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Otology, periscope of, by J. J. K. Duncan-
son, 496, 689.

Otorrhoea, treatment of, 498, 692.

Ovariotomy in a county hospital, by Roderick
Maclaren, M.D., 333; cases of, by Skene
Keith, M.B., 837; pregnancy after double,
594; Tait's results, 788.

OXLEY, Dr M. G. B., the classification and
treatment of syphilis, rer., 949.

Ozana, the nature and treatment of, by Dr
Loewenberg, 29, 152.


by Stewart Lockie, M.D., 323, 416; a case
of, occurring at a high altitude in winter,
treated by venesection, by A. T. Wise,
M.D., 928; two attacks of asthenic, 185;
in relation to syphilis, 499; in young
children, 788; treatment of, with mercu-
rial inunctions, 1171.

Pneumonic, acute, processes, etiology of,

Porro Müller operation, case of, by Angus
Macdonald, M.D., 123.

PORTEOUS, J. LINDSAY, M.D., therapeutic
notes, 921.

PAGE, W. BOUSFIELD, F.R.C.S., obituary, Potassio-mercuric iodide, 776.


Paraldehyd as a hypnotic, 281.
Paralysis, a case of left facial, by Alex.
Thom, jun., M.D., 20; myopathic, of the
posterior crico-arytenoidei muscles, by
Prof. Ramon de la Sota y Lastra, 543.
PARKER, R. W., tracheotomy in laryngeal
diphtheria, rer., 568.

Pastes in skin diseases, 1088.
Patient, the careful, 503.

PATTERSON, ALEX., M.D., case of double
uterus, 128.

PATTISON, T. HILL, M.D., obituary, 197.
Pelvis, a critical consideration of the methods

[blocks in formation]

of anatomical research with reference to Quillaga saponaria as an expectorant, 1170.
the topographical anatomy of the female,
by D. Berry Hart, M.D., 138.
Penis, a rat bite of the, 392.

PEPPER, AUGUSTUS J., M.S., elements of
surgical pathology, rev., 164.
PEPPER, WILLIAM, M.D., a system of prac-
tical medicine, by American authors, rev.,

Peptone, on the properties and preparation
of, 881.

Pericarditis, rheumatic, another case of, in
which a micro-bacillus was found, 924;
sodium salicylate in, 1087.

Pericardium, on a case of tapping of the, by
Prof. T. Grainger Stewart, 116.
Peritoneum, removal of tumours of the
abdominal wall with their, 881.
Phthisis, pulmonary, nutrition and growth
in connexion with, by A. James, M.D.,
297; sex in connexion with, by A. James,
M.D., 821; in connexion with occupation
and with other diseases, by A. James,
M.D., 938, 1015; in relation to syphilis,


Physicians, Royal College of, Edinburgh,
197, 293, 502, 598, 695, 795, 890, 1094,

Physicians and Surgeons, Faculty of Glas-
gow, 293, 1182.

PICK, T. PICKERING, fractures and disloca-
tions, rev., 952.

PIFFARD, H. G., M.D., journal of cutaneous
and venereal diseases, rev., 951.
Pleural effusion associated with cancer of the
breast, 84.

Pleurisy, common salt in the treatment of,

Pleuritic effusion, notes on the position of
fluid in cases of, by J. Symington, M.D.,


Pleuritis, purulent, in children, 191.

Pneumonia, on the nature and treatment of,


RAINAL, LEON et JULES, les bandages,
l'orthopédie et les appareils à pansements
description iconographique, rer., 165.
RALFE, C. H., M. A., M.D., diseases of the
kidneys, rev., 561.

Rectum, comparative value of iliac and
lumbar openings in cancer of, 889; ex-
cision of, for cancer, 988.

REEVES, H. A., bodily deformities and their
treatment, rev., 565.

