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chicken broth, the only nourishment he could take; frequent eructation and hiccough; scanty serous diarrhoea, and tenesmus; left renal region sensitive to deep pressure (at the commencement it was the right kidney that was tender); urine scanty, red but clear. Nitric Acid gives a very thick and abundant white precipitate, filling the half of the glassful of urine; after boiling the urine to which Barreswill's fluid has been added, a flaky brownish scanty precipitate is observed. The quantity of urine passed in twenty-four hours would about half fill an ordinary chamber utensil. Vesical tenesmus, but slow passage of the urine; no sign of vesical catarrh; no erethism of the sexual organs; oppression owing to the tension of the diaphragm; weak heart's beats; pulse 120, small, irregular, compressible; head heavy, want of sleep; mental powers slow, sub-delirium at night, complete prostration.* As the enteric symptoms predominated, the first medicine given was Bryonia 12, in solution, followed four days afterwards by Arsenicum 12, in globules.

18th. The tongue still red, the thirst less intense; want of appetite; stools rare, and accompained by mucous and very fœtid flatus; abdomen distended; no pain in the renal region. Urine more abundant; it amounts to about three litres a day; its colour is natural, but it still shows albumen when Nitric Acid is added. The oedema is less. Nitric Acid 6, in globules.

24th. No change, except a momentary sharp pain from each side as far as the inguinal region in the course of the ureters. Copious albuminous deposit to the extent of about half the urine passed; complete anorexia; stools for the first time formed, and surrounded by thick mucus. Gradual exhaustion and debility (which the patient and his medical attendants ascribe to the want of appetite). Nux vom. 6, in globules.

28th.-Tongue moist, less red; no appetite; epigastrium soft; hypogastrium less tense; liquid motions: quantity of albumen in urine the same Nux. vom. 6, in tincture.

Dec. 3rd.-No more pain, but general uneasiness; stools rare, flatus; appearance of urine normal (1 litre in twenty-four hours), less albuminous; a little dysuria; pulse small, quick, above 100. The doctors find a second time a diminution of albumen,' coinciding with increased quickness of pulse. Tinct. Nuc. vom. 6.

* After the first visit the treatment was continued by correspondence, and the two physicians of T-, where the patient lived, kept my father acquainted with the results, and that with a good faith that does them honour.

7th.-Perceptible general amelioration; fever less; all trace of the ascites has disappeared; there only remains oedema about the ankles. The appetite is improving every day; the patient eats meat (beef, mutton); he takes weak wine-and-water, and after his meals he feels more comfortable than he has done for a long time. His bowels continue irregular and loose. Nux vom. 6, three globules morning and evening.

14th. The report continues the same, only for the last five days there has been a slight febrile fit, commencing at eleven and lasting three or four hours. Sacch. lact.

21st. For two days past there have been some symptoms of subacute cystitis; pain on passing water, which is clear and copious. Pulse 95. Acon. 3, and Bellad. 3, in globules, alternately every two hours.

27th. These symptoms are removed; for the first time there is slight general perspiration; urine moderately albuminous; no more œdema; digestive functions in good order. Merc. sol. 12, in globules.

Jan. 3rd, 1866.-Albumen sensibly diminished; the patient only complains of vesical irritation, which is troublesome.


9th. The albumen having reappeared in greater abundance, my father prescribed Tinct. acid nitr. 6.

22nd. The patient and his doctors thought they could remark an intermittent character in the appearance of the albumen in the urine. Repeated analyses convinced them that this supposition was correct. They found the albumen to be more abundant every alternate day. In view of this intermittent character, my father prescribed Quin. sulph. 30 centigrammes, Sacch. lact. 30 grammes, to be divided into six powders, one to be taken every night and morning.

31st. A real amendment reported. No albumen for the last two days, but, on the contrary, uric acid. No more pain in bladder or kidneys; pulse 82; sleep good; the patient goes to his office and attends to his business. The Sulphate of Quinine was continued for a week. On the 24th February the patient made a journey of four hours in a diligence, in order to thank my father for his successful treatment.

On the 11th May the patient wrote, "Since that time I have recovered my strength, my former vigour, a healthy complexion, and I declare on my honour, that I never was better in my life."



