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the seed come up; but this is because it tiful accordingly. I venture to say, that is not sowed in the proper manner. See these pears never were exceeded, either paragraphs from 383 to 387, inclusive. in growth of shoot or condition of root, Follow these directions, and you will by any that ever came out of a nursery. never fail. I shall have some fine seed, They are growing at Kensington, as well in a short time, from America, and some as the other trees. The price of the other American tree-seeds also. pears is, as it was last year, three shillings a piece. The list is as follows: No. 1. American Fall Pear. 2. Jargonelle.


No. 1. Newtown Pippin.

2. Rhode Island Greening.
3. Fall Pippin.

4. Concklin's Pie Apple.

2s. each.

These are all the sorts that I have now, and they are all that I think necessary. The first is the finest flavoured apple in the world, and it will keep till May. The second is good from November till February; the third, from fall till Christmas; and the fourth is an incomparable pie apple, and a good keeper. They are all great bearers, and the wood is of free growth. The plants are as fine as it is possible for them to be. The stocks were twice removed; the roots are in the best possible state for removing; and if planted according to the directions contained in my "ENGLISH GARDENER," they will grow off at once, and speedily bear.


3. Ganzal's Bergamot.
4. Brown Beurée.
5. Crassanne.
6. Colmar.

7. Saint Germain.
8. Winter Bergamot.
9. Bishop's Thumb.
10. Chaumontel.
11. Summer Bergamot.
12. Poire d'Auch.
13. Winter Bonchrétien.
14. Summer Bonchrétien.
15. Green Chisel.

16. Williams's Bonchrétien.
17. Orange Bergamot.

18. Long-Island Perry Pear.

These pears are those which I recommend in my book on Gardening. I have omitted one or two, because, at I have eighteen sorts of pears, omit- the time of grafting, I could not proting, I believe, no one that is held in cure cuttings of them from persons much estimation. The first and the last whom I could depend upon as to the sort, No. 1. and No. 18., are from Ame- sort; but the list is, nevertheless, pretty rica. No. 1. is an extraordinarily fine full, and any gentleman with these trees eating pear, the like of which I had never in his garden, will have a good successeen before. No. 18. is a baking pear sion of this table fruit from Midsummer of most exquisite flavour, and a great to February. and constant bearer. I had lost this Orders for these trees will be received sort, but I got some cuttings from Long at Fleet-street, or by letter (postage Island in 1827, put them upon a large paid). I suggest the utility of sending stock in the spring of that year, and in the orders as quickly as convenient; these cuttings have begun to bear al- because, if long delayed, the variety is ready, having yielded a dozen pears this diminished, and the executing of the year. This pear always bears in abun-orders is not so well attended to. Gendance, and for baking, and making tlemen will be pleased to give very plain perry, it surpasses all others, and be-directions, not only with regard to the yond all comparison, as far as my observation has gone. My pears are, this year, all upon seedling pear-stocks; the stocks were removed; and, therefore, the roots will be in the best possible state for the transplanting of the trees. The scions, or cuttings, were chosen so as to be of the exact size of the stock; the grafting was done in the neatest manner, and the plants are clean and beau

place whither the trees are to be sent, but also with regard to the mode of conveyance, and the particular inn or wharf where the packages are to be delivered.

N. B. The Locusts are all either gone or ordered.

Printed by William Cobbett, Johnson's-court; and published by him, at 183, Fleet street.

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VOL. 69.-No. 13.]


"You permit the Jews openly to preach in "their synagogues, and call Jesus Christ an "impostor; and you send women to jail (to "be brought to bed there, too), for declaring "their unbelief in Christianity."-King of Bohemia's Letter to Canning, published in the Register, 4th of January, 1823.


[Price 7d.

places, it consisted more of town's people than of country people.

During the 14th and 15th, I was at a friend's house at Yelverton, half way between Norwich and BUNGAY, which last is in Suffolk, and at which place I lectured on the 16th to an audience consisting chiefly of farmers, and was entertained there in a most hospitable and kind manner at the house of a friend.

