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Chronic pharyngitis, with catarrh of the nasal passages, is so frequently met with, its treatment so futile and unsatisfactory, the great body of the profession would undoubtedly appreciate very highly any information that would enable them to treat more satisfactorily or cure this common rebellious affection. Probably Probably not one physician in twenty-five can conscientiously state that he has ever permanently cured one such case; still there are those among us who claim to do so. Will some such please kindly "turn on the light."

Will the Editor please inform its readers what work on the subject it would recommend? THE WORLD answers the wants of the busy practitioner admirably; is in fact almost indispensable to one who has become accustomed reading it. Almost every subscriber, too, will want it bound, hence should have at least one MEDICAL WORLD BINDER for its safe preservation, till ready for a better dress.


Peculiar Form of Enteric Fever.


We have had a number of cases of a terribly fatal form of enteric fever in one family resident here. I will attempt to map out an outline of symptoms: Patients, four in number, all adults: father, two sons and daughter. Early or first symptoms: frontal headache, constipation, dizziness followed by nausea in one case; boy continued spitting or expectorating, has had headache, but insists he is not sick; temperature scanty and high colored. Five physicians in attendance, but of little or no benefit, as disease marched steadily on to a fatal termination. Now please give this your earnest consideration. Could it have been caused by contaminated water, as platform of

well is only divided from barn-yard by a fence, and cattle would stand outside for hours, and a basin had formed in the ground within ten feet of well where a cesspool had formed; or could it have been from poisoned milk, which was usually kept in what was formerly a lard pail, or pails purchased from the stores. I noticed more or less of the tinning worn off. Will some brother practitioners please inform us in this part of the world if they have had what is termed typhoid fever of this description to deal with, or can it be that our patients have received a dose of some corrosive poison from milk pans. DR. JAMES Lisier.

Brown City, Mich.

We received a query from a gentleman in Pittsburgh, Pa., inquiring in which case death would ensue quickest, from division of the phrenic nerves or the pneumogastric.

It was received too late for notice in February WORLD. Although we had our own opinion in regard to the matter, yet we, in addition, submitted it to the most competent authority we know, Dr. Henry C. Boenning, the accomplished anatomist of the Philadelphia School of Anatomy, the Medico Chirurgical College, and the Philadelphia Dental College, who will make a report, based upon experiments, in our next number. This is an interesting questi, on and deserves careful attention.

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M. Sig. -Teaspoonful in some water every three hours for acute cases for an adult; for children less. Two teaspoonfuls three times a day for chronic cases.

In acute cases for the fever that is usually present, the specific sedatives, as rhus tox., acon., ver. vir., bryonia, etc., are used as indicated. As a laxative in acute or chronic cases, where one is required, Searby's cascara sagrada is used with syr. taraxicum, or with simple syrup. In the acute form of the disease there are sometimes well marked regular periodic exacerbations, then cincho quinine for children and sulphate for adults, if preferred. If the tissues are sodden and non-elastic, especially the skin, arsenicum will facilitate a cureFowler's solution, three to five minimums per day.


For the chronic form glycerole of resorcin (two drachms to the ounce) is applied with camel-hair brush three or four times a day. The affected part is washed once a day, if required for cleansing, with warm water and tar soap.

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Usually I give but little heed to the dietary subject in the treatment of eczema. Eczema is not the result of bad diet, but of impaired excretion. The organic body contains too many devitalized, worn-out elements in the blood and tissues. Get rid of this débris, put the digestive and blood making organs in good condition, and healthy blood and healthy tissues will be made out of any kind of ordinary food. I say to my patients, eat plenty of nutritious food, only avoiding that which seems to disagree with you. I give the same advice to mothers as regards their eczematous children.

The treatment here outlined cures eczema. In some cases the patient may seem slow in getting well, but if we take into consideration the etiology and pathology of eczema we cannot expect anything else.-A. W. Bixby, M.D., in California Medical Journal.

"Acton on the Reproductive Organs." Seventh edition. P. Blakiston, Son & Co. Price, $2. This is a neatly made book of 263 pages. It seems to have been written for popular, as well as professional reading. In addition to the thoroughness and skill with which the subject is handled, the high moral position that the author takes is much to be admired. It is to be regretted that some physicians consider that their duties are merely medical, and that they have nothing to do with questions of morality.

Acton rightly takes a very different ground, giving morality due and prominent consideration. The fact is that moral guidance is the highest duty of every one, whether physician or layman. Morality is more important than medicine, art or literature; and the physician, artist and author who neglects the moral side of

his profession prostitutes his art, and is of doubtful service to humanity.

