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for thise adverfaries to come unto hire in to a privee place, and fhewed wifely unto hem the grete goodes that comen of pees, and the grete harmes and perils that ben in werre; and faide to hem in a goodly manere how that hem oughte have gret repentaunce of the injuries and wronges that they hadden don to Melibeus hire lord, and unto hire and to hire doughter.

And whan they herden the goodly wordes of Dame Prudence they weren so surprised and ravished, and hadden fo gret joye of hire, that wonder was to telle. A, Lady! quod they, ye have fhewed unto us the bleffing of fweteneffe, after the faying of David the prophete; for the reconciling which we be not worthy to have in no manere, but we oughten requeren it with grete contrition and humilitee, ye of youre grete goodneffe have presented unto us. Now fee we wel that the fcience and conning of Salomon is ful trewe; for he faith, that fwete wordes multiplien and encrefen frendes, and maken fhrewes to be debonaire and meke.

Certes, quod they, we putten oure dede and all oure matere and caufe al holly in youre good will, and ben redy to obeye unto the speche and commaundement of my Lord Melibeus; and therfore, dere and benigne Lady! we praye you and befeche you, as mekely as we conne and moun, that it like unto youre grete goodneffe to fulfille in dede youre goodly wordes; for we confideren and knowelechen that we han offended and greved my Lord Melibeus out of mesure, so fer forth

that we ben not of power to maken him amendes, and therfore we oblige and binde us and oure frendes for to do all his will and his commaundements: but peraventure he hath fwiche hevineffe and swiche wrath tous ward, because of our offence, that he wol enjoynen us swiche a peine as we moun not bere ne susteine; and therfore, noble Ladie! we beseche to youre womanly pittee to take fwiche avisement in this nede that we ne oure frendes ben not difherited and deftroied thurgh oure folie.

Certes, quod Prudence, it is an hard thing and right perilous that a man putte him all outrely in the arbi-, tration and jugement and in the might and power of his enemie; for Salomon fayth, Leveth me and yeveth credence to that that I fhall fay; To thy fone, to thy wif, to thy frend, ne to thy brother, ne yeve thou never might ne maistrie over thy body while thou livest. Now, fith he defendeth that a man fhulde not yeve to his brother ne to his frend the might of his body, by a ftrenger refon he defendeth and forbedeth a man to yeve himself to his enemy. And natheles I confeille you that ye miftrufte not my lord, for I wot wel and know veraily that he is debonaire and meke, large, curteis, and nothing defirous ne coveitous of good ne richeffe, for ther is nothing in this world that he defireth fave only worshipe and honour. Forthermore, I know wel and am right fure that he fhal nothing do in this nede withouten my confeil, and I fhal so wer

ken in this cas that by the grace of oure Lord God ye fhula be reconciled unto us.

Than faiden they with o vois, Worshipful Lady! we putten us and oure goodes al fully in youre will and difpofition, and ben redyto come what day that it like unto youre nobleffe to limite us or affigne us for to make oure obligation and bond as ftrong as it liketh unto youre goodneffe, that we moun fulfille the will of you and of my Lord Melibee.

Whan Dame Prudence had herd the answer of thise men the bad hem go agein prively, and she retourned to hire Lord Melibee, and told him how the fond his adverfaries ful repentaunt, knowleching ful lowly hir finnes and trefpas, and how they weren redy to fuffren all peine, requering and preying him of mercy and pitee.

Than faide Melibee, He is wel worthy to have pardon and foryeveneffe of his finne that excufeth not his finne, but knowlecheth and repenteth him, axing indulgence; for Senek faith, Ther is the remiffion and forycveneffe wher as the confeffion is, for confeffion is neighebour to innocence: and therefore I affente and conferme me to have pees; but it is good that we do nought withouten the affent and will of oure frendes.

Than was Prudence right glad and joyeful, and faide, Certes, Sire, ye han wel and goodly answered; for right as by the confeil, affent, and helpe, of your Volume IV.


frendes ye han be stired to venge you and make werre, right fo withouten hir conseil shul ye not accord you ne have pees with youre adverfaries; for the lawe faith, Ther is nothing so good by way of kinde as a thing to be unbounde by him that it was ybounde.

And than Dame Prudence, withouten delay or tarying, fent anon hire meffageres for hir kin and for hir olde frendes which that were trewe and wife, and told hem by ordre in the presence of Melibee all the matere as it is above expressed and declared, and preied hem that they wold yeve hir avis and confeil what were beft to do in this nede. And whan Melibeus frendes hadden taken hir avis and deliberation of the forefaid matere, and hadden examined it by gret befineffe and gret diligence, they yaven ful confeil for to have pees and refte, and that Melibee fhulde receive with good herte his adverfaries to foryeveneffe and mercy.

And whan Dame Prudence had herd the affent of hire Lord Melibee, and the confeil of his frendes accord with hire will and hire entention, she was wonder glad in hire herte, and fayde, Ther is an old proverbe, quod fhe, fayth, that the goodnesse that thou maist do this day do it, and abide not ne delay it not til to morwe; and therfore I conseille that ye sende youre me ffageres, fwiche as ben difcret and wife, unto youre adverfaries, telling hem on youre behalf that if they wol trete of pees and of accord that they shape

hem withouten delay or tarying to come unto us. Which thing parfourmed was indede. And whan thise trefpafours and repenting folk of hir folies, that is to fayn, the adverfaries of Melibee, hadden herd what thise messageres fayden unto hem they weren right glade and joyeful, and answerden ful mekely and benignely, yelding graces and thankinges to hir Lord Melibee and to all his compagnie, and fhopen hem withouten delay to go with the meffageres, and obeye to the commaundement of hir Lord Melibee.

And right anon they token hir way to the court of Melibee, and token with hem fom of hir trewe frendes to make feith for hem and for to ben hir borwes. And whan they were comen to the prefence of Melibee he faide hem thise wordes: It ftant thus, quod Melibee, and foth it is that ye caufeles and withouten skill and refon han don grete injuries and wronges to me and to my wif Prudence, and to my doughter alfo, for ye han entred into myn hous by violence, and have don swiche outrage that alle men knowen wel that ye han deferved the deth; and therfore wol I know and wete of you whether ye wol putte the punishing and chastifing, and the vengeaunce, of this outrage in the will of me and of my wif or ye wol not.

Than the wifest of hem three answered for hem alle, and faide; Sire, quod he, we knowen wel that we ben unworthy to come to the court of so gret a lord and fo worthy as ye ben, for we han fo gretly mi

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