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Ayes-Supervisors Beatson, Beechner, Erdlitz, Fernstrum, Haggerson. Leisen, Nelson, Peterson, Hugh Phillips, William Phillips, Radford, Sibenaler, Sieman, Sorenson, Swanson and Walton.

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I, Fred S. Norcross, clerk of the board of supervisors, county clerk and clerk of the circuit court of the county of Menominee and State of Michi gan, do hereby certify the within and foregoing to be a copy of a resolution of the board of supervisors of said Menominee county, passed at their meeting held in the city of Menominee, in said county and State on the 19th day of December, A. D., 1902. That the vote upon said resolution as herein and above recorded, is correct, and that a copy of the map or plat showing the territory affected by the organization of Harris township, is also hereto attached.

That I have compared the said resolution, the said vote and the said map or plat with the originals now on file and of record in my office and that they are true copies thereof and of the whole thereof.

[L. S.]

IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF. I have hereunto set my hand, and affixed the seal of the circuit court of said Menominee county at the city of Menominee, in said county, this 24th day of December. A. D., 1902.




In the matter of the application of certain freeholders for the organization of the township of Enterprise.

Lake City, Mich., January 10th, 1903. The board met and was called to order by the chairman, quorum present.

Supervisor McMahon offered the following preamble and resolution. WHEREAS, Application has been made to this board. asking that all that territory known as township twenty-three (23) north, of range five (5) west, and forming part of the territory comprising the township of West Branch, be detached from the said township of West Branch and that a new township be organized, composed of the said detached territory, described as town twenty-three (23) north, range five (5) west, and;

WHEREAS, Notices that said petition would be presented to this board at this session have been duly posted in said township of West Branch and advertised as provided by law for the organization of new townships, and;

WHEREAS, The said application and other proceedings are now before the board, all of which seem to be regular;

Therefore, be it resolved that said petition be granted, and that the territory known as town twenty-three (23) north, range five (5) west,

be and the same is hereby detached from the township of West Branch, aforesaid, heretofore composed of township twenty-three (23) north, range five (5) west, and township twenty-three (23) north, range six (6) west; and that the said territory known and described as township twenty-three (23) north. range five (5) west, be and the same is hereby organized into a new township to be known and designated as the township of "Enterprise." and;

It is further resolved, that the first meeting of the electors in said township of "Enterprise" shall be held at the "Merrill schoolhouse," situated near the residence of Arthur Merrill, in said township of "Enterprise," upon the 1st Monday of April A. D. 1903.

It is further resolved, that Amos Coon, Arthur Merrill, and David D. Wiggins be, and the same are hereby, constituted the election inspectors of the said first meeting of said township of "Enterprise."


Moved by Supervisor Stampfler and supported by Supervisor Berghouse, that the preamble and resolution of Supervisor McMahon be accepted and adopted, which notice prevailed by yeas and nays as follows: Supervisors Berghouse, Stampfler, Sherman, Marsh, Downing, Herweyer, Decker, Loveless, Taylor, Grice, Young and McMahon voted yea. Yeas-12.

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I, Albert C. McNitt, clerk of the board of supervisors, of said county of Missaukee, do hereby certify that I have compared the annexed copy of the proceedings of the board of supervisors, so far as the same relate to the organizing and forming the township of Enterprise, with the original thereof, now remaining in my custody, and that the same is a correct transcript therefrom, and of the whole of such original.

[L. S.]

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the circuit court, at Lake City, this 7th day of March, A. D. 1903.


Clerk of said Board.


In the matter of the application of certain freeholders to detach certain territory from the township of Vienna and attaching the same to the township of Briley.

WHEREAS There has been a petition presented to this board duly signed by twelve freeholders of each township to be affected thereby, praying to have the south half of township thirty (30) north, range two (2) east

detached from the township of Vienna and be attached to the township of Briley.

Be it resolved by Double supported by Marshall that this board detach said south half of town thirty north of range two east, from the township of Vienna and attach the same to the township of Briley. Carried by the following vote:

Ayes-Connor, Double, Hubert, Marshall and Chairman.

The above resolution was passed at a meeting of the board of supervisors of Montmorency county Mich., October 16, 1902.

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I Robert Kincaid clerk of said county of Montmorency and clerk of the circuit court for said county, do hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy of a resolution with the original record thereof, now remaining in my office, and that it is a true and correct transcript therefrom, and of the whole of such original record.

[L. S.]

IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand, and affixed the seal of said court and county, this fifteenth day of November A. D. 1902.




