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ABR. MILL. Literature and Literary Men of Great Britain
and Ireland. 2 vols. 8 N. Y. cl. $4.00; sh. $5.00; hf.
cf. $8.25

J. ST. MILL. Dissertations and Discussions. 5 vols. 8]
N. Y. cl. $12.50

J. ST. MILL. On Liberty: The Subjection of Women. 81
N. Y. cl. $2.50

H. H. MILMAN. History of Christianity, from the Birth
of Christ to the Abolition of Paganism in the Roman Em-
pire. 3 vols. cr. 8] N. Y. cl. $5 25; hf. cf. $10.50
H. H. MILMAN. History of the Jews, from the Earliest
Period down to Modern Times. A new edition, thoroughly
revised and extended. 3 vols. cr. 81 N. Y. cl. $5.25;
hf. cf. $10.50

H. H. MILMAN. Latin Christianity. History of Latin
Christianity, including that of the Popes, to the Pontificate
of Nicholas V. 8 vols. cr. 8] N. Y. cl. $14.00; hf. cf.

THEO. MOMMSEN. The History of Rome, from the Earliest
Times to the Period of its Decline. Translated, with the
author's sanction and additions by the Rev. W. P.
DIXON. With an Introduction by Dr. LEONHARD
SCHMITZ.-Reprinted from the revised London edition.
With a complete index of the whole four vols. prepared
4 vols. cr. 81 N. Y. cl.
especially for this edition.
$8.00; hf. cf. $16.00

Works. Comprising his Essays,
Journey into Italy, and Letters; with Notes from all the
Commentators, Biographical and Bibliographical Notices,
etc., by W. HAZLITT. A new and carefully revised edi-
tion, edited by O. W, WIGHT. 4 vols. cr. 81
pt. Bo-
stoa. cl. $9.00; hf. cf. $16.00

J. A. MORGAN. Law of Literature. Reviewing the Law
of Literary Property in Manuscript, Books, Lectures, Dra-
matic and Musical Compositions, Works of Art, News-
papers, Periodicals, etc., Copyright Transfers, Copyright
and Piracy; Libel and Contempt of Court of Literary mat-
ter, etc. With an Appendix of the American, En lish, |
French and German Sta utes of Copyright. 2 vols. 8|
N. Y. cl. $12.00; sh. $15.00

L. H. MORGAN. Ancient Society; or, Researches in the
Lines of Human Progress from Savagery, through Bar-
barism to Civilization. 81560. N. Y. cl. $4.00

J. L. MOTLEY The Rise of the Dutch Republic. A History. 3 vols. 81 pt. N. Y. cl. $10.50; sh. $12.00; hf. cf. $17.25

J. L. MOTLEY. History of the United Netherlands: from the Death of William the Silent to the Twelve Years' Truce. With a full View of the English-Dutch Struggle against Spain, and of the Origin and Destruction of the Spanish Armada. 4 vols. 8 pts. N. Y. cl. $14.00; sh. $16.00; hf. cf. $23.00

MAX MUELLER. Chips from a German Workshop. Reprinted from the second London revise i edition, with copious Index. Vol. I. Essays on t'e Science of Religion. Vol. II. Essays on Mythology, Traditions, and Customs. Vol. III. Essays on Literature, Biographies, and Antiquities. Vol. IV. Comparative Philology, Mythology, etc. etc. completing the work. 4 vols. cr. 81 N. Y. cl. $10.00 MAX MUELLER. Lectures on the Science of Religion; with Papers on Buddhism, and a Translation of the Dhammapada, or Path of Virtue. cr. 81 N. Y. cl. $2.00 MUSHACKE'S deutscher Schulkalender für 1877. 26. Jahrg. 1. Theil. Mit Benutzung amtlicher Quellen herausgegeben. Michaelis-Ausg. 1876. 16/297. Leipzig. pap. M. 1.20; cl. M. 1.80; Ostern-Ausg. 1877. 16/230. Leipzig.

pap. M. 1.20; el. M. 1.80

MUSHACKE'S deutscher Schulkalender für 1878. 27. Jahrg. 1. u. 2. Theil. Mit Benutzung amtlicher Quellen herausgegeben. Michaelis-Ausg. 1877. 81189. 549. Leipzig. pap. M. 4 20; cl. M. 5.80

W. F. P. NAPIER. The History of the War in the Peninsula. With fifty five Maps and Plans of Battles, five Portraits on Stee, and a complete Index. 5 vols. 81 N. Y. cl. $12.50; hf. cf. $20.00