The next day, being the 17th, I went to EYE, and there lectured in the evening in the neat little playhouse of the place, which was crowded in every part, stage and all. The audience consisted almost entirely of farmers, who had come in from Diss, from HARLESTON, and from Hargham, 22nd March, 1830. all the villages round about, in this ferI SET off from London on the 8th of tile and thickly-settled neighbourhood. March, got to Bury St. Edmund's that I staid at Eye all the day of the 18th, evening; and, to my great mortification, having appointed to be at Ipswich on saw the county-election and the assizes the 19th. Eye is a beautiful little place, both going on at CHELMSFORD, where, though an exceedingly rotten borough. of course, a great part of the people of The two great estates in the neighbourEssex were met. If I had been aware hood formerly belonged to Lord CORNof that, I should certainly have stopped WALLIS and Lord MAYNARD, and are at Chelmsford in order to address a few both now owned by Sir EDWARD KERRIwords of sense to the unfortunate con- son, who is the son of a man who was stituents of Mr. WESTERN, who, how-once a journeyman cooper at Bungay. ever, at the last county-meeting, showed Nothing the worse for that, to be sure; him that they were no longer real but this transfer could not have taken natural calves, but men of sense, who place in so short a space of time under rejected his idle stuff about a return to the operation of any other than a paperthe small notes, and who adopted a peti- money system. At Eye, I was quite at tion, in spite of his remonstrances, pray-home: got up in the morning, walked ing for an abolition of tithes and taxes. At Bury St. Edmund's I gave a lecture on the ninth and another on the tenth of March, in the playhouse, to very crowded audiences, and set out the next morning through Thetford to Hargham, the seat of Sir THOMAS BEEVOR. Hargham is three miles from Attleborough, and eighteen from Norwich. I went to Norwich on the 12th, and gave a lecture there on that evening, and on the evening of the 13th. The audience here was more numerous than at Bury St. Edmund's, but not so numerous in proportion to the size of the place; and, contrary to what has happened in most other

about a mile to the farm of Mr. Clouting, and there breakfasted: took the same walk again to dine with him; and the same walk again on the morning of the 19th, before I came off. Mr. Clouting has been a reader of the Register for twenty years; also Mr. Twitchet, tallowchandler of the town, and another friend, a baker, whose name I have forgotten. For these staunch disciples the 17th of March was a day of great triumph. I never saw men more delighted than they were. They had borne twenty years of reproaches on account of their faith; and though they feel the effects of the distress as well as their neighΟ


bours, they forgot the distress in the church of England; third, the repeal midst of their triumph, which, however, of the penal and excluding laws with they enjoyed in a manner to give offence regard to the Catholics; and this last to none of their old opponents: all was act, said I, does in effect declare that harmony and good humour: every body the thing called "the Reformation" appeared to be of one mind; and as was UNNECESSARY. “ No," said one. these friends observed to me, so gentleman, in a very loud voice, and he thought, that more effect had been pro- was followed by four or five more, duced by this one lecture in that neigh- who said "No, No." "Then," said I, bourhood, than could have been pro-" we will, if you like, put it to the vote, duced in a whole year, if the Register "Understand, gentlemen, that I do not had been put into the hands of every say, whatever I may think, that the one of the hearers during that space of" Reformation was unnecessary; but I time; for though I never attempt to put say that this act amounts to a declarforth that sort of stuff which the "in-"ation, that it was unnecessary; and, tense" people on the other side of St." without losing our good humour, we George's Channel call "eloquence," I" will, if that gentleman choose, put bring out strings of very interesting "this question to the vote." I paused facts; I use pretty powerful arguments; a little while, receiving no answer, and and I hammer them down so closely perceiving that the company were with upon the mind, that they seldom fail to me, I proceeded with my speech, conproduce a lasting impression.

