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The directions were to apply over the affected area, rubbing it in well, and repeat again as soon as the skin had sufficiently recovered from the first application.

The condition was greatly improved after the first application, and an apparent recovery was completed after the third application, four days apart. The condition has not recurred again, although previously the patient had been subject to frequent exacerbations. We have since used the formula with great benefit in various inflammatory conditions-subacute peritonitis, lumbago, rheumatism of joints, intercostal rheumatism, and to abort a boil or abscess. We now report it for further trial and suggestions for improvement by our fellow practitioners. It will be observed by the combination, that the ointment is somewhat severe on a sensitive skin, producing considerable irritation. For that reason it should be used with caution until the patient's susceptibility to it is determined.

J. J. T.

Cineraria Maritima in Cataract.

R. P. Banerjee reports several cases of cataract cured by the use of the juice of this plant (Med. Rep., Calcutta) which is indigenous to India. In each case the opacity cleared away in a very short time. In commenting upon these the author remarks: Knowing that the natives of this country used the fresh juice of the plant in cataract (motiabind or nazala) with good results, I gave it a trial, because I have no eye instruments here, and the cases being unwilling to undergo any operation, the results being successful. Also in the Pharmaceutical Journal for May, 1888, one or two cases of cures have been noted. And I hope that

practitioners in larger cities, where they have better chances with patients unfit for operation, or unwilling to undergo such, would give the drug a fair trial. The plant is very common here, one variety called the cartwheel (cineraria maritima, or grandiflora) is cultured as a pot plant in the garden. The other variety, with red or purple and green stems, called in Hindu kukrainda (C. Hybrida vel exotica), grows near the bases of old pucca brick buildings during the rains and early winter, and are mural plants, very common in the Northwest Provinces and Bengal. The application causes no pain beyond a little sensation of heat, lasting from three to five minutes.—Medical Re


Antiseptic Formula.

Messrs. Christmas and Respant have endeavored (Pharm. Prog.) to obtain a formula for an antiseptic solution that shall be powerful enough to destroy the microbes, and at the same time not so strong as to damage the organism. The best results were obtained with the fol

lowing formula:

R. Acid carbolic
Acid salicylic


Ess. menth. pip.

3ijss xv mx

A one-half per cent. solution in water of this mixture destroys the microbes of diphthe ria; those of typhoid fever cannot stand its action for more than half a minute. The anthrax bacillus is destroyed by a one-fifth per cent. solution. This represents an antiseptic power five times greater than that of carbolic acid alone. Tuberculous sputa treated by a one per cent. solution can be sterilized in a quarter of an hour.-Medical Review.

Common Salt in Diphtheria. (A Therapeutic Proposition by Dr. A. Seibert.) SOLUTIONS of common salt were used long ago for cleaning the nose and the throat, but they are not strong enough to be even of prophylac tic value. It occurred to me, therefore, to use salt in diphtheria in the same way as it is used in the preparation of corned meat and sauerkraut. And thus, since July, 1888, I have treated each case of diphtheria in the following manner:

At the very first visit, I spread a thick layer of fine salt over the tongue as far as between the tonsils, by means of the moistened back of a roundish (not sharp) little spoon handle; then I turn the spoon to the right or to the left, so as to have the edges now standing upward and downward, and thus I press the salt on the diphtheric spot and its surroundings. No force of any kind is used in this, and it is easy to maintain the spoon and the salt in situ for a whole minute. On retiring the spoon, the salt

remains attached to the tonsil.

After covering


the spoon handle with a new layer of salt, the same operation is repeated on the other side. Only after some particles of salt have dropped near the epiglottis, tussicular irritation is produced, and in rare cases (in sensitive patients) choking, and occasionally vomiting. most cases children support this application of salt very well. Grown-up and bigger children have stated that only after liquefaction of the salt some irritation and tussicular fits are noticeable.

In the subsequent hawking and coughing I have frequently seen membranes which had dropped, being induced thereby immediately to make a new application of salt on the now raw, ulcerous surface.

The salt now penetrates rapidly into the diphtheric membrane, into the ulcerous basis. and, through the intact membrane, into the depth of the nfiltrated and still healthy surroundings.

