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ful, sensible and pious clergyman, but to play the role of priest to a dying man-how utterly absurd, ridiculous and hypocritical, especially for two-thirds of the followers of Esculapius. Besides the very suggestion smirks of a species of religious fanaticism that every honest and conscientious practitioner should studiously avoid. The old adage of "shoemaker, stick to your last," will apply to the physician as well, and suggest to him that when the time arrives for religious rites and ceremonies to be performed to step aside and give the "man of God" and the choice of the patient full sway.

However, there is much that is valuable and commendatory in the work, and to all of which we heartily say amen.

LEGAL Medicine. By Chas. Meynott
Lidy, M. B., F. C. S., Master of Surgery;
Professor of Chemistry and of Forensic
Medicine and Public Health at the
London Hospital; Medical Officer of
Health for Islington; Late Deputy Medi-
cal Officer of Health and Public Analyst

for the City of London, Etc. New York: William Wood & Co., 56 & 58 Lafayette Place, 1883.

The first and second volume of this valuable work lies before us. The first volume contains chapters on "Evidence;" "The Sign of Death;" "Identity;" "The Cause of Death;" "The Post-Mortem;" "Sex;" "Monstrosities," and "Hermaphrodism." While the second volume embraces well written sections on expectations of Life;" "Presumption of Death and Survivorship;" "Heat and Cold;" "Burus and Scalds;" "Lightning;" "Explosives and Combustibles;" "Starvation and its Treatment." The work is gotten up in good style, pleasing in diction, instructive, practical and full of valuable information for the expert in medico-legal matters. It will eventually supplant the works of Taylor and others upon this important subject if subsequent volumes should prove of as much interest and value as the first and second of the series. We commend the work.



Preparation.-For an infant under three months, mix one tablespoonful of the Food with ten of hot or cold water. Hold over the gas, lamp, or stove, with constant stirring, until it has boiled two or three minutes. Cool to about blood heat, and give in feeding bottle. For a child three to ten months old, mix in proportion of eight of water to one of Food. For a pap, in proportion of five of water to one of Food. Value.-Containing only Milk, Wheaten Bread Crust and Sugar, this Food supplies all the elements necessary for complete alimentation, in the most easily assimilable form; the Milk furnishing Casein, Albumen, Hydrates of Carbon and Sugar of Milk, while the Wheaten Bread Crust supplies Nitrogen, and is especially rich in Saline Matter, particularly in potash salts, mainly in the form of phosphates, and Carbon is obtained from the Cane Sugar. It makes pure blood, firm flesh, hard muscle, and tough bone. It is a sure preventive of Summer Complaint, and by its use the bowels can be kept in just the state desired. It is retained on the stomach, often, when everything else is rejected. The simplicity of its preparation and the uniformity obtainable are two points the value of which can not be overestimated.

Particular Attention.-We do not claim that this Food will agree with all children. We do not think that any artificial food will ever be made which will do this, as nature sometimes fails, a mother's milk not agreeing with her own child. We only claim, what has been proved by its use for 15 years past, that it will agree with a larger proportion of children than any other artificial food.

A pamphlet, by Prof. H. Lebert, of Berlin, giving fuller particulars of the Food, sent to any address on application to

THOMAS LEEMING & CO., Sole Agents,

18 College Place, New York City.

For a perfectly pure CONDENSED MILK, free from starch of any kind, try Nestle's.



Prepared for Physicians' Prescriptions.

An experience of more than a quarter of a century serve to convince us that sugar properly applied is the only proper material with which to coat a pill.

The following formulas are specially adapted for the purposes set forth in the annexed therapeutics: Please specify Warner & Co's., when prescribing.


R. Pure Unoxidized Phosphorus, 1-50 gr.
1-60 gr.
Reduced Iron...
14 grs.


In each Pill.

THERAPEUTICS.-PHOSPHORUS, STRYCHNINE, and IRON, combined in the proportions as indicated, is a safe and valuable remedy. As a nutritive tonic and stimulant to the nervous system, especially the spinal cord, it is admirably adapted for the treatment of a large number of nervous disorders dependent on defective nutrition and debility. It increases the appetite and promotes digestion. It may be safely given in all those cases in which hypophosphites are usually employed. It is strongly recommended in Consumption, Neuralgia, Atonic Dyspepsia, Lowness of Spirits in General Debility and in that condition of depression and loss of power popularly known as below par, and in breakdown from overwork and mental fatigue.