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cluding with the complete demolishing On the 19th I proceeded to Ipswich, blow which the church would receive. not imagining it to be the fine, populous by the bill for giving civil and political and beautiful place that I found it to be. power for training to the bar, and seatOn that night, and on the night of the ing on the bench, for placing in the 20th, I lectured to boxes and pit, crowd-commons and amongst the peers, and ed principally with opulent farmers, for placing in the council, along with and to a gallery filled, apparently, with the King himself, those who deny that journeymen tradesmen and their wives. there ever existed a Redeemer; who give On the Sunday before I came away, 1 the name of impostor to him whom we heard, from all quarters, that my au- worship as God, and who boast of havdiences had retired deeply impressed with ing hanged him upon the cross. "Judge the truths which I had endeavoured to in- " you, gentlemen," said I, "of the figure culcate. One thing, however, occurred" which England will make, when its towards the close of the lecture of Sa-"laws will seat on the bench, from turday, the 20th, that I deem worthy of" which people have been sentenced to particular attention. In general it would" suffer most severely for denying the be useless for me to attempt to give any "truth of Christianity; from which thing like a report of these speeches of" bench it has been held that Christianity mine, consisting as they do of words" is part and parcel of the law of the uttered pretty nearly as fast as I can" land; judge you of the figure which utter them, during a space of never less " England will make amongst Christian than two, and sometimes of nearly three "nations, when a Jew, a blasphemer of hours. But there occurred here some- 66 Christ, a professor of the doctrines of thing that I must notice. I was speaking "those who murdered him, shall be of the degrees by which the established" sitting upon that bench; and judge, church had been losing its legal in-" gentlemen, what we must think of fluence since the peace. First, the Uni-"the clergy of this church of ours, if tarian Bill, removing the penal act they remain silent while such a law which forbade an impugning of the" shall be passed." doctrine of the Trinity; second, the re- We were entertained at Ipswich by a peal of the Test Act, which declared, in very kind and excellent friend, whom, as effect, that the religion of any of the is generally the case, I had never seen Dissenters was as good as that of the or heard of before. The morning of


the day of the last lecture, I walked for disappointing me; and, now, I am about five miles, then went to his afraid that I shall not fall in with this house to breakfast, and staid with learned body during the whole of my him and dined. On the Suuday morn-spring tour. ing, before I came away, I walked about six miles, and repeated the good cheer at breakfast at the same place. Here I heard the first singing of the birds this year; and I here observed an instance of that petticoat government, which, apparently, pervades the whole of animated nature. A lark, very near to me in a ploughed field, rose from the ground, and was saluting the sun with his delightful song. He was got about as high as the dome of St. Paul's, having me for a motionless and admiring auditor, when the hen started up from nearly the same spot whence the cock had risen, flew up and passed close by him. I could not hear what she said; but supposed that she must have given him a pretty smart reprimand; for down she came upon the ground, and he, ceasing to sing, took a twirl in the air, and came down after her. Others have, I dare say, seen this a thousand times over; but I never observed it before.

About twelve o'clock, my son and I set off for this place (Hargham), coming through Needham Market, Stowmarket, Bury St. Edmund's, and Thetford, at which latter place I intended to have lectured to-day and to-morrow, where the theatre was to have been the scene, but the mayor of the town thought it best not to give his permission until the assizes (which commence to-day the d) should be over, lest the judge should take offence, seeing that it is the custom, while his Lordship is in the town, to give up the civil jurisdiction to him. Bless his worship! what in all the world should he think would take me to Thetford, except it being a time for holding the assizes! At no other time should I have dreamed of finding an audience in so small a place, and in a country so thinly inhabited. I was attracted, too, by the desire of meeting some of my learned friends from the WEN; for I deal in arguments founded on the law of the land, and on Acts of Parliament. The deuce take this Mayor

Finding THETFORD to be forbidden ground, I came on hither to Sir THOMAS BEEVOR's, where I had left my two daughters, having, since the 12th inclusive, travelled 120 miles, and delivered six lectures. These 120 miles have been through a fine farming country, and without my seeing, until I came to Thetford, but one spot of waste or common land, and that not exceeding, I should think, from fifty to eighty acres. From this place to Norwich, and through Attleborough and Wymondham, the land is all good, and the farming excel< lent. It is pretty nearly the same from Norwich to Bungay, where we enter Suffolk. Bungay is a large and fine town, with three churches, lying on the side of some very fine meadows. Harleston, on the road to Eye, is a very pretty market-town of Eye, I have spoken before. From Eye to Ipswich, we pass through a series of villages, and at Ipswich, to my great surprise, we found a most beautiful town, with a population of about twelve thousand persons; and here our profound Prime Minister might have seen most abundant evidence of prosperity; for the new houses are, indeed, very numerous. But if our famed and profound Prime Minister, having Mr. WILMOT HORTON by the arm, and standing upon one of the hills that surround this town, and which, each hill seeming to surpass the other hill in beauty, command a complete view of every house, or, at least, of the top of every house, in this opulent town; if he, thus standing, and thus accompanied, were to hold up his hands, clap them together, and bless God for the proofs of prosperity contained in the new and red bricks, and were to cast his eye southward of the town, and see the numerous little vessels upon the little arm of the sea which comes up from Harwich, and which here finds its termination; and were, in those vessels, to discover an additional proof of prosperity; if he were to be thus situated, and to be thus feeling, would not sophe

