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[29th August, 1693.

Att a Councill Held att philadelphia on Tuesday the 29th of August, 1693.


WILLIAM MARKHAM, Esqr., Leivt Governor.
Andrew Robeson, Esqrs.
Robert Turner,

William Salway, Esqr.
Pat. Robinson, Secry.

Upon the petion of the Inhabitants in and about the Townshipp of South-hampton, Requesting the King's road already Laid outt from the falls to South-Hampton, to be Laid outt & continued from South-hampton to philadelphia, by the Surveyor generll, with the assistance of the neighborhood, and that the same may be confirmed to be the King's road,

Ordered, That a warrt from the Lt. Gor be directed to the surveyor genrll, to Lay outt the king's road from South-Hampton to Henry Waddie's plantaon, where it may fall into the king's old road, to the great advantage of the Inhabitants: provided it be Laid outt att the p'er's charge, and that a Return yrof be made into the Secrie's office, in order to a finall confirmaon of the same.

Upon the petion of the Inhabitants of the first dublin Townshipp, Requesting a Continuation & Confirmaon to the sd townshipp of a ten year old road to Walter forrest's mill,

Ordered, That warrt from the Lt. Gor be directed to the Surveyor generll, to Lay, outt the road desired to be continued & confirmed: provided it be Laid outt att the p'er's charge, & yt a return yrof be made into the secrie's office, In order to a finall Confirmation of the


Upon the petion of the Inhabitants of Oxford townshipp, desiring the Lt. Gor & Councill not to confirm the High road granted to the Inhabitants of 2d dublin Townshipp, from thence to philadelphia, upon the 8th and 9th instant,

The Lt. Gor & Councill did not think it reasonable to grant their Request, and therfore, Resolved, That for a further Confirmaon of the sd road from 2d dublin townshipp to philadelphia, a warrt from the Lt. Gor. &c., be directed to the surveyor genrll, to Lay outt the sd road from 2d dublin townshipp to philadelphia: provided, it be Laid outt att the p'er's charge; And that a Return yrof be made to the Secries's office, in ordr to a finall confirmaon of ye same. And as to the other road mentned in their petition, through Oxford to franckford, when they Request the Laying of it outt for a publick road, It shall be then further considred.

[19th Septembr, 1693.

Att a Councill Held att philadelphia on 19th day of 7br., 1693.


WILLIAM MARKHAM, Esqr., Livet. Governor.

Robert Turner, Esqrs.
Wm. Salway,

Lawrence Cock, Esqr.

pat. Robinson, Secry.

THe Livet. Gor Having produced a Lettr from John Miller, the minister of Newyorke, directed to him, dated 18th August, 1693, which came to his hands the 4th instant, Containing enclosed severall copies of a printed Briefe, granted by His Excell. Benjamin Fletcher, &c., by & with the advice of the Councill of Newyorke, to waraner, wessells, Antie Christians, & others, the friends of Cornelius Christians, peter Wessells, Bartholomew Rowston, John Crage, & Wm. Green, Late of Newyork, mariners, & now Captives in Algiers, (by reason yt their relaons are not able to redeem ym,) To ask & receive the charitie of all Christian people undr his Excellys. governmt, for their redemption: As also, severall Lres to se'all places & persons in pennsilvania relating yrto: And yrfor, desiring the Lt. Governor's assistance yrin, and yt he wold promote it as much as he can, and to cause distribute the said Briefes and Letters. And since by reason of the sicklie time, the Lt. Gor could not have a full Councill, and being Unwilling to defer the Consideration of the affair anie Longer, did Communicate the same to this board, and after the said Letter & Briefe wer read, desired the advice and opinion of the Councill yrin, Who, though they declared ymselves willing to exercise their charitie towards such Captives, Yet upon debate, were of opinion, THat they having no command or advice from his Excelly concerning it, and the briefe being granted by his Excelly, by & with the advice of the Councill of Newyork only, and that it had no relation to this province, & did therefore Humblie conceive That they ought not to be distributed.

