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Directly after supper, sudden cessation of the pains in the ribs; increased thirst.

24th. From 9 to 11 pain in the forehead as before; tormenting pain in the right ankle, less in the left till 5; from 5 and afterwards, paralytic feeling, stiffness and coldness in the right thigh and leg; vertebræ only painful on pressure and movement. For a week past, temper much excited; daily outbreak of anger without provocation. She could beat the children, and trembles with rage at having no occasion to do so.

25th, a.m.-Urine clear, dark yellow.

2 p.m.-Urine, when passed, turbid, dark brownish red, like porter, forming bubbles round the edge. (It was thrown away through carelessness, so that no examination could be made.) At the next discharge, towards evening, it was normal.

Shortly before the turbid urine passed, a feeling of constriction in the hypogastrium; no other suffering all day.

March 14th. Since the 25th of February till to-day, daily itching in the anus and rectum.

10 a.m.-She chewed a leaflet of Chelid. and swallowed the juice. In ten minutes fluent coryza, and sense of swelling in the larynx till noon. In the afternoon violent itching in the rectum as usual.

15th. In the morning sensation as if the rectum were forced out, with spasmodic constriction of the anus and rectum all day. Stool causes pains in the anus.

16th, Morning.-Hard stool with great pain; burning and cutting in the rectum, and constriction of the anus, with alternate itching in the anus; vertigo with faintness; no appetite. She cannot lie on her back, nor sit up, from wound-like pain in the anus. An external tubercle on the rectum of four millimetres diameter; alleviation of the pains by standing in a bent posture.

17th. The tubercle is become larger; mucous secretion from the anus, not followed by evacuation. Other sufferings as yesterday.

18th. The same sufferings, except continual painful urging to stool without result.

Evening at 10, took a dose of Nux vomica 6.

19th. In the morning, hard stool; later in the day, soft; pains in the anus and rectum have ceased. The tubercle has diminished in the course of the day.

20th, Morning.-Normal stool; pains in the rectum trifling. The tubercle has shrunk; appetite recommencing. April 20th.-Since March 14th the skin, especially of the face, gradually darkened as if sunburnt. The stools have continued of the usual colour.

May 1st. The colour of the skin gradually disappearing up to this day.

N.B. The prover has never suffered from hæmorrhoidal symptoms, and has never had her face tanned except during pregnancy.


Adolph, 7 years old, the strongest built of six children; easily hurt and tearful; good appetite. Nine months ago suffered from pleurisy of the right side with considerable fibrinous adhesion of the lung to the rib, which, however, is perfectly absorbed. Quite healthy now.

November 4th.-At 11 a.m. took a tablespoonful of a dilution of ten drops of Mother tincture to a common tumbler of water. His sister two years older, and brother one year younger, had manifested no symptoms after a similar dose.

In five minutes pain close to the navel on the left side; pressure first in the right then in the left eye; nausea; dryness at the back of the pharynx and palate; pain behind the right ear; tearing pain in the right temple, aggravated by touch. No suffering after dinner.

At 2 p.m. took two drops at once in water. In five minutes nausea; pains over the navel somewhat to the left; pinching in the throat; dizziness in the head; pain in the head over each ear, worse on the right side; tearing in the

right temple and eye, afterwards in the left eye, reaching to the temple; pain in the right side of the thorax, then in the left; respiration became difficult; short fit of coughing.

5th.-At 11 two drops at once in water. In a quarter of an hour heat in the head with pains; dryness of the mouth; vertigo as if he had been spinning round several times rapidly; stitch in the right side. The symptoms soon pass off. At 7 p.m. four drops at once in water; vertigo soon after, with heat in the head; tearing in the nostrils, especially the left; tearing in the left eye; pressure in the throat under the chin as if it was compressed; tearing in the temples; nausea as if he must vomit; relieved by eructation; yawning; pain in the forehead; pressure in the right shoulder on moving the arm; pain under the knee on walking; pricking in the left ear, rendering it difficult to hear; tearing behind the right ear.


Reinhard, 9 months old, golden hair, appetite good, bowels regular and natural, in good flesh. His two upper, and two lower middle incisors are through his gums; previous to which he had suffered from diarrhoea and hooping-cough. Towards evening, occasional attacks of the latter complaints still, otherwise quite healthy.