Wherever it now reaches, it is bound to develop its antiseptic effects. I may positively assert that the diphtheric germs undergo this effect. Mostly very soon after the first application, fever and pain diminish materially, and accordingly, at the next visit (after six hours) tumefaction is found to be less, and especially paler, than before, while subjective condition is materially improved. Although the membrane may not be removed yet, it has not enlarged and it remains localized; for the application of salt twice every day "corns "corns" the surroundings of the diseased part in such a way that fungi and cocci are unable to gain a foothold, and, on the other hand, the morbid germs, established already in the tissues and in the lymphatic and sanguiferous ducts, are rendered innocuous by the salt.

It is self-evident that in highly-developed cases, where the laryngeal cavity is clothed in toto with diphtheric covering, this treatment will not perform miracles any more than any other therapeutic method.

I will not produce statistics. I wish only to say that I am highly satisfied with this system of " Corning Diphtheria," and I would like to recommend it to my colleagues.

Until now, I have not found it necessary to make the application oftener than twice per day. The method is simple, absolutely harmless and without any danger, and rational.-Medicinische Monatsschrift.


Please note the following private letter from an eminent physican and surgeon.

Dr. J. J. Taylor. - Allow me to say in regard to the "Physician as a Business Man," that I received $5.00 of value from it, ere I had the book fifteen minutes.

Yours very truly, GEO. S. HAZARD, Ph. G., M.D. 1 Blue Hill Ave., Boston, Mass.

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Phosphorus as an Antipyretic in Fevers in General.

Dr. C. Coleman Benson says: "My specific for all temperatures from 101° to 107° F., and dependent symptoms, is phosphorus, which should be given in temperatures from 99° to 101°, in doses of 1-150 of a grain every half hour for six doses, and then every two hours during the day, till reduction of temperature to normal. If the temperature vary from 101.5° to 107°, then give 1-100 of a grain every half hour for four doses, and then every two hours during the day till reduction in temperature to normal, never, however, exceeding in the twenty-four hours grain, and even less if epigastric pain be produced by it. The temperature at first will rise slightly, but descend rapidly from 3° to 4°. When the normal has been attained and remained so for twenty-four hours, then give 1-100 of a grain, with food thrice only in the day."

While I admit that phosphorus is a very excellent nerve tonic and stimulant, acting on the circulation through the nervous system, causing the pulse to be fuller and more frequent, distending the capillaries until free perspiration follows, and from its primary action increasing the heat of the surface of the body slightly, its secondary effect lowers temperature. It accelerates cell-growth in the body. It acts as a diuretic. The urates and urea are greatly increased in the urine; yet I do not think it should be considered a specific for fevers. It may act well as an auxiliary in the management of some cases, and doubtless it does; but I think that antiseptics should form the basis of treatment in all cases which have sepsis as the exciting cause. While it may not play an important part in causing the fever under consideration, it does serve as the materies morbi in many cases of sickness attended with high temperature.

We should not allow ourselves to be led astray by hobbies and specifics, so-called, but should try to meet the indications in each individual case. It is well known that pyrexia results from various causes; therefore, we should select our remedies with the view of removing the cause as well as relieving the symptoms.-The Atlanta Medical and Surgical Journal.

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barb, 3iv; gum guaiaci, 3j; nutmeg, No. j. Misce. The patient took two tablespoonfuls in a small tumbler of hot wine and water when going to bed, and the same quantity before rising in the morning, remaining in bed until any perspiration that was occasioned had subsided. The treatment was continued until a perceptibly good effect had ensued, when only one teaspoonful was administered at a dose until the mixture was used up.-N. Y. Med. Journal.

Infusion of Triticum Comp.

THIS term I would apply as a proper professional name to the advertised "Garfield Tea."

This popular laxative and diuretic, composed of the simplest herbs, as a proprietary medicine, makes these herbs altogether too expensive for poor people. I therefore suggest the term above and present the formula for it as follows:

R. Sennæ folii

Tritici repens...

..ää 25 parts. ........1 part.