Ordered, That the secrie write to the assessors of the rexive six Counties, to transmitt to the Lt. Gor & Councill, by the 3d of 7br. next, a true Copie of the assessment of the penny in the pound, with the name of each person, and how much they are rated, Signed by the assessors, as the originalls are.

Ordered, That hee also write to the severall members of Councill that they be present att a full councill, the 3d of October next.

Upon reading the petion of philip England agt Wm. powell & Nathaniell Mullinax, It was referred to the Consideration of the next full Councill, And in the meane time, that they, by an ordr from the Secrie, be sumoned to be then present, to answer to the petitioner's charge agt them.

[23d September, 1693.

Att a Councill Held at philadelphia the 23d day of September, 1693.

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Foure of the provinciall Judges, viz: Andrew Robeson, Wm. Salway, John Cann, Edward Bleake, Constituted by his Excellie Benjamin Fletcher, the Chief Governor, Commission dated the 29th of

May Last, brought their Comission to this board, advising that the same was dated before the Law was past that did appoint there should be five provinciall Judges, and that it was not in such forme as answered the Law, and not having time befor the day appointed by Law for their sitting, Requesting the Lievt. Governor to grant them a Commission which might answer the intent of the Law, which by the advice and Consent of the whole board, was ordered to be done, and was done accordinglie.

[1st Octobr, 1693.

Att a Councill Held at philadelphia the 1st day of October, 1693.


WILLIAM MARKHAM, Esqr., Leivt. Governor.

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The Lievt. Governor produced to the Councill a Letter which hee had received from his Excelly Benjamin Fletcher, the Chief Governor, wherein hee ordered him to summons a Councill, which was then Convened accordinglie. The Letter having been read, was in these words:

SIR, I have appointed the first Wednesday in October next for the meeting of Commissioners from all the neighbouring Colonies and provinces, att New york, to Concerte and agree upon a Quota of men and money for the defence of the fronteers. You have seen their maties Commands to mee as Governor of pennsilvania for that purpose. You are therefore to gett the Councill or a Quorum, together, to Consider of a ffitt person for pennsilvania & the Countrie of new Castle. Signed Benjn ffletcher, dated att fort William Henry; the 23 7br, 1693.

Upon which the board having debated, and then Unanimouslie resolved that Wm. Salway, esqr. should be the person for this province and Countries, to treat with the Comrs. of the neighboring Colonies appointed to meet att New york, Concerning a Quota of men & monies for the defence of the fronteers, according to her maties Letters to his Excellie the Chief Governor, and the Lievt. Governor is desired to Commissionate him for that service, & to give him such Credit as is requisit therto, which was accordinglie done.

Ordered, that the sd Wm. Salway have for the defraying of his charge Twentie shillings per diem, and that Robt Turner, Esqr. treasurer, pay the same to him, and that hee reimburse himself outt of the next tax to be collected, and that hee pay him downe Seven pounds; & that the Lievt. Governor give an order for the same. [Regulation of Markett.

It was this day, by the Lievt. Governor, with the advice of the Councill, agreed, That the Regulaon of the market of philadelphia should be as follows, Viz:

1. That the place for the markett be in the High-street, wher the second street Crosses it, and in no other place.

2. That the market be keept there two dayes in the week weeklie, viz: Wednesday and Saturday.

3. That all sorts of provisions brought to this town for sale, viz: flesh, fish, tame foull, butter, eggs, cheese, herbs, fruits & roots, &c. be sold in the aforesaid market-place; And in case anie of the aforsd provisions should come to the town of philadelphia on other dayes that are not market dayes, yet that they be sold in the market, under the same Circumstances, regulaons & forfeitures as upon the dayes on which the market is appointed; and in Case anie of the sd provisions be exposed to sale in anie other place in this town than the sd markett, they shall be forfeited, the one half to the poor of philadelphia, the other half to the Clark of the markett.

