The History of Persia: From the Most Early Period to the Present Time: Containing an Account of the Religion, Government, Usages, and Character of the Inhabitants of that Kingdom, Volume 2

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Murray, 1829 - Iran

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Page 199 - The easiest way to reconcile these two learned gentlemen is to presume that they speak of different copies. The Mohammedans have also a Gospel in Arabic, attributed to St Barnabas, wherein the history of Jesus Christ is related in a manner very different from what we find in the true Gospels, and correspondent to those traditions which Mohammed has followed in his Koran.
Page 236 - He answered, Verily thou canst not bear with me : for how canst thou patiently suffer those things, the knowledge whereof thou dost not comprehend ? Moses replied, Thou shalt find me patient, if GOD please ; neither will I be disobedient unto thee in anything.
Page 299 - O true believers, the law of retaliation is ordained you for the slain: the free shall die for the free, and the servant for the servant, and a woman for a woman: but he whom his brother shall forgive may be prosecuted, and obliged to make satisfaction according to what is just, and a fine shall be set on him with humanity.
Page 236 - He answered, Did I not tell thee that thou couldest not bear with me ? Moses said, Rebuke me not, because I did forget; and impose not on me a difficulty in what I am commanded.
Page 264 - hast thou such a sense of thy duty to thy mother at thy years, and am I insensible, at my age, of the duty I owe to my God ? Give me thy hand, innocent boy,' he continued, ' that I may swear repentance upon it.' He did so — his followers were all alike struck with the scene. 'You have been our leader in guilt...
Page 207 - that prayer carries us half way to God, fasting brings us to the door of his palace, and alms procure us admission.
Page 236 - They went forward, therefore, until they came to the inhabitants of a certain city, and they asked food of the inhabitants thereof; but they refused to receive them. And they found therein a wall, which was ready to fall down ; and he set it upright. Whereupon Moses said unto him, if thou wouldest, thou mightest doubtless have received a reward for it.
Page 258 - Galen learned, than Plato wise ! My guide, my law, my joy supreme, arise ! Love warms this frigid clay with mystic fire ; And dancing mountains leap with young desire. Blest is the soul, that swims in seas of love, And long the life sustained by food above. With forms imperfect can perfection dwell ? Here pause my song, and thou, vain world, farewell.
Page 199 - When a corpse is laid in the grave, they say he is received by an angel, who gives him notice of the coming of the two Examiners; which are two black livid angels, of a terrible appearance, named Monker and Nakir.
Page 203 - Youths which shall continue in their bloom for ever, shall go round about to attend them, with goblets, and beakers, and a cup of flowing wine...

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