On the 6th December, at 10 a.m., administered 10 globules of chelid. 6. At 2 in the afternoon there appeared on his right cheek a burning dark red, round spot, which gradually increased till 5 o'clock. Redness, heat, and swelling of the scrotum. He screamed the whole night, especially on being touched; heat and perspiration on his forehead.

7th, Morning. Both eyes were glued together with dry mucus, the left, especially. Redness and heat of the scrotum. Here and there, on both sides, the epidermis of the scrotum was raised with flat vesicles, filled with a yellow fluid from the size of a pin's head to that of a lentil-these were painful to the touch; thin watery stool of a dark yellow colour as

before; he cries if his left leg is moved, or his left side touched. In the afternoon, from 2 till 6, a burning, darkred, gradually increasing, round spot on his left cheek: towards evening the vesicles on the scrotum burst, and the red and slightly tumid cuticle, denuded of the epidermis, discharges a little moisture. In the evening another darkyellow watery stool; sleepless the whole day; he will neither sit, nor lie, and must be carried about continually; he made water five times throughout the day, attended with much effort, groaning, and holding of the breath, this till evening.

8th.-Slept better through the night; the left eye is closed with dry mucus; the scrotum is covered with dry, red, cracked, thin scabs; a pimple similar to cow-pox, with red margin, on the right buttock; near the corner of the mouth, on the right cheek, a small pustule with red margin; napkin stained with reddish-brown urine, which became darker when dry; slept from 1 till 6, and from 7.30 till 5 o'clock in the morning; he slept only a quarter of an hour in the afternoon, then from 8 till 10 in the evening; took some milk at 10, and then slept till 5 the next morning; stool as usual.

9th. In the morning a little dry mucus in the left eye; cuticle of scrotum natural; a yellow scab with red margin on the pustules.

10th.-10 globules Chelid. 6, at 11 o'clock. At the end of a quarter of an hour a redness on the left check, changing by degrees from bright to dark red; accelerated breathing, with five eructations; after which the breathing became easier. A small pimple with red margin in the same place (near the mouth) as on the 8th December; the margin round the small scabs on the buttock is again apparent, and becomes dark red; urine three times in a quarter of an hour. After an hour the redness on the cheek disappeared; frequent yawning; eructations frequent till evening; after coughing, curdled milk was vomited, which had not occurred before; sleep as usual.

11th.-Cried frequently in the night without awakening; increased warmth over the whole body; perspiration on the

forehead; first motion of the bowels, after taking the last dose, occurred this morning; generally his bowels are moved at night; consistency of stool natural; colour lighter; the urine coloured the napkin a reddish yellow; dry lumps of mucus on the right eyelid; a red round spot on the left cheek.

12th.-Quiet sleep; napkin coloured reddish by the urine; stool lighter coloured than usual; both eyes closed with dry mucus; on awaking, fretful; red spots alternately on both cheeks; red pimples here and there on the cheeks; much thick mucus discharged from the nose; urine of a darker yellow than usual.

13th.-Frequent screaming in the night, increased on being taken up; eyelids glued together in the morning.

14th. All over the right cheek numerous red round spots, with a pointed pimple in the centre. The eyelids glued together in the morning by dry mucus.


Minna Kranke, 20 years of age, was scrofulous in childhood; muscular system weak; has pains in her limbs after bodily exertion; light hair; pale countenance; phlegmatic temperament; she has suffered at times from pains in her left side; also from palpitations of the heart after exerting herself; menstruation natural; healthy at the time of experiment.

5th November, 1861.-60 drops of the mother tincture at 10 o'clock in the morning; after a quarter of an hour, a feeling of heat throughout the body; oppression and anguish in the left side; difficulty of breathing; palpitations of the heart; twitchings in the right arm; a feeling as if something. solid were rising in the throat, necessitating an effort to swallow, after which it seemed to descend; twitches in the knees; a dragging pain in the left shoulder-blade and neck; a squeezing pain in the regio iliaca sinistra; twitches in the calves of the legs; ringings and tinglings in the ears. Dry

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