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doubts be awakened in his mind, if I, | John, with an Augustine friary, a Carstanding behind him, were to whisper melite friary, an hospital founded in the in his ear, 66 Do you not think that the reign of King John; and here, too, was И greater part of these new houses have the college founded by Cardinal Wolsey, "been created by taxes, which went to the gateway of which, though built in pay the about 20,000 troops that were brick, is still preserved, being the same "stationed here for pretty nearly 20 years sort of architecture as that of Hampton during the war, and some of which Court, and St. James's Palace. 66 are stationed here still? Look at that There is no doubt but that this was a "immense building, my Lord Duke: much greater place than it is now. It "it is fresh and new and fine and is the great outlet for the immense "splendid, and contains indubitable quantities of corn grown in this most "marks of opulence; but it is a BAR-productive county, and by farmers the "RACK; aye, and the money to build most clever that ever lived. I am told "that barrack, and to maintain the that wheat is worth six shillings a “20,000 troops, has assisted to beggar, quarter more, at some times, at Ipswich "to dilapidate, to plunge into ruin and "decay, hundreds upon hundreds of villages and hamlets in Wiltshire, in "Dorsetshire, in Somersetshire, and in "other counties who shared not in the "ruthless squanderings of the war.numerous that I counted, whilst stand"But," leaning my arm upon the DUKE's shoulder, and giving WILMOT a poke in the poll to make him listen and look, and pointing with my fore-finger to the twelve large, lofty, and magnificent churches, each of them at least 700 years' old and saying, "Do you think Ipswich was not larger and far more populous 700 years ago than it is at "this hour?" Putting this question to him, would it not check his exultation, and would it not make even WILMOT begin to reflect?



than at Norwich, the navigation to London being so much more speedy and safe. Immense quantities of flour are sent from this town. The windmills on the hills in the vicinage are so

ing in one place, no less than seventeen. They are all painted or washed white; the sails are black; it was a fine morning, the wind was brisk, and their twirling altogether added greatly to the beauty of the scene, which, having the broad and beautiful arm of the sea on the one hand, and the fields and meadows, studded with farm-houses, on the other, appeared to me the most beautiful sight of the kind that I had ever beheld. The town and its churches were down in the dell before me, and Even at this hour, with all the un- the only object that came to disfigure natural swellings of the war, there are the scene was THE BARRACK, and not two thousand people, including the made me utter involuntarily the words bed-rida'en and the babies, to each of the of BLACKSTONE: "The laws of Engmagnificent churches. Of adults, there" land recognise no distinction between cannot be more than about 1400 to a "the citizen and the soldier: they church; and there is one of the churches" know of no standing soldier; no inwhich, being well filled, as in ancient" land fortresses; no barracks.” “Ah !” times, would contain from four to seven said I myself, but loud enough for any thousand persons, for the nave of it ap- one to have heard me a hundred pears to me to be larger than St. An- yards, "such were the laws of England drew's Hall at Norwich, which Hall" when mass was said in those magniwas formerly the church of the Bene-"ficent churches, and such they condictine Priory. And, perhaps, the great" tinued until a septennial parliament church here might have belonged to" came and deprived the people of Engsome monastery; for here were three" land of their rights." Augustine priories, one of them founded I know of no town to be compared in the reign of William the Conquerer, another founded in the reign of Henry the Second, another in the reign of King

with Ipswich, except it be Nottingham; and there is this difference in the two; that Nottingham stands high, and, on

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