Remedy, a classical, by G. A. Gibson, M.D.,


Resorcine in whooping-cough, 283.
Reviews:-ALLBUTT, T. C., M.D., on serofu-
lous neck, 264; AMEKE, Dr W., history
of homeopathy, 666; BAILY, J., a physi-
cian's pharmacopoeia, containing formu æ of
unofficial preparations, 1140; BALL, B., la
morphinomanie, 755; BEHNKE, E., and L.
BROWNE, the child's voice, 71; BERILLON,
Dr EDGAR, hypnotisme expérimental, 340;
BRAITHWAITE, W. & J., retrospect of
medicine, 349; BROWNE, LENNOX, voice
use and stimulants, 71; BRUNTON, T.
LAUDER, M.D., text-book of pharmacology,
therapeutics, and materia medica, 348;
BRYANT, THOS., Harveian lectures, 347;
BULKLEY, L. D., M.D., acne, its etiology,
pathology, and treatment, 950; BUTLIN,
H. T., diseases of the tongue, 464; CATH-
CART, C. W., and F. M. CAIRD, student's
atlas of bones and ligaments, 165; CHAR-
TERIS, Prof. M., health resorts at home
and abroad, 266; CHEYNE, W. WATSON,
manual of the antiseptic treatment of
wounds, 64; CHURCHILL, FRED., C.M.,
face and foot deformities, 463; CLEVENGER,
S. V., M.D., comparative physiology and
psychology, 655; CORMACK, C. E., M.D.,
traitement de l'empyème chronique par

l'opération d'Estlander, 567; DALBY, W.
B., on diseases and injuries of the ear,
564; DIVER, E., M.D., the young doctor's
future, 266; DWIGHT, Prof. T., frozen
sections of a child, 166; EBSTEIN, Dr W.,
the regimen to be adopted in cases of
gout, 560; FARQUHARSON, R., M.P.,
school hygiene, 754; FOTHERGILL, J. M.,
M.D., the diseases of sedentary and ad-
vanced life, 665; FREYER, P. J., M.D.,
litholapaxy, 1140; GAIRDNER, Prof.,
insanity, modern views as to its nature
and treatment, 755; GARROD, A. B.,
M.D., the essentials of materia medica and
therapeutics, 1064; GIBBES, HENEAGE,
M.D., practical histology and pathology,
754; GOODHART, J. F., M.D., the student's
guide to the diseases of children, 163;
GOWERS, W. R., M.D., lectures on diag-
nosis of diseases of the brain, 658; GRAN-
VILLE, J. MORTIMER, M.D., gout in its
clinical aspects, 560; GRAVES, KOBT. J.,
M.D., clinical lectures on the practice of
medicine, 753; GRESSWELL, J. B., veter-
inary pharmacology and therapeutics,
1141; HAMILTON, F. H., M.D., a practical
treatise on fractures and dislocations, 165;
HARRISON, REG., the treatment of urethral
stricture by combining internal and ex-
ternal urethrotomy, 1139; HASSALL, A.
HILL, M.D., the inhalation treatment
of the organs of respiration, including
consumption, 263; HEIBERG, JACOB,
M.D., atlas of the cutaneous nerve
supply of the human body, 662;
HIME, MAURICE C., M.A., morality,
an essay on some points thereof,
861; a schoolmaster's retrospect, 862;
HIRSCH, Prof. AUGUST, handbook of geo-
graphical and historical pathology, 346;
HOOD, PETER, M.D., a treatise on gout,
rheumatism, and the allied affections, 70;
IRELAND, W. W., M.D., the blot upon the
brain, 457; JACCOUD, Prof. S., the cura-
bility and treatment of pulmonary phthisis,
461; JAMES, PROSSER, M.D., a guide to
the new pharmacopoeia, 947; KEETLEY,
C. B., the student's and junior practi
tioner's guide to the medical profession,
266; an index of surgery, 951; KHORY,
K. N., M.D., the principles and practice of
medicine, 343; LANDOIS, Dr L., a text-
book of human physiology, 161; LEGG,
J. WICKHAM, M.D., a guide to the ex-
amination of the urine, 563; M-CORMAC,
Sir WM., surgical operations, 463; MAC-
KENZIE, G. H., M.D., a practical treatise
on the sputum, 1064; MACKENZIE, M.,
M.D., hay fever, 265; MACLAREN, P. H.,
M.D., atlas of venereal disease, 859;
M LEOD, KENNETH, M.D., operative sur-
gery in the Calcutta Medical College
M.D., clinical observations on the blood
of the insane, 70; MAUNSELL, S. E., notes
on medical experiences in India, princi-
pally with reference to diseases of the
eye. 565; MEARS, J. EWING, M.D.,
practical surgery, 1138; MICHEL, MID-
DLETON, M.D., exenteration of the eye,
660; MORRIS, HENRY, M.A., surgical

