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ince, and of lending 7 barrels of powder to this Province, and that the Secr'y issue forth an order for the receiving of the same and passing a receipt accordingly.

Upon application made to his Honor the Lieut. Gove', by William Partridge, Esq. Treasurer & Receiver-General of this Province, that he was chosen constable for the toun of Portsmouth which is in prejudice of his office - It is ordered, that the Sherriffe of this Province give notice to the inhabitants of this toune, tomorrow, that they make a new election of another meet person to be Constable in the room of the said Wm. Partridge.

Ordered, That the Fort-house upon Great Island be forthwith repaired, & carriages made for the great guns there; and that notice thereof be given by the Sec'y to Mr. Wm. Partridge, treasurer, to put the same in Execution imediately.

Ordered, That Joseph Chownes bring his shallop, the Gift, over to Great Island with all convenient speed, having been seized by the deputy collector for not entring his vessel with him according to law.

It is advised, That whereas Nath'. Wear, Esq. one of their Maj'ties' Council for this Province, being out of the same, and there not being seven of the Council according to their Maj'ties Lres-Patents; that William Vaughan, Richa Waldron, Esqrs. be added to the Council, pursuant to the said Lres-Patents, and for the emergency of affairs at this juncture occasioned by the French and Indian enemys.

Upon complaint made to this Board that Paul Millard had passed the Fort without the permitt of the Lieut. Govern', and his vessel thereupon seized, upon his submission on his Examination, it is hereby ordered, That his sloop be released from the said seizure and permitted to unload, upon entring his sd sloope with the Collector, according to custom & paying of fees.

B. II. p. 5.

September 30th 1692.

In pursuance of an order of his Honor the Lieut. Govern' and Council of the Province of New Hampshire, of the 15th of August last, upon this day I made demand of Capt. Pickering, (at his house in Portsmouth in the prsence of Rich Jose, Esq. high sherriffe of the Province afores") of the books of Laws and Records in his hands belonging to this Province, to be secured by me; but sd Capt. Pickering then & there positively denyed to deliver the



B. II. p. 6.

Province of New Hampshire.

At a Council held at Great Island, the third day of October,

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Ordered, That the General Assembly be held at Strawberrybanck, at the house of Mr. Rhines, the discharge of the use thereof to be allowed upon the publique acct; and that the sherriffe cause the said house to be prepared fitt for that service, and a meet person to attend both houses as occasion shall require.

The Lieut. Gov' made a report to this Board, That in pursuance of an order of his Honor and Council of the 29th day of September last, to add Wm. Vaughan & Rich Waldron, Esqs. to the Council, that the same day they accepted thereof, and he administered the oaths to them accordingly.

Upon a report made to this Board by the Lieut. Gov. that the soldiers in this Province belonging to the Massachusetts Bay would be shortly drawn off hence, it is hereby Ordered, That a Letter be forthwith written to the Govern'. and Council of that Province, that the necessity of the sd soldiers residing here this winter is as great as ever; and therefore desire that they may be so continued as hitherto they have been; and that 60 more may be added, desposed of for the best defence of this Province both by sea & land.

Moved by the Lieut. Govern"., that Capt. Pickering denyeing to obey the order of this Board, of the 15th of August last, in not delivering the books of Laws and Records to the Secr'y, some course might be taken therein:

It is hereby Ordered, That the sherriffe of this Province give notice to the sd Capt. Pickering, that he appear before the Lieut. Gov' and Council at Strawberry-banck, tomorrow at 11 of the clock in the aforenoon of the same day at the Council chamber, there to answer the said contempt.

Ordered, That Mr. Michael Perry have an order sent him from this Board for the receiving of 7 barrels of powder to be sent by the Gov of the Massachusetts Bay for their Maj'ties' service here, and that he give a receipt for the same accordingly.

B. II. p. 8.

Province of New Hampshire.

At a Council held at Portsmouth the 4th day of October, 1692,

John Hincks


The Lieut. Governor,

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Peter Coffin

Wm. Vaughan Esqs.
Richd Waldron

The oaths of a privy Councilor were administered to each of the said Council this day as followeth: You do swear, &c.

Capt. Pickering appearing before this Board to answer to his contempt in not delivering the books of Laws & Records, the Lieut. Governor demanded by what authority he had received them, or if he had any commission for his soe doing, and by what authority he now detaines them: to which he replied, They were delivered to him by the people, and he detained them till the meeting of the Assembly.

Ordered, That the sd books of Laws & Records now in the hands of the s Capt. John Pickering, be delivered and received by Mr. Tho. Newton, Sec. of this Province, to be preserved and secured by him for the use of the inhabitants thereof.

Upon the humble petition of Mr. J. C., master and owner of the shallop, Gift, to have her freed from her seizure for not entring in the custom here according to Law, pleading wt was omitted by him was thro Ignorance:

It is hereby ordered, That the sd Joseph Chownes, pay to the Capt. of the Fort 13s. 4d. for the shotts fired at him for not obeying command: and alsoe pay to the deputy collector the charge of the seizure and other expenses about sd vessel by him justly laid on; that the seizure be taken off and the sd shallop permitted to goe about the lawful occasions of the sd J. C.

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At a Council held at Portsmouth, the 5th day of October, 1692,

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Ordered, That the Treasurer advance the Sum of 15 lb. to be drawne out of his hands, for the service of the country, as he shall from time to time be ordered by the Leiut. Governor.

Ordered, That Capt Volear [?] be desired to lend as many hands as he can spare to raise the great guns at the Fort, & to doe other things that may be for the service of their Maj'ties' and the defence of the Fort; and that the Leiut. Govern' allow something for a gratuity to the men for the same, to be defrayed out of the publick revenue.*

The preceding "Minnitts of Council," from the 29th of September to the 5th of October, 1692, are in the handwriting of Thomas Newton, Secretary. - ED.

Custom-House Returns.

The following papers are valuable as showing the coasting trade carried on in the Province in 1692: —



New Hampshire


Clearings Outward.

Coasting Vessells from Port to Port.

Portsmouth in New England, 18th August, 1692.

James Flood Comm'. of the sloop John and Abigaile of Boston, of twenty tunns burthen or thereabouts, with no gunns, navigated with two men, Plantation built, cleareth for Boston, having these goods following on board, viz:

Twenty bars. of traine oyle, sixty Quin's. and one hhd of fish, four bundles, six parcells, three truncks, one large chest, five barr., two halfe barrels, one teirce, two boxes, two anchors, two bags, one casque cheese, two bayles, one trunck, one small p'cell, one drum casqe, one dry-ffat, eleven boxes, two parcell of haberdashery, one piece serge, sixty bundles of pinns, two pieces of silks, fifteen pounds silk, four parcells buttons & galloons, four cheeses, a parcel of bedding and divers small p'cells of English goods.

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John Jackson, Command'. of the sloop the Builder's Adventure, of Boston, twenty tunns burthen or thereabouts, with no gunns, navigated with two men, Plantation built, cleareth for Boston, having on board twelve thousand of wht. oake staves, one thousand foot of Pine boards.

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Humfrey Horrill Commdr of the sloop Sea Flower of Beverly, twenty tunns burthen or thereabouts, wth noe gunns, navigated wth two men, Plantation built, cleareth for Boston, having on board six thousand of red-oake hhd staves, three thousand foot of Boards. Boston.

Paul Miller, Commdr. of the sloop Endeavor, of Boston, twenty tunns burthen or thereabouts, wth noe gunns, navigated wth two men, Plantation built, cleareth for Boston, having on board three tunns and a halfe of Rigging, eleven thousand of hhd. staves, and fifty quin's. of fish.

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