DIRECTIONS.-Take one pill, with breakfast, dinner and tea, every day, until 100 pills have been taken, when it would be advisable to leave off taking the Pills for a week, and then resume them every second day. Should digestive troubles intervene, suspend their use for a few days or less frequently. The pilular form is deemed to be the most desirable for the administration of Phosphorus. In Warner & Co.'s Pills the Phosphorus is in a perfect state of subdivision, and is not oxidized. We have discovered and brought to perfection this mode of preparing Phosphorus for medicinal use, and it is thus presented in its elementary state, free from those repulsive qualities which have so long militated against the use of this potent and valuable remedy. These Pills possess the necessary qualities of purity and definite strength, are small in bulk, and are perfectly tasteless. They are colored delicately pink to definitely identify them. PRICE PER 100, $1.50.

PIL: FERRI IODID, Inalterable.—(WARNER & CO.) 1 grain each.

THERAPEUTICS.-The dose of Iodide Iron Pills is from one to two at meal time and is recommended and successfully used in the treatment of Pulmonary Phthisis or Consumption, Anæmia and Chlorosis, Caries and Scrofulous Abscesses, Chronic Discharges, Dyspepeia, Loss of Appetite, &c. Each containing one grain of the Iron Salt so prepared as to guard against oxidation and assuring an unchanged condition, though kept for years. A coating of pure sugar renders them easy to administer, and insures further protection from atmospheric influences. In cases where Iodide of Iron is prescribed, it is absolutely necessary for the physician who relies on the therapeutic action for beneficial results, that the salt should be so prepared and protected as to remain unaltered and stable; with this important fact in view, we have devoted special study to the manipulation of Iodide of Iron in pilular form, and our product will sustain the assertion that WARNER & Co.'s IODIDE OF IRON PILLS meet all requirements, and are the only perfect preparation of the kind. A pill cut through presents all the characteristics of a perfect mass, and the presence of Iodide of Iron without free Iodine, and will dissolve readily, forming a clear solution if thrown into a glass of water.

To guard against imitations and to render identification easy, we have colored the coating a light pink and put them up only in bottles containing one hundred, each wrapper bearing our autograph. PRICE PER 100, 85 CENTS.

PIL: DIGESTIVA WARNER CO.) R. Pepsin Conc't, 1 gr.

Pv. Nuc. Vom. gr.

Gingerine, 1-16 gr. Sulphur, 1-8 gr. THERAPEUTICS.-Useful in relieving various forms of Dyspepsia and Indigestion, and of permanent benefit in cases of enfeebled digestion where the gastric juices are not properly secreted. It is also a gentle laxative and excellent dinner pill; may be taken one after dinner, or one before each meal, three times daily. Very much more might be said concerning the value of this combination in conditions where indicated, but we prefer to submit it to the profession, in whose hands we are positive it will receive a fair and impartial trial, and in return will produce such effects as will render it worthy of their universal commendation. PRICE PER 100, 75 CENTS.

Supplied by Druggists throughout the country or can be sent by mail on receipt of price. WILLIAM R. WARNER & CO.





Are small and pleasant doses for children and adults.
CAUTION! Avoid spurious imitations offered

PARVULLO under other names with the plea that they are identical.

March 1st.

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][subsumed][subsumed][merged small][graphic][subsumed][subsumed][merged small][subsumed]

Importer and Wholesale Druggist,

709 and 711 Washington Ave., ST. LOUIS.


Or Liquor Tongo Salicylatus.


Tonga is a product of the Tonga or Friendly Islands and has long been used as a domestic remedy by the natives of the Fiji Group. It was introduced to the notice of the medical profession by Drs. Ringer and Murrell, of London, England, who have made some very thorough and most satisfactory experiments as to its therapeutic value. Their high claims for its efficacy as a remedy for neuralgia and rheumatism have been extensively corroborated by the most eminent medical authorities of both continents; when used in conjunction with salicylic acid it has had a surprisingly happy effect on the most obdurate cases of neuralgia, especially that of the cranial nerves. In chronic arthritis it is invaluable.

TONGALINE is an efficacious and elegant preparation of Tonga, with powerful salicylates, and commends itself to the medical profession.

