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Much dry heat all over, with full pulse (83), and thirst.


Heat without thirst after lying down in the evening (the 3rd day).


Heat all over, with restlessness and a paralytic feeling in the legs almost all day. S.

Heat mounts up into her head, then warmth all over the body, with distension of the veins in the hands (in an hour). Ng.

165. Glowing heat in the head, with sharply defined darkish redness of the cheeks; pulsation in the ARTERIES, full pulse (at 90), faintness, difficulty of speech, nausea, short breath, and cold feet (in 1 hour). F.X.

After one dose about 1.30 p.m., for 4 days in succession, from 3 o'clock, gencral dry heat with strong full pulse (110 to 120), and some thirst, the first day for 2 hours, each following day hour less, with oppressed chest and pressure on the stomach, burning pain in the cheek bones and teeth, close over the right eye, and in the occiput. S.

3. Alternation of heat and cold.

Heat and cold by turns, with thirst for sweet beer. K. Rigor in the evening for hour, with chattering teeth and rigor, as if cold water were poured over him. Thereafter, great heat, especially all over the head, with red puffy face and thirst for hour. Thereafter, oppressed chest

and difficulty of breathing (in 44 hours). F.X.

At 2 p.m. chill, as if from a sousing with icy-cold water, with dry heat alternating, especially in the face; cold feet, languor and paralysis of the limbs.

170. At 4 p.m. chilliness for the head, with cold of the legs


hour, then heat, chiefly in for 2 hours; languor and

exhaustion from the least exertion for 4 days continuously

(the 5th day).


4. Perspiration.

Early perspiration. R.A., X., F.X., K., Hs., P., Kch., F.S. (2 mornings), Ng.

Itching in the region of the hip as if perspiration would break out there.


Feeling as if perspiration were breaking out on the forehead, with anxiety.


Perspiration at night on awaking, especially in the palms of the hands.


175. Perspiration on the forehead and hands, with spasmodic pain in the right kidney and in the liver. F.X. After a gentle general perspiration in the morning, the swelling of the extremities ceased. F.X.

5. Chill and perspiration.

When lying in bed at night, a rigor comes over him, lasting nearly an hour, with external warmth all over, yet with goose skin; then follows perspiration for the whole night (in 38 hours). R.A.

6. Heat with perspiration.

Heat inside and out, with warm perspiration on the face, neck, and chest; vertigo and nausea.


On awaking in the morning, general increase of temperature, with copious perspiration. A. H.

7. Pulse (without other fever symptoms).

180. Pulse much quicker than usual, small, not compressible. T.

Pulse 62, full and hard (in 1 hour). Ng.

Pulse after fainting, 50, at unequal intervals with cold all over (in 6 hours). F.X.

Pulse 50, after previous palpitation of the heart with cold pale face. F.X.


(See also Scalp, Face, Scrotum, and Extremities.)

1. Sensations.

Burning and itching on a spot of the right hand scratched by a thorn.


185. ITCHING ON THE SKIN HERE AND THERE, especially on the back, arms, and legs. P., Kch.

He scratched his arms and legs quite raw from itching. P. Itching of the right side of the neck, passing off after scratching, but returning afterwards (in 1 hour).




Itching burning, close under the pit of the neck. Skin as if bruised all over the chest and throat. 190. A burning patch four fingers broad under the left clavicle, and similar burning patches on the upper part of the body (3rd day). T.


2. Eruptions.

Some red pimples with white heads on both thighs, with biting corrosive itching. R.A.

Pimples like pocks on the back of the right nates with red areola. F.X.


195. Scattered indolent red pimples. T.

Pustules on the bosom (12th day). F.X.

Eruption of the face like miliary rash and measles. F.X. Eczema on the scrotum. R.X.

After a burning on the previous day, four fingers' breadth below the left clavicle, a herpetic spot came there (3rd day). T.

200. Red, round burning spots on the forearm, of the size of a sixpence.


Inconspicuous spot between the breasts. T.

Reticulated red, itching corroding spots, with swelling on the back of the left hand, which discharges itself.

tion returning after 16 years).



3. Temperature.

Dry, hot skin. T., Rr.

Cool and dry skin. T.

205. All the skin feels cool in spite of a very warm room.



4. Colour.

Skin yellow on the throat and chest. Kch.

Hands yellow. S.

Dark colour of skin for 5 or 6 weeks. F.X.


1. Generalities.

Tearing pains in the right cheek bone, before and behind the ear, in the temporal bone, and from thence drawing round to the upper edge of the occipital bone. S.

210. Shooting and tearing here and there in the head. F., Rr.

Tearing on the left, from the occiput over the ear forward. P.

Tearing in the middle of the forehead, extending back over the temple, passing off when pressed, after dinner. Ng. Contractive headache. R.A.

He feels as if the forepart of his head on both sides were screwed together (in 24 hours). Ng.


215. TENSION OF THE HEAD, AS IF FROM A BANDAGE. Feeling of a cord about the forehead and temples, CLOSE OVER THE EYEBROWS, AS IF THE HEAD WERE COMPRESSED. F.X. Pressive weight on the whole head, AS IF IT WERE BOUND FAST OR COMPRESSED, AS IN A VICE. Rr.

Pressure on the forehead and temples, drawing towards the nape. Rr.

Pressive headache. T., X., F.X., Hs.

220. Violent drawing pains from the crown to the right temple, so that he is obliged to lie down.


Repeated fits of violent pulsating pains from the nape and

occiput to the forehead and temples. P.

Throbbing headache. T.

Twitching here and there in the head. F.S., F.X.
DULL pain in the head. T., H., S., P., F.S.

225. Weight in the head (in 2 min.). X., Hs., S., Rr.

Congestion of blood to the head. F., Hs., P., X. Increased temperature in the head, but only internally (in 1 hour).


Sensation of heat in the left half, setting out from the ear (in 10 min.). X.

Heat in the head with pains. A.X., P., A.H., L.

230. Flying heat in the head without external heat or perspiration, at 6 p.m.


Pain in the head increased by fresh air, cough, blowing the nose, and stooping.


Headache when he came into the room from the fresh air (3rd day). Ng.

Headache goes away when eating; otherwise lasts all day. R.A.

The pain between the eyebrows goes off after eating, and returus in hour. 937 R.A.

2. Cavity of the Cranium.

235. Confusion of the head (in 2 min.). X., F.X., L., A.H. Gs., Rr., Hs. S., W., F.S., W.Pr., F.X., A.X., Rr., F. Rr. DIZZINESS, R.A., F.X., H., A.H. (in 2 min.). X.

Pain in the head, as if after intoxication. Hs.

Stupefaction. F.X.

240. PRESSURE IN THE BRAIN, with burning over the eyebrows. F.X., A.H.


Pressure as if from a band on the forehead and temples, about the anterior lobes of the brain, inside the cranium (in 5 min.). X.

Sensation of a lump in the brain. Rr.

Undulation in the brain, in the forehead and crown. Rr. 245. Pressure in the cerebrum, as if it had not room in the cranium, towards the ears. R.A.

Vertigo (in 2 min.). T., X., F.X., A.X., H., A.H., Gs., F.S., W.Pr.

Vertigo on sitting up in bed. T.

Vertigo like intoxication, with nausea.


Vertigo, with shivering over the upper part of the body, VOL. XXIV, NO. XCVII.-OCTOBER, 1866.


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