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The Earl of Durham was elected a Member of the Club. The Stewards then brought forward the motion of which they had given notice, viz.

Rule 53, third paragraph, by substituting a two months' notice for a three months' notice, ending "at the end of the year," instead of "the close of the season,"

which was carried unanimously.

As to the addition to Rule 4 (iii) the Stewards intimated that they were prepared to accept Mr Craven's amendment with some slight modification, and therefore proposed, with his consent, to put the addition to the rule as follows

"And at each meeting so advertised there shall be not less than two races per day of a mile or upwards, and of races confined to three yrs old and upwards, not more than two per day of less than six furlongs." The word "confined" being suggested by Ld Lascelles and accepted.

The rule was carried.

The Stewards stated that, in Mr Alexander's unavoidable absence, he had left his motion in their hands, coupled with a request that, in the event of Mr Craven's amendment (which he was prepared to accept) being negatived, his resolution should then be put to the meeting.

The Stewards therefore thought it best to put the motion before the meeting as follows

That no jockey be allowed to run a horse in which he has any interest, except in his own name, and that should it be brought to the notice of the Stewards that such rule in any way had been abused, his licence should be immediately suspended.

Mr Craven moved the following resolution, as an amendment

That the Stewards be requested to exercise in future, at their discretion, their power of withholding licences from all jockeys who are owners or part owners of horses, or who notoriously bet on horse races.

The Duke of Beaufort seconded the amendment, and Ld Coventry and Mr Gerard spoke in opposition both to Mr Alexander's motion and Mr Craven's amendment.

Ld Bradford suggested the following amendment, as embodying the principles contained in both the original resolution and the amendment

That no jockey be allowed to run a horse in which he has any interest, except in his own name, and that the

Stewards be requested to exercise in future their discretionary power of withholding licences in cases where this rule is infringed, or where they have reason to believe that excessive and habitual betting is practised by jockeys.

The Duke of Beaufort objected to the first portion of the resolution, and supported Mr Craven's amendment.

Mr Leopold de Rothschild suggested that a compulsory registration of partnerships would give the Stewards the information necessary to carry out the rule, and prevent evasions of Rule 26th.

Mr Lowther, whilst considering Mr Rothschild's suggestion would make a valuable rule, thought it was hardly applicable to the present motion, and stated that the Stewards preferred Mr Craven's amendment, which they would interpret as an expression of opinion on the part of the Club, that, except in the cases of a few old jockeys who combined the occupations of training and riding together with the ownership of horses, and in whose favour the discretionary power could be exercised, no jockeys ought to be allowed to own horses either wholly or in part, whether running in their own or any other names.

Mr Craven's resolution was then put and carried, the numbers being-for 21, against 9.

A Meeting was held on Monday, November 27th, at 6 Old Burlington Street, London, W.

The rules passed in the Houghton Meeting were read over and confirmed.

General Pearson suggested that the T.Y.C. Courses at Newmarket should be lengthened, so as to make them six furlongs.

Mr Lowther brought forward the following motions, of whice notice had been given by the Stewards:

To alter Rule 23, to read as follows.-An entry or subscription to a race may, before the time of closing, be altered or withdrawn.

After considerable discussion, in which Ld Hardwicke, Prince Soltykoff, Ld Alington, Mr Craven, Mr Alexander, and the Stewards took part, it was carried, with the omis sion of the words "or subscription."

To alter Rule 26, as to partnership in horses, as follows: Rule 26.—All partnerships, and the name of every person having any interest in a horse, must be entered at the Registry Office before a horse which is a joint property can start for any race.

A fee of 58. shall be paid on the registration, and again on any change of partnership.

A horse cannot be entered in the real or assumed name of any person as his owner unless that person's interest or property in the horse is at least equal to that of any other one person.

With the addition of the words, in the third line, "or to the Clerk of the Course for transmission to the Registry Office," to meet a difficulty suggested by Mr Chaplin, this rule was carried after some discussion.

To alter Rule 18 of the Jockey Club, as follows, the words in italics are new:

18. A person, though chosen shall not be considered as a Member of any of these Clubs until he shall have paid the usual sums for the admission and subscription of a new Member. The subscription shall be payable on the first of January in every year, and the name of every Member, whose subscription is not paid by the July Meeting, shall be placed over the chimney-piece in the New Rooms and Coffee Room, Newmarket, in that meeting; and if such arrear be not paid by the end of the Houghton Meeting, he shall cease to be a Member, and shall not be again admitted as a Member until his arrears be paid, and until he be again chosen by ballot.

Carried unanimously.

To add to Rule 19 of the Rules of the Jockey Club:

All annual subscriptions to the Stands are payable on the first of January, and if not paid before the Craven Meeting the weekly admission will have to be paid for each meeting,

A List of Members who have used the Stands without having paid for admission shall be posted at the entrance to the Stand at the commencement of the following Meeting, and if not paid by the end of that Meeting their names will be struck off the List of Members.

Carried unanimously.

To add to Rule 27 of the Jockey Club, at the end of the note:

The amount of the tax shall be due at the same time that the return is made, and must be paid within one month after that date.

Carried unanimously.

To add to Rule 28, first paragraph, of the Rules of the Jockey Club:

And shall not take horses from any other owner without first obtaining the permission of the Stewards. Carried unanimously.

The Stewards announced that licences to train at Newmarket had been granted to four new applicants, and that the licences of all the existing trainers had been renewed with the exception of Charles Archer, whose case had been reserved for further consideration.

The Stewards intimated their intention, subject to the approval of the Club, of exercising the powers vested in them under existing rules, with a view to obviating as far as practicable the unnecessary clashing and undue multiplication of race meetings.

Ld Alington, Mr Craven, and others expressed approval of the course suggested, and Mr Lowther concluded the discussion by announcing that the Stewards, acting upon the unanimous expression of opinion vouchsafed by the Meeting, would proceed to carry out their intention.

THE ANNEXED SCALE OF WEIGHT FOR AGE is published under the sanction of the Stewards of the Jockey Club as a guide to Managers of Race Meetings, but is not intended to be imperative, especially as regards the weights of two and three years old relatively to the old horses in selling races early in the year.

It is founded on the scale published by Admiral Rous, and revised by him in 1873, but has been modified in accordance with suggestions from the principal trainers and practical authorities.

This scale has been adopted by the Master of the Horse for the Queen's Plates.

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