EACH FLUID DRACHM OF TONGALINE REPRESENTS: Tonga... ......30 grains. | Pilocarpin Salicylate...... Extractum Cimicifuga Racemosa.... 2 grains. Colchicin Salicylate...... Sodium Salicylate.... ..10 grains. I

...1-100 grain. ....1-500 grain.

Of the two ounces of TONGALINE which you gave me, one ounce I used myself, taking it in drachm doses at intervals of sixty minutes. I was suffering at the time with a violent facial neuralgia, which came on every night at eight o'clock and lasted (unless I took butyl-chloral) until after midnight. After the second dose of TONGALINE I went to sleep and did not wake up until daylight. I felt bright and fresh the ensuing day, but in the evening there was a recurrence of neuralgia. I took two doses of the Liquor Tongæ and was again relieved. On the third evening I anticipated a recurrence of my malady, and took a dose as precautionary measure. It did not come on nor have I had a recurrence of it since. Shortly after arising each morning, after taking the remedy, I had a copious easy movement of the bowels, which was supplemented by another during the day. The balance of the remedy was used in a similar manner and with similar results on Mr. A. S. Lion.

I have since prescribed TONGALINE in two cases of facial neuralgia, with marked benefit in both instances. Should you wish it, I will give you the notes which I took in all of these cases. FRANK L. JAMES, M. D., Professor of Chemistry and Toxicology, St. Louis College Physicians and Surgeons.




Saint Louis.

The Universal Tonic,



[blocks in formation]

Constipation--either Simple or of Hepatic Origin.
Adult Dose, 10 to 40 drops; three times daily.

Infantile Constipation

1 to 2 drops daily.

Nasal Catarrh

One-half fluid ounce to water 16 ounces; used by means of a
Nasal Douche.

Vaginal Ulceration

2 to 4 drachms to Glycerine 4 ounces; placed in contact with inflamed surface by means of cotton saturated with the mixture.


Stomatitis, Dyspepsia, Cystitis,

Diarrhea, Dysentery, etc., etc.

For Internal and External Use.


IS NOT IDENTICAL with any other preparation in the market. As a perfected form for the use of the drug it was introduced and is alone prepared by its originators-the W м. S. MERRELL CHEMICAL Co.

Physicians are again cautioned against the substitution of Watery Solutions of Golden Seal, claiming to be "the same as "-" or as good as " Fluid Hydrastis. Under various names, as nearly approaching the one adopted by us as the craft or ingenuity of the makers can devise, a continued effort is being made to force these compounds upon them, in total disregard of their expressed preference and frequent rejection of the claims for recognition made by these imitators. They should, therefore, be careful to specify "Fluid Hydrastis" when ordering or prescribing, and see that other preparations are not substituted.

The latest issue of our Pamphlet Prices Current, containing fuil lists of all our Pills, Flnid Extracts, Resinoids, and all other of our various preparations; also the Circular giving "Indications for use of Fluid Hydrastis," will be sent by mail free to any Physician or Druggist who requests it.

Having Depots in all the large cities, Physicians can obtain this article at convenient points near their homes.

Wm. S. Merrell Chemical Co. [Late Wm. S. Merrell & Co.,]



The writer believes he rightly interprets the prevailing medical sentiment, in increasing the potency instead of diminishing the price of his Pepsine. One failure in results would more than offset any reduction of price.

An Examination Into the Comparative Value

of Saccharated and Pure Pepsines. The extended and still extending use of digestive agents in therapeutics, is evinced as well in the increasing number of the agents so used, as in the forms in which they are presented. Pepsine, the first brought into use, and the only one which can be successfully administered by the stomach, first appeared in the form of an amylacious powder and a vinous solution. Starch was used as a pulverulent for the reason that it is not capable of being acted upon by Pepsine. The former of these two methods of preparation has at length been abandoned, because it afforded no protection against the decomposition and consequent deterioration of the Pepsine as is done by the antiseptic properties of the sugar of milk, which has taken its place. It was doubtless owing to this circumstance that Dr. Pavey, after an examination of many samples, obtained from the best sources in London, declared them to be destitute of any power to digest protieds. Indeed, when we reflect that Pepsine is an animal substance of feeble affinities, and that its digestive potency may depend upon an absolute preservation of its chemical composition, we need not be surprised that many preparations are destitute of stability and consequently soon become inert.

