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Political Situation-Joseph Did Not Dictate-Polygamy False and
Corrupt-Hyrum Smith Denounces It-John Taylor Against Spir-
itual Wife System-William Marks on Polygamy-Old Man of
Israel Repudiates It-John Taylor Indorses the Old Man-Taylor
Resents the Charge of Polygamy-Pratt Thinks It Barred by Law
-Falsehoods Have Been Told-General Conference-King Follett
Sermon-Missionary Appointments-Law and Others Disaffected-
Crime Not Proven-Troublesome Times-F. M. Higbee Versus
Joseph Smith-Municipal Court-Conspiracy Disclosed-The Ex-
positor-The Public Excited-Political Support Withdrawn-Gov-
ernor Ford on the Situation-Avoid Arrest...


Governor Assures Protection - Admitted to Bail-Charged With
Treason-History of the Tragedy-Statement of Attorney Reid-
Pacific Statement-Writs for Williams and Others-Indictments-
Governor Ford's Account-Ford's Opinion-Subsequent Events
-Joseph Undecided Where To Go-Joseph's Loyalty-Employs
Browning-Funeral Obsequies - Reflections-Joseph's Family—
Hyrum's Family........


Hyrum Smith-William Law.......





John Taylor-John E. Page-Wilford Woodruff-Willard Richards
-George A. Smith-Lyman Wight.......

... 778

George Miller...



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Peculiar cir

UNDER the peculiar circumstances mentioned in volume 1, chapter 23, the year 1836 opened. Serious difficulty existed between Joseph Smith and his brother William, cumstances. which was affecting several others. The spirit manifested by Joseph, as indicated by his writing, was commendable; and we invite special consideration of the following copied from the Millennial Star:


"Friday morning, January 1, 1836. This being the beginning of a new year, my heart is filled with gratitude to God, that he has preserved my life, and the lives of my family, while another year has rolled away. We have been sustained and upheld in the midst of a wicked and perverse generation, and exposed to all the afflictions, temptations, and misery that are incident to human life, for which I feel to humble myself in dust and ashes, as it were, before the Lord. But notwithstanding the gratitude that fills my heart on retrospecting the past year, and the multiplied blessings that have crowned our heads, my heart is pained within me because of the difficulty that exists in my father's family. The Devil has made a violent attack on my brother William, and Calvin Stoddard, and the powers of darkness seem to lower over their minds, and not only theirs, but casts a gloomy shade over the minds of my brothers and sisters, which prevents them from seeing things as they really

are; and the powers of earth and hell seem combined to overthrow us and the church, by causing a division in the family; and indeed the adversary is bringing into requisition all his subtlety, to prevent the saints from being endowed, by causing a division among the Twelve, also among the Seventy, and bickerings and jealousies among the elders and official members of the church; and so the leaven of iniquity ferments and spreads among the members of the church. But I am determined that nothing on my part shall be lacking to adjust, and amicably dispose of, and settle, all family difficulties on this day, that the ensuing year, and years, be they few or many, may be spent in righteousness before God. And I know that the cloud will burst, and Satan's kingdom be laid in ruins, with all his black designs; and the saints come forth like gold seven times tried in the fire, being made perfect through sufferings and temptations, and the blessings of heaven and earth multiplied upon our heads, which may God grant for Christ's sake. Amen.

Reconci iation.

"Brothers William and Hyrum, and Uncle John Smith, came to my house, and we went into a room by ourselves, in company with Father, and Elder Martin Harris. Father Smith then opened our interview by prayer, after which he expressed his feelings on the occasion in a very feeling and pathetic manner, even with all the sympathy of a father, whose feelings were deeply wounded on the account of the difficulty that was existing in the family; and while he addressed us, the Spirit of God rested down upon us in mighty power, and our hearts were melted. Brother William made an humble confession, and asked my forgiveness for the abuse he had offered me. And wherein I had been out of the way, I asked his forgiveness. And the spirit of confession and forgiveness was mutual among us all, and we covenanted with each other, in the sight of God, and the holy angels, and the brethren, to strive thenceforward to build each other up in righteousness, in all things, and not listen to evil reports concerning each other, but, like brethren indeed, go to each other, with our grievances, in the spirit of meekness, and be reconciled, and thereby promote our happiness, and the happiness of the family, and in

short, the happiness and wellbeing of all. My wife, and mother, and my scribe were then called in, and we repeated the covenant to them that we had entered into; and while gratitude swelled our bosoms, tears flowed from our eyes. I was then requested to close our interview, which I did with prayer; and it was truly a jubilee, and time of rejoicing; after which we all unitedly administered by laying on of hands to my cousin, George A. Smith, who was immediately healed of a severe rheumatic affection all over the body, which caused excruciating pain.

"Saturday morning, 2d. According to previous arrangement I went to the council at nine o'clock. This council was called to sit in judgment on a complaint preferred against Brother William Smith, by Orson Johnson, on the 29th December.

The trial.

"The council organized and proceeded to business, but before entering on the trial Brother William arose and humbly confessed the charges preferred against him, and asked the forgiveness of the council and the whole congregation.

"A vote was then called to know whether his confession was satisfactory, and whether the brethren would extend the hand of fellowship again. With cheerfulness the whole congregation raised their hands to receive him. . .

"Sunday morning, 3d. Went to meeting at the usual hour. President Rigdon delivered a fine lecture upon the subject of revelation.

The confession.

"In the afternoon I confirmed ten or twelve persons who had been baptized, among whom was Malcham C. Davis, who was baptized during intermission to-day. Brother William Smith made his confession to the church to their satisfaction, and was cordially received into fellowship again. The Lord's supper was adminis tered, and Brother William gave out an appointment to preach in the evening, at early candlelight, and preached a fine discourse; and this day has been a day of rejoicing to me. The cloud that has been hanging over us has burst with blessings on our heads, and Satan has been foiled in his attempts to destroy me and the church, by causing jealousies to arise in the hearts of some of the brethren. And I

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