diseases of the kidney, 952; MURCHISON
CHARLES, M.D., clinical lectures on
diseases of the liver, jaundice, and
abdominal dropsy, 752; NORTON, A. T.,
F.R.C.S., text-book of operative sur-
gery, 566; OLIVER, GEORGE, M.D., on
bedside urine testing, 563; OXLEY, Dr M.
G. B., the classification and treatment of
syphilis, 949; PARK, R. W., tracheotomy
in laryngeal diphtheria, 568; PEPPER,
AUGUSTUS J., elements of surgical path-
ology, 164; PEPPER, WM., M.D., a system
of practical medicine by American authors,
746; PICK, T. PICKERING, fractures and
dislocations, 952; PIFFORD, H. G., M.D.,
journal of cutaneous and venereal diseases,
951; RAINAL, LEON and JULES, les ban-
dages, l'orthopédie et les appareils à
pansements description iconographique,
165; RALFE, C. H., M.D., diseases of the
kidneys, 561; REEVES, H. A., bodily
deformities and their treatment, 565;
ments of pathology, 69; RINGER, Prof.
SYDNEY, a handbook of therapeutics, 1062;
ROBERTS, JOHN B., M.A., surgical delu-
sions and follies, 464, the field and limita-
tion of the operative surgery of the
human brain, 1137; ROBERTS, Prof. F.
T., a handbook to the theory and practice
of medicine, 60; ROBERTS, R. L., M.D.,
illustrated lectures on ambulance work;
568; ROBERTS, WM., M.D., F.R.S., on
urinary and renal diseases, 562; ROBINSON,
Prof. A. R., a manual of dermatology,
1058; ROBINSON, WM., M.D., endemic
goitre or thyreocele, 265; RoOSE, ROB-
SON, M.D., gout, 560; SAVAGE, George
H., M.D., insanity and allied neuroses,
342; SCHÄFER, Prof., the essentials of
histology, 164; SEMPLE, ARMAND, B.A.,
the pocket pharmacopoeia for 1885, 1063;
oleates, 568; SMITH, ALDER, M.B., ring-
worm, its diagnosis and treatment, 163;
SMITH, F. W., M.D., the saline waters of
Leamington, 569; TEALE, T. PRIDGIN,
the surgery of scrofulous glands, 264;
THOMAS, JOSEPH, M.D., a complete pro-
nouncing medical dictionary, 859; THOMP-
SON, SIR HENRY, the pathology and treat-
ment of stricture of the urethra and
urinary fistula, 563; THOROWGOOD, J. ('.,
M.D., Lettsomian lectures on asthma, 564;
TIRARD, Prof. NESTOR, the prescriber's
pharmacopoeia, 1063; TREVES, FRED.,
anatomy of the intestinal canal and peri-
toneum in man, 663; TUKE, D. HACK,
M.D., the insane in the United States and
Canada, 1136; VIRCHOW, RUDOLPH, der
kampf der zellen und der bacterien,
454; WARDELL, R. J., M.D., contribu-
tions to the pathology and practice of
medicine, 753; WARNER, FRANCIS, M.D.,
the student's guide to clinical medicine
and case-taking, 61; WATSON, B. A.,
M.D., amputations and their complica-
tions, 567; WEBER, HERMANN, M.D.,
Croonian lectures on the hygienic and
climatic treatment of chronic pulmonary
phthisis, 564; WOODHEAD, G. S., M.D.,

and A. W. HARE, M.B., pathological
mycology, 344; WRIGHT, T. L., M.D.,
inebriism, 569; ZIEMSSEN, Prof. H. v.,
handbook of diseases of the skin, 853;
handbook of general therapeutics, vol. i.
945, vol. ii. 946, vol. iii. 1061.
Reviews-Annual, medical, and practi-
tioner's index for 1885, 349; diary,
sanitary record, and London medical
record, for 1885, 72; health lectures
(Edinburgh) for the people, 166; hospital
reports, Middlesex, for the year 1883, 570;
St Thomas's, vol. xiii., 66; index, Burr's
medical, 758; insane, handbook for atten-
dants on the, 948; Lewis's pocket medical
vocabulary, 1141; materia medica, physi-
ological and applied, 757; pharmacopoeia,
the British, 558; transactions of the
Academy of Medicine in Ireland, vol. iii.,
948; of the American Dermatological
Association, 951; of the Medical Society of
the state of Pennsylvania at its thirty-
fifth annual session, vol. xvi., 349; of the
N. Y. State Medical Association for 1884,
vol. i., 577; year-book of scientific and
learned societies of Great Britain and
Ireland, 569.