M. One to two heaping teaspoonfuls to a cup of water, steeped as common tea should be steeped, viz.: Put in tin dish and pour the water on absolutely boiling hot; stir and steep three minutes and no longer. This extracts the virtue and leaves the bad taste and griping elements of the senna behind. Drink this as hot as possible on retiring at night. There is no griping about it and the light stimulation of the kidneys is more agreeable than otherwise.

This, taken in greater or less quantities every night for a time, will work wonders for those who need the laxative. As for the diuretic qualities, they are as much needed as were the diuretic qualities of the waters of a certain spring near a girl's seminary. The seminary was advertised over the advantages the young ladies might receive from these diuretic waters, as though all girls needed them.

Any apothecary can prepare and keep ou hand such mixtures of herbs, using better senna than that found in the proprietary Garfield Tea. This makes a very convenient mixture for every family to keep on hand for family use, and offers a proper prescription for the physician.-E. CHENERY, M.D., in Times and Register.

Phytolacca decandra (the common poke root and poke berries) is acquiring a reputation as an "anti-fat," or remedy for surplus flesh.

DOCTOR-Have you been wishing to adopt the convenient and most efficient alkaloidal or dosimetric granules in your practice, but hesitated on account of lack of definite knowledge as to how to use them? The new book "Outline of Treatment with Dosimetric Granules" will meet your needs admirably. It is the only book published treating this important subject from the standpoint of the American practicing physican. It meets the difficulties that are encountered at the bedside and in the consulting room. Bound in flexible cloth, small pocket size, 106 pages, price only See order blank on page xxvi.

50 cents

Blood Examinations in East African Malarial Diseases.

BY E. GRAWITZ, Staff Physician at II Medical Clinic, Berlin. [Review by Wm. Krauss, M.D., Memphis.]

THIS investigator has examined the blood of six officers who had done duty in the East African German Colonies.

Four of these cases had remained well and without plasmodia since their return home some months since. In three there was still marked diminution of red corpuscles at this time. In all six of the cases, as well as all of the domestic cases of malaria examined, Grawitz finds a marked increase of eosinophilous cells.* The fifth case was peculiar. This patient stood the Southern climate well at first, but soon became the subject of short attacks of chills, with fever and sweating, but at irregular intervals. At first he rallied well from these, but finally he succumbed, presenting all the symptoms of our (Mississippi Valley) chronic malarias, viz., chilly sensations, malarial pains, headaches, diarrhea, anorexia, with occasional inter- and remission. He returned to Berlin, pale, without fever, enlarged spleen, no other changes. A few days later had slight attacks, was extremely weak, and complained of palpitation. Blood examination showed 4.5 million red, 16,000 white corpuscles, eosinophilous cells somewhat increased, and small roundish and ovoid, delicate, colorless bodies, within red blood corpuscles, without pigment, and showing energetic voluntary motion. In a few days longer irregular pigmented bodies, and still larger, round, still more pigmented forms, taking up almost the entire red corpuscles, some of their contours extending even beyond its margin. They were extremely few, often requiring half a day to find a single one.

As is well known, these large pigmented forms are always precursors of an attack, but this was not the case with this patient. Nor were there any forms with flagellæ, but the next examination from this patient showed a form entirely different from the forms of acute malaria, the semilunar plasmodium of Laveran.

*White blood corpuscles, capable of taking on eosin stain, a property discovered by Ehrlich, who believed them diagnostic of beginning leukemia.

For the benefit of those of the readers who have not kept up with the literature on malarial parasites, it might be well to give the author's review of the same. The Italian investigators have done more in this line than all others, they having had more abundant material at their disposal for studying the varieties and biological relations of this parasite, first discovered and described by Laveran, and later named plasmodium malaria by Marchiafava and Celli.

Italian authors distinguished (see Memphis Journal Medical Sciences, December, 1890.) three principal developmental series characterized by their morphological character, arrangement, presenee and absence of pigment, etc.

In the beginning of a paroxysm all three varieties commence their cycle with the appearance of small roundish or ovoid bodies, which grow inside of the red blood disks, and at the expense of their hemoglobin, as a rule forming pigment in their center, and after many changes of form becoming larger, and giving off spores

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This parasite is still the subject of lively controversies, Golgi believing it to be the plasmodium of the current malarias, paroxysms coming on at longer intervals. Others believe it to be characteristic of chronic malarias. They have never been found except in malarias of the Southern climate.