L. G. NI BUHR. Lectures on Ancient History. 3 vols. cr. 81 Phila. cl. $5.00

W. H. OVERALL Dictionary of Chronology, Historical and Statistical Register. 8] London. cl. 12s. Pädagogische Abhandlungen von Mitgliedern des wissenschaftlich pädagogischen Practicums an der Universitāt Leipzig. Hrsg. v. L. STRUEMPELL. Parts 1-3. 81104, 109, 112. Leipzig. part. pap. M. 1.20

Pädagogische Bibliothek. Sammlung der wichtigsten pädago
gischen Schriften üllerer u. neuerer Zeit. Hrsg. v. KARL
RICHTER. Published in parts, of which 1-74 are issued.
81 Leipzig. part. pap. M. 0.50
Pädagogischer Jahresbericht für die Volksschullehrer Deutsch-
land's und der Schweiz. Im Verein mit BARTHOLOMEI,
DITTES, GOTTSCHALG etc. bearbeitet und herausgegeben von
AUGUST LUEBEN. 1-4. 6-22 Jahrg. cr. 81 each about
700 pp. Leipzig. pap. M. 81.50

Pädagogischer Jahresbericht von 1875. Im Verein mit BAR-
u. ZIMMERMANN bearb. u. hrsg. v. FRDR. DITTES. XXVIII.
Jahrg. 81720. Leipzig. pap. M. 10.00

Pädagogischer Jahresbericht von 1876. Im Verein mit FELS-
MERMANN bearb. u. hrsg. v. FRDR. DITTES. XXIX. Jahrg.
81883. Leipzig. pap. M. 10.00

Pädagogische Classiker. Auswahl der besten pädagogi-
schen Schriftsteller aller Zeiten und Völker. Mit kri-
tischen Erläuterungen versehen. Hrsg. unter der Re-
daction v. GUST. ADF. LINDNER,

I. Bd.: JOH. AMOS COMENIUS. Grosse Unterrichtslehre, mit einer Einleitung: J. Comenius. Sein Leben u. Wirken. E nleitung, Uebersetzung u. Commentar v. GUST. ADF. LINDNER. 81400. Wien. pap. M. 3 00

II. Bd.: C. A. HELVETIUS. Vom Menschen, seinen Geisteskräften und seiner Erziehung. Mit einer Einleitung: Claude Adrien Helvetius, 1715—1771. Ein Zeit- und Lebensbild. Einleitung, Uebersetzung und Commentar v. GUST. ADF. LINDNER. 81339. Wien. pap. M. 3.00

III. Bd.: J. H. PESTALOZZI. Wie Gertrud ihre Kinder lehrt. Mit einer Einleitung: Joh. Heinr. Pestalozzi's Leben, Werke u. Grundsätze. Einleitung u. Commentar v. KARL RIEDEL. 81250. Wien. pap. M 2.00 Pädagogische Sammelmappe. Vorträge und Abhandlungen für Erziehung und Unterricht. In zwanglosen Heften hrsg. I. u. II. Reihe (24 parts). 8] Leipzig. pap. part M. 0.40 M. 2.00. (Parts 1-24 together M. 12.00) Pädagogische Studien. Hrsg. v. WHLM. REIN. 18 Hefte. 81 Eisenach. pap. M. 21.80

F. PALGRAVE. History of the Anglo-Saxons. New ed.
81 illustr. London. cl. 68.

FR. PARKMAN. The Discovery of the Great West. 81
Boston. cl. $2.50; hf. cf. $4.50

BL. PASCAL Thoughts, Letters, and Opuscules; translated
from the French by O. W. WIGHT, with Introductory
Notices, and Notes from all the Commentators. cr. 8]
Boston cl. $2.25: hf. cf. $4.00

ELIZABETH P. PEABODY. Record of Mr. Alcott's School
exemplifying the Principles and Methods of Moral Culture.
16|297. illustr. Boston. cl. $1.50

G. W. PECK. A Mathematical Dictionary and Cyclopædia
of Mathematical Science. Revised by CHAS. DAVIES.
81592. N. Y. cl. $4.00

The Periodical Literature of the United States of America.
With Index and Appendices. Edited by E. STEIGER. 81
N. Y. cl. $1,00

F. P. PERKINS. see The Best Reading.

JOH. HEINR. PESTALOZZI. Ausgewählte Werke, heraus-
gegeben von J. MANN. 4 vols. 16 428, 580, 532, 576. Lan-
gensalza. pap. M. 7.50