Among this class must be ranked amylaceous powders, the aqueous solutions and the new and increasing form, the pure Pepsine.

In the case of this latter, not only the exposure to heat and moisture during the process of manufacture is favorable to decomposition, but the finished product is protected by no antiseptic.

It is with a view of opposing some slight obstacle to this present form of Medical fashion that the following experimental test has been performed and presented to the profession. This test was made by the well-known method of artificial digestion, using one grain of Pepsine, two and one-half ounces of water, ten drops of muriatic acid and one hundred and forty grains of coagulated egg albumen.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors]


[ocr errors]

Average Am't. Am't Claimed by

Digested. Manufacturer.

139 grs. 130 to 140 94.75" 600

99 66 " 119.5



160 to 220 grs

$.45 1.25 2.00 1.62

66 Pulv. Four tests were performed and the results averaged to correct unavoidable irregularities. Fractions of a grain were disregarded in the separate digestions, those in the average being the result of division.

The only comment to be made upon the above result is, that for some reason the class of Pepsines called pure not only fall very far short of vindicating their claims to potency, but fall far below the Sacch. Pepsine with which they were compared. For the great diversity in the potency of other forms of Pepsine the reader is referred to "Practitioner" (English), March 1880, and Kings Co. Med. Soc. Proceedings, May, 1880. J. S. HAWLEY, M. D., Brooklyn, N. Y.

Hawley's Saccharated Pepsine is the most active preparation of its kind in the market; is free from mucus or other impurities; is easily soluble, and ten grains will digest from 1,300 to 1,400 grains coagulated albumen.

Hawley's Aromatized Pepsine has the same digestive strength as the Saccharated, and is supplied with directions for use. It is agreeably flavored and made acceptable to the taste for administration to children and persons of sensitive palate.

Hawley's Wine of Pepsine is made with care, and in a manner to insure the permanent solution of the Pepsine in the wine. The Pepsine contained in one ounce will digest from 300 to 400 grains of coagulated albumen.

Hawley's Gastro - Pancreatic Beef Peptone is valuable for its high diffusibility, being already digested, and for containing all the elements of the beef, including the interstitial fat (which is pancreatized) in their normal proportions. By using it, a superior beef tea can be almost instantly made, and the large waste in the ordinary method of making beef tea saved.

Hawley's Saccharated Wheat Phospholds consists of the soluble salts (mostly phosphoidal) of the wheaten grain. It is an efficient remedy in all diseases produced by malassimilation, or in which mal-assimilation is a factor. as chronic eruptive diseases in children, rachitis and scrofulous enlargement of glands, etc.

Hawley's Diabetic Flour is the wellknown Camplin flour, or prepared bran. It is prac tically free from starch, and is the only one which makes any reasonable approach to it. It affords to the diabetic a substitute for bread.

Hawley's Liebig's Food for Infants and Invalids is the well-known and well-tried combination of malt and wheaten flour proposed by the illustrious Liebig. It is made strictly after his method, and furnishes a food free from starch, suited to infants and cases of amylaceus dyspepsia. It has all the value in nutrition possessed by Extract of Malt.

Hawley's Flour of Beef is lean fresh beef desiccated to dryness and ground to a flour. It contains all the elements of the beef in natural proportion, and is in a form to be taken without mastication. It is cheaper than fresh beef for making beef tea.

Hawley's Pancreatic Emulsion of Fat is a preparation superior to cod liver oil for all purposes for which that remedy is used. It is miscible in water or milk, is agreeable to take, and has the advantage of being a solid and not a fluid fat.

Hawley's Liquor Pancreaticus is an active preparation of pancreatine and rapidly digests milk, liquifies gruels and pap, and emulsifles cod liver oil. Being in liquid form, is ready for instant use.

Physicians are respectfully invited to give them a fair trial and to send for circulars and free samples of any article they may wish especially to investigate.

The above Preparations are for sale by the principal Wholesale Druggists in New York, Albany, Syracuse, Rochester, Troy, Philadelphia, Pittsburg, Boston, Providence, Burlington, Vt., Portland, Baltimore, Cleveland, St. Paul, Indianapolis, Chicago and St. Louis.

Please Mention MEDICAL BRIEF.

J. S. HAWLEY, M. D., 29 Tiffany Place, Brooklyn, N. Y.

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