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A. Ludlow, Monroe.

S. D. Hubbard, Mondovi.

The following resolution was adopted:

Resolved, That the members of this society highly appreciate the efforts of the retiring officers of this society to make the fair of 1886 so grand a success, and we hereby tender them our thanks for such efforts. Meeting adjourned.



MADISON, WIs., Dec. 1, 1886.

As required by the constitution of the Wisconsin State Agricultural Society, the society met in their rooms in the capitol, at 9 A. M., as per published notice. No quorum present. On motion of Gen. Geo. E. Bryant, meeting adourned until December 16th, at 12 M.



December 16, 1886.

President Arnold in the chair. Present, Messrs. Adams, Johnston, Newton, Fratt, Babbitt, Arnold, Doyon, Grinnell, Van Etta, Curtis, Plumb, Bryant and Miner.

Cyrus Miner, treasurer of the society, read his report for the year ending December 1st, 1886.

On motion of Mr. Fratt, the report was referred to a committee consisting of J. F. Grinnell, Dexter Curtis and J. Van Etta; who examined vouchers and compared them with the books of the secretary and reported them correct. The report was accepted by the society.

The following resolution, introduced by Mr. Miner, was unanimously adopted, and copies of it ordered to be forwarded to Milwaukee and Madison papers:

In view of the fact, that the state fair of 1886 would have been a financia failure if held in any other town in the state under the same condi

tions as at Milwaukee, and being desirous to in some manner manifest its appreciation of the efforts of the people of that city, therefore be it

Resolved, That the Wisconsin State Agricultural Society tender its sincere and earnest thanks to the business men and citizens of the city of Milwaukee, for their zeal, liberality and hearty co-operation, and for their generous attendance under very discouraging conditions, making what promised to be a disastrous failure, one of the most successful of any of the fairs heretofore held by this society.

On motion, it was decided to pay H. C. Allen $25, due for losses sustained while in the employ of the society in 1878. The following was adopted by the society:

WHEREAS, The State Agricultural Society having temporarily located the state fair on the Cold Spring grounds, in Milwaukee, to avoid any misunderstanding that may arise in the future, therefore

Resolved, That the State Agricultural Society tender the Dane County Agricultural Society the use of our grounds, in Madison, for the purpose of holding their county fair. But to be used by them for no other purpose, one week prior to the fair, one week during their county fair, and the week following their fair. The Dane county society to make good to our society any and all damage to our property during their occupancy. The State Agricultural Society reserving to themselves the exclusive right to use and occupy said grounds the balance of the year; also reserving the right to reconsider the above resolutions at any time; and that our secretary be directed to carry out the spirit of the above resolution.

The following was unanimously adopted:

Resolved, That in view of the faithful, honest and efficient service rendered the Wisconsin State Agricultural Society by Miss Frank L. Fuller and Miss Minnie Prichard, they be made honorary life members.

The following amendments to the constitution were proposed and ordered to be voted upon at next society meeting, according to the by-laws of the society:

Amend article III. of the constitution so it shall read:

The officers of the society shall consist of a president and vice president from each congressional district of the state, a secretary, a treasurer, and seven additional members who shall be life members of the society.

And strike out the words executive board, and have it read "the State Board of Agriculture.

Amendment to article V. of the constitution proposed by George E. Bryant at the annual meeting in Dec. 1886 so it shall read; "The annual meeting of the society for the transaction of general business shall be held in its rooms in the capitol in Madison, on the first Wednesday in December at twelve o'clock noon in each year."-etc.

Meeting adjourned.


For the Year Ending December 1, 1886.

To the officers and members of the Wisconsin State Agricultural Society:

GENTLEMEN:-I have the honor to hand you herewith statement of the financial transactions of your Society for the year ending December 1, 1886.

It is a source of great pleasure to me to report, that for the first time in ten years, (if not in its entire history), your Society enters upon a new year entirely free from all indebtedness, has a comfortable balance in the treasury, possessed of a valuable unincumbered real estate, and has, I have good reason to believe, the confidence and hearty good will of the people of this commonwealth.

[blocks in formation]




To whom and for what issued.


1 Babbit, C., secretary salary.

2 Huntley, G. W. & Co., labor on agricultural department...

3 Western Union Telegraph Company.

4 Fuller, Frank, clerk...

5 Smith, R. B., draw mortgage.

6 Danihar, D. D., labor.

7 Madison Manufacturing Company, use of engine.

8 Dodd, H. B., express ..

9 Main, W. E.. assignee, dinner tickets.

10 Young, P. & M., rope...

11 Arnold, A. A., president's expenses

12 Regan, Thos., water supply...

13 Haley, Lois, advertise fair...

14 Dengler, A. M., painting..

15 Western Farmer, papers..

16 Dennison, N. H., team work.

17 Recording mortgage

18 Dorn & Co., livery.

19 Fuller, Frank, clerk..

$150 00
5 00
45 00

2 50



9 20

48 50

12 60

8 25 150 00

2.50 14 75

5 00

5 00



45 00

20 Ward, Dr. A. J., medical attendance, '84.

21 Babbitt, C., secretary salary..

22 Scoville, J. M. & Son, premium..

23 Scoville, H. B., gate attendance..

24 Dodd, H. B., express..

25 Park, & Co.. goods.

26 Moseley, J. E., goods
27 New York Store, goods.

28 Wright, Mrs. D., premium.

29 Daggett, A. M., pails.

[blocks in formation]

30 Babbitt, C., secretary salary.

31 Crouch, S., premium..

32 Western Farmer, printing.

33 True, J. M delegate board meeting.

34 Prichard, Minnie, clerk...

35 Allen, G. R., delegate Walworth county.

37 Sliter, J...

86 Fuller, Frank, clerk....

38 Emmerson, M. E., police

40 Fratt, N. D., board meeting.

39 Newton, T. L., board meeting

41 Newton, T. L.. circulars.

42 Smith, J. M., board meeting. 43 True, J. M., board meeting... 44 Curtis, J. C., board meeting.. 45 Wilson, W., board meeting.

150 00

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors]

46 Austin, George, board meeting.

47 Bucholz, H., premium, 1884...

48 Calkins, J. G., police, 1884.

6 00

49 Hatch, C. A., delegate, Richland county.

[blocks in formation]

50 Tuttle, A. G., premium..

20 00

51 Pilgrim, D. T., oats at fair.

16 64

52 Pilgrim, D. T., board meeting.

[merged small][ocr errors]

53 Johnson, W. A., board meeting.

12 80

54 King, C. G., work......


[blocks in formation]
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