JOH. HEINR. PESTALOZZI. Sämmtliche Werke. Gesich-
tet, vervollständigt und mit erläuternden Einleitungen ver-
sehen von L. W. SEYFFARTH. Mit Nachträgen. 18 vols.
16 each about 350. Brandenburg. pap. M. 36.60
E. PETZOLDT. Handwörterbuch für den deutschen Volks-
schullehrer. Unter Mitwirkung der numhaftesten Pādago-
gen herausgegeben. 2 vols. cr. 81340, 379. Dresden. pap.
M. 7.00

W. F. PHELPS. The Teacher's Handbook for the Institute
and Class-Room. 121335. N. Y. cl. $1.50
PIERER'S Universal-Lexikon der Vergangenheit u. Gegenwart,
oder neuestes encyclopädisches Wörterbuch der Wissenschof-
ten, Künste u. Gewerbe. Sixth edition (to be completed
in 180 parts, or in 18 vols.) 8] pap.part M. 0.50
Plutarch's Lives. Partly from Dryden's Translation, and
partly from other bands; the whole carefully revised
and corrected, with some original translations by the
editor, A. H. CLOUGH. 5 vols. 8 Boston. cl. $15.00;
hf. cf. $25.00; cf. $30.00

The prices above quoted are subject to changes without previous notice.

Pularch's Lives. The Translation called Dryden's. Cor- |
rected from the Greek, and revised by A. H. CLOUGH.
A new Edition in 1 vol.
With a new Life of Plutarch.

81 Boston. cl. $4.00; sh. $5.00; hf. cf. $6.00
Plutarch's Morals. Translated from the Greek by several
hands. Corrected and revised by W. W. GOODWIN.
With an Introduction by R. W. EMERSON. 8 Boston.
cl. $15.00; hf. cf. $25.00
A Complete Southern

E. A. POLLARD. The Lost Cause.

History of the War. 81762. pts. N. Y. cl. $5.00; sh. $6.00;
hf. cf. $8.00

Popular Educator (CASSELL's New). Revised to the present
date. 6 vols. 812472. N. Y. cl. $15.00

Books and Reading. cr. 8 $2.00; hf. cf. $4.50


G. F. RODWELL. A Dictionary of Science.
Astronomy, Chemistry, Dynamics, Electricity, Heat, Hydro-
dynamics, Hydrostatics, Light, Magnetism, Mechanics, Me-
teorology, Pneumatics, Sound, and Statics. 81
Phila. cl. $5.00

P. MARK ROGET. Thesaurus of English Words and Phra-
ses, so classified and arranged as to facilitate the expression
With a List of
of ideas and assist in literary composition.
Foreign Words defined in English, and other additions by
BARNAS SEARS. 121567. N. Y. cl. $2.00

CHAS. ROLLIN. The Ancient History of the Egyptians,
Carthaginians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Medes and Per-
sians, Grecians and Macedonians. Including a History of
With a Life of the
the Arts and Sciences of the Ancients.
N. Y. cl.
Phila. sh. $6.00
Author, by JAMES BELL. 2 vols. 81
The same. 2 vols. 8 Mps. illustr. N Y. cl. $4.50; sh. $5.50
The same. In 1 vol. cl. $3,50; sh. $4.00

AL. POTTER. Hand-book for Readers and Students. 18]
N. Y. cl. $0.75

G. B. PRESCOTT. Electricity and the Electric Telegraph. JUL. RUECKER.
81 N. Y. cl. $5.00

W. H. PRESCOTT. History of the Conquest of Mexico. With
the Life of the Conqueror, Fernando Cortez, and a view of
the ancient Mexican Civilization. 3 vols. 81
Phila. cl. $7.50; hf. cf. $13.50

Pts. Mps.