An effort was made to influence this organism by large doses of methyl-blue, but this was unsuccessful, and patient was finally cured by a total of eighty grains of quinine.

The sixth subject of this paper was a typical malarial hemoglobinuria. He was a sergeant in the East African Colonies, and had to be relieved from duty on account of physical derangements, due to the prolonged malarial intoxication. On his return he looked well, no changes in organs, red corpuscles 5.75 million, white, 12,000; no plasmodia. Ten days later paroxysms, with extremely high fever, delirium, etc., resulting in grave physical and psychical depressions. Author saw patient twenty-five days later, looking very pale, weak, without fever; no plasmodia. On following day suddenly violent paroxysms, very marked icterus, spleen and liver greatly swollen, urine deep brown-red, containing enormous quantities of hemoglobin, no red blood disks. No plasmodia in blood.

Two days later there were 1.75 million red corpuscles to c. c., a diminution of four million in six days, their form normal, and very numerous examinations of fresh and stained specimens on this and succeeding days failed to reveal any parasite whatever. On the seventh day the red disks reached their minimum, one million; on the ninth the white ones had sunk to 2,800. Changes then took place with great rapidity, megalocytes of a very pale color, then gigantoblasts, the numerous mycrocytes, 3 poikilocytes; in short, all the characteristic elements of the so-called pernicious anemia made their appearance in rapid order. Then, with the cessation of fever, a rapid regeneration, all the morphologically altered, red disks disappeared, preceded by an enormous increase of white

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from their center which again become free, attack new corpuscles, and precipitate a fresh paroxysm. The first form, found by Marchiafava and Celli in summer and fall malarias, exhibit a mainly, though not purely, quotidian type, require twenty four hours for completion of cycle, the sporulative forms being rarely found in circulating blood, but always in internal organs. This form generally causes the quotidian type of the Italian summer and fall malarias.

The second, discovered by Golgi, requires twice twenty-four hours for completion of cycle, the third, also described by Golgi, requiring three times twenty-four hours.

If two generations of the tertian type are found, of which each matures twenty-four hours apart, we have a pure quotidian ague, or rather a bitertiana duplex, whilst in case of the quartan three generations may alternate and give rise to daily chills, really a triquartana triplex.

1 Very large, pale, red blood corpuscles. 2 Nucleated red blood corpuscles.

3 Very small red corpuscles.

4 Very irregularly shaped red corpuscles.

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Fifteen grains quinine had been given experimentally at first, although there were no plasmodia. It failed, and .was replaced by very concentrated food, stimulants, later arsenic.

corpuscles to 20,000 on twenty-fifth day, about twenty to twenty-five per cent. being eosinophilous cells. The author concludes by calling attention to the value of blood examinations before giving quinine.

The observations given above coincide with those of Dr. E H. Martin of Green Grove, Miss. (see vol. iii, No. 12, this journal), who says: "A patient with malarial hematuria has malaria to fear least of all."-Memphis Journal Medical Sciences.

THE New York World pays the following compliment to the medical profession:

A recent case has brought to public attention the attitude of the medical profession towards doctors who keep secret discoveries made by themselves, or secure patents on such, or otherwise seek to make their discoveries a source of exclusive profit to themselves. The doctors call this quackery and refuse to have relations with the men who practice it, and for this many persons regard the profession as narrow-minded. But the doctors are right. It is not in their own but in humanity's interest that they hold each other to this rule of ethics. It is the doctrine of the profession-as old as Galenthat the first duty of the doctor is to humanity, that his learning and his skill belong to mankind, not to himself. Hence it is held to be his obligation to give to the profession, for humanity's benefit, whatever discovery or device he may make tending to the saving of life or the mitigation of suffering. To this, moreover, every physician upon graduation makes oath of allegiance, so that the doctor who violates the ethical rule disregards his own oath and is not a person to be trusted. Even his pretensions as to his discovery must be taken as that of a man unworthy of confidence. This rule is a generous, not a narrow-minded one. It has its source in a high and unselfish conception of duty, and its rigid enforcement is a matter of true morality as well as of professional ethics.