Rheumatism, acute, and nervous affections,

Rickets, phosphorus treatment of, 193, 194;
diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment of,


RINDFLEISCH, EDWARD, M.D., the elements
of pathology, rev., 69.


RINGER, Prof. SYDNEY, a handbook
therapeutics, rev., 1062.
ROBERTS, JOHN B., M. A., surgical delusions
and follies, rev., 464; the field and limita-
tion of the operative surgery of the human
brain, rev., 1137.

ROBERTS, Prof. F. T., a handbook to the
theory and practice of medicine, rev., 60.
ROBERTS, R. L., M.D., illustrated lectures
on ambulance work, rev., 568.
ROBERTS, W M., M.D., F.R.S., on urinary and
renal diseases, rev., 562.

ROBINSON, Prof. A. R., a manual of der-
matology, rev., 1058.

ROBINSON, WM., M.D., endemic goitre or
thyreocele, rev., 265.

ROOSE, ROBSON, M.D., gout, rev., 560.
Rotation, on the nature and cause of the
movement of internal, by D. B. Hart,
M.D., 1032.

RUSSELL, WM., M. D., introductory lecture
on morbid processes and their causation,
131, 237; case in which a loud splashing
sound was produced synchronously with
cardiac action, 518; periscope of medicine,
clinical and pathological, 81, 182, 386,
687, 780, 985, 1084; award of Cartwright
prize to, 94.

Russia, syphilis in, 196.

Salicyl compounds, on the failure of, in the
treatment of acute rheumatism, by Prof.
T. R. Fraser, 1, 108, 221.
Sanitation by fire, 397.

Sarcoma, multiple, of skin, treated by hypo-
dermic injections of Fowler's solution, 495.

SAVAGE, GEORGE, H., M.I)., insanity and
allied neuroses, rev., 342.

Scabies, increased frequency of, 496.
SCHÄFER, Prof. E. A., F.R.S., the essentials
of histology, rev., 164.
Sciatica, treatment of, 283.

Scirrhus of abdominal organs in a young
child, by A. James Duncan, M.D., 1127.
Scotland, medical schools of, 367.
Semolina, 1183.

SEMPLE, ARMAND, B.A., the pocket phar-
macopoeia for 1885, rev., 1063.
oleates, rev., 568.

SIDEY, J. A., M.D., obituary, 998.
SIMMONS, FOURNESS, M.B., rare cases of
malignant disease of the female sexual
organs, 554, 623.

SINCLAIR, A. J., M.D., notes on a case of
Alexander-Adams' operation, 250.

Skin, an operation to cure extensive loss of,
in the arm, by Joseph Bell, 262; recent
advances in the treatment of, diseases,

Skull, fracture of base of the, complicated
with leptomeningitis and measles, 546.
SLOAN, SAMUEL, M.D., on the treatment of
labour delayed by obstruction at the pelvic
brim, 631, 735.

SMITH, ALDER, M. B., ringworm, its diagnosis
and treatment, rev., 163.

SMITH, F. W., M.D., the saline waters of
Leamington, rev., 569.

Soaps, medicinal, 390.
Society, meetings of Carlisle Medical.—
Session ii.-Meeting i., 12th November 1885.
-Exhibition of patient and specimens,
discussion on Dr Barnes' paper on rheu-
matic hyperpyrexia, 680.

Meeting i., 10th December 1885.-Presi-
dent's address, 772.

Meeting iii., 14th Jan. 1886.-Exhibi-
tion of patient and specimens; discussion
on Dr Greenlees' paper, 876.

Meeting iv., 11th Feb. 1886.-Exhibition
of patients and specimens; papers by Drs
Maclaren and Lockie, 968.

Meeting v., 11th Mar. 1886.-Exhibition
of patients and specimens; paper by Dr
Douie, 1079.