W. H. PRESCOTT. History of the Conquest of Peru. With
a preliminary view of the Civilization of the Incas. 2 vols.
81 Pts. Mps. Phila. cl. $5.00; bf. cf. $9.00

W. H. PRESCOTT. History of the Reign of Ferdinand and
Pts. Phila. cl. $7.50;
Isabella the Catholic. 3 vols. 81

hf. cf. $13.50

W. H. PRESCOTT. Bibliographical and Critical Miscellanies. 81 Pt. Phila. cl. $2.50; hf. cf. $4.50

W. H. PRESCOTT. History of the Reign of Philip II. 3
vols. 8 Pts. Mps. Phila. cl. $7.50; hf. cf. $13.50

W. H. PRESCOTT. History of the Reign of the Emperor
With an account of the
Charles V. by WM. ROBERTSON.
Life of the Emperor after his Abdication, 3 vols. 8 Phila.
cl. $7.50; hf. cf. $13.50

(American) Publishers' Trade List Annual for 1876. With
a directory to all Publishing Firms in the United
States, a chapter on how to find books on special sub-
jects, and a detailed record, with illustrations, or book
and library exhibits at the Centennial. N. Y. cl. $1.50


(American) Publishers' Trade List Annual for 1877. With
Reference List of Books published from July 1.,1876 to
June 30., 1877, and the American Educational Catalogue
for 1877. 81 N. Y. cl. $1.50 net

C. H. PURDAY. Copyright; A Sketch of its Rise and Pro-
London. cl. 5s.
gress. cr. 81
PUTNAM'S Library Companion. A Quarterly Summary,
giving Priced and Classified Lists of the English and Ame-
rican Publications of the past Year, with the Addition of
Brief Analyses or Characterizations of the more Important
Books; being a Quarterly Continuation of "The Best Read-
ing." Vol. I. 8/94. boards $0.50

G. P. PUTNAM. The World's Progress. A Dictionary of
Dates, with Tables of History, Literary Chronology, Bio-
graphical Index, etc. from the Creation to August, 1877.
N. Y.
Revised and continued by F. B. PERKINS. 8|
cl. $4.50
LEOPOLD v. RANKE. History of England, principally in
N. Y. cl. $24.00
the Seventeenth Century. 6 vols. 81
History of the Popes: their Church
and State, and especially of their Conflicts with Protestan-
tism in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. Translated
by E. FOSTER. 3 vols, 12] Phila. cl. $4.50; hf. cf. $9.00
The Five Great Monarchies of the
Ancient Eastern World; or, the History, Geography, and
Antiquities of Chaldea, Assyria. Babylonia, Media, and
London. cl. 42s.
Persia. 3 vols. 8]
GEO. RAWLINSON. History of Herodotus. 4 vols. 8]
Mps. N. Y. cl. $10.00; hf. cf. $20.00
Real-Encyclopädie des Erziehungs- und Unterrichtswesens
nach katholischen Principien. Unter Mitwirkung von geist
lichen und weltlichen Schulmännern, Eltern und Erziehern
bearbeitet und herausgegeben von H. ROLFUS und A. PFI-
STER. 4 vols. cr. 81704, 704, 704, 896. Mainz. pap. M.

The Regents' Questions, 1866 to 1877. Being the Questions for
the Preliminary Examinations for admission to the Uni-
versity of the State of New York, prepared by the Regents
of the University, and participated in simultaneously by
early 250 Academies. Compiled by D. J. PRATT. 161208.
Syracuse. cl. $1.00. With keys and portrait. 16|310.
cl. $2.00

Deutscher Lehrer-Kalender für 1878. 8.
Jahrg. Mit einer Eisenbahnkarte von Mittel-Europa.
16 228. Berlin. cl. M. 1.20

P. SCHAFF. Creeds of Christendom. 3 vols. 8 N. Y. cl.

ALEX. J. SCHEM. Statistics of the World. Fol. Boston.
pap. $0.50

ALEX J. SCHEM. see Cyclopædia of Education-Deutsch-
amerikanisches Conversations-Lexicon-Year Book of Edu-

FR. SCHILLER. History of the Revo't of the Netherlands:
Trial and Execution of Counts Egmont and Horn, and the
Siege of Antwerp. Translated from the German by A. J.
N. Y. cl. $1.00

FR. SCHILLER. History of the Thirty Years' War. Trans-
lated from the German by A. J. W. MORRISON. 12]
N. Y. cl. $1.00

FRE SCHLEGEL. Lectures on History of Literature, Ancient
and Modern. Now first completely translated, with
London. cl. 3s. 6d.
General Index. 8]

FRE. SCHLEGEL. Modern History. 8 London. cl. 3s. 6d.
FRE. SCHLEGEL. Philosophy of History. Translated by
Pt. London. cl. 3s. 6d.

die Volks, Bürger-, Mittel- und Fortbildungsschule. Auf
K. A. SCHMID. Pädagogisches Handbuch für das Haus,
Grundlage der Encyclopû lie des gesammten Erziehungs- u.
a phabetischer Ordnung bearbeitet.
Unterrichtswesens in
Parts 1-12. 81944. Gotha. pap. M. 12.00

G. E. SCHOTT. Handbuch der pädagogischen Literatur der
Gegenwart. Ein nach den Haupt-Lehrfächern übersichtlich
geordnetes Verzeichniss der namhaftesten literarischen Er-
scheinungen auf dem Gebiete der Pädagogik. Für Lehrer
I. Fädagogik, Religion.
an hohen und niederen Schulen.

