XIX. secolo, e date 1 nome della principale composizione tragica di cadauno.

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1. Beginning, D. Diego. ¡ Mandar, hija mia!.. En estas materias.... Ending, hallaria en V. todo cuanto yo deseaba.

MORATIN, El si de las Niñas, act ii. sc. 7.

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Beginning, The languages which are spoken by the inhabitants..
Ending, and varied it from both of those terminations.

SISMONDI, Literature of the South of Europe, c. i.


1. When is the Spanish conjunction "que" left out in that language? 2. Write down the plural of cualquiera, and quien quiera. State their meaning, and say whether they are simple or compound words.

3. What difference is there between mio, tuyo, suyo, and mi, tu, su? Give the meaning and construction of both forms with their corresponding plural.

4. Este, esta, esto is the demonstrative pronoun corresponding to the English pronoun "this." State why there are three forms in Spanish, and give their corresponding forms in the plural.

5. Give the present indicative of sentir, pedir, and decir; the preterite definite of tener, haber, ser, and dormir; the past participle of hacer and ver; and the present participle of poder.


1. Besides Don Quijote, did Cervantes write any other classic work of great merit?

2. Who is the best modern historian in Spain? and what history did he write?

3. What are the works of Yglesias, Iriarte, Quevedo, Martinez de la Rosa, El Padre Isla, and Lope de la Vega?

4. At what epoch did Calderon della Barca live? and what are his principal works?


1. Who was the King of Spain who succeeded finally in driving the Moors out of Spain?

2. What were the principal reasons that induced the Netherlands to shake off the Spanish yoke; and how long did that heroic nation struggle against the powerful Spanish monarchy before conquering its independence?

3. Under whose reign did Christopher Columbus discover America?

4. At what epoch did Austria, and the greater part of Italy, belong to the Spanish monarchy ? and when did the King of Spain cease being the Emperor of Austria ?




Write your opinion on each of the following cases :—

1. A spastic state of the muscles of the back; retraction of the head; hyperesthesia of the surface; spasmodic action, occasionally paroxysmal; suffusion of the eyes; anxious expression of the countenance; delirium absent; febrile symptoms doubtful; the disease not chronic, but in the locality epidemic.

2. A chronic and apyrexial disease; the entire of one side of the thorax absolutely dull on percussion; râle, bronchial respiration, and vocal resonance absent; no excentric displacement; a varicose condition of the subcutaneous veins on the affected side; long-continued but slight hæmoptysis.

3. A tumour in the upper part of the abdomen, distinctly but feebly pulsating; it is moveable vertically and transversely; it presents bellows murmur, which, however, disappears in certain positions of the tumour.

4. A pustular eruption; each pustule surrounded by a white areola ; sanious discharge from the nostrils; patches of a livid oedema on the face; low typhoid fever; death; the lungs presenting small purulent deposits, each of them surrounded by circumscribed ecchymoses.

5. Occasional attacks of syncope; pulse slow; attacks of syncope followed often by a passing hemiplegia without muscular contraction.



1. Describe the minute structure of muscle, and contrast the microscopic appearances of muscular fibre in repose and in active contraction. 2. Enumerate the openings into the superior, middle, and inferior meatuses, respectively.

3. Describe the dissection necessary to expose the conjoined tendons of the internal oblique and transversalis abdominis muscles.

4. Enumerate the muscles which connect the scapula to the trunk, and assign to each its action.

5. The course and relations of the ulnar artery in the forearm.

6. What are the "arteriæ helicinæ," and who described them?

1. Describe the minute anatomy of the lung, and the arrangement of the pulmonary capillaries.

2. Describe the Eustachian valve, and assign its functions.

3. Describe the recto-vesical fascia, and the dissection you would make to demonstrate it.

4. Describe the quadrigeminal bodies. What are their homologues in reptilia and fishes ?

5. Trace the circumflex humeri nerve, and mention its distribution.



1. What are the distinctive characters of venereal iritis? Mention the different diseases during the progress of which iritis may occur. In what cases is bark useful? Who recommended turpentine in this disease? What is your opinion respecting bleeding in cases of iritis?

2. Describe Dupuytren's operation for the cure of an artificial anus, and Amussat's for the establishment of one.

3. Mention the different forms of intussusception, and the process by which a natural cure is occasionally accomplished.

4. Describe Nélaton's mode of reducing a dislocation of the lower jaw. 5. What dangers attend deep-seated abscess in the axilla?



1. Enumerate the causes which induce anæmia.

2. The causes, the symptoms, the pathology, and the treatment of gangrene of the lung?

3. Give the symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of acute peritonitis. 4. The symptoms, the progress, and the terminations of diphtheritic paralysis.



1. What are the pathological conditions of intra-thoracic organs which produce permanent alteration in the form of the chest?

2. What is the rationale of such alteration of form?

3. In cases of ascites what circumstances will determine you to resort, without delay, to the operation of paracentesis abdominis?

4. How many kinds of cerebral softening are there?

5. What is the pathological nature of each ?

6. What appearances does each present under the microscope?

7. What pathological conditions of the heart often induce cerebral disease?

8. To what do the lungs owe their not suffering from the excited action of the heart, and they being so near the heart, while the more distant brain is often injured by this organ?

9. How does an adherent pericardium affect the nutrition of the heart? 10. Describe the process of death by asphyxia?

11. What portion of the brain is least tolerant of injury, or whose injury produces the largest amount of general mischief?

12. What is Bizot's law relative to the pathology of arteries?



1. What treatment would you advise in prolapse of the funis?

2. Describe the symptoms of rupture of the uterus.

3. How would you treat secondary hemorrhage ?

4. In a case of accidental hemorrhage, would it be wise to rupture the membranes before regular pains set in?

5. What remedy against the hemorrhage in placenta previa would you adopt at the commencement of labour?



1. Indicate the means, medicinal and mechanical, usually employed for the purpose of procuring criminal abortion.

2. Contrast the characters of the putrefactive changes that occur in a child, dead in utero, and retained for eight or ten days, with those of a still-born child coffined and buried for the same period.

3. Certain changes occurring in dead bodies during the progress of decomposition may be mistaken for pathological phenomena; refer to some of those, and state the mode of determining their real character.

4. What method would you adopt for the detection of bichloride of mercury in matters vomited, or the contents of the stomach?

5. Describe a process for the detection of oxalic acid in the stomach, in a case where antidotes had been freely exhibited.

6. Give a good differential test of arsenic and antimony deposited in a tube of Marsh's apparatus.

7. There are poisons whose operation may be satisfactorily established from the symptoms and autopsic appearances, in the absence of all chemical proof. Give examples of this class.



1. Mention and explain any process with which you are acquainted for determining the amount of moisture in a given bulk of air.

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