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WM. MARKHAM, Esqr., Leivt Governor.

Andrew Robeson,

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His Excellie Ordered Secrie Robinson to Call the Speaker and Assembly. The Speaker and Assembly being present, His Excellie spoke to ym as follows:

"Mr Speaker, and you Gentl. the Representatives of this province, "I had designed to have mett you here the tenth of the Last mo, according to the writts which I directed to Issue for calling this "assembly, But their Maties service required my hastie repair to "Albany, upon Intimation that the five Indian nations (who have "hitherto been faithfull to the Crown of England,) wer now debauch"ed to the french interest, and entring into League with the Governor "of Canada.

"This Defection appeared to mee with so ill an aspect when I con"sidred the Consequences of it, not onlie to New yorke, but to this "province & all the nighboring Colonies, that I thought myself "obliged to Lay all other business aside, & apply the outmost of my "endeavors to prevent so great a mischief. I could willinglie have "spared my self this journie, if my dutie to their Maties & my affec"tions to you, their subjects of this province, had not Compelled me

"to it.

"I am therfore Come with a true & Unfeigned Zeal for your saftie "& prosperitie, to Lay this matter before you; and to order to your "full satisfaction, I have brought with me the papers relating to the "Conference I had Latelie with these Indians, by which you may see "what they alledge. I must also assure you that yor Indians here "will be compelled to join in this fatal Confederacie.

"I have Latelie seen with a heavie hart, fourescore fine farmes "all deserted about Albany, after the great expence of the owners in "building and Improving, which has been occasioned rather by the "unkindness of our Nighbours, who refused us their assistance, than "by the force of the enemie. Could we have found men to secure "our advance posts, Conestiguna and the Half Moon, these farms "wold have flourished still. I pray God this Leprosie may spread no "farther; but I much doubt those who have shutt their eyes at a dis"tant danger, will find it come to their owne doors.

"I am bound as well in Justice as gratitude, to acknowledge our "Nighbours of the Jerseys have done more in the Comon defence "than all the other adjacent provinces: they sent us foure Hundred "pound in Silver, Sixty odd proper men, well armed, who passed upon dutie on the fronteers one year. They have now sent up thirty men att their owne Charge, and Considered of a way for their main"tenance during the warr.

"Gentl., I consider yor principles that you will not Carie arms "nor Levie monie to make warr, though for your own defence, Yet

"I hope you will not refuse to feed the Hungrie and Cloath the Naked. "My meaning is to supply those Indian nations which such neces"saries as may influence them to a Continouance of their friendship "to those provinces. And now, Gentl., if you will consider, wherin "I may be usefull to you, according to the Tenor of my Comission, "in redressing yor greivances, (if anie you have,) you shall find me "readie to act by the rules of Loyalitie, with a true regard to Libertie " & propertie."

Major John donaldson, Samll Richardson, & Capt. Luke Watson, from the 'representatives desired the Copie of the Excellie's Conference with the Indians of the five Nations at Albany, for the perusall of the House, which are ordered them accordingly.

Major donaldson with foure others of the Assemblie, in behalf of the house, did give his Excellie thanks for his favorable speech, & desired they may have a Copie of it, which his Excellie ordered to be delivred so soon as Copyed.

Andrew Robeson, Robt Turner, Wm. Clark, & Wm. Salway, Esqrs., are appointed a Committee of the Councill, to Inspecte the execuon of the act of assemblie granting to their Maties the rate of One penny in the pound, to Calculate the amount yrof, how much paid, how much in arrears, the Nett value in Newyork monie, and in Sterling monie of England, and what may be the most proper methods to be used for gathering in the arrearages forthwith, and to make report to his Excellie in Councill to-morrow afternoon. Adjourned till to-morrow morning.

[26th May, 1694.

Att a Councill Held att philadelphia the 26th of May, 1694.

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The Speaker and the whole house attended his Excellie.

The Speaker did address his Excellie, Saying, that the house had appointed a Committee to Consider of amendments in the Laws past, & desired to know of his Excellie if those Laws wer confirmed by their Maties, or disapproved.

His Excellie was pleased to Answer that hee had received no Letter from Court Concerning them, but understood from a private hand in England that manageth some bussiness there for the province of Newyork, that the Laws of Newyork and his other government are befor the attornie generall, being referred to him for his perusall.

The Speaker did present some greivances, which his Excellie promised to take into Consideration, with the advice of the Councill, and to remove anie greivance that Lay in his power to doe; and for amendments of Laws, that hee should be glad they wold all study amendment in Laws & everie thing else.

His Excellie ordered the reading of the proceeding att Albany with the Indians, in the beginning of this Mo.; which was accordinglie done.

Adjourned till afternoon.




WM. MARKHAM, Leivt. Governor.

Andr Robeson, Esqrs.

Robt. Turner,


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The house of Representatives, amongst other greivances, desired that the Clark of the markett in philadelphia may be removed from his office, for severall misdemeanors in the execution therof.

His Excellie in Councill taking into Consideraon that there is no particular charge agt the Clark of the Markett, it being his privilege to hear & ansr anie accusation which may be brought agt him befor the proper Judges.

It is resolved that it is not expedient to remove him from his office until hee be convicted of some misbehaveour to deserve it.