4. That the market begin and be opened att the ringing of the bell, which shall be rung from the first day of the 2d mon aprill, to the first day of 7ber., between the hours of six & seven, and from the first day of 7ber. to the first day of Aprill, between the hours of eight & nine, and in case anie of the aforsd, provisions, or anie sort of marketting be sold (flesh excepted) befor the ringing of the bell, unles it be for his Excellie the Governor Chief, or Leivt Governor, the same shall be forfeited, one half to the poor, the other half to the Clark of the markett.

5. That no person cheapen or buy anie of the afore mentioned provisions by the way as it comes to the market, upon forfeiture of the same, besides the forfeiture of six shillings, both to the buyer & seller, one half to the poor, the other half to the Clark of the markett.

6. That no Hucksters (or persons that sll again) shall buy or cheapen anie of the aforementioned provisions untill it hath been two hours in the markett after the ringing of the bell, upon forfeiture of the same & six shillings, one half to the poore, and the other half to the clark of the markett.

7. That the Clark of the markett shall and may receive for all Cattle killed for the market, six pence p head; For everie sheepe, Calf or Lamb, Two pence per head; for everie hogg or shoat brought to the markett, or cutt outt for sale there, three pence; and that nothing shall be paid for what the countrie people bring to town readie killed.

8. That the Clark of the markett shall & may receive for scaling of weights & measures one pennie for each, great & small.

Lastlie. That all persons Concerned shall duelie pay to the Clark of the markett the severall Rates, ffees & forfeitures aforesd, & that hee shall from time to time deliver to the overseers of the poore their parts therof; and that all Justices of the peace, sheriffs, Constables, and other officers, be aiding and assisting to him in the execution of his office. Given att philadelphia, the first day of October, 1693.

[24 Octobr, 1693.

Att a Councill Held att philadelphia the 24th day of October, 1693.


WM. MARKHAM, Esqr., Leivt. Governor.

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Wm. Salway,} Esqrs.


Wm. Salway, esqr., who was appointed Comr. for the province, &c. to meet the Comrs. of the neighboring Colonies at Newyork, to Concert and agree upon a Quota of men & monic, &c., gave in to this board an accot of his proceedings, which was read and unanimouslie approved of, viz:

NEW YORK, Wednesday the 4th of 8br., 1693. Pursuant to her matie's Commands, att the request and appointment of his excellie Benjn fletcher, Governor & Capt. generall of New yorke, &c., to the rexive Governors of Virginia, Maryland, pennsilvania, New england, Connecticut & Roadisland, desiring them rexivlie to Commissionate and depute persons to meet here the first Wednesday of this instant October, to Concerte and agree together upon a Quota of men, or other assistance, to be given by each Colonie or province for the defence of New york, as occasion may require the same, Appeared Miles Cary, gentl., deputed from the government of Virginia; Wm. Salway, esqr., deputed from pennsilvania and Wm. pitkin, Esqr., deputed from Connecticut; & appointed to meet to-morrow morning.

THURSDAY, October the 5th, 1693. The above named Comrs. being mett, James graham, esqr., appeared, deputed from his excellie the Governor of Newyork, requiring him to Lay before us the true and perfect state of this province, together with the great charge they have been Latelie att in securing the fronteers at Albany, from the attempts of the French. And also, to Lay down an estimate of the annuall charge that the sd fronteers may require for securing the same for the future: Wherupon they adjourned till friday att nine a Clock.

FRIDAY, October 6th, 1693.

The Comrs being mett, Having before them the charge this province has been Latelie att in defending Albanie, its fronteers, & the estimate of the annuall charge for securing the same for the future, fell upon the Consideraon of pursuing her most gratious Matie's Comands in agreeing upon a Quota of men, or other assistance to be given by the rexive governments of Virginia, Maryland, pennsilvania, Connecticut, New England, & Road island, And their being a failure, no persons appearing from the governments of Maryland, New england, & Road island, are of opinion that the sd Quota of men, or other assistance to be given, as aforesaid, Cannot be agreed on for want of persons deputed from the said governments, and doe accordinglie humble represent the same to his Excellie the Governor, with the assurance of the readiness of their rexive governments to pursue VOL. I.-17

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