Medical Standard.

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CHRONIC URETHRITIS is treated by Dr. A. G. Gerster, of New York, by injections of a 1-2000 solution of potassium permanganate, carried to a point between the sphincter of the bladder and the cut-off muscle.

A marked improvement, usually, quickly follows, and on the degree of improvement depends the frequency with which the applications should be made.

In very chronic cases it is necessary to resort to the deep injection of from three to five minims of a five per cent. solution of nitrate of silver, once, twice or three times a week, according to the severity of the case.

These injections are made after the patient has urinated.

He is placed on his back and the injector introduced beyond the cut-off muscle into the neck of the bladder, but not into the bladder.

It is at this point that the trouble lies, between cut-off muscle and the vesical sphincter.-Medical Mirror.

An Enormous Carbuncle; Crystals of Carbolic Acid Applied; Recovery.

ON the 28th of last June I was asked to see a Mahommedan named Sher Jan Khan, aged 43 years, who was suffering from carbuncle. The patient had been ill for more than a month, having been treated at first by a kobiraj and afterwards, up to the time I was called in, by a regular practitioner, who had just left the town. I was told that it was a serious case, but was not prepared for the sight which met my eyes when the patient's back was uncovered; there was a large, deep cavity between and below the shoulder-blades, as wide across the top of a full-sized breakfast cup, and two inches in depth. Its floor was covered with pus and shreds of slough, on removing which some of the muscles of the back were exposed. Surrounding this huge cavity was a protuberant mass rising an inch above the general surface; it was a reddish-blue color, hard and riddled with small orifices, each containing a slough. From side to side of this mass across the central crater was a measurement of ten inches, and from above downwards eight and a half inches-truly an enormous carbuncle.

The patient was very weak and low, worn out by the continuous pain and profuse discharge He had lost considerable flesh, was unable to leave his bed, and was altogether in such a low state that I gave a very guarded prognosis.

The treatment which had been adopted up to this time was poulticing the part three or four times daily and dressing it with carbolic oil. I immediately interdicted poulticing, and extracted several sloughs from various parts

of the brawny protuberant portion, inserted a crystal of pure carbolic acid into each cavity that was so formed; the crater was thoroughly cleansed of pus and slough, and freely dusted with a mixture of equal parts of oxide of zinc and iodoform, and the whole was covered over with carbolized lint.

The next morning the patient was almost free from pain, and hence much more cheerful. I removed several sloughs, scraped the softened portions of the mass, dusted in iodoform and zinc over the cavity and inserted six or seven crystals of carbolic acid in various directions. Acid and bark was ordered to be taken three times daily, and the urine was examined and found to be free from sugar.

This treatment was continued daily for a week, at the end of which time all the surrounding brawny tissues had broken down, and most of the sloughs had separated, leaving a large, healthy granulating cavity which was dusted as before, and the patient was soon well enough to leave his bed and go about.

Civil Surgeon, Cooch-Behar.

-Indian Med. Record.

Treatment of Asthma by Pilocarpine. A middle-aged woman (wife of a pensioned soldier) was subject to asthma for some years, and was treate by several medical men by various methods, which gave her only temporary relief. When she placed herself under my treatment I also had primarily tried many methods, such as drug-smoking, medicated steam inhalations, etc., without any effect.

In this perplexity I took advantage of a few hints from the Indian Medical Record, and having preferred pilocarpine tried it in one sixthgrain doses at bed-time for three days, and the patient having felt relieved to a great extent I continued the same thrice daily for a week, and the patient was quite relieved, and for the past four months she has had no return of the complaint.

It is, however, left to be seen whether the cure, so promising, will prove radical and permanent, or only palliative.

In conclusion, it is suggested that this remedy having proved so efficacious in the case cited above, which resisted so many varieties of treatment, be given a fair trial in other cases and results reported in the Record. In another case, it may be mentioned, that I have tried tincture of jaborandi in ten-minim doses every three hours, and the patient was relieved of the more prominent symptoms; but I am not aware whether the patient was permanently cured, as he refrained from further treatment.

BY B. V. KASAVIAH. Hospital Assistant, Aurangabad.-Ibid.

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