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A Letter was Read from y Assembly of Maryland, bearing date y 11th of Apll, 1690.

The Presidt is Desired to returne an answer ffrom himselfe & y board to y Late speaker of The Assembly in Maryland.

The Petition of severall of The ffreemen of This Province willing and Ready to bear Armes in Defence of The same, was Read; which ffollows verbatim, (viz :)

To The Honble the Provinciall Councill, now Depty Goverr of y° Province of Pennsilvania.

The Humble Petition of some of the Inhabitants willing and Ready to bear Armes ffor y' service and Deffence of this Governmt, Sheweth:

That whereas, there is a warr between the crownes of England and ffrance and that our Enemies, the ffrench, have barbarously murdered many of his Majts Subjects, very near ye Confines of this Province, wch have struck no Small terrour in vs and our familyes, and may happen to attack vs when wee Least think of it, wee humbly pray that you, our Goverr, will be pleased forthwth to settle y° Country in such a posture that we may to be able by fforce of Armes, to Defend it against any assault of our Enemies; and as in Duty bound, shall pray.

Wm. Markham,
Lacy Cock,

Swan Swanson,
Jon Holme,
Andrew Binkson.

The board being informed that Lassie Cock intends vp y* Skoolkill among our Indians, ye begining of ye next week, doe request that y presidt, with ye present members, give Instruction to ye said Lacy Cock to make particular Enquirie Concerning y store and quantity of Ammunition in y Custody of y ffew ffrench ffamilies seated vp the said River, and in Case he shall find greater store then shall be judged Expedient to be left there, to have ye same secured, in ordr to be brought to Barnabas Willcox's store, assureing the owner's Reasonable satisfaction ffor the same; and ffurther, that such of y sd ffrench who may be justly suspected of vnfaithffullness to this province, may be by ye most sutable means, perswaded downe here; and that y Chief Sachem of our Indians may be assured of our good Intention towards them and their people, and that wee desire a meeting with their Chief men as soon as they Cann Conveniently, giving vs notice of the time nine or tenn days before, and if he sees occation to Imploy four or six Likely and trusty persons of Them to Range along the most likely parts ffor y Discovering of any Designs of y ffrench, or their Indians, against the peace, who shall have Competent satisfaction at their Return to vs. And our desire is that Capt.

Markham, Rob. Turner, with such Credible persons as may be perswaded vpon this service, goe along with y said Lassie Cock, and that he vpon all occasions, take ye advice & Concurrence of ye said persons; And in ye meantime, Care be taken for sutable presents ffor them at their meeting with vs.

The Councill adjord till ye 12th 3d month, vnless y° Presidt and 6 members, See Cause, vpon any Emergent occasion to meet sooner, or in his absence, by notice given by any six members Else hence.

At a Councill held at New Castle y° 12 of y° 3d Mo., 1690.

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The Returne of Chester County ffor Wm. Howell to serve In Provinciall Councill in y Roome of John Blunston, was Read. He appeared not, but a Letter ffrom him, Directed to ye board, bearing date y Eighth of y 3d month, 1690, wch was Read, setting forth his Incapacity &c., of giveing such attendance as is Requisite to that service, Deferd at present, and to be Resolved before y° Riseing of this Legislative Councill.

The Committee appoynted to Recive proposalls ffrom y Assembly vpon Amendments of ye promulgated bills, is Arth. Cook, Grif. Owen, Jon Smycock, Jon Cann, Jon Brinkloe, Luke Watson."

The Petion of Adam Johnson was Read, &c. The board not haveing any Certaine Knowledge of ye matter, nor Coppy of any Record before them, Deferred it for the present.

The Pet. of James ffox was Read, &c. Defer'd till afternoon. adjord till 4 in yo afternoon.

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James ffoxe's Pet., wch was Read in y fforenoon, was again Read, Complayning agt James Walliam, ye King's Collectr ffor selling tobacco he seized, pretendedly by virtue of a judgment obteined in y County Court of New Castle: an abstract of y Proceedings of y said County Court was also Read at this board.

The Assembly Came to this board. Joseph Growdon, a member

thereoff, acquaints ye Councill that y° Assembly had chosen them their Speaker.

The bills No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, wch were promulgated, were given to ye Speaker.

Griff. Jones, a member of This board, acquaints the Councill that Wm. Yardly, an other member, Could not attend his Duty through Indisposition.

James Walliam, ye King's Collector, being sent ffor to this board, to answer y Complaint of James ffox, appeared and promised that to-morrow morning he would appear againe, to give ffurther satisfaction.

adjornd till 7 to-morrow morning.