Fragmentary Provings of Drugs in various Potencies.

(Continued from p. 517.)

Aconite. p.

Subject of the proving:-H. W. Robinson, æt. 32, fair complexion, light-coloured eyes, dark-brown hair, nervo-bilious temperament, stout and of robust frame, middle height, temperate and of rather sedentary habits: no disposition to any particular disorder.

Dec. 12th, 1862.-Took one dose; on Dec. 13th, three doses; and on Dec. 14th, four doses-each of Tine. Acon. 4*, 10 drops in 1 oz. of water, at intervals of some six or seven hours between each dose. No effect was observed.

Dec. 15th, 9 a.m.-Tr. Acon. gtt. 10, in 1 oz. water. Slight burning sensation under the tongue (c.). 9 p.m., gl. Acon. Too0 (E.), ex. aq. 3ij.* No effects. Dec. 16th, at 9 a.m., 1.15 p.m., 6.30 p.m., and 7.30 p.m., took 1 gt. of Acon. Tooo, as above. Fine sharp pains in different parts of the abdomen, as from flatus (c.). At 10 p.m., the same dose. Loud rumbling of flatus (c.). 12 at night, the same dose. Dec. 17th, 9 a.m., the same dose ; 11.30 p.m., Tr. Acon. gtt. 15 in 1 oz. water; 12.30 a.m., the same dose. Dec. 18th, 9 p.m., Tr. Aconite, gtt. 20, as before; 11 p.m., gl. Acon. (L. & R.), dry on the tongue. Dec. 19th, 9 a.m., gl. Acon., in 2 oz. water; 12 at night, Tr. Acon. gtt. 7880, in 1 oz. water. Dec. 20th, 6.30 p.m., gl. Acon. Tobo, in 2 drachms water; 11 p.m., the same dose; 2.30 a.m., gl. Acon. 3 (L. & R.), dry on the tongue. Dec. 21st, 9 a.m., gl. Acon. 3, in 2 drachms water; 8 the same dose. p.m., Dec. 22nd, 8 a.m., gl. Acon. 30,




* It must be clear that the Mother Tincture of Aconite supplied by the chemists was not of the proper strength, else such large doses could scarcely have been taken without effect. Provers are especially cautioned against taking such large doses of the pure tincture, unless they are accurately acquainted with the precise strength of the medicine. 5-10 drops of Dr. Fleming's tincture, for instance, would prove almost fatal.

The tincture from which the globules were prepared was procured by Mr. James Epps from Dr. Rertsch, of Wismar, the executor of Jenichen.

as before. Dec. 23rd, 8 a.m., gl. Acon. 48, as before. Dec. 24th, 6 a.m., gl. Acon. 1, as before; 8 p.m. Confused vertigo all day long (c.); feeling as if a drop of hot water in l. ear; hard stool this morning (c.).

Note. From the foregoing repeated doses of different potencies, not the slightest effect was observed till the evening of the 24th inst.