II. Der gesammle deutsche Sprachunterricht, Mathematik.
III. Geographie, Geschichte, Naturkunde. 81220, 239, 232.
Leipzig. pap. M. 6.00

Wegweiser durch die
Literatur der Deutschen. Ein Handbuch für Gebildete.
4. Auflge. Gänzlich umgearbeitet und bis auf die Ge-
genwart fortgeführt von Dr. KARL KLUEPFEL. 81547.
Leipzig. pap. M. 8.00. 5. Nachtrag (1861-62). 8188. M.
2.00: 6. Nachtrag (1863-64). 8196. M. 2.00; 7. Nachtrag
(1865-67). 8/124. M. 2.00

EZRA C. SEAMAN. The Progress of Nations in Civilization.
Productive Industry, Wealth and Population. First and
N. Y. cl. $5.00
Second Series. 2 vols. cr. 81

J. C. SHAIRP. Studies in Poetry and Philosophy. 16]
Boston. cl. $1.50

E. A. SHELDON. Manual of Reading. 121 N. Y. cl. $1.00
J. C. L. SISMONDE DE SISMONDI. History of the Italian
Republics: being a View of the Rise, Progress, and Fall of
N. Y. cl. $0.75
the Italian Freedom. 12|

Historical View of
the Literature of the South of Europe. Translated, with
Notes, by THOMAS ROSCOE. 2 vols. 12 N. Y. cl. $2.75;
hf. cf. $6.25

W. W. SKEAT. Shakespeare's Plutarch. With Notes. 12]
N. Y. cl. $2.50
N. Y. cl. $2.50
cl. 58.

Wealth of Nations. New edition. 121700.

Synonyms and Antonyms. 81 London.
A Catalogue of
C. J. SMITH. Synonyms Discriminated.
Synonymous Words in the English Language, with their
Illustrated by Quotations
various Shades of Meaning, etc.
from Standard Writers. 8 London. cl. 16s.

The prices above quoted are subject to changes without previous notice.



WM. SMITH. An Atlas of Ancient Geography, Biblical and Classical. The Biblical Maps from recent Surveys, and the Classical Maps drawn by Dr. CHARLES MÜLLER. Edited by Dr. WM SMITH and GEORGE GROVE. Fortythree Maps, Indices, and Descriptive Text. To illustrate the Dictionary of the Bible and the Classical Dictionaries. 5 parts in 1 vol. folio. Boston. pap. $35.00; hf. mor. gilt $40.00

WM. SMITH. Classical Dictionary of Biography, Mythology and Geography. Based on the larger Dictionaries. 8| illustr. Boston. cl. $6.00; hf. cf. $8.00 WM. SMITH. Bible Dictionary.

American Edition.

Revised and edited by H. B. HACKETT, assisted by EZRA ABBOT. 4 vols. 8 Boston. cl. $26.00; sh. $30.00; hf. mor. $35.00; hf. cf. $36.00: hf. russ. $38.00; hf. levant $40.00; full mor. gilt, or cf. gilt, or tree cf. $45.00; full russ., or full levant $50.00

WM. SMITH. Dictionary of the Bible, comprising its Antiquities, Biography, Geography, Natural History. (Columbian edition.) 81776. With 200 Engravings and 3 Maps. N. Y. cl. $3.00; sh. $3.50

WM. SMITH. Dictionary of Biblical Antiquities, Biography, Geography, and Natural History. 3 vols. 81 Boston. cl. $18.00; hf. cf. $24.00

WM. SMITH. Dictionary of Christian Antiquities. To be completed in 2 vols. Vol. I. now ready) 8] illustr. Boston. cl. $7.20; hf. cf. $10.00 WM. SMITH and HENRY WACE. Dictionary of Christian Biography, Literature, Sects, and Doctrines. From the Time of the Apostles to the Age of Charlemagne. A Continuation of the Dictionary of the Bible. To be completed in 3 vols. Vol. I. (now ready) 81 Boston. cl. $5.50; hf. cf. $8.00