The Representatives having desired that the probates of wills may be done in each Countie, His Excellie in Councill did agree, that the wills be proved & administraons granted in the rexive Counties by such persons as shall be appointed for that purpose by the ordi


The Representatives Having also desired that more ferries may be appointed over Skuillkill, His Excellie understanding that the appointment of ferries is the right of the proprietarie, In respect and Justice to the proprietarie, hath referred this matter to the proprietarie's Commissioners, who are desired to make their report therof.

As to the Complaint for seazing the boat & Imprisoning the boatman, It appearing to his Excellie to have been done by ordr of the Leivt. Governor & Councill for their proceeding in the ferric Contrarie to the proprietarie's appointment, & to his Excellies ordr since; Which is also referred to y Comrs of this proprietie.

His Excellie appointed Leivt. Governor Markham, Andrew Robeson, pat. Robinson, Wm. Salway & George Forman, Esqrs, a Comittee to join a Comittee of the Assemblie for the amending the errors of Clarkshipp & omissions of the Laws Mentioned in the Last year's Assemblie their petion of right, to meet att eight of the Clock Moonday morning, att the old Councill room, which was accordinglie done.

The Comittee appointed by his Excellie the 23d of May instant, to inspect the execuon of the act of Assemblie granting the pennie per pound, Reported to his Excellie in Councill, that having examined the severall rates of the rexive Counties, did find that in most of the Counties there have been great errors & partialitie Comitted by the assessors in Undervaluing their owne & others estates, wherby

the whole amounts but to 760lb. 16s. 2d. monie of pennsilvania; In monie of Newyork to about 7001b.; In English monie about 560lb; Which 601b. may come short in the Sallaries for collecting the same & in Runawayes, So that the Nett produce may be about 5001b. English money.

The Rates of the Severall Counties, with what is paid to the Receiver generall, and what is in arrears. LS D

LSD 72 11 11 143 15 00


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56 01 09

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61 8 4

26 14 06

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And the said Comittee Likewise Humblie offerr to his Excellie in Councill. that warrants be forth with Issued to the rexive Collectors of the severall Counties, requiring them that they speedilie send up the arrears, which was accordinglie order'd.

[29th May, 1694.

Att a Councill Held att philadelphia the 29th of May, 1694.



WM. MARKHAM, Esqr., Leivt Governor.

Andr Robeson,

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His Excellie proposed to the Councill that since the Assemblie were spending their time and doing nothing in Complyance to what he had offered to them, they be sent for, the Queen's Letter for assisting Newyork Laid befor them for consideraon, and that they be required to give a positive ansr; Which is approved of.

Mr Bleake, &c. from the House of Representatives, came to ask if his Excellie wold pass two Laws which that house alledge to have been omitted by the Clark Last assemblie, which his Excellie took to consideration.

His Excellie desired the opinion of the Councill, If those two Laws concerning stealing and robberie should pass or not. Caried in the affirmative.

Ordered that Mr Robinson doe Carie back the two Laws to the house of Representatives, and acquaint them that his Excellie is readie to give them such sanction as the rest of the Laws contained in the roll had, And that his Excellie expects they have some regard to what hee had proposed to them, and Commands Mr Speaker and the whole house to attend him in Councill in the after


Adjourned to 3 a Clock in the afternoon.

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His Excellie ordered Mr Jamison to desire the speaker & the whole house to atted his Excellie in Councill forthwith, which was done.

The Speaker and Representatives being present, His Excellencie "said: "Mr Speaker & you gentl. of the Representatives of this pro"vince, you may Remember that I did desire you to doe something "which I thought needfull for their Majesties service and your own "preservation in a way agreeable to yor owne principles, which is to "feed the Hungrie and Cloath the naked. The Indians of the five "nations are a Barrier and Defence to you & all the English Colo"nies on this main; your saftie and interest is Concerned; they are "poor and naked; and in this time of warr have Lost the Libertie "of hunting which is their onlie support. They are objects of yor "charitie. I judged it so reasonable a demand as could not admitt "of delay. I sent you the minuts of my Last Conference with them "for yor satisfacon, wherby you may see that although they are "brought verie Low and discouraged, yet not so farr gone as to be past retreive; I know but two methods to be used with these "heathen; they are to be held by Love and fear. I have been plain "with them, and given one Hundred dayes to Consider of their "answer from the time of my Last Conference, then I intend to "meet them with the sword in one hand and presents in the "other.

"Gentl. It were verie Convenient you did supplie mee with some "Considerable present of cloathing and food to be given in the name "of the province of Pennsilvania & Countrie of Newcastle: you shall "have a particular accompt of the disposition thereof. I doe think "of other methods to gett forces to appear with mee, not to trouble or molest anie of yor people; This I take to be the onlie way left "att present to prevent the Indians falling off, and all the Calamities "that will attend it in this province, as well as the rest; you have "not as yet regarded it, for ought I can learn.


"Gentl. You have the Queen's Letter Comanding assistance to "New york, which ought to have greater force than my argu"ments: I expected her Maties Comands would have so far prevail"ed. The originall was shown to the last Assemblie, which I sup"pose may be entred in yor books, or a Copie therof upon the file "with yor Clark. I had no positive ansr from them, & expect one "from you.

"Gent. You are witnesses that I am readie to serve you, to doe

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