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Dec. 25th, 9 p.m., 12 night, and at 12.30 a.m., gl. Acon. Tʊʊʊ, in 2 drachms water. Dec. 28th, 12.30 a.m., gl. Acon. Too, at a single dose in a tumbler of water; 10.30 p.m., burning sensation in the pharynx (c.); heart-burn at stomach all day (c.); lame sprained feel in joints of r. hand (c.); 11.30 p.m., gl. Acon. Too, as before. Dec. 29th, 3.30 p.m., feeling of heart-burn all down the back (c.). Jan. 1st, 1863, 11 a.m., gl. Acon. To1ʊʊ, in 2 drachms water; sense of heart-burn at stomach all day (c.). Jan. 2nd, 9 a.m., the same dose as before. Jan. 3rd, 9 a.m., the same dose as before. Jan. 5th, 8 a.m., the same dose, in 1 oz. water. Jan. 6th, 8 a.m., the same dose, in 2 oz. water. Jan. 7th, 8 a.m., the same dose, in 1 oz. water; 6.30 p.m., Tr. Acon. gtt., in 1 oz. water. Jan. 8th, 11 p.m. (up to this hour no effect was observed). Sense of extreme oppression at pit of stomach all day, as of excessive repletion; a feeling as if nothing could pass further than the stomach (c.); bowels much constipated (c.); Tr. Acon. gtt. 20, in 2 oz. water. Jan. 9th, 11.30 p.m., several very white stools during the day (c.); frequent desire to urinate (c.); Tr. Acon. gtt. 30, in 2 oz. water. Jan. 10th, 5 p.m., Tr. Acon. gtt. 50 as before; 5.30 p.m., numb tingling sensation in arms and hands, as though the poles of a galvanic battery were being held (c.); burning of the tongue (c.); 8.15 p.m.-by this time the above symptoms had nearly vanished, but on getting into a warm bath the feeling of "formication and tingling" came on again in the fingers; 9.45 p.m., not the slightest effect now felt from the medicine. Jan. 11th, 2.30 a.m., Tr. Acon. gtt. 50, in 2 oz. water; 3.30 a.m., considerable burning of the tongue (c.); slight degree of chilliness (c.) ; excessive restlessness and tossing about for several hours (c.) ; much formication in hands and arms (c.); 10.30 p.m., gl. Acon. Tooō, in 1 oz. water; 1 a.m., gl. Acon. %, in 4 oz. water. Jan. 12th, 11 p.m., gl. Acon. 1, in 2 oz. water. Jan. 13th, 8 a.m., gl. Acon. Tooo, as before. At midnight, burning sensation in the back of the throat, causing him to hawk up (c.). Jan. 14th, 8 a.m., the same dose. Jan. 15th, hoarseness all day (c.); fine burnings


in the fauces (c.). Nov. 26th, 1 p.m., gl. Acon. Too, spirits of wine 5 drops, water 4 oz., mix; a table-spoonful of this mixture for a dose. First dose (7 p.m.): exceedingly fine prickings as of needles in the left hypogastric region; lame sprained feel in right metacarpus (c.). Nov. 28th, an emission early this morning (c.); (the prover is by no means subject to such a thing, when not proving medicines.) Nov. 29th, 8 a.m., second dose. Nov. 30th, 9 p.m., went off quite suddenly and unconsciously in a swoon this evening, while standing up urinating; all the blood seemed to rush to his head, and he fell heavily to the ground (c.). (Such a thing never before happened to him in his life, so that he can have no doubt whatever as to the effect having been caused by the medicine.) Dec. 1st, frontal headache all day, worse in the evening (c.). Dec. 2nd, 8 a.m., third dose: the headache of yesterday evening continued persistently throughout the night up to the present time, being more particularly confined to the l. frontal eminence (c.); restless and disturbed sleep; strange dreams (c.). Dec. 5th, 8 a.m., fourth dose. Dec. 6th, 10.30 p.m., a few minutes after getting to bed, he observed the following:-occasional single stitches in r. under-surface of tongue (c.); strange intermittent lame growing-like pains in distal joint of 1. fore-finger (c.); cold feel in the incisors (c.); extreme sense of nervousness (c.). Dec. 8th,8 a.m., fifth dose : extreme sense of repletion (c.); very shaky and nervous (c.) ; fainting kind of feel on urinating (c.). Dec. 9th, 8 a.m., several strange dreams last night; awoke and found himself laughing heartily (c.). Dec. 15th, 8 p.m., Tr. Acon. 000 (E.); olfaction for five minutes, from a vial containing 1 drachm of this tincture; first olfaction. Dec. 16th, 8 a.m., no effects; second olfaction. 12 noon, fine sticking pains in r. eyeball, during the course of half an hour-momentary (c.); 9 p.m., third olfaction. 10 p.m., transient lame pains in both metacarpi (c.). Dec. 17th, 8 a.m., fourth olfaction; 8.15 p.m., no effects. Tr. Acon. gtt. ooo, water, 4 oz., mix; a table-spoonful to be taken for a dose; first dose. Dec. 18th, 8 a.m., no effects; second dose. 8 p.m., fainting fit, directly after urinating; everything wheeled round him, and for the time he completely lost all consciousness : his face and hands were bedewed with a cold sweat, and for some time after he remained quite prostrated; it was in all respects the same kind of attack as that which occurred on the 30th Nov. last (c.); stinging itching little red pimples on the back of both hands, like flea-bites (c.): 8 p.m., third dose. Dec. 19th, 8 a.m.,

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