At a Councill at New Castle y 13th 3d Mo., 1690.

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James Walliam, ye King's Collector, not appearing according to ye minute yesterday, was sent for, but was gone out of Towne.

Wm. Clark was added to ye Committee appoynted yesterday, and any 4 of them to be a Quorum.

Edwd Gibbs, High Sheriff of New Castle County, and Hugh Masland, Butcher of ye said Towne, were sent for to appear before this board. Hugh Masland's attestation was Read, wch is as followeth, verbatim Vpon the Request of James ffox was Hugh Masland solemnly attested, who Declares that being vpon a Jury in a plea Depending y 23 Inst., James ffox, plt against James Walliam, George More, Vnder Sheriff, Came among them, and severall times vrged y Cause against James ffox; and that Edwd Gibbs persuaded the Deponent to agree wth y Rest of y° Jury in behalfe of James Walliam, ffor yt ye said Edwd Gibbs said it was suspected yt y Deponent was Concerned with Tobacco ffrom Maryland in ye Like Kind, which he and the Collector had Discoursed together about, and it might be well enough: And like wise persuaded him not to be so Stubborne; as haveing heard he was y' only man stood out; but that y said discourse took noe Effect wth them, and that Edwd Gibbs said to ye Depont, he would promise vpon his word, if the Deponent would agree wth y Rest of y Jury, he should no ways be Damnified by reason of any suspition of y° Deponts being Concerned in y Like Nature, and ffurther Saith not.

Taken before vs this 25 Aprill, 1690.

John Cann, Joha D'Haes, Edwd Blake,

Hugh Masland ownes y attestation. The Sheriff and Hugh Masland being interrogated, &c., and y° whole matter Debated, Defer'd y Conclusion till to morrow morning, at which time it was orded that James Walliam, ye King's Collector, attend this board.

Richd Curtis and Robt Pyle, two members of y° Assembly, Came to y board for y° Rest of y Promulgated bills, wch was Delivered them. No. 7 to 17.

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Credible Information being given to this board, that John Richardson, ye Elder of Kent County, hath behaved himselfe so violently and Inhumainely towards wife, that it is much ffeared he may be her Death; wherevpon it was ordered yt a warrt be sent downe to y Justices of yt County, to make thorow Examinnation into ye matter, wth Direction that vpon sufficient proof, to bind him over to hisgood behaviour, & to secure him in prison vntill he find good & able


Capt Peter Alrichs Came into ye Council Roome and presented to this board a Commission from Goverr Penn to himselfe, bearing date y 18 8ber 1683, Constituting him Leift, and Comdr in Chif of ye Towne and ffort at New Castle, &c. wch was Read; and Likewise, he produced a paper of Subscription of severall persons that had Listed themselves to serve ye Country vpon any occasion of an Enemies approach, wch was Likewise Read.

Adjourned till 8 to-morrow morning.

Att a Councill at New Castle y° 14th 3 Mo., 1690.

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According to ye notice sent yesterday to James Walliam, Collectr of y King's Customs, he appeared, & likewise James ffox.

James Walliam produced his Instructions ffrm Patrick Mien, Esqr., Surverr Genell of his Majts Customs in ye American Plantation.

Vppon y Debate of ye tryall vppon a seizure made by James Walliam, of about 40 hdds. of Tobacco of said James ffox's, ye Clark of y County of New Castle was sent with y Record of ye said tryall. The Petiton of James ffox, wch was Read y° 12 Inst, was againe Read: James Walliam, against whom he petitioned, being present. Adjord. till 4 Afternoon.

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The Difference between James ffox and James Walliam, ye King's Collectr, was Reassumed, and ye Records of y° County Court of New Castle, where y tryall was Examined; and vpon Debate it was Resolved that y° said Walliam and ffox be spoaken to to End y Difference between themselves, before this board proceeds any ffurther in it. Adjord till 9 to-morrow morning.

New Castle, At a Councill y° 15th 3 Mo., 1690.


THOMAS LLOYD, Pt, wth ye Rest, as yesterday.

The Committee of This board presented the Promulgated bills they had Received from a Committee of ye Assembly, with ye Assembly's Amendments and Rejectmts, which were Allowed off according to their proposals, tho' the fforme of Drawing y said amendments into Bills may be properly y Concerne of This board, and that their Committee be informed of their mistake in their resolve upon y ffirst bill.

Resolved that y Committee of ye Council acquaint the Assembly that to-morrow morning they shall be Ready, if y° Assembly Can, to past all ye bills that are to be passed.

Ajourn till 7 to-morrow morning.

At a Councill in y Court-house at New Castle, yo 16th 3d Mo., 1690.

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