"Skin Diseases of Infancy and Early Life." By C. M. Campbell, M.D., C. M., Edin. Cloth, 202 pages. Balliére, Tindall and Cox, King William Street, Strand, London, Eng.

This work contains chapters on skin diseases initiated in utero, eruptive fevers, chronic non-febrile bacterial diseases. Diseases characterized by capillary flux in the general tissues of the derma. Diseases initiated by lesions of the epidermis and its involutions, neuroses and parasites, animal and vegetable.

Under this classification are brought all the skin diseases of childhood which the family physician will be called upon to treat. General therapeutic indications are given under each subject, and, in addition, a department devoted to that special subject closes the vol

ume, in which 107 special prescriptions are given with specific directions.

We consider this a very useful volume to the general family physician, as he is very often requested to treat these diseases in children. The style is clear, concise and in the highest degree practical.

"A Practical Treatise on Nervous Exhaustion (Neurasthenia), Its Symptoms, Nature, Sequences, Treatment." By George M. Beard, A.M., M.D. Edited by A. D. Rockhill, A.M., M.D. Cloth, 254 pages. Price, $2.75. E. B. Treat, 771 Broadway, N. Y.

This work contains the rich experience of a great specialist. The best paying class of patients we have are those who in the frantic struggle for commercial and professional supremacy have over-drawn their supply of nervous force. It is important to know how to treat them successfully. This you will find right in this book.

"Science in Medicine." A Thesis By Horace N. Mateer, M.D., Ph.D., Wooster, O.

We welcome to our table the Journal of the Respiratory Organs, edited by J. Mount Bleyer, M.D., the well known specialist, monthly at $1.00 per year. Napoleon Thompson, publisher, 51 & 53 Maiden Lane, New


We acknowledge the receipt of Dr. Benson's chart, "The Tongue in Diagnosis," new edition, with important additions. Besides the map of the tongue, an accurate description is given of the appearance in disease, together with therapeutic indications. Price 55 cents. Address Dr. C. Coleman Benson, 110 W. Mulberry St., Baltimore, Md.


Please see adv. page viij in January issue, and write for samples. Messrs. Mulford & Co. are making an excellent line of preparations, and you would do well to get acquainted with them.

Use Lambert's Listerine and Lithiated Hydrangea.

Scott & Bowne's Buckthorn Cordial is as valuable for constipation as their emulsion of oil and hypophosphites is for wasting diseases. A sample by writing to them at 132 & 134 S. 5th Ave., N. Y.

Hastings Truss Co., 224 S. 9th St., Phila., mike extra fine goods.

Have you ever tried McArthur's Hypophosphites for nursing mothers and teething children. Send to McArthur Hypophosphite Co., Boston, Mass., for a sample, and agree to pay the express charges.

Extra fine and reliable surgical instruments at Chas Lentz & Sons, 18 N. 11th St., Phila. Discount of 25 per cent. to physicians.

See the magnificent results obtained by the use of Marchand's Peroxide of Hydrogen.

Send to Chas. Besler, N. Y., for valuable oxygen apparatus.

The Buggy Case sold by Willis H. Davis at $10.00, is by far the cheapest, and best in quality ever sold for this price. You will do well to read his advertisement in this number of WORLD, and write for his descriptive Calalogues. Catheter Scale Free.

Those two grand therapeutical aids to the physician, antipyrine and lanoline, are sold by Lutz & Movins, N. Y.

We are perfectly satisfied with the use of Tongaline in inflammatory rheumatism. Write to Mellin Drug Co., St. Louis.

Send to the Star Rubber Co., LaFayette, Ind., for the Recurrent Vaginal Syringe Point.

SUBSTITUTION BY DRUGGISTS OF MEDICINES PRESCRIBED. If there is a practice among any reputable pharmacists or druggists that should be denounced, it is that of substituting the manufacturer of some other druggist for that which is prescribed. It is none of the business of pharmacist or apothecary to dictate to the doctor what he should prescribe. If the honest apothe cary has not the preparation the doctor has prescribed, and cannot supply it, it is simply and plainly his duty to say so, and not undertake to furnish a substitute without a free consultation with and the full consent of the doctor.

What would the apothecary think of his stationery dealer if he were to send him a box of "Falcon pens when he had ordered a box of "Spencerian pens?" Is it honest in the stationer to undertake to palm off the brand not ordered? And if the stationer were to establish it as the principle of his house to thus "work off" his stock on the pharmacist, would not that pharmacist soon say that he would discontinue dealing with that stationer, and furthermore, expose him to his friends?

If this principle is regarded is dishonorable in so trivial a matter as the selection of a pen, it should certainly be held as more disreputable for the pharmacist to substitute a medicine not ordered for the one that is prescribed.

The apothecary concedes the whole thing when he says he supplies only Squibb's chloroform when this preparation is ordered. If he is honest in filling the prescription of the doctor strictly when that article is prescribed, why should not he be equally as honest when the preparations of Wm. R. Warner & Co., Rio Chemical Co., Battle, Lambert, Merrell, Peacock, McKesson & Robbins, Schieffelin, etc., are prescribed?

Is it not dishonorable in principle to do otherwise?— Medical Brief.

Why bother with "mussy" poultices, when the elegant, new covered rubber bottles of Messrs. Parker, Stearns & Co., are within your reach. See adv. for special introduction offer to our readers. Cleanly and convenient application of any degree of heat or cold can be made by means of these bottles.

Now is the time to use the best preparation for rheumatism. Those who have used Griffith's Compound are convinced that it is the best. See adv., and write to them.

Two new, yet well tried and excellent remedies, are offered to you this month by W. H. Scheiffelin & Co. See adv. and write.

For a pocket battery of superior excellence, see new adv, of Henry Schwindt.

Pheno-Fer is announced as a new and valuable addition to the list of the De Clat antiseptic preparations. See adv. and offer of samples.

See mineral water adv. of P. Scherer & Co., and send for book.

The stomach will retain London Essence of Beef when all other food will be rejected. Gaunt & Janvier, New York.


The knowledge that a man can use is the only real knowledge; the only knowledge that has life and growth in it and converts itself into practical power. The rest hangs like dust about the brain, or dries like raindrops off the stones.—FROUDÉ.

The Medical World.

ubscription to any part of the United States and Canada, ONE DOLLAR per year. To England and the British Colenies FIVE SHILLINGS per year. Postage free.

These rates must be paid invariably in advance.

Notice is given on the wrapper when your subscription expires. You are invited to renew promptly, when this notice is given. This is necessary if you wish to continue to receive THE WORLD, as it is sent only as long as paid for. We cannot always supply back numbers. Should a number fail to reach a subscriber, we will supply another, if notifiled before the end of the month.

Pay no money to agents for this journal unless pubHsher's receipt is given.

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The True Philosophy of Prescriptions. We have heard much unnecessary criticism of the use of well-tried prescriptions in the practice of medicine. Some men affect to believe that the physician must make a separate new prescription for each case treated; that otherwise he is a mere copyist.

While we believe that single remedies, given in as simple form as possible, will be found to be best in a majority of cases, yet it is very often necessary to use combinations and mixt

To do this according to the principles of these gentlemen would be to make each prescription a separate experiment, and would prevent the practitioner from availing himself of the experiences of any who have preceded him in the study and practicce of medicine. It would also reduce the practice to such a degree of confusion and uncertainty as would make the present system seem like order itself.

we use.

We avail ourselves of the experience and information of the botainst, chemist and pharmacist in the choice and preparation of our drugs. No one would claim that we should prescribe only that which we have collected and prepared ourselves. We also learn from the experiments of the therapeutist in his laboratory the physiological action of the various drugs We do not pretend to make individual experiments to demonstrate these ourselves. But when we approach the higher and vastly more difficult art of skillful combination we are asked to go alone, using untried combinations, as our fancy may dictate, and discarding altogether the proven experience of those who have grown old and honored in extensive and successful practice in special fields. Can anything be more impractical or absurd?

Men of true original genius are comparatively rare, and yet we have very many men who have the excellent judgment and mental balance to be good reliable practitioners. Now, originating successful combinations is as much the work of original genius, as much a work of the purely creative faculty of the mind as writing poetry is. Besides, a combination, when once made, must be tried, improved, and retried in a vast number of cases before it is perfected and its value incontestably demonstrated. Then, it is often as valuable a scientific fact as is a new drug itself.

Those who have been so fortunate as to be gifted with this faculty have rarely succeeded during a long life in creating more than half a dozen prescriptions that have been successful enough to become famous. And these men have many of them lacked the more practical qualities to make the prosperous practitioner. And yet shall we say that no one should practice medicine but these men of original genius? Shall we not rather avail ourselves freely and gratefully of the results of their brilliant genius and patient work? If we were very ill we

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