In the matter of the application of certain freeholders for the erection and organization of a new township: The township of North Allis. WHEREAS, An application has been duly made to the board of supervisors of the county of Presque Isle, by James Sandison, William R. McMullen, Michael Rowe, George F. Knapp, John Balongie, George H. Riley, Hector McMullen, John Sullivan, H. J. Hodges, H. T. Dewitt, Salonas Hodges, W. A. Nason, Ben. J. Marshall, G. W. Belding, Daniel Baker, O. W. Pierson, Charles Pickett, Dan T. Randall, J. F. McCann, J. P. Wickersham, J. W. Gifford, W. J. Chowan, A. Campbell, Wm. Fowler, all of whom are freeholders, and twelve of whom reside in each of the townships to be affected thereby; for the erection and organization of a new township of the territory hereinafter described; and the said board having been furnished with a map of all the townships to be af fected thereby; and it appearing to the said board by due proof that notice in writing of such intended application, signed by at least twelve freeholders of such township or townships to be thereby affected, has been duly posted up and published in the manner and during the time. required by law; and it also appearing to said board, upon consideration thereof, that the said application ought to be granted; Thereupon, it is ordered and determined by the said board, that the territory described as follows, to wit: The whole of town thirty-five (35) north of range two (2) east. be, and the same is hereby erected and organized into a new

township to be called and known as the "township of North Allis;" that the first annual township meeting therein shall be held in the Roberts schoolhouse, in Dist. No. 1, on Monday the 27th day of July next; and James Sandison, William R. McMullen, and Hiram J. Hodges, three electors of such township, are hereby designated as the persons whose duty it shall be to preside at said meeting, appoint a clerk, open and keep the polls, and to exercise the same powers as the inspectors of any township meeting may exercise under the laws of this State.

Adopted by yeas and nays, a majority of all members elected voting therefor, to wit:

Yeas-Supervisors Hoeft, Konwinski, Skiba, Nowicki, Chas. Bunton, Nagel. Arthur Bunton, Dullack, Glawe, Shaw, Tower, Snody, Mitchell, and Young.


Carried. Dated June 15th, 1903.

County of Presque Isle,


Chairman of Board.

County Clerk.

I, Charles Platz, Jr., clerk of the county of Presque Isle and clerk of the circuit court for said county, the same being a court of record and having a seal, do hereby certify that I have compared the annexed copy of the proceedings of the board of supervisors of said county relative to the erection and organization of the township "North Allis" with the original record thereof now remaining in my office, and have found the said copy to be, and that the same is, a true and correct transcript therefrom, and of the whole of such original record.

[L. S.]

IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said court, at Rogers City this 22nd day of June A. D. 1903.




In the matter of the application of certain freeholders for the erection and organization of a new township: The township of Pulawski. WHEREAS, An application has been duly made to the board supervisors of the county of Presque Isle, by Andrew Budnik, Frank Hilla, Michael Wojt, Stanislaus Kushynski, William Elmke, Charles Elmke, Bolislaws Kushynski, Joseph Reisner, John Reisner. Vicenty Kushynski, Joseph Koss, Frank Stefauski, William Rzeppa, John Kowalski. Joseph Liske, John Stosick, W. Pienkowicz, John Urban, Carl Wagner, John Nowicki, Joseph Marashefski, Jacob Proma, Joseph Bianca, Joseph Richard, John Richard, Anton Grandzueski, Frank Kachaubawski, Joe Deering, John Gapzinski, all of whom are freeholders, and twelve of whom reside in each of the townships to be affected thereby, for the erec

tion and organization into a new township of the territory hereinafter described; and the said board having been furnished with a map of all the townships to be affected thereby; and it appearing to said board by due proof that notice in writing of such intended application, signed by at least twelve freeholders of the township or townships to be thereby affected, has been duly posted up and published in the manner and during the time required by law; and it also appearing to said board, upon consideration thereof, that the said application ought to be granted;

Thereupon, it is ordered and determined by the said board, that the territory described as follows, to wit: The whole of town thirty-four (34) north of range six (6) east, and the whole of fractional town thirtyfive (35) north of range six (6) east, be, and the same is hereby erected and organized into a new township to be called and known as the "township Pulawski;" that the first annual township meeting therein shall be held at the Liske schoolhouse, Dist. No. 1, on Monday, the 27th day of April, next; and Joseph Koss, Albert Klimmeczewski and Joseph Liske. three electors of such township, are hereby designated as the persons whose duty it shall be to preside at said meeting, appoint a clerk, open and keep the polls, and to exercise the same powers as the inspectors of any township meeting may exercise under the laws of this State.

Adopted by yeas and nays, a majority of all the members elected voting therefor, to wit:

Yeas-Supervisors Hoeft, Skiba, Nowicki, Charles Bunton, Nagel, Arthur Bunton, Dullack, Glawe, Tower, Shaw, Snody, Mitchell and Young.

Supervisor Konwinski, of Posen, was excused from voting.
Motion carried.

Dated, June 15th, 1903.

JOHN YOUNG, Chairman of Board. CHARLES PLATZ, JR., County Clerk.

County of Presque Isle.


I, Charles Platz, Jr., clerk of the county of Presque Isle and clerk of the circuit court for said county, the same being a court of record and having a seal, do hereby certify that I have compared the annexed copy of the proceedings of the board of supervisors of said county relative to the erection and organization of the township of "Pulawski," with the original record thereof now remaining in my office, and have found the said copy to be, and that the same is, a true and correct transcript therefrom, and of the whole of such original record.

[L. S.]

IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said court. at Rogers City this 22nd day of June A. D. 1903.


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