WM. SMITH. Comprehensive Dictionary of the Bible; being a revised and much enlarged Edition of SMITH'S Concise Dictionary of the Bible. Edited by S. W. BARNUM. Embellished with wd. cts., including Maps, Plans of Cities, Ills. of Manners, Customs, etc. 811219. N. Y. cl. $5.00 net: sh. $6.00 net; hf. mor. $7.50 net

With 270

WM. SMITH. Concise Dictionary of the Bible. plans and wd. cts. 81 Boston. cl. $4.50; hf. cf. $6.50 WM. SMITH. Smaller Dictionary of the Bible. cr. 81 illustr. Boston. cl. $3.00

WM. SMITH. Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities. 8 Boston. hf. cf. $8.00

WM. SMITH. Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology. 3 vols. 8 Boston. hf. cf. $24.00 WM. SMITH. Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography. 2 vols. 8 illustr. Boston, hf. cf. $16.00 Wm. SMITH. A Smaller Classical Dictionary. Abridged from the Classical Dictionary of Mythology, Biography aud Geography. cr. 8 illustr. London. 78. 6d. WM. SMITH A Smaller History of English Literature. 121 London. cl. 3s. 6d.

HERBERT SPENCER. Sociology. 12| N. Y. cl. $1.50
HERBERT SPENCER. Illustrations of Universal Progress.
A Selection of his best Papers. 12 N. Y. cl. $2.50
A Course of English Reading, adapted to
various Tastes and Capacities. Based on the Manual of
Rev. J. PYCROFT. 12] N. Y. cl. $1.25

E. SPERBER. Pädagogische Lesestücke aus den wichtigsten
Schriften pädagogischer Classiker. Als Unterlage für den
Unterricht in der Geschichte der Pädagogik und zur Für-
derung der Privat-Lecture für evangelische Seminare. 1.
Heft. Von der Reformation bis zum Pietismus. 81240.
Gütersloh. pap. M. 2.40

E. C. STEDMAN. Victorian Poets. 121 Boston. cl. $2.50
STEIGER'S Educational Directory: A Catalogue of Col-
legiate, Special, Denominational and Private Educational
Institutions in America and Europe. 8 N. Y. pap. $0.25
LESLIE STEPHEN. A History of English Thought in the
LESLIE STEPHEN. Hours in a Library. 12|
Eighteenth Century. 2 vols. cr. 8] London. cl. 28s.
N. Y. cl.

A. STIELER'S Hand-Atlas über alle Theile der Erde u. über
das Weltgebäude. Neu bearbeitet von AUG. PETERMANN,
HERM. BERGHAUS und CARL VOGEL. 90 colored Maps.
Fol. Gotha. cl. M. 55.00; hf. russ. M. 59.00
The same.
The same.

Mittlere Ausgabe. 63 Maps. cl. M. 38.00
Auswahl. 31 Maps. cl. M. 20.00
KARL VOLKM. STOY. Encyclopädie der Pädagogik. cr.
8 351. Leipzig.. pap. M. 6.00

AGNES STRICKLAND. Lives of the Queens of England, from the Norman Conquest. Revised and Augmented. 6 vols. 12 Phila. cl. $12.00; hf. cf. $22.50; tree cf. $31.25

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H. TAINE. History of English Literature. 3 vols. 12]
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Philosophy of Art; The Ideal in Art. 12] N.Y. cl. $2.50
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WM. SMI H. Smaller Specimens of English Literature. J. N. A. THIERRY. History of the Norman Conquest. 12 London. cl. 3s. 6d.

RICHARD SOULE. A Dictionary of English Synonymes and Synonymous or Parallel Expressions. Designed as a Practical Guide to Aptness and Variety of Phraseology. 121 Boston. 1. $2.00; hf. cf. $3.50 HENRY SOUTHGATE. Many Thoughts of Many Minds: being a Treasury of Reference, consisting of Selections from the Writings of the most celebrated Authors, compiled and analytically arranged. 2 series in 2 vols. sq. 8 London. cl. 25s.; library ed., hf. Roxburgh, 288.; mor. 42s. HERBERT SPENCER. Recent Discussions in Science, Philosophy, and Morals. New and enlarged edition. N. Y. cl. $2.00


HERBERT SPENCER. The Principles of Biology. 2 vols. 12 N. Y. cl. $5 00

HERBERT SPENCER. Essays: Moral, Political and Aesthetic. 12 N. Y. cl. $2.50

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T. ZILLER. see Jahrbuch des Vereins für wissenschaftliche

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