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pass it in review in order to come to and to recommend to you the remedy to which I attribute the greatest share in the successful results.

I had to treat a delicate impressionable woman, very much weakened but very docile and punctual in taking her medicine.

During the first month, according as there were pains in the abdomen, with difficulty of passing water, or tumefaction of the liver, and a tendency to early recurrence of the catamenia, I had recourse to Bell. 12 and 200, Nux vom. 12, Sabin. 3 and 4, lastly to Kreosot. 12, which removed a painful sensation of general swelling worse in the evening than in the morning.

I thus arrived at the return of the catamenia and the commencement of the second month, with a noteworthy amendment of the general health, but with little decrease of the discharge or alteration of its character. It usually reappeared one or two days after the cessation of the menstruation, at first slight and light coloured, but gradually very abundant and very dark, sometimes continuously, sometimes in gushes; I waited for it in order to employ a remedy which has never as far as I know been employed by us except in cases of true metrorrhagia, but with which I had made some successful trials, in consequence of remembering that it is employed by country people against various kinds of fluxes. This is the Thlaspi bursa pastoris, of which there are several varieties. This cruciferous plant is astringent and its use is unattended with danger even in considerable doses.

As soon as a discharge at first light coloured, hardly darker than pale café au lait, commenced to grow darker and more copious, I gave Thlasp. burs. past., 6 drops of the 6th dilution in 100 grammes of water, a spoonful every three hours.

The following day, which was the 19th of the month, the discharge grew pale and lessened, the following day it stopped, but the patient complained of colic and pinching in the stomach; the 21st, in spite of the medicine being continued, the pains in the stomach had ceased, the discharge had not returned; it was the same on the 23rd, but the liver became tender, with accompanying pains in the groins and right leg, and the following night, 23rd— 24th, was marked by increase of the pains, then bilious stools and general uneasiness; the 24th, finding the tongue furred, the liver enlarged, the stomach tender and sunk, I had recourse to Merc. sol. 12.

The following day the discharge returned and the general state was less satisfactory; there was a sensation of fatigue with trembling and rigor.

I resolved not to have again recourse to Thlaspi before the following month, and to employ the interval until the next menstrual period in fortifying and giving tone generally and locally to the patient.

I made her take cold drinks every morning and inject cold water, also to take Secale corn. 3 and 4, one centigramme in 100 grammes of water.

These remedies appeared to me necessary, the cervix was swollen and soft, there was some slight difficulty in passing water, the introduction of the injecting tube was painful, the strength was failing, and the pain, which from the right groin had passed into the left, did not allow of carriage exercise.

In the end I obtained a marked amendment, and several times the leucorrhoeal discharge diminished sensibly, and even stopped for some time, but it again became more copious, deeper coloured, and more fetid than ever as the catamenia approached.

During the fortnight previous to this appearance I gave, without paying attention to the discharge, first Ferr. met. in the first trituration, then China 4, 30 drops in 300 grammes of water, a spoonful every hour.

The catamenial discharge was copious and dark coloured. Two days after its cessation, on the appearance of a discharge resembling the washings of meat, and in spite of the sensitiveness of the liver and some pains in the right leg down to the foot, I prescribed Thlaspi 4, 10 drops in 200 grammes of water.

The discharge immediately diminished and stopped after three days.

I continued the Thlaspi in the 6th dilution this time and persisted in its use; at the end of ten days, reckoning from the cessation of the catamenia, the patient, who had not quitted her house in the evening for more than two months, felt so well that she ventured to dine out.

With the exception of an interruption of forty-eight hours to give Argent. for fatigue of the voice, I insisted on the continuance of Thlaspi until the reappearance of the catamenia, only diminishing the frequency of the dose.

The catamenia came on at the accustomed time, but the

discharge did not return and has not recurred for eight months. On the contrary, the lady has gained greatly in strength, and the good health she enjoys sets off her natural beauty.

[NOTE BY DR. DUDGEON.-With all deference to Dr. Rafinesque, whose treatment in this case was crowned with success, I would venture to differ from him in respect to his pathology of the disease here described. I do so with the more confidence, as I believe the patient was for some time under my own treatment. She had not a slight but a severe attack of icterus, with great pain and tenderness of the liver, and during all the three months I attended her she betrayed unmistakeable symptoms of congestion of and imperfect circulation through the liver. The metrorrhagia—for it was a real metrorrhagia and not at all like any leucorrhoea I have ever seen-was evidently owing to a congested condition of the uterus, which again appeared to me to be a secondary effect of the congested condition of the liver. Whether the cure was due to the Thlaspi or to the change of climate and regimen, and the tonic treatment previous to the last catamenial period, I will leave to the reader's own judgment.]

