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quorums and their council in the following order, and in the same manner as before, viz.; the Teachers, Priests, Bishop of Kirtland, Bishop of Zion, Elders, High Priests, Seventy, High Council of Zion, High Council of Kirtland, the Twelve, and, lastly, into the hands of the Presidency of the church, and all the quorums, and received their unanimous sanction. The resolutions are as follows:

"Whereas the records of the several conferences, held by the elders of the church, and the ordination of many of the official members of the same, in many cases, have been imperfectly kept since its organization, to avoid ever after any inconvenience, difficulty, or injury, in consequence of such neglect, your committee recommend:

1. That all licenses hereafter granted by these authorities assembled as a quorum, or by General Conference held for the purpose of transacting the business of the church, be recorded at full length by a clerk appointed for that purpose, in a book to be kept in this branch of the church, until it shall be thought advisable, by the heads of the church to order other books and appoint other clerks to record licenses as above; and that said recording clerk be required to indorse a certificate under his own hand and signature, on the back of said licenses, specifying the time when and place where such license was recorded, and also a reference to the letter and page of the book containing the same.


2. That this quorum appoint two persons to sign licenses given as aforesaid, one as chairman, and the other as clerk of conference; and that it shall be the duty of said persons appointed to sign licenses as clerk of conference im. mediately hereafter, to deliver the same into the hands of the recording clerk.


3. That all General Conferences abroad give each individual whom they ordain a certificate, signed by the chairman and clerk of said conference, stating the time and place of such conference, and the office to which the individual has been ordained; and that when such certificate has been forwarded to the person hereafter authorized to sign licenses as clerk of conference, such persons shall, together with chairman of conference, immediately sign a license; and

said clerk of conference shall, after the same has been recorded, forward it to the proper person.

4. That all official members in good standing and fellowship in the various branches of this church, be requested to forward their present licenses, accompanied by a certificate of their virtuous and faithful walk before the Lord, signed by the chairman and clerk of a General Conference, or by the clerk of the branch of the church in which such official member resides, by the advice and direction of such church, to the clerk of conference, whose duty it shall be to fill a new license, as directed in the third article; and that all licenses, signed, recorded, and indorsed, as specified in the first article, shall be considered good, and valid to all intents and purposes, in the business and spiritual affairs of this church, as a religious society, or before any court of record of this or any other country, wherein preachers of the gospel are entitled to special privileges, answering in all respects as an original record, without the necessity of referring to any other document.

5. That the recording clerk be required to publish quarterly, in a paper published by some member or members of this church, a list of the names of the several persons for whom he has recorded licenses within the last quarter.

6. That this quorum appoint two persons to sign as chairman and clerk of conference, pro tem., licenses for the standing chairman and clerk, who shall be appointed as named in the second article, and also to act in their absence, in signing other licenses, as specified in the foregoing


"Presidents Joseph Smith, Junior, was nominated as chairman, Frederick G. Williams, as clerk, and Sidney Rig. don as chairman pro tem., and Oliver Cowdery as clerk pro tem. Vote from the several quorums called, in their order, and passed unanimously.

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President Joseph Smith, Junior, made some remarks upon the resolution offered to the council on the 12th of February, followed by President Thomas B. Marsh, who called a vote of his quorum to ascertain whether they would repeal their amendment of the 13th of February. And nine of the

Twelve voted in the affirmative, and three; viz., John F. Boynton, Lyman E. Johnson, and Orson Pratt, in the negative. And the original bill of the 12th of February was


"Dismissed by prayer, half past nine o'clock.

"OLIVER COWDERY, Clerk.'... "Saturday, 12th. Engaged a team to go to Hudson after Mr. Seixas' family and goods, also a horse and carriage for himself and wife. Cold weather and fine sleighExample of intemperance. ing. I was informed to-day that a man by the name of Clark froze to death last night, near this place, who was under the influence of ardent spirits. O, my God! how long will this monster intemperance find its victims on the earth? Methinks until the earth is swept with the wrath and indignation of God, and Christ's kingdom becomes universal. O, come, Lord Jesus, and cut short thy work in righteousness! . .

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"Saturday, 19th. . . . 'Elders Orson Pratt, John F. Boynton, and Lyman Johnson, met the Presidency of the church, and verbally withdrew all objections to the first resolution presented to the quorums by the Presidency, on the 12th of February, for the regulation of ordinations.

"'OLIVER COWDERY, Clerk of Conference.'

"Sunday, 20th. Attended the house of worship. The Quorum of High Priests delivered short addresses to the congregation, in a very feeling and impressive manner. One individual was baptized at intermission.

"In the afternoon, administered the Lord's supper, as we were wont to do on every Sabbath, and the Lord blessed our souls with the outpouring of his Spirit, and we were made to rejoice in his goodness.

"Monday, 21st. At school in the morning. After school, went to the printing office, and prepared a number of elders' licenses, to send by Elder Palmer to the court of Medina County, in order to obtain licenses to marry, as the court in this county will not grant us this privilege. Ten persons were baptized in this place. . .

"Saturday, 26th. At home, attending to my domestic concerns in the morning. After breakfast, met with the

Presidency to make arrangements for the solemn assembly, which occupied the remainder of the day."- Millennial Star, vol. 15, pp. 620, 621, 622, 631, 632, 633, 642, 643, 644, 645, 646, 647, 648, 662, and 708.




SUNDAY, March 27, 1836, was a great day in Kirtland, for on that day the temple was dedicated with appropriate ceremonies. Considering the circumstances of The temple. the people, the erection of this building was a wonderful accomplishment. How the people's hearts must have swelled for joy when they beheld completed this house which they had builded by so much toil, suffering, and sacrifice! It stands to-day a magnificent monument of the industry, liberality, and faithfulness of a humble but devoted people. It is a splendid illustration of what earnest men and women can do, even under the most adverse and discouraging circumstances, when they possess the will and determination.

This historic building stands on elevated ground south of the east fork of the Chagrin River about three miles southeast of Willoughby, Ohio, about nine miles southwest of Painesville, and about six miles in direct line from Lake Erie.

The building is built of stone, plastered without and within. It is three stories high exclusive of the basement. The first and second stories are auditoriums, each fiftyfive by sixty-five feet on the inside, exclusive of the vestibule on the east end, through which is the entrance to the building, and in which are the stairways. The lower room was to be dedicated for "sacrament offering, and for your preaching; and your fasting, and your praying, and the offering up your most holy desires unto me, saith your Lord." The second room was to be dedicated for the school of the apostles. In each of these rooms are eight pulpits,

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