Meeting vi., 15th April 1886.-Exhibi-
tion of patients and specimens; discussion
on Dr Helm's paper on tubercular disease
in children, 1168.

Society, meeting of Glasgow Obstetrical and
Gynecological.-Session i.-Meeting iv.,
13th Jan. 1886.-Discussion on Dr Samuel
Sloan's paper, 970.

Society, meetings of Medico-Chirurgical of
Edinburgh.-Session Ixiv.-Meeting viii.,
6th May 1885.-Election of member;
lantern microscopic demonstration by Dr
Foulis; exhibition of pathological speci-
mens by Dr MacGillivray, Mr A. G.
Millar, and Dr Allan Jamieson; discussion
on Dr M Bride's contribution to the study
of laryngeal paralyses, 72.

Meeting ix., 20th May 1885.- Exhibition
of patients by Mr Joseph Bell, Mr Max-
well Ross, and Dr Allan Jamieson; Ex-
hibition of pathological specimens by Mr

Joseph Bell. Mr Symington, Mr Duncan,
and Prof. Chiene; exhibition of micro-
scopic sections and drawings by Dr Byrom
Bramwell and Mr Maxwell Ross; exhibi-
tion of instruments by Dr M'Bride and
Mr Maxwell Ross; clinical note on here-
ditary herpes zoster by Dr G. A. Gibson;
Dr Graham Brown on innervation of the
bronchi, 167.

Meeting x., 3rd June 1885.-Discussion
on Professor Anderson's paper on the
febrile state, 267.

Meeting xi., 17th June 1885.- Exhibi-
tion of patients by Dr Allan Jamieson;
discussion on Dr M. Brown's paper on
rachitis; Mr C. W. Cathcart on movement
of the ulna; clinical and pathological de-
monstrations by Dr P. A. Young, Dr
M Bride, Mr Joseph Bell, Mr Cathcart,
Mr A. G. Miller, Drs B. Bramwell, A.
Bruce, and M. Murray, 350.

Meeting xii., 1st July 1885.- Election of
new members; exhibition of patients by
Prof. Grainger Stewart and Dr Allan
Jamieson; exhibition of new remedy by
Dr Allan Jamieson; discussion on Dr
Hunter's paper on the place of specialism
in general practice, 464.

Meeting xiii., 15th July 1885.-Discus-
sion on Dr W. Russell's note of a case in
which a splashing sound was synchronous
with the cardiac action; discussion on Dr
James's paper on nutrition and growth in
connexion with pulmonary phthisis, 471.

Meeting xiv., 22nd July 1885.-Exhibi-
tion of patients and specimens by Professor
Chiene, Dr Allan Jamieson, Mr Cathcart,
and Dr Caird, 476.

Session lxv.-Meeting i., 4th Nov. 1885.
-Election of office-bearers; election of
new members; exhibition of patients by
Drs Carmichael and MacGillivray; exhi-
bition of pathological preparations by Drs
Carmichael, Francis Troup, MacGillivray,
and Craig; exhibition of instrument by
Dr Foulis; President's valedictory address,

Meeting ii., 18th Nov. 1885.- Election
of new member; address by Surgeon-
Major G. H. J. Evatt, M.D., of the Army
Medical Staff, 667.

Meeting iii., 2nd Dec. 1885.-Election of
ordinary members; exhibition of patient
by Mr Bennet; exhibition of pathological
specimen by Mr Skene Keith; exhibition
of instrument by Dr Foulis; discussion
on Prof. Annandale's paper on popliteal
aneurism; discussion on Dr Duncan's
paper on transfusion of blood in primary
amputations, 758.

Meeting iv., 6th Jan. 1886.-Election
of new members; exhibition of patient by
Dr Philip; exhibition of instruments by
Drs Nasmyth and Foulis; exhibition of
pathological specimens by Mr A. G.
Miller and Dr Symington; discussion on
Mr Skene Keith's cases of ovariotomy;
discussion on Dr Symington's notes on
the position of the fluid in cases of pleuritic
effusion, 862.

Meeting v., 3rd Feb. 1886.-Exhibition

of patients by Prof. Annandale and Dr
Cotterill; exhibition of photograph by Dr
MacGillivray; exhibition of pathological
specimens by Drs P. H. Maclaren, Cot-
terill, and Littlejohn; exhibition of inven-
tions by Drs Foulis and Sloan; Prof.
Annandale's paper on compression of the
innominate artery, with discussion thereon;
discussion on Dr M Bride's paper on un-
common morbid conditions of the ear,
nose, and larynx, 953.

Meeting vi., 17th Feb. 1886.- Election
of ordinary members; discussion on ab-
dominal section, 1065, 1142.

Society, meetings of Obstetrical, of Edin-
burgh.-Session xlvi.-Meeting vi., 25th
March 1885.-Exhibition of specimens by
Dr Foulis; discussion on Dr Macdonald's
ten cases of laparotomy, 75.

Meeting vii., 8th April 1885.-Exhibition
of specimen by Dr James Ritchie; discus-
sion on Dr James Carmichael's paper on
infant feeding, 176.

Meeting viii., 13th May 1885.- Exhibi-
tion of triplets by Dr Buist; exhibition of
photographs and specimens by Drs Bar-
bour, James Ritchie, Skene Keith, Angus
Macdonald, and Dr Foulis; Dr Skene
Keith's case of urethrocele; discussion on
Dr Buist's case of triplets; discussion on
Dr Angus Macdonald's case of Porro-
Müller operation, 277.

Meeting ix., 27th May 1885.-Exhibition
of instruments by Dr Felkin and Mr
Skene Keith; discussion on Dr Alex.
Sinclair's paper on a case of Alexander-
Adams' operation; Dr Halliday Croom's
notes on a case of sudden death with
fibroid tumour, 360.

Meeting x., 10th June 1885.-Exhibition
of instruments by Dr Milne Murray and
Prof. Simpson; Dr James Young's case of
infant swallowing a button; discussion on
Dr Angus Macdonald's further report of
cases treated in Ward xxviii.; discussion
on Dr Berry Hart's critical consideration
of the methods of anatomical research,

Meeting xi., 8th July 1885.-Exhibition
of specimens by Dr Barbour and Dr
Angus Macdonald; discussion on Dr G.
Michael's case of post-partum inversion of
the uterus; discussion on Dr Fourness
Simmons's paper on some rarer forms of
malignant disease of the genital apparatus;
Dr Barbour's paper on the pathology of
the post-partum uterus, 481.

Session xlvii.-Meeting i., 11th Nov.
1885. Exhibition of specimens, etc., by
Drs Foulis, Leith Napier, Simpson, and
Sinclair, 680; President's valedictory ad-
dress, 577.

Meeting ii., 9th Dec. 1885.-Exhibition
of specimens by Drs Croom, Angus Mac-
donald, Milne Murray, and Dr Church;
discussion on micro-organisms in relation
to puerperal fever, 764, 867, 961.

Meeting iii., 13th Jun. 1886.-Exhibition
of pathological specimens by Prof. Simp-
son, Skene Keith, and Dr Croom; discus-
sion on Dr Croom's note of a case of reten-

tion of urine from an unusual cause; dis-
cussion on Dr Symington's paper on the
position of the uterus and ovaries in the
child, 964.


Meeting iv., 10th and 24th Feb. 1886.
President's obituary notice of Dr Angus
Macdonald; exhibition of pathological
specimens by Prof. Simpson; discussion
on Dr Milne Murray's paper, 1163.
SOLA, CARRERAS, conference on
cholera-parasite, by Dr Ferrán, 141.
Specialism, the place of, in general practice,
by George Hunter, M.D., 429, 521.
SPENCE, ROBERT, M.B., the position of
medical officers of health in Scotland, 246.
Splashing sound, case in which a loud, was
produced synchronously with cardiac
action, by Wm. Russell, M.D., 518.
State medicine, periscope of, by J. Allan
Gray, 285.

STEWART, Prof. T. GRAINGER, on a case of
tapping of the pericardium, 116.
Strangulation, case of internal, by Joseph
Bell, 911.

Strophanthin, 681.

Strychnine to prevent flooding, 583.
Suppuration, pathology of, 888.
Suprarenal capsules, atrophy of, 783.
Surgeons, Royal College of, Edinburgh, 197,
293, 502, 598, 795, 890, 1182.
Surgery, contributions to practical, by Prof.
John Chiene, 505, 801, 1097.
Surgical periscope, by A. G. Miller, 389,
888, 988.

Surgical practice, epitome of a year's pri-
vate, by J. Stuart Nairne, 445.
Suture, continuous or spiral catgut, in gyne-
cology, 784.

SYMINGTON, J., M.D., notes on the position
of the fluid in cases of pleuritic effusion,

Syphilide, the pigmentary, 88; tuberculo-
ulcerative, 794.

Syphilis, the unity or duality of, historically
considered, 1044; enlarged liver and
spleen, and osteomalacia due to, 81; case
of late cutaneous, 499; natural history and
treatment of, 1091.

Syphilology, periscope of, by F. Cadell,
M.B., 195, 499, 692, 1091.


Tablets, compressed, of Burroughs, Well-
come & Co., 94.

TAIT, LAWSON, F.R.C.S., note on chronic
inflammatory disease of the uterine ap-
pendages, 201; diseases and removal of
the uterine appendages, 812.

TEALE, T. PRIDGIN, on surgery of scrofulous
glands, rev., 264.

Temperature, therapeutics of high, in chil-
dren, 792.

Terebene, pure, 684, 981.
Terpene, 686, 981.

Testicle, on a tumour of the, by Francis M.
Caird, M.B., 452.

Therapeutic notes, by J. Lindsay Porteous,
M.D., 921.

Therapeutics, monthly report of the progress
of, by Wm. Craig, M.D., 78, 281, 486,
583, 681, 775, 878, 981, 1081, 1169.

THOM, ALEX., jun., M.D., a case of left
facial paralysis, 20.

THOMAS, JOSEPH, M.D., a complete pro-
nouncing medical dictionary, rev., 859.
THOMPSON, Sir HENRY, the pathology and
treatment of stricture of the urethra and
urinary fistula, rev., 563.

THOMPSON, WM., M.A., transactions of the
Academy of Medicine in Ireland, vol. iii.,
rev., 948.

THORBURN, Dr JOHN, obituary, 95.
THOROWGOOD, J. C., M.D., Lettsomian lec-
tures on bronchial asthma, rev., 564.
Throat and nose, clinical cases of disease
of, by G. H. Mackenzie, M.D., 320.
Tinea versicolor of the face, 88.
TIRARD, Prof. NESTOR, the prescriber's
pharmacopoeia, rev., 1063.

Tongue, case of total excision of the, by F.
W. Grant, M.D., 1041; hemiatrophy of
the, from bulbar hæmorrhage, 184.
Tonsillitis, diphtheritic form of syphilitic,


Trachea, obliteration of the, by a caseous
bronchial gland, 184.
Tracheotomy, 1180.

TREVES, FREDERICK, F.R.C.S., anatomy of
the intestinal canal and peritoneum in
man, rev., 663.

Triplets, note on a case of, by J. B. Buist,
M.D., 253.

Tropics, introductory address to a course of
lectures on diseases of the, by R. W.
Felkin, M.D., 844, 930.

TROUP, FRANCIS, M.D., medical periscope,
85, 778.

Truss, Hodge & Co.'s, 891.

Tubal pregnancy, three cases of, successfully
operated on at the period of rupture, 291.
Tubercle bacilli in the blood, 182.
TUKE, D. H., M.D., the insane in the United
States and Canada, rev., 1136.

Tumour, case of intra-tracheal, by R. Mac-
kenzie Johnston and J. M. Cotterill, 1108.
Typhoid fever in the young, remarks on,
190; followed by fatal perichondritis of
the cricoid and arytenoid cartilages, 688;
continuous administration of thallin and
its effects in, 778.


Ulna, that the lateral movement of the, in
pronation and supination takes place at
the shoulder-joint, by C. W. Cathcart,
M.B., 217.

Umbilical cord, when to tie the, 883.
UNDERHILL, CHARLES E., M.D., occasional
periscope of the diseases of children, 190,
488, 788, 1177.

University of Edinburgh, 294, 598, 1181.
University of Glasgow, 1182.
Ureter, anomalous, 490.
Urethan, 984, 1081.

Urethrocele, a case of, by Skene Keith,
M.B., 46.

Urine, note on a case of retention of, from
an unusual cause, by J. Halliday Croom,
M.D., 734; fermentation test in the deter-
mination of sugar in the, 689.
Urticaria, 597; in infancy, 1088.
Uteri, gangræna, partialis post-partum, 589.

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