Chronic Bronchitis.

CASE 1.-A married lady, aged thirty years, experienced a tickling sensation in the bronchial tubes, which she believed to be the result of inhaling some irritating vapour from the atmosphere. The tickling caused a cough which, at first, was unattended with expectoration, but the tickling and inclination to cough did not subside as she anticipated, and the irritation of the mucous membrane increased until it settled into a chronic inflammation. She then began to expectorate a white, frothy mucus, attended with no pain except from severe paroxysms of coughing. At this stage the case came under our treatment. Our first prescription was Hepar sulph. 6th attenuation, in water, a table-spoonful twice a day. After two days there was a change in the expectoration, but the cough remained about the same, and she expectorated a yellowish, tough phlegm. Phosphorus 6th, a few drops in half a

glass of water, a dessert-spoonful three times a day, was prescribed. She took this remedy for three days, and derived apparently considerable benefit. The cough was less severe, and the expectoration free, but unchanged in colour. She coughed mostly in the morning. Continued Phosphorus 30th, after the same manner, for several days, and there was considerable mitigation. The cough and expectoration were less, and for several days she continued to improve. But, it being late in the fall, and much changeable weather, she contracted a slight cold, and had a relapse, and now the cough changed from the morning to the evening and night, and came on in paroxysms. The expectoration also changed colour, and she complained of an indistinct, deep-seated pain in the bronchial tubes. Lycopodium, 6th attenuation, was given in water in the same way, and during the next twenty-four hours there was a slight improvement. The indistinct pain was removed, and the paroxysms of coughing were less exhausting and frequent, and the expectoration, though the same in character, was less. Lycopodium 30 continued. During the next four days she continued to improve. The cough had mostly disappeared, and the signs of complete recovery were quite satisfactory. The appetite was fair, and the strength but little impaired. She continued better for some weeks, and then had a relapse; coughed much during the night, and with little expectoration. Hyoscyamus 6th was given in water, as the remedies before mentioned, and the cough at night ceased altogether, and she rested well.

She had frequent relapses during the winter, and each seemed to be of a different character, and called for a corresponding remedy. At the menstrual periods, she coughed much at nights, and the expectoration was of a greenish colour. Pulsatilla 6th invariably relieved the cough at these times.

When the winter was far advanced, and the March winds set in, she was attacked acutely with the cough again, and was much prostrated under its influence. The expectoration was of a muco-purulent character, and very copious, and her appetite was somewhat impaired. Gave Stannum 6th dilution at first, and afterwards the 30th, two doses daily. Under this treatment, she improved rapidly until the warm weather set in, after which recovery was complete, with the exception of the predisponent

left in the system, and she remained quite well until the cold and changeable weather late in the fall, when there was a palpable indication of the return of the disease. Looking forward to a

winter of severe suffering, she, with her husband, spent the winter in Florida, and by this means she escaped the severe relapses which were sure to be her lot in the frigid climate of the north. In the spring after the weather became warm, she returned home and remained well ever after for several years. This case presents an argument in favour of the influence of protracted warm weather in effecting the cure of chronic bronchitis.

CASE 2.-A preacher of the Society of Friends took a severe cold, which greatly affected the mucous lining of the bronchial tubes, and it terminated in a stubborn case of chronic bronchitis, which persisted in spite of treatment from early fall till the warm weather of the succeeding spring. For two successive winters he had been treated allopathically with cough syrups and expectorants, which only palliated the severity of the disease. Not deeming it practicable to repair to a warmer climate, he concluded to hazard another winter at his home in Eastern Pennsylvania. He was much better during the summer, and until the fall, when a recurrence of his disease was inevitable. Being called upon to take charge of his case, we found him, September 10th, suffering greatly from suffocative cough and copious expectoration of tough white viscid mucus; quite weak and emaciated, with swollen feet. Sambucus 3rd was our first prescription, to be given in drop doses, in water, every three hours. He felt better after taking the remedy twenty-four hours, and continued in the same way until September 25th, not improving under the Sambucus beyond a certain point; and having at times considerable suffocation from the accumulation of mucus and cough, Phosphorus 6th was given in drop doses, repeated every three hours, for several days. The improvement was very marked under this remedy up to a certain point, and here he remained stationary. The cough somewhat troublesome and the difficulty of sneezing was extreme. His appetite was indifferent. Tart. emetic 6th was given in drop doses, in water, for twenty-four hours, after which expectoration was effected without difficulty and there was a return of appetite and the cough became different. It was a short, hacking cough, without

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