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The most important remedial agent ever presented to the Profession for Dyspepsia, Vomiting in Pregnancy, Cholera Infantum, Constipa

tion and all Diseases arising from imperfect nutrition.

LACTOPEPTINE precisely represents in composition the natural digestive juices of the stomach, Pancreas and Salivary Glands, and will, therefore, readily dissolve all foods necessary to the recuperation of the human organism.



Gentian, Iron, Strychnia, Bismuth, Quinia, Calisaya, Cinchona and Phosphates, and various medications required in general practice, in the form of ELIXIRS, SYRUPS, LIQUID, ETC.

Special Notice to the Medical Profession.

Whenever satisfactory results are not obtained from the administration of LACTOPEPTINE, we will consider it a favor if such facts are reported to us, for there can be no doubt that substitution of Pepsin or some of the cheap imitations of Lactopeptine has been practiced, whenever the therapeutic activity of Lactopeptine is not uniformly demonstrated in its indications.

Box 1574





Pure Pepsin...

Pure Pancreatin....

FORMULA-Each Dose of Two Teaspoonfuls contains:

..10 Grains. | Pure Ptyalin.......

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Choleate of Soda..

..........3 Grains. K

A potent Remedy for Indigestion, Acute and Atonic Dyspepsia, Chronic and Gastro-Intestinal Catarrh, Vomi ing in Pregnancy, Cholera Infantum, and in convalescence from acute Diseases. It is palatable and acceptable to the stomach. Retail Price, $1 00 per Bottle (12 oz.)

A sample bottle of this preparation will be sent to any Physician who will pay carriage. Messrs. WM. F. KIDDER & Co.-Sirs: I have been troubled many years with periodical Dyspepsia. The intervals lately have become shorter and more distressing. A sample of your Digestylin fortunately came to hand when I was suffering severely from an attack. The formula 1 oked promising, and I thought I would give it a trial. It acted immediately and almost like magic. The taste was pleasant, and I could feel it touch the spot. The fullness, weight and pain that usually followed eating, disappeared. I did not suffer from acid eructations, which with Heartburn, had so afflicted me. I am satisfied that in most forms of Dyspepsia your Digestylin is just the thing. I have been extensively engaged in Practice for nearly torty years, and I have never found any thing that acted so quickly and so satisfactorily as did your Digestylin in my case. Respectfully, HENRY S. FIRTH, M. D., 203 S. Fifth St., Brooklyn, N. Y. TOLEDO, Ohio, March 14, 1885. Messrs. Wм. F. KIDDER & Co.-Gentlemen: Your agent left me a bottle of Digestylin in order that I might give it a trial in a case of stomach trouble running through a period of five or six years. The medicine proved very effective, relieving patient more than any medicine before taken, and she has used many different remedies.

Very respectfully,


Messrs. Wм. F. KIDDER & Co.-Gentlemen: I have used your Digestylin and find it excellent in Indigestion and Dyspepsia. Respectfully, F. JACOBY, M. D., Columbus, Ohio.


KIDDER'S Wine of the Purified



Physicians will find this Wine an efficacious remedy where disease indicates the administration. Of al preparations of Phosphorous the Hypophosphites are the most easily assimilated, thus rendering it a superior medicine in an impoverished condition of the system, as in Phthisis, Nervous Depression, Scrofulous Ulceration, Debility from prolonged lactation, and in all diseases in which the vital forces are impaired. The combination with pure wine aids its Tonic action, and makes it palatable and acceptable to the most delicate stomach. This preparation alternated with HYDROLEINE (Ĥydrated Oil), will greatly aid in building up the debilitated system. Put up in 12 oz. bottle. Price, at retail, $1.00.

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WM. F. KIDDER & CO.. Laboratorv, 83 John Street, New York



A predigested, non-irritating, easily assimilated food indicated in all weak and inflamed conditions of the digestive organs, either in infants or adults. It is the most nutritious, most digestible, and the most palatable of all prepared foods.


PURE SUGAR OF MILK and the Gluten, of Wheat and Oats, combined with Barley Diastase and Malt Extract. The small amount of starchy matter remaining is transformed into Soluble Carbohydrates by the action of the Diastse. There is therefore no unchanged starch, and no cane sugar is used in or with the food.

It has been used by
The re-

OVER FOUR HUNDRED PHYSICIAN S Endorse Lactated Food as the best of all prepared foods. them, in all diseases involving the stomach or intestines, with great success. markable results obtained from Lactated Food should induce every physician to prescribe it. It is put up in four sizes :

Small Size

Medium Size

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If any physician that has not yet made a trial of the Lactated Food will write us, we will send a package of our regular size, post-paid, without charge, with the understanding that it will be given a careful trial as soon as possible. We shall use every precaution to maintain the high standard of this Food, and to insure perfect satisfaction to the profession in its use.


The Value of Murdock's Liquid Food is Recognized in all Countries, and is Indorsed by all National Medical Societies that have

Investigated its value.

There never was an essay read before any Medical Society on Raw Food Extracts, except on Murdock's Liquid Food, and counterfeit manufacturers of Extracts have published many of our essays to show the value of their counterfeits.

Send for Essay and DISCUSSION before the the British Medical Association at Brighton, England, 1886, (Essay) by the Vice-President of The American Medical Association and others on the value of Murdock's Liquid Food over all Foods and Extracts known, it being the ONLY Raw Condensed Food, free from insoluble


Also essay read before the American Medical Association at Richmond, Virginia, and Washington, D. C.:

Its value was recognized by the profession from results obtained in the Free Hospitals that have been established and supported by our Mr. A. L. Murdock during the last four years.

They now equal

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Our Liquid Food can be retained by the weakest stomach. Four tablespoonfuls daily will make eight per cent. new blood weekly. When used for infants, never change their food, but add five or more drops of Liquid Food at each feeding, and their lost or needed vitality will be restored in less than thirty days.

Send for the Report of the Chairman of the Section of Obstetrics of the American Institute of Homœopathy, read at Saratoga at the annual meeting of 1886. Circulars were sent by him to all the Physicians in the United States, asking what their experience was with Murdock's Liquid Food in its use for infants under, as well as over, one year old.

Then what results, with all the different Milk preparations, Grain Foods, Peptonoid Foods and Beef Extracts, compared with Murdock's Liquid Food.

The returns show that it is the Standard Food and Extract, as the percentage of lives restored was the largest when used.

We extract from the report. After calling attention to the fact that one-quarter of the homoeopathic profession are accustomed frequently to prescribe this food for children less than a year old, as well as over, he remarks

"It is singularly adapted to scrofulous, syphilitic and tubercular constitutions, its life-restoring power manifesting itself in each with a relative clearness and power corresponding to t e order of enumeration. For fair-haired children who are inclined to grow fleshy it is more symptomatically recommended, while Duncan's acid babies find it particularly useful. Accordingly it is chiefly employed for marasinus and anæmic conditions resulting either from non-assimilation of food or from simple summer complaints. Should a child vomit all milk food and suffer synchronously with diarrhoea or dysentery, the demand for this food is emphatic and unmistakable; also in general irritability of the stomach, particularly if there be sour-smelling diarrhoea, the food passing through undigestel. For the prematurely born it stands preeminent. For those weak and debilitated from any cause, Murdock's Food is probably the best in the world.' Should any indication of cerebral hyperæmia appear, the quantity of food must be diminished; so, too, if after its protractel use vomiting and diarrhoea ensue: the child has been overfed. Should the taste or odor of any given bottle chance to be disagreeable, add water until they disappear, and let the purchaser congratulate himself upon getting more nutriment then he paid for. When given in combination with milk in cases of indigestion, the quantity of milk should be dimished until all curds disappear from the stool, the quantity of Food, of course, being proportionately increased.

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The Surgical Staff at Murdock's Free Hospital for women are in daily attendance, except Saturdays, to examine patients and assign beds.

Murdock's